Exemplo n.º 1
    def _get_stats_info(cls, self):
        """Get and clean company stats info from server."""
        stats = serverAPI('stats_combined').df
        stats_dt = stats[stats['date'] == stats['date'].max()].copy()

        all_symbols = serverAPI('all_symbols').df
        all_syms = (all_symbols[['symbol', 'name'
                                 ]].rename(columns={'name': 'companyName'}))

        ntest = pd.merge(all_syms, stats_dt, on='companyName')

        cols_to_keep = ([
            'symbol', 'marketcap', 'beta', 'peRatio', 'nextEarningsDate',
            'day30ChangePercent', 'month6ChangePercent', 'year1ChangePercent'

        df_stats = ntest[cols_to_keep].set_index('symbol')
        df_stats['nextEarningsDate'] = (pd.to_datetime(
        df_stats['dt'] = pd.to_datetime(getDate.query('iex_eod'))

        # Earnings data info (ned=Next Earnings Date)
        df_ned = df_stats.dropna(subset=['nextEarningsDate']).copy()
        df_ned['days_until_ER'] = (getDate.get_bus_day_diff(
            df_ned, 'dt', 'nextEarningsDate'))
        # Get dataframe with no information for earnings dates
        idx_diff = df_stats.index.difference(df_ned.index)
        df_no_ned = df_stats[df_stats.index.isin(idx_diff)]
        # Combine the two dataframes
        df_comb = pd.concat([df_ned, df_no_ned]).drop(columns='dt')

        return df_comb
Exemplo n.º 2
def company_10qs_ref():
    """Get ref data for company 10qs (quarterly filings)."""
    sma_api = serverAPI('sec_master_all')
    sma_df = sma_api.df.copy()
    sma_df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(sma_df['date'], unit='ms')

    forms_list = sma_df['Form Type'].value_counts().index
    # form_10 = [f for f in forms_list if '10' in str(f)]
    form_10qs = [f for f in forms_list if '10-Q' in str(f)]
    f10q_df = sma_df[sma_df['Form Type'].isin(form_10qs)].copy()

    all_syms = serverAPI('all_symbols').df
    all_syms.drop(columns=['date'], inplace=True)

    min_cik_len = all_syms['cik'].str.len().min()
    if min_cik_len < 10:
        print('Not all CIKs are 10 digits long')

    f10q_df.rename(columns={'name': 'sec_name'}, inplace=True)
    comb_df = pd.merge(f10q_df, all_syms, on=['cik'])

    tenq_df = comb_df[comb_df['Form Type'] == '10-Q'].copy()
    tenq_df.drop_duplicates(subset=['date', 'cik'], inplace=True)

    cols_to_keep = ['cik', 'symbol', 'date', 'name', 'Form Type']
    tenq_df = tenq_df[cols_to_keep]

    path = Path(baseDir().path, 'ref_data', 'symbol_10q_ref.parquet')
    write_to_parquet(tenq_df, path)
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_all_symbol_ref():
    """Get all common and OTC symbols."""
    env = os.environ.get("env")

    df_all = None

    if env == "production":
        bpath = Path(baseDir().path, 'tickers', 'symbol_list')

        com_syms_path = bpath.joinpath('all_symbols.parquet')
        otc_syms_path = bpath.joinpath('otc_syms.parquet')
        com_df = pd.read_parquet(com_syms_path)
        otc_df = pd.read_parquet(otc_syms_path)
        otc_df.dropna(subset=['cik'], inplace=True)
        otc_df['cik'] = (otc_df['cik'].astype('int64').astype('str').str.zfill(
        df_all = pd.concat([com_df, otc_df]).reset_index(drop=True)
            from api import serverAPI
            com_syms = serverAPI('all_symbols').df
            otc_syms = serverAPI('otc_syms').df
            df_all = pd.concat([com_syms, otc_syms]).reset_index(drop=True)
        except ModuleNotFoundError:
            help_print_arg('Tried import server api in get_all_symbols func')

    return df_all
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _get_all_symbols(cls, self):
        """Get all symbols data."""
        all_symbols = serverAPI('all_symbols').df
        syms_sub = all_symbols[['symbol', 'type']]

        all_syms = syms_sub.set_index('symbol')
        return all_syms
Exemplo n.º 5
def remove_funds_spacs(query='symbol not in @exclude_list'):
    """Remove funds and other non-common stock symbols."""
    all_syms = serverAPI('all_symbols').df
    cond_str = all_syms['name'].str.lower().str
    # Exclude dict
    edict = {}
    edict['spacs'] = all_syms[cond_str.contains('acquisition')]
    edict['funds'] = all_syms[cond_str.contains('fund')]
    edict['etfs'] = all_syms[all_syms['type'] == 'et']

    other_list = ['ps', 'rt', 'struct', 'ut', 'wt']
    edict['others'] = all_syms[all_syms['type'].isin(other_list)]

    edict['inv_corp'] = all_syms[cond_str.contains('investment corp')]
    edict['capital'] = all_syms[cond_str.contains('capital')]
    edict['trusts'] = all_syms[(cond_str.contains('trust'))]

    # Exclude certain words
    words_to_exclude = ([
        'reit', 'municipal', 'income', 'merger', 'investors', ' spac ', ' i ',
        ' ii ', ' iv ', ' v ', ' vi '
    for word in words_to_exclude:
        edict[word] = all_syms[cond_str.contains(word)]

    exclude_list = pd.concat([val['symbol'] for val in edict.values()])
    result = all_syms.query(query).reset_index(drop=True)

    return result
Exemplo n.º 6
    def _call_stock_meta_info(cls, self):
        """Get stock sector/industry data from server."""
        meta = serverAPI('company_meta').df
        cols_to_keep = ['symbol', 'sector', 'industry']
        meta_mod = (meta[cols_to_keep].drop_duplicates(

        return meta_mod
Exemplo n.º 7
    def _get_df_from_api(cls, self):
        """Get analyst recs df from server."""
        recs_all = serverAPI('analyst_recs_all').df
        cols_to_keep = ([
            'ticker', 'date', 'time', 'action_company', 'action_pt', 'analyst',
            'analyst_name', 'pt_prior', 'pt_current', 'rating_current',
            'rating_prior', 'updated'

        df = recs_all[cols_to_keep].reset_index(drop=True).copy()
        return df
Exemplo n.º 8
def get_cik(sym):
    """Get SEC CIK number from symbol."""
    all_symbols = serverAPI('all_symbols').df

    # Drop cik values that are NaNs or infinite
    all_symbols.dropna(axis=0, subset=['cik'], inplace=True)
    all_symbols['cik'] = all_symbols['cik'].astype(np.uint32)

    cik = (all_symbols[all_symbols['symbol'] == sym].head(1)['cik'].astype(
    return cik
Exemplo n.º 9
def fpath_not_converted():
    """Get fpaths that weren't converted to parquet files."""
    fpath_list = serverAPI('fpath_list').df
    fpath_list.rename(columns={0: 'fpath'}, inplace=True)

    not_converted = []
    sub_str = '_all_combined_not_converted.gz'
    for fpath in tqdm(fpath_list['fpath']):
        if sub_str in (fpath):

    return not_converted
Exemplo n.º 10
def get_symbol_stats():
    """Get stats for all symbols."""
        from scripts.dev.api import serverAPI
    except ModuleNotFoundError:
        from api import serverAPI

    og_stats = serverAPI('stats_combined').df
    stats = og_stats[og_stats['date'] != 'nan']
    stats_max = stats[stats['date'] == stats['date'].max()].reset_index(

    # All non-otc symbols reference data
    all_syms = serverAPI('all_symbols').df
    all_syms.drop(columns=['date'], inplace=True)
    df_stats = pd.merge(stats_max,

    # Company meta information
    meta_sapi = serverAPI('company_meta')
    meta_df = meta_sapi.df
    meta_df['spac'] = np.where(
        meta_df['companyName'].str.contains('Acquisition'), 1, 0)
    meta_df['fund'] = np.where(meta_df['companyName'].str.contains('Fund'), 1,

    non_fund_spac = (meta_df[(meta_df['spac'] != 1)
                             & (meta_df['fund'] != 1)].drop_duplicates(
    cols_to_keep = ['symbol', 'industry', 'sector', 'tags']
    non_fund_spac = non_fund_spac[cols_to_keep]

    df_stats = pd.merge(non_fund_spac, df_stats, on=['symbol'])

    return df_stats
Exemplo n.º 11
def get_company_meta_data():
    """Get company meta data, save locally, from IEX."""
    all_symbols = serverAPI('all_symbols').df
    all_cs = all_symbols[all_symbols['type'].isin(['cs', 'ad'])]
    sym_list = all_cs['symbol'].unique().tolist()

    bpath = Path(baseDir().path, 'company_stats', 'meta')

    for sym in tqdm(sym_list):
            ud = urlData(f"/stock/{sym}/company")
            fpath_suf = f"{sym.lower()[0]}/_{sym}.parquet"
            fpath = bpath.joinpath(fpath_suf)
            write_to_parquet(ud.df, fpath)
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Company meta stats error: {type(e)} {str(e)}")
Exemplo n.º 12
    def retrieve_df(cls, self, latest):
        """Retrieve latest sec df if no df is passed."""
        sec_df = serverAPI('sec_rss_latest').df
        # Rename columns, drop duplicates, and reset index
        sec_df = (sec_df.rename(columns={
            'CIK': 'cik',
            'description': 'form'
        }).drop_duplicates(subset=['cik', 'pubDate']).reset_index(drop=True))
        sec_df['dt'] = pd.to_datetime(sec_df['pubDate'])

        if latest:  # Get data from latest rss (10 minutes)
            prev_15 = (datetime.now() - timedelta(minutes=15)).time()
            sec_df = (sec_df[(sec_df['dt'].dt.time > prev_15)
                             & (sec_df['dt'].dt.date == date.today())].copy())
        # Store under class variable
        self.sec_df = sec_df.copy()
Exemplo n.º 13
def get_collect_prep_sec_data(df=False):
    """Get SEC master index file for each day since 2021."""
    sma_api = serverAPI('sec_master_all')
    sma_df = sma_api.df.copy()
    sma_df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(sma_df['date'], unit='ms')
    sma_df['cik'] = sma_df['cik'].astype('category')

    dt = date(2021, 1, 1)
    sma_df = sma_df[sma_df['date'].dt.date > dt].copy()

    tenq = ['10-Q', 'NT 10-Q', '10-Q/A']
    tenk = ['10-K', '10-K/A', 'NT 10-K']
    eightk = ['8-K', '8-K/A']

    sma_df['tenq'] = np.where(sma_df['Form Type'].isin(tenq), 1, 0)
    sma_df['tenk'] = np.where(sma_df['Form Type'].isin(tenk), 1, 0)
    sma_df['eightk'] = np.where(sma_df['Form Type'].isin(eightk), 1, 0)

    # Get symbol reference data from sec
    sec_syms = None
    path = Path(baseDir().path, 'tickers', 'symbol_list', 'sec_syms.parquet')
    if path.exists():
        sec_syms = pd.read_parquet(path)
        sec_syms = pd.read_parquet(path)

    sec_syms.rename(columns={'cik_str': 'cik'}, inplace=True)

    cols_to_drop = ['name', 'File Name']
    sma_df.drop(columns=cols_to_drop, inplace=True, errors='ignore')

    df_form_match = (sma_df[sma_df[['tenq', 'tenk',

    sec_df = pd.merge(sec_syms, df_form_match, on='cik', how='inner')
    sec_df.drop(columns=['cik', 'title', 'Form Type'], inplace=True)
    sec_df.rename(columns={'ticker': 'symbol'}, inplace=True)

    sec_df = (sec_df.groupby(by=['symbol', 'date'],

    if isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame):
        sec_df = pd.merge(df, sec_df, on=['symbol', 'date'], how='left')

    return sec_df
Exemplo n.º 14
    def last_bus_day_syms():
        """Read all symbols from the last business day."""
        sdir = Path(baseDir().path, 'tickers', 'new_symbols')
        fpath = get_most_recent_fpath(sdir, f_pre='_')
        sym_df = False

        if fpath.exists():
            sym_df = pd.read_parquet(fpath)
            fpath = sdir.parent.joinpath('symbol_list', 'all_symbols.parquet')
            if fpath.exists():
                sym_df = pd.read_parquet(fpath)
                sym_df = serverAPI('all_symbols').df
                write_to_parquet(sym_df, fpath)

        return sym_df
Exemplo n.º 15
def clean_yfinance_options(df_temp=False, refresh=False):
    """Align with cboe ref data. Clean. Convert columns."""
    df_comb = False
    path_suf = f"_{getDate.query('cboe')}.parquet"
    path = Path(baseDir().path, 'derivatives/end_of_day/daily_dump', path_suf)

    if path.is_file() and not refresh:
        df_comb = pd.read_parquet(path)
        return df_comb
        if not isinstance(df_temp, pd.DataFrame):
            df_temp = return_yoptions_temp_all()

        # cboe_ref = get_cboe_ref()
        cboe_ref = serverAPI('cboe_symref').df
        cboe_ref['contractSymbol'] = cboe_ref['OSI Symbol'].str.replace(' ', '')
        df_comb = pd.merge(df_temp, cboe_ref, on=['contractSymbol']).copy()

        df_comb['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df_comb['date'], unit='ms')
        df_comb['lastTradeDate'] = pd.to_datetime(df_comb['lastTradeDate'], unit='ms')
        df_comb['lastTradeDay'] = df_comb['lastTradeDate'].dt.date

        df_comb.drop_duplicates(subset=['contractSymbol', 'lastTradeDay'], inplace=True)
        # Add column for puts and calls
        df_comb['side'] = df_comb['OSI Symbol'].str[-9]
        # Add expiration dates
        df_comb['expDate'] = df_comb['OSI Symbol'].str[-16:-9].str.replace(' ', '')
        df_comb['expDate'] = pd.to_datetime(df_comb['expDate'], format='%y%m%d')

        df_comb['openInterest'] = df_comb['openInterest'].where(df_comb['openInterest'] != 0, 1)
        df_comb['vol/oi'] = df_comb['volume'].div(df_comb['openInterest']).round(0)
        df_comb['mid'] = (df_comb['ask'].add(df_comb['bid'])).div(2).round(3)
        df_comb['bid'] = df_comb['bid'].round(3)
        df_comb['premium'] = (df_comb['mid'].mul(df_comb['volume']) * 100).round(0)

        df_comb.rename(columns={'Symbol': 'symbol'}, inplace=True)

        if 'strike_x' in df_comb.columns:
            df_comb['strike'] = df_comb['strike_x']

        write_to_parquet(df_comb, path)

    return df_comb
Exemplo n.º 16
def get_missing_sec_master_idx(sma_df=False):
    """Get missing sec reference data files."""
    # sma_df is the master index file of all dates
    if not isinstance(sma_df, pd.DataFrame):
        sma_df = serverAPI('sec_master_all').df
        sma_df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(sma_df['date'], unit='ms')

    bus_days = getDate.get_bus_days(this_year=True)
    dt = getDate.query('iex_eod')
    bus_days = bus_days[bus_days['date'].dt.date <= dt].copy()

    dts_missing = bus_days[~bus_days['date'].isin(sma_df['date'].unique().
    dts_missing['dt_format'] = dts_missing['date'].dt.strftime('%Y%m%d')

    for dt in tqdm(dts_missing['dt_format']):
            smi = secMasterIdx(hist_date=dt)
        except Exception as e:
            msg = f"get_missing_sec_master_idx: {str(e)}"
Exemplo n.º 17
def get_last_30_intradays():
    """Get last 30 intraday trading days."""
    bsdays = getDate.get_bus_days()

    dt_today = getDate.query('iex_eod')
    dt_30 = dt_today - timedelta(days=30)

    days = (bsdays[(bsdays['date'].dt.date >= dt_30)
            & (bsdays['date'].dt.date <= dt_today)])

    df_m1 = serverAPI('iex_intraday_m1').df
    days_tget = (days[~days['date'].isin(df_m1['date']
    # days_tget['dt_fmt'] = days_tget['date'].dt.strftime('%Y%m%d')

        from app.tasks import execute_func
        for dt in days_tget['date']:
            kwargs = {'dt': dt}
            execute_func.delay('iex_intraday', **kwargs)
    except ModuleNotFoundError:
Exemplo n.º 18
def return_yoptions_temp_all():
    """Return dataframe of all yoptions temp (today's data)."""
    df_all = None

    # If local environment
    if 'Algo' in baseDir().path:
            from api import serverAPI
            df_all = serverAPI('yoptions_temp').df
        except ModuleNotFoundError as me:
    else:  # Assume production environment
        dt = getDate.query('iex_eod')
        yr = dt.year
        fpath = Path(baseDir().path, 'derivatives/end_of_day/temp', str(yr))
        globs = list(fpath.glob('**/*.parquet'))

        df_list = []
        [df_list.append(pd.read_parquet(path)) for path in globs]
        df_all = pd.concat(df_list)

    return df_all
Exemplo n.º 19
    def _get_syms(cls, self):
        """Get symbol list for which to retrieve data."""
        all_syms = serverAPI('all_symbols').df
        syms = all_syms['symbol'].unique().tolist()

        self.syms = syms
Exemplo n.º 20
def read_clean_combined_all(local=False, dt=None, filter_syms=True):
    """Read, clean, and add columns to StockEOD combined all."""
    df_all = None

    if local:
        bpath = Path(baseDir().path, 'StockEOD/combined_all')
        fpath = get_most_recent_fpath(bpath)
        cols_to_read = [
            'date', 'symbol', 'fOpen', 'fHigh', 'fLow', 'fClose', 'fVolume'
        df_all = pd.read_parquet(fpath, columns=cols_to_read)
        if df_all['date'].dtype == 'object':
            df_all['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df_all['date'])
        df_all.drop_duplicates(subset=['symbol', 'date'], inplace=True)
        cols_to_read = [
            'date', 'symbol', 'fOpen', 'fHigh', 'fLow', 'fClose', 'fVolume'
        df_all = serverAPI('stock_close_cb_all').df
        df_all = df_all[cols_to_read]

        if filter_syms:
            all_cs_syms = remove_funds_spacs()
            df_all = df_all[df_all['symbol'].isin(

        df_all['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df_all['date'])

        # Define base bpath for 2015-2020 stock data
        bpath = Path(baseDir().path, 'historical/each_sym_all')
        path = get_most_recent_fpath(
            bpath.joinpath('each_sym_all', 'combined_all'))
        df_hist = pd.read_parquet(path)
        # Combine 2015-2020 stock data with ytd
        df_all = pd.concat([df_hist, df_all]).copy()

        df_all.drop_duplicates(subset=['symbol', 'date'], inplace=True)
        df_all.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)

    if not dt:
        dt = getDate.query('iex_eod')
    # Exclude all dates from before this year
    df_all = (df_all[df_all['date'] >= str(dt.year)].dropna(

    # Get rid of all symbols that only have 1 day of data
    df_vc = df_all['symbol'].value_counts()
    df_vc_1 = df_vc[df_vc == 1].index.tolist()
    df_all = (df_all[~df_all['symbol'].isin(df_vc_1)].reset_index(
    # Sort by symbol, date ascending
    df_all = df_all.sort_values(by=['symbol', 'date'], ascending=True)

    df_all['fRange'] = (df_all['fHigh'] - df_all['fLow'])
    df_all['vol/mil'] = (df_all['fVolume'].div(1000000))
    df_all['prev_close'] = df_all['fClose'].shift(periods=1, axis=0)
    df_all['prev_symbol'] = df_all['symbol'].shift(periods=1, axis=0)

    # Add fChangeP col
    print('Fib funcs: adding fChangeP column')
    df_all = add_fChangeP_col(df_all)

    # Merge with df_all and resume

    # Add gap column
    print('Fib funcs: adding gap column')
    df_all = add_gap_col(df_all)

    # Add range of gap
    df_all['gRange'] = (np.where(df_all['prev_close'] < df_all['fLow'],
                                 df_all['fHigh'] - df_all['prev_close'],
                                 df_all['fHigh'] - df_all['fLow']))

    df_all['cumPerc'] = np.where(df_all['symbol'] == df_all['prev_symbol'],
                                 df_all['fChangeP'].cumsum(), np.NaN)

    df_all['perc5'] = np.where(df_all['symbol'] == df_all['prev_symbol'],
                               df_all['cumPerc'].shift(-5) - df_all['cumPerc'],

    df_all['vol_avg_2m'] = np.where(df_all['symbol'] == df_all['prev_symbol'],

    # Add cumulative sum of last 5 fChangeP rows
    df_all['fCP5'] = (np.where(
        df_all['symbol'] == df_all['prev_symbol'],
        df_all['fChangeP'].rolling(min_periods=1, window=5).sum(), 0))

    df_all = df_all.copy()
    # Calc RSI and moving averages
    print('Fib Funcs: calc_rsi')
    df_all = calc_rsi(df_all)
    print('Fib Funcs: making_moving_averages')
    df_all = make_moving_averages(df_all)

    # fHighMax funcs
    print('Fib funcs: fHighMax')
    df_all = add_fHighMax_col(df_all).copy()

    df_all = df_all.sort_values(by=['symbol', 'date'], ascending=True)

    float_32s = df_all.dtypes[df_all.dtypes == np.float32].index
    for col in float_32s:
        df_all[col] = df_all[col].astype(np.float64).round(3)

    df_all = dataTypes(df_all, parquet=True).df.copy()

    return df_all
Exemplo n.º 21
dt = getDate.query('iex_close')
bpath = Path(baseDir().path, 'derivatives/cboe_intraday/2021')
fpath = get_most_recent_fpath(bpath, f_suf='_eod', dt=dt)

# %% codecell
from workbooks.fib_funcs import read_clean_combined_all
df_all = read_clean_combined_all()

# Eagles golf club

# path_eod won't have the timestamps
# %% codecell

# %% codecell
sapi_eod = serverAPI('cboe_intraday_eod')
df_cboe = sapi_eod.df
cols_to_rename = ({
    'Symbol': 'symbol',
    'Call/Put': 'side',
    'Expiration': 'expirationDate',
    'Strike Price': 'strike'
df_cboe.rename(columns=cols_to_rename, inplace=True)
df_cboe['symbol'] = df_cboe['symbol'].astype('category')

# %% codecell
sapi = serverAPI('yoptions_daily')
df = sapi.df
# %% codecell
df_last = (df[df['lastTradeDate'].dt.date ==
Exemplo n.º 22
    from data_collect.iex_class import urlData
    from api import serverAPI

from importlib import reload
import sys

# %% codecell
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 65)
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 150)

# %% codecell
dt = getDate.query('iex_eod')
bpath = Path(baseDir().path, 'intraday', 'minute_1', str(dt.year))

all_syms = serverAPI('all_symbols').df
syms = all_syms['symbol'].unique()

# %% codecell

minute = 'minute_1'

def combine_all_intraday_data(minute='minute_1'):
    """Combine all intraday data, write to file."""
    dt = getDate.query('iex_eod')
    path = Path(baseDir().path, 'intraday', minute, str(dt.year))
    fpaths = list(path.glob('**/*.parquet'))

    df_list = []
Exemplo n.º 23
    from scripts.dev.data_collect.sec_routines import secMasterIdx
    from scripts.dev.missing_data.missing_sec_masteridx import get_missing_sec_master_idx
    from scripts.dev.missing_data.missing_dates import get_missing_dates
    from scripts.dev.multiuse.help_class import getDate, baseDir, write_to_parquet
    from scripts.dev.api import serverAPI
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    from data_collect.sec_routines import secMasterIdx
    from missing_data.missing_sec_masteridx import get_missing_sec_master_idx
    from missing_data.missing_dates import get_missing_dates
    from multiuse.help_class import getDate, baseDir, write_to_parquet
    from api import serverAPI

# %% codecell
serverAPI('redo', val='get_missing_sec_master_idx')
serverAPI('redo', val='combine_all_sec_masters')
# %% codecell

# %% codecell

sma_api = serverAPI('sec_master_all')
sma_df = sma_api.df.copy()
sma_df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(sma_df['date'], unit='ms')

# %% codecell