Exemplo n.º 1
def do_mvar_evaluation(X, morder, whit_max=3., whit_min=1., thr_cons=0.8):
    Fit MVAR model to data using scot and do some basic checks.

    X: array (trials, channels, samples)
    morder: the model order

    (is_white, consistency, is_stable)
    print('starting checks and MVAR fitting...')
    # tsdata_to_var from MVGC requires sources x samples x trials
    # X is of shape trials x sources x samples (which is what ScoT uses)

    X_trans = X.transpose(1, 2, 0)

    A, SIG, E = _tsdata_to_var(X_trans, morder)
    del A, SIG

    whi = False
    dw, pval = dw_whiteness(X_trans, E)
    if np.all(dw < whit_max) and np.all(dw > whit_min):
        whi = True
    cons = consistency(X_trans, E)
    del dw, pval, E

    from scot.var import VAR
    mvar = VAR(morder)
    mvar.fit(X)  # scot func which requires shape trials x sources x samples
    is_st = mvar.is_stable()
    if cons < thr_cons or is_st is False or whi is False:
        print('ERROR: Model order not ideal - check parameters !!')

    return str(whi), cons, str(is_st)
Exemplo n.º 2
def compute_order_extended(X,
    Estimate VAR order with the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC).

    X : ndarray, shape (trials, n_channels, n_samples)

    m_max : int
        The maximum model order to test,
    m_min : int
        The minimum model order to test.
    m_step : int
        The step size for checking the model order interval
        given by m_min and m_max.
    n_jobs : None | int, optional
        Number of jobs to run in parallel for various tasks (e.g. whiteness
        testing). If set to None, joblib is not used at all. Note that the main
        script must be guarded with `if __name__ == '__main__':` when using
    verbose : bool
        Plot results for other information criteria as well.

    o_m : int
        Estimated order using BIC2.
    morders : np.array of shape ((m_max - m_min) / m_step, )
        The model orders corresponding to the entries in the following results
    ics : np.array of shape (n_ics, (m_max - m_min) / m_step)
        The information criteria for the different model orders.
        [AIC1, BIC1, AIC2, BIC2, lnFPE, HQIC]]
    stability : np.array of shape ((m_max - m_min) / m_step), )
        Indicates if MVAR model describes stable process (covariance
    p_white_scot : np.array of shape ((m_max - m_min) / m_step), )
        p-value that the residuals are white based on the Li-McLeod Portmanteau test
        implemented in SCoT. Reject hypothesis of white residuals if p is smaller
        than the critical p-value.
    p_white_dw : np.array of shape ((m_max - m_min) / m_step), n_rois)
        Uncorrected p-values that the residuals are white based on the Durbin-Watson
        test as implemented by Barnett and Seth (2012). Reject hypothesis of white
        residuals if all p's are smaller than the critical p-value.
    dw : np.array of shape ((m_max - m_min) / m_step), n_rois)
        The Durbin-Watson statistics.
    consistency : np.array of shape ((m_max - m_min) / m_step), )
        Results of the MVAR consistency estimation.

    [1] provides the equation:BIC(m) = 2*log[det(Σ)]+ 2*(p**2)*m*log(N*n*m)/(N*n*m),
    Σ is the noise covariance matrix, p is the channels, N is the trials, n
    is the n_samples, m is model order.

    [1] Mingzhou Ding, Yonghong Chen (2008). "Granger Causality: Basic Theory and Application
    to Neuroscience." Elsevier Science

    [2] Nicoletta Nicolaou and Julius Georgiou (2013). “Autoregressive Model Order Estimation
    Criteria for Monitoring Awareness during Anaesthesia.” IFIP Advances in Information and
    Communication Technology 412

    [3] Helmut Lütkepohl (2005). "New Introduction to Multiple Time Series Analysis."
    1st ed. Berlin: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

    URL: https://gist.github.com/dongqunxi/b23d1679b9bffa8e458c11f93bd8d6ff
    from scot.var import VAR
    from scipy import linalg

    N, p, n = X.shape

    aic1 = []
    bic1 = []
    aic2 = []
    bic2 = []
    lnfpe = []
    hqic = []

    morders = []
    stability = []
    p_white_scot = []
    p_white_dw = []
    dw = []

    consistency = []

    # TODO: should this be n_total = N * n * p ???
    # total number of data points: n_trials * n_samples
    # Esther Florin (2010): N_total is number of time points contained in each time series
    n_total = N * n

    # check model order min/max/step input
    if m_min >= m_max:
        m_min = m_max - 1
    if m_min < 1:
        m_min = 1
    if m_step < 1:
        m_step = 1
    if m_step >= m_max:
        m_step = m_max

    for m in range(m_min, m_max + 1, m_step):
        mvar = VAR(m, n_jobs=n_jobs)

        stable = mvar.is_stable()

        p_white_scot_ = mvar.test_whiteness(h=m,
        white_scot_ = p_white_scot_ >= 0.05


        white_dw_, cons, dw_, pval = check_whiteness_and_consistency(
            X.transpose(1, 2, 0),
            mvar.residuals.transpose(1, 2, 0),

        sigma = mvar.rescov

        # from [1]
        m_aic = 2 * np.log(linalg.det(sigma)) + 2 * (p**2) * m / n_total
        m_bic = 2 * np.log(
            linalg.det(sigma)) + 2 * (p**2) * m / n_total * np.log(n_total)

        # from [2]

        m_aic2 = np.log(linalg.det(sigma)) + 2 * (p**2) * m / n_total
        m_bic2 = np.log(
            linalg.det(sigma)) + (p**2) * m / n_total * np.log(n_total)


        # from [3]
        # Akaike's final prediction error
        m_ln_fpe3 = np.log(linalg.det(sigma)) + p * np.log(
            (n_total + m * p + 1) / (n_total - m * p - 1))
        # Hannan-Quinn criterion
        m_hqc3 = np.log(linalg.det(sigma)) + 2 * (p**2) * m / n_total * np.log(


        if verbose:
            results = 'Model order: ' + str(m).zfill(2)
            results += '    AIC1: %.2f' % m_aic
            results += '    BIC1: %.2f' % m_bic
            results += '    AIC2: %.2f' % m_aic2
            results += '    BIC2: %.2f' % m_bic2
            results += '  lnFPE3: %.2f' % m_ln_fpe3
            results += '    HQC3: %.2f' % m_hqc3
            results += '  stable: %s' % str(stable)
            results += '  white1: %s' % str(white_scot_)
            results += '  white2: %s' % str(white_dw_)
            results += '   DWmin: %.2f' % dw_.min()
            results += '   DWmax: %.2f' % dw_.max()
            results += ' consistency: %.4f' % cons


    morders = np.array(morders)
    o_m = morders[np.argmin(bic2)]
    if verbose:
        print('>>> Optimal model order according to BIC2 = %d' % o_m)

    ics = [aic1, bic1, aic2, bic2, lnfpe, hqic]
    ics = np.asarray(ics)

    stability = np.array(stability)
    p_white_scot = np.array(p_white_scot)
    p_white_dw = np.array(p_white_dw)
    dw = np.array(dw)
    consistency = np.array(consistency)

    return o_m, morders, ics, stability, p_white_scot, p_white_dw, dw, consistency
Exemplo n.º 3
def check_model_order(X, p, whit_min=1.5, whit_max=2.5, check_stability=True):
    Check whiteness, consistency, and stability for all model
    orders k <= p.

    Computationally intensive but for high model orders probably
    faster than do_mvar_evaluation().

    X : narray, shape (n_epochs, n_sources, n_times)
        The data to estimate the model order for.
    p : int
        The maximum model order.
    whit_min : float
        Lower boundary for the Durbin-Watson test.
    whit_max : float
        Upper boundary for the Durbin-Watson test.
    check_stability : bool
        Check the stability condition. Time intensive since
        it fits a second MVAR model from scot.var.VAR
    A: array, coefficients of the specified model
    SIG:array, recovariance of this model
    E:  array, noise covariance of this model

    assert p >= 1, "The model order must be greater or equal to 1."

    from scot.var import VAR

    X_orig = X.copy()
    X = X.transpose(1, 2, 0)

    n, m, N = X.shape
    p1 = p + 1
    q1n = p1 * n
    I = np.eye(n)
    XX = np.zeros((n, p1, m + p, N))
    for k in range(p1):
        XX[:, k, k:k + m, :] = X
    AF = np.zeros((n, q1n))
    AB = np.zeros((n, q1n))
    k = 1
    kn = k * n
    M = N * (m - k)
    kf = list(range(0, kn))
    kb = list(range(q1n - kn, q1n))
    XF = np.reshape(XX[:, 0:k, k:m, :], (kn, M), order='F')
    XB = np.reshape(XX[:, 0:k, k - 1:m - 1, :], (kn, M), order='F')
    CXF = np.linalg.cholesky(XF.dot(XF.T)).T
    CXB = np.linalg.cholesky(XB.dot(XB.T)).T
    AF[:, kf] = np.linalg.solve(CXF.T, I)
    AB[:, kb] = np.linalg.solve(CXB.T, I)

    del p1, XF, XB, CXF, CXB

    while k <= p:

        tempF = np.reshape(XX[:, 0:k, k:m, :], (kn, M), order='F')
        af = AF[:, kf]
        EF = af.dot(tempF)

        del af, tempF

        tempB = np.reshape(XX[:, 0:k, k - 1:m - 1, :], (kn, M), order='F')
        ab = AB[:, kb]
        EB = ab.dot(tempB)

        del ab, tempB

        CEF = np.linalg.cholesky(EF.dot(EF.T)).T
        CEB = np.linalg.cholesky(EB.dot(EB.T)).T
        R = np.dot(np.linalg.solve(CEF.T, EF.dot(EB.T)), np.linalg.inv(CEB))

        del EB, CEF, CEB

        RF = np.linalg.cholesky(I - R.dot(R.T)).T
        RB = np.linalg.cholesky(I - (R.T).dot(R)).T
        k = k + 1
        kn = k * n
        M = N * (m - k)
        kf = np.arange(kn)
        kb = list(range(q1n - kn, q1n))
        AFPREV = AF[:, kf]
        ABPREV = AB[:, kb]
        AF[:, kf] = np.linalg.solve(RF.T, AFPREV - R.dot(ABPREV))
        AB[:, kb] = np.linalg.solve(RB.T, ABPREV - R.T.dot(AFPREV))

        del RF, RB, ABPREV

        # check MVAR model properties

        E = np.linalg.solve(AFPREV[:, :n], EF)
        E = np.reshape(E, (n, m - k + 1, N), order='F')

        if k > 1:

            whi, cons, _, _ = check_whiteness_and_consistency(
                X, E, whit_min, whit_max)

            if check_stability:
                mvar = VAR((k - 1))
                )  # scot func which requires shape trials x sources x samples
                is_st = mvar.is_stable()

            output = 'morder %d:' % (k - 1)
            output += ' white: %s' % str(whi)
            output += '; consistency: %.4f' % cons
            if check_stability:
                output += '; stable: %s' % str(is_st)