Exemplo n.º 1
def test(sols=10**3, np=2, start=2, test=100):
    t = time()
    n = 2
    z = 2
    primes = 2
    while z < np:
        primes *= z
        z = nextprime(z)
    while True:
        for i in range(start, primes * np + 1, primes):
            #count = numfacts(i**2)//2+1
            count = numdivs(i**2) // 2 + 1
            if count > test:
                print('start: ',i,'time:',time()-t,'counts:',count,\
                test += (count // 100 * 100 - test + 100)
            if count > sols:
                print(time() - t)
                print('n: ', i, 'time:',
                      time() - t, 'counts:', count)
                test += (count // 100 * 100 - test + 100)
                return i
        primes *= np
        np = nextprime(np)
        start = primes
Exemplo n.º 2
def e146(top=10 ** 6):
    ret = 0
    x1 = lambda n: n ** 2 + 1
    x2 = lambda n: n ** 2 + 3
    x3 = lambda n: n ** 2 + 7
    x4 = lambda n: n ** 2 + 9
    x5 = lambda n: n ** 2 + 13
    x6 = lambda n: n ** 2 + 27
    test = [x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6]
    mini = 1000
    for i in range(1, top + 1):
        if i > mini:
            mini += 1000
        z = 0
        yesno = i
        for j in test:
            y = j(i)
            if z:
                if y != z:
                    yesno = 0
            if not isprime2(y):
            z = nextprime(y)
        ret += yesno
    return ret
Exemplo n.º 3
def e146(top=10**6):
    ret = 0
    x1 = lambda n: n**2 + 1
    x2 = lambda n: n**2 + 3
    x3 = lambda n: n**2 + 7
    x4 = lambda n: n**2 + 9
    x5 = lambda n: n**2 + 13
    x6 = lambda n: n**2 + 27
    test = [x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6]
    mini = 1000
    for i in range(1, top + 1):
        if i > mini:
            mini += 1000
        z = 0
        yesno = i
        for j in test:
            y = j(i)
            if z:
                if y != z:
                    yesno = 0
            if not isprime2(y): continue
            z = nextprime(y)
        ret += yesno
    return ret
Exemplo n.º 4
def test(sols = 10**3,np=2,start=2,test = 100):
    t = time()
    n = 2
    z = 2
    primes = 2
    while z<np:primes*=z;z = nextprime(z)
    while True:
        for i in range(start,primes*np+1,primes):
            #count = numfacts(i**2)//2+1
            count = numdivs(i**2)//2+1
            if count>test:
                print('start: ',i,'time:',time()-t,'counts:',count,\
            if count>sols:
                print('n: ',i,'time:',time()-t,'counts:',count);test+=(count//100*100-test+100)
                return i 
        primes *=np
        np = nextprime(np)
        start = primes
Exemplo n.º 5
def factors(n):
    global primes
    p = primes
    if n ==1:return [1]
    if n in p:return [n]
        for i in range(len(p)):
            if n%p[i]==0:
                result =[p[i]]+factors(n//p[i])#,primes)
                return result
    if isprime2(n):return [n]
        return factors(n)#,primes)
Exemplo n.º 6
def factors(n):
    global primes
    p = primes
    if n == 1:
        return [1]
    if n in p:
        return [n]
        for i in range(len(p)):
            if n % p[i] == 0:
                result = [p[i]] + factors(n // p[i])  # ,primes)
                return result
    if isprime2(n):
        return [n]
        primes += [nextprime(primes[-1])]
        return factors(n)  # ,primes)
Exemplo n.º 7
def e108(sols = 10**3,p = True):
    t = time()
    n = 2
    np = 1
    primes = 2
    test = 100
    while True:
        np = nextprime(np)
        for i in range(primes,primes*np+1,primes):
            if p:count = numfacts(i**2)//2+1
            else:count = numdivs(i**2)//2+1
            if count>test:
                print('n: ',i,'time:',time()-t,'counts:',count,'test: ',test)
            if count>sols:
                print('n: ',i,'time:',time()-t,'counts:',count);test+=(count//100*100-test+100)
                return i 
        primes *=np
Exemplo n.º 8
def solve():
    p = 1
    while True:
        p = nextprime(p)
        digs = digits(p)
        numdigs = len(digs)
        uniquedigs = list(set(digs))
        indexes = [None] * 10
        for i in range(numdigs):
            d = digs[i]
            if indexes[d] is None:
                indexes[d] = []
        for d in uniquedigs:
            # The first member of a family have recurring digits,
            # each of which is one of 0, 1, and 2.
            if d > 2:
            inds = indexes[d]
            # If the number of recurring digits is not a multiple of 3 or
            # one of the digits is the least significant, then the family
            # can't have 8 members.
            if len(inds) % 3 == 0 and inds[-1] != numdigs - 1:
                start = 1 if inds[0] == 0 else 0
                numgenerated = 10 - start
                numprimes = 0
                numcomposites = 0
                # Generate family candidates
                for e in range(start, 10):
                    for i in inds:
                        digs[i] = e
                    number = digits_to_number(digs)
                    if isprime(number):
                        numprimes += 1
                        numcomposites += 1
                    if numcomposites > numgenerated - 8:
                if numprimes == 8:
                    return p
Exemplo n.º 9
def solve():
    p = 1
    while True:
        p = nextprime(p)
        digs = digits(p)
        numdigs = len(digs)
        uniquedigs = list(set(digs))
        indexes = [None] * 10
        for i in range(numdigs):
            d = digs[i]
            if indexes[d] is None:
                indexes[d] = []
        for d in uniquedigs:
            # The first member of a family have recurring digits,
            # each of which is one of 0, 1, and 2.
            if d > 2:
            inds = indexes[d]
            # If the number of recurring digits is not a multiple of 3 or
            # one of the digits is the least significant, then the family
            # can't have 8 members.
            if len(inds) % 3 == 0 and inds[-1] != numdigs - 1:
                start = 1 if inds[0] == 0 else 0
                numgenerated = 10 - start
                numprimes = 0
                numcomposites = 0
                # Generate family candidates
                for e in range(start, 10):
                    for i in inds:
                        digs[i] = e
                    number = digits_to_number(digs)
                    if isprime(number):
                        numprimes += 1
                        numcomposites += 1
                    if numcomposites > numgenerated - 8:
                if numprimes == 8:
                    return p
Exemplo n.º 10
def e108(sols=10**3, p=True):
    t = time()
    n = 2
    np = 1
    primes = 2
    test = 100
    while True:
        np = nextprime(np)
        for i in range(primes, primes * np + 1, primes):
            if p: count = numfacts(i**2) // 2 + 1
            else: count = numdivs(i**2) // 2 + 1
            if count > test:
                print('n: ', i, 'time:',
                      time() - t, 'counts:', count, 'test: ', test)
                test += (count // 100 * 100 - test + 100)
            if count > sols:
                print(time() - t)
                print('n: ', i, 'time:',
                      time() - t, 'counts:', count)
                test += (count // 100 * 100 - test + 100)
                return i
        primes *= np