Exemplo n.º 1
def nodeReplace(path):
        terminals = scrape.getTerminal()    

        string_terminals = filter(lambda t: type(t) == type('str'), terminals)
        path_string_terminals = filter(lambda t: t in path, string_terminals)     

        apple_data = filter(lambda t: t[0] == 'a', path_string_terminals)
        nasdaq_data = filter(lambda t: t[0] == 'n', path_string_terminals)
	sp500_data = filter(lambda t: t[0] == 's', path_string_terminals)

        map(lambda t: replaceWrapper(path, t, 'a'), apple_data)
        map(lambda t: replaceWrapper(path, t, 'n'), nasdaq_data)
	map(lambda t: replaceWrapper(path, t, 's'), sp500_data)
Exemplo n.º 2
def nodeReplace(path):
    terminals = scrape.getTerminal()

    string_terminals = filter(lambda t: type(t) == type('str'), terminals)
    path_string_terminals = filter(lambda t: t in path, string_terminals)

    apple_data = filter(lambda t: t[0] == 'a', path_string_terminals)
    nasdaq_data = filter(lambda t: t[0] == 'n', path_string_terminals)
    sp500_data = filter(lambda t: t[0] == 's', path_string_terminals)

    map(lambda t: replaceWrapper(path, t, 'a'), apple_data)
    map(lambda t: replaceWrapper(path, t, 'n'), nasdaq_data)
    map(lambda t: replaceWrapper(path, t, 's'), sp500_data)
Exemplo n.º 3
def fillGeneticTree(root):
    #Load terminal list with terminal nodes
    terminal = scrape.getTerminal()
    #Load functional list with functional nodes
    functional = scrape.getFunctional()
    #Keeps track of functional and terminal list positions
    terminal_index = 0
    functional_index = 0
    stack = []
    temp_terminal = sample(terminal, len(terminal))  #shuffle terminal
    temp_functional = sample(functional, len(functional))  #shuffle functional

    #While loop ensures that initial population has
    #one of each type of functional node
    #and one of each type of terminal node
    while (len(stack) > 0):
        current = stack.pop()

        if (current.left == None and current.right == None):
            #Node is a leaf, insert terminal node
            current.value = temp_terminal[terminal_index]
            terminal_index += 1
        else:  #Node is not a leaf, insert a functional node
            current.value = temp_functional[functional_index]
            functional_index += 1

        #Resets indices if out of bounds
        if terminal_index == len(temp_terminal):
            terminal_index = 0
        if functional_index == len(temp_functional):
            functional_index = 0

        temp_node = current.right
        if temp_node != None:
            stack.append(temp_node)  #stack.push

        temp_node = current.left
        if temp_node != None:
            stack.append(temp_node)  #stack.push
def fillGeneticTree(root):
	#Load terminal list with terminal nodes
	terminal = scrape.getTerminal()
	#Load functional list with functional nodes
	functional = scrape.getFunctional()		
	#Keeps track of functional and terminal list positions	
	terminal_index = 0
	functional_index = 0
	stack = []
	temp_terminal = sample(terminal, len(terminal))      #shuffle terminal
	temp_functional = sample(functional,len(functional)) #shuffle functional

	#While loop ensures that initial population has
	#one of each type of functional node
	#and one of each type of terminal node	
	while(len(stack) > 0):		
		current = stack.pop()	

		if(current.left == None and current.right == None):
			#Node is a leaf, insert terminal node
			current.value = temp_terminal[terminal_index]
			terminal_index += 1
		else:   #Node is not a leaf, insert a functional node
			current.value = temp_functional[functional_index]
			functional_index += 1

		#Resets indices if out of bounds
		if terminal_index == len(temp_terminal):
			terminal_index = 0  
		if functional_index == len(temp_functional):
			functional_index = 0
		temp_node = current.right		
		if temp_node != None:
			stack.append(temp_node) #stack.push

		temp_node = current.left
		if temp_node != None:
			stack.append(temp_node) #stack.push