Exemplo n.º 1
                script_util.runProgram(self.__LOGGER, "bowtie2-build", bowtie_index_cmd, None, bowtie_dir)
            except Exception, e:
                raise KBaseRNASeqException("Error while running BowtieIndex {0},{1}".format(params["reference"], e))

                ## Zip the Index files

                script_util.zip_files(self.__LOGGER, bowtie_dir, "%s.zip" % params["output_obj_name"])
            except Exception, e:
                raise KBaseRNASeqException("Failed to compress the index: {0}".format(e))
                ## Upload the file using handle service
                bowtie_handle = script_util.create_shock_handle(
                    "%s.zip" % params["output_obj_name"],
            except Exception, e:
                raise KBaseRNASeqException("Failed to upload the index: {0}".format(e))
            bowtie2index = {"handle": bowtie_handle}
            ## Save object to workspace
            self.__LOGGER.info("Saving bowtie indexes object to  workspace")
            res = ws_client.save_objects(
                    "workspace": params["ws_id"],
                    "objects": [
                        {"type": "KBaseRNASeq.Bowtie2Indexes", "data": bowtie_handle, "name": params["output_obj_name"]}
Exemplo n.º 2
def rplotandupload2 (system_params, fparams, rparams, roptstr):
    Prepare URIs and call R script to generate image, json files.
    Upload the generated image and json files to Shock
    Get Shock handles and prepare cummerbundplotset object and append
        to user provided list.
    logger      = system_params['logger']
    scratch     = system_params['scratch']
    shock_url   = system_params['shock_url']
    hs_url      = system_params['hs_url']
    ws_url      = system_params['ws_url']
    token       = system_params['token']
    workspace   = system_params['workspace']
    rscripts   = system_params['rscripts']


    #Check if data directory exists.
#    if exists(cuffdiff_dir) == False:
#        logger.info("Cuffdiff directory does not exists")
#        return False

#    # Generated image location
#    outpng           = join(scratch,  plotscript) + ".png"
#    #Need to check if its already present
#    if exists(outpng):
#        logger.info("PNG file already exists")
#        return False

#    # Generated json location
#    outjson          = join(scratch,  plotscript) + ".json"
#    #Need to check if its already present
#    if exists(outjson):
#        logger.info("JSON file already exists")
#        return False

    openedprocess = subprocess.Popen(roptstr, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    #Make sure the openedprocess.returncode is zero (0)
    if openedprocess.returncode != 0:
        logger.info("R script did not return normally, return code - " + str(openedprocess.returncode))
        return False

    # Upload image file and get the shock handle
    png_handle = script_util.create_shock_handle( logger,
       rparams['outpng'], system_params['shock_url'], system_params['hs_url'], "png", system_params['token'] )
    #Check for the return value and if error take measure.
    if png_handle["id"] == "":
        logger.info("Could not create Shock handle")
        return False

   #TODO Removed all json handle related stuff. fix it later
    # Upload json file and get the shock handle
   # json_handle = script_util.create_shock_handle( logger,
   #    outjson, shock_url, hs_url, "json", token )
    #Check for the return value and if error take measure.
  #  if json_handle["id"] == "":
   #     logger.info("Could not create Shock handle")
    #    return False

    # Create a return list
    #TODO fix this "png_json_handle"  : json_handle,
    cummerbundplot = {
        "png_handle"       : png_handle,
        "plot_title"       : fparams['title'],
        "plot_description" : fparams['description']
    TSV_to_FeatureValue = "trns_transform_TSV_Exspression_to_KBaseFeatureValues_ExpressionMatrix"

    outmatrix =  rparams['outmatrix']
        #outmatrixparse =  join (scratch, scriptfile) + ".matrix.parse.txt"
    outjson =      "out.json"

    matrix_parse = parse_expression_matrix_separate_comma(outmatrix)

    cmd_expression_json = [TSV_to_FeatureValue,
               '--workspace_service_url', ws_url,
               '--workspace_name', workspace,
               '--object_name', matrix_parse,
               '--working_directory', scratch,
               '--input_directory', scratch,
               '--output_file_name', outjson ]

    logger.info (" ".join(cmd_expression_json))
    tool_process = subprocess.Popen (" ".join (cmd_expression_json), stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
    stdout, stderr = tool_process.communicate()
#    os.remove(matrix_parse)

    if stdout is not None and len(stdout) > 0:
    if stderr is not None and len(stderr) > 0:

    if tool_process.returncode != 0:
           return False
    return outjson
Exemplo n.º 3
def rplotandupload2(system_params, fparams, rparams, roptstr):
    Prepare URIs and call R script to generate image, json files.
    Upload the generated image and json files to Shock
    Get Shock handles and prepare cummerbundplotset object and append
        to user provided list.
    logger = system_params['logger']
    scratch = system_params['scratch']
    shock_url = system_params['shock_url']
    hs_url = system_params['hs_url']
    ws_url = system_params['ws_url']
    token = system_params['token']
    workspace = system_params['workspace']
    rscripts = system_params['rscripts']

    logger = system_params['logger']

    #Check if data directory exists.
    #    if exists(cuffdiff_dir) == False:
    #        logger.info("Cuffdiff directory does not exists")
    #        return False

    #    # Generated image location
    #    outpng           = join(scratch,  plotscript) + ".png"
    #    #Need to check if its already present
    #    if exists(outpng):
    #        logger.info("PNG file already exists")
    #        return False

    #    # Generated json location
    #    outjson          = join(scratch,  plotscript) + ".json"
    #    #Need to check if its already present
    #    if exists(outjson):
    #        logger.info("JSON file already exists")
    #        return False

    openedprocess = subprocess.Popen(roptstr,
    #Make sure the openedprocess.returncode is zero (0)
    if openedprocess.returncode != 0:
        logger.info("R script did not return normally, return code - " +
        return False

    # Upload image file and get the shock handle
    png_handle = script_util.create_shock_handle(logger, rparams['outpng'],
                                                 "png", system_params['token'])
    #Check for the return value and if error take measure.
    if png_handle["id"] == "":
        logger.info("Could not create Shock handle")
        return False

#TODO Removed all json handle related stuff. fix it later
# Upload json file and get the shock handle
# json_handle = script_util.create_shock_handle( logger,
#    outjson, shock_url, hs_url, "json", token )
#Check for the return value and if error take measure.

#  if json_handle["id"] == "":
#     logger.info("Could not create Shock handle")
#    return False

# Create a return list
#TODO fix this "png_json_handle"  : json_handle,
    cummerbundplot = {
        "png_handle": png_handle,
        "plot_title": fparams['title'],
        "plot_description": fparams['description']
    TSV_to_FeatureValue = "trns_transform_TSV_Exspression_to_KBaseFeatureValues_ExpressionMatrix"

    outmatrix = rparams['outmatrix']
    #outmatrixparse =  join (scratch, scriptfile) + ".matrix.parse.txt"
    outjson = "out.json"

    matrix_parse = parse_expression_matrix_separate_comma(outmatrix)

    cmd_expression_json = [
        TSV_to_FeatureValue, '--workspace_service_url', ws_url,
        '--workspace_name', workspace, '--object_name', matrix_parse,
        '--working_directory', scratch, '--input_directory', scratch,
        '--output_file_name', outjson

    logger.info(" ".join(cmd_expression_json))
    tool_process = subprocess.Popen(" ".join(cmd_expression_json),
    stdout, stderr = tool_process.communicate()
    #    os.remove(matrix_parse)

    if stdout is not None and len(stdout) > 0:
    if stderr is not None and len(stderr) > 0:

    if tool_process.returncode != 0:
        return False
    return outjson
Exemplo n.º 4
def rplotandupload (logger, scratch, rscripts, plotscript, shock_url, hs_url, token, cummerbundplotset, title, description, cuffdiff_dir):
    Prepare URIs and call R script to generate image, json files.
    Upload the generated image and json files to Shock
    Get Shock handles and prepare cummerbundplotset object and append
        to user provided list.

    #Check if data directory exists.
    if exists(cuffdiff_dir) == False:
        logger.info("Cuffdiff directory does not exists")
        return False

    # Generated image location
    outpng           = join(scratch,  plotscript) + ".png"
    #Need to check if its already present
    if exists(outpng):
        logger.info("PNG file already exists")
        return False

    # Generated json location
    outjson          = join(scratch,  plotscript) + ".json"
    #Need to check if its already present
    if exists(outjson):
        logger.info("JSON file already exists")
        return False

    # Location of the R script to be executed
    computescript    = join(rscripts, plotscript)
    #Check if it exists
    if exists(computescript) == False:
        logger.info("R script does not exists")
        return False

    # Generate command to be executed.
    ropts            = ["Rscript", computescript]




    # Make call to execute the system.
    roptstr = " ".join(str(x) for x in ropts)
    openedprocess = subprocess.Popen(roptstr, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    #Make sure the openedprocess.returncode is zero (0)
    if openedprocess.returncode != 0:
        logger.info("R script did not return normally, return code - "
            + str(openedprocess.returncode))
        return False

    # Upload image file and get the shock handle
    png_handle = script_util.create_shock_handle( logger,
       outpng, shock_url, hs_url, "png", token )
    #Check for the return value and if error take measure.
    if png_handle["id"] == "":
        logger.info("Could not create Shock handle")
        return False

   #TODO Removed all json handle related stuff. fix it later
    # Upload json file and get the shock handle
   # json_handle = script_util.create_shock_handle( logger,
   #    outjson, shock_url, hs_url, "json", token )
    #Check for the return value and if error take measure.
  #  if json_handle["id"] == "":
   #     logger.info("Could not create Shock handle")
    #    return False

    # Create a return list
    #TODO fix this "png_json_handle"  : json_handle,
    cummerbundplot = {
        "png_handle"       : png_handle,
        "plot_title"       : title,
        "plot_description" : description

    return True
Exemplo n.º 5
def rplotandupload(logger, scratch, rscripts, plotscript, shock_url, hs_url,
                   token, cummerbundplotset, title, description, cuffdiff_dir):
    Prepare URIs and call R script to generate image, json files.
    Upload the generated image and json files to Shock
    Get Shock handles and prepare cummerbundplotset object and append
        to user provided list.

    #Check if data directory exists.
    if exists(cuffdiff_dir) == False:
        logger.info("Cuffdiff directory does not exists")
        return False

    # Generated image location
    outpng = join(scratch, plotscript) + ".png"
    #Need to check if its already present
    if exists(outpng):
        logger.info("PNG file already exists")
        return False

    # Generated json location
    outjson = join(scratch, plotscript) + ".json"
    #Need to check if its already present
    if exists(outjson):
        logger.info("JSON file already exists")
        return False

    # Location of the R script to be executed
    computescript = join(rscripts, plotscript)
    #Check if it exists
    if exists(computescript) == False:
        logger.info("R script does not exists")
        return False

    # Generate command to be executed.
    ropts = ["Rscript", computescript]




    # Make call to execute the system.
    roptstr = " ".join(str(x) for x in ropts)
    openedprocess = subprocess.Popen(roptstr,
    #Make sure the openedprocess.returncode is zero (0)
    if openedprocess.returncode != 0:
        logger.info("R script did not return normally, return code - " +
        return False

    # Upload image file and get the shock handle
    png_handle = script_util.create_shock_handle(logger, outpng, shock_url,
                                                 hs_url, "png", token)
    #Check for the return value and if error take measure.
    if png_handle["id"] == "":
        logger.info("Could not create Shock handle")
        return False

#TODO Removed all json handle related stuff. fix it later
# Upload json file and get the shock handle
# json_handle = script_util.create_shock_handle( logger,
#    outjson, shock_url, hs_url, "json", token )
#Check for the return value and if error take measure.

#  if json_handle["id"] == "":
#     logger.info("Could not create Shock handle")
#    return False

# Create a return list
#TODO fix this "png_json_handle"  : json_handle,
    cummerbundplot = {
        "png_handle": png_handle,
        "plot_title": title,
        "plot_description": description

    return True