Exemplo n.º 1
 def get_documentation():
     doc = str(Coefficients.__doc__)
     valid_values = str([option.name for option in CoefficientPlottingSetting])[1:-1].replace("'", "`")
     mapping = {
         "For options see :py:obj:`~source.reports.ml_reports.CoefficientPlottingSetting.CoefficientPlottingSetting`.":
             f"Valid values are: {valid_values}."
     doc = update_docs_per_mapping(doc, mapping)
     return doc
Exemplo n.º 2
    def get_documentation():
        doc = str(SequenceCountEncoder.__doc__)

        valid_field_values = str(Repertoire.FIELDS)[1:-1].replace("'", "`")
        mapping = {
            "Valid comparison value can be any repertoire field name.": f"Valid values are {valid_field_values}."
        doc = update_docs_per_mapping(doc, mapping)
        return doc
Exemplo n.º 3
    def get_documentation():
        doc = str(Word2VecEncoder.__doc__)

        valid_values = str([model_type.name for model_type in ModelType])[1:-1].replace("'", "`")
        mapping = {
            "Valid values for this parameter are names of the ModelType enum.": f"Valid values are {valid_values}."
        doc = update_docs_per_mapping(doc, mapping)
        return doc
Exemplo n.º 4
    def get_documentation():
        doc = str(SVM.__doc__)

        mapping = {
            "For usage instructions, check :py:obj:`~immuneML.ml_methods.SklearnMethod.SklearnMethod`.": SklearnMethod.get_usage_documentation("SVM"),

        doc = update_docs_per_mapping(doc, mapping)
        return doc
Exemplo n.º 5
    def get_documentation():
        doc = str(LogisticRegression.__doc__)

        mapping = {
            "For usage instructions, check :py:obj:`~source.ml_methods.SklearnMethod.SklearnMethod`.":

        doc = update_docs_per_mapping(doc, mapping)
        return doc
Exemplo n.º 6
 def get_documentation():
     doc = str(SplitConfig.__doc__)
     mapping = {
         "split_strategy (SplitType)": "split_strategy",
         "reports (ReportConfig)": "reports",
         "manual_config (:py:obj:`~immuneML.hyperparameter_optimization.config.ManualSplitConfig.ManualSplitConfig`)": "manual_config",
         "leave_one_out_config (:py:obj:`~immuneML.hyperparameter_optimization.config.LeaveOneOutConfig.LeaveOneOutConfig`)": "leave_one_out_config"
     doc = update_docs_per_mapping(doc, mapping)
     return doc
Exemplo n.º 7
    def get_documentation():
        doc = str(MatchedRegexEncoder.__doc__)

        chain_values = str([region_type.value for region_type in Chain])[1:-1].replace("'", "`")

        mapping = {
            "The chains are specified by their three letter code, see :py:obj:`~immuneML.data_model.receptor.receptor_sequence.Chain.Chain`.": f"The chains are specified by their three letter code, valid values are: {chain_values}.",
        doc = update_docs_per_mapping(doc, mapping)
        return doc
Exemplo n.º 8
    def get_documentation():
        doc = str(RandomForestClassifier.__doc__)

        mapping = {
            "For usage instructions, check :py:obj:`~source.ml_methods.SklearnMethod.SklearnMethod`.":

        doc = update_docs_per_mapping(doc, mapping)
        return doc
Exemplo n.º 9
    def get_documentation():
        doc = str(AtchleyKmerEncoder.__doc__)

        valid_values = str([item.name for item in RelativeAbundanceType])[1:-1].replace("'", "`")
        mapping = {
            "how to compute abundance term for k-mers":
                f"how to compute abundance term for k-mers; valid values are {valid_values}."
        doc = update_docs_per_mapping(doc, mapping)
        return doc
Exemplo n.º 10
 def get_documentation():
     doc = str(ReportConfig.__doc__)
     mapping = {
         "data_splits (dict)": "data_splits",
         "models (dict)": "models",
         "data (dict)": "data",
         "encoding (dict)": "encoding"
     doc = update_docs_per_mapping(doc, mapping)
     return doc
Exemplo n.º 11
    def get_documentation():
        doc = str(DuplicateSequenceFilter.__doc__)

        mapping = {
            "Valid options are defined by the CountAggregationFunction enum.": f"Valid values are: {[e.name for e in CountAggregationFunction]}.",
            "Valid options are defined by the SequenceType enum.": f"Valid values are: {[e.name for e in SequenceType]}."

        doc = update_docs_per_mapping(doc, mapping)

        return doc
Exemplo n.º 12
    def get_documentation():
        doc = str(DatasetExportInstruction.__doc__)

        valid_strategy_values = ReflectionHandler.all_nonabstract_subclass_basic_names(DataExporter, "Exporter", "dataset_export/")
        valid_strategy_values = str(valid_strategy_values)[1:-1].replace("'", "`")
        mapping = {
            "Valid formats are class names of any non-abstract class inheriting "
            ":py:obj:`~immuneML.IO.dataset_export.DataExporter.DataExporter`.": f"Valid values are: {valid_strategy_values}."
        doc = update_docs_per_mapping(doc, mapping)
        return doc
Exemplo n.º 13
    def get_documentation():
        doc = str(IGoRImport.__doc__)

        region_type_values = str([region_type.name for region_type in RegionType])[1:-1].replace("'", "`")
        repertoire_fields = list(Repertoire.FIELDS)

        mapping = {
            "Valid values for region_type are the names of the :py:obj:`~immuneML.data_model.receptor.RegionType.RegionType` enum.": f"Valid values are {region_type_values}.",
            "Valid immuneML fields that can be specified here are defined by Repertoire.FIELDS": f"Valid immuneML fields that can be specified here are {repertoire_fields}."
        doc = update_docs_per_mapping(doc, mapping)
        return doc
Exemplo n.º 14
    def get_documentation():
        doc = str(OLGAImport.__doc__)

        region_type_values = str([
            region_type.name for region_type in RegionType
        ])[1:-1].replace("'", "`")

        mapping = {
            "Valid values for region_type are the names of the :py:obj:`~immuneML.data_model.receptor.RegionType.RegionType` enum.":
            f"Valid values are {region_type_values}.",
        doc = update_docs_per_mapping(doc, mapping)
        return doc
Exemplo n.º 15
    def get_documentation():
        doc = str(DistanceEncoder.__doc__)

        valid_values = [metric.name for metric in DistanceMetricType]
        valid_values = str(valid_values)[1:-1].replace("'", "`")
        valid_field_values = str(Repertoire.FIELDS)[1:-1].replace("'", "`")
        mapping = {
            "Names of different distance metric types are allowed values in the specification.": f"Valid values are: {valid_values}.",
            "Valid values include any repertoire attribute (sequence, amino acid sequence, V gene etc).":
                f"Valid values are {valid_field_values}."
        doc = update_docs_per_mapping(doc, mapping)
        return doc
Exemplo n.º 16
 def get_documentation():
     doc = str(FeatureValueBarplot.__doc__)
     error_bar = DocEnumHelper.get_enum_names(ErrorBarMeaning)
     panel_layout = DocEnumHelper.get_enum_names_and_values(PanelLayoutType)
     panel_axis_scales = DocEnumHelper.get_enum_names_and_values(PanelAxisScalesType)
     panel_label_switch_type = DocEnumHelper.get_enum_names_and_values(PanelLabelSwitchType)
     mapping = {
         "For options see :py:obj:`~source.visualization.ErrorBarMeaning.ErrorBarMeaning`.": f"Valid values are: {error_bar}.",
         "For options see :py:obj:`~source.visualization.PanelLayoutType.PanelLayoutType`.": f"Valid values are: {panel_layout}",
         "For options see :py:obj:`~source.visualization.PanelAxisScalesType.PanelAxisScalesType`.": f"Valid values are: {panel_axis_scales}",
         "For options see :py:obj:`~source.visualization.PanelLabelSwitchType.PanelLabelSwitchType`.": f"Valid values are: {panel_label_switch_type}"
     doc = update_docs_per_mapping(doc, mapping)
     return doc
Exemplo n.º 17
    def get_documentation():
        initial_doc = str(Signal.__doc__)

        valid_implanting_values = str(
                SignalImplantingStrategy, 'Implanting',
                'signal_implanting_strategy/'))[1:-1].replace("'", "`")

        docs_mapping = {
            "Valid values for this argument are class names of different signal implanting strategies.":
            f"Valid values are: {valid_implanting_values}"

        doc = update_docs_per_mapping(initial_doc, docs_mapping)
        return doc
Exemplo n.º 18
    def get_documentation():
        doc = str(Motif.__doc__)

        valid_strategy_values = ReflectionHandler.all_nonabstract_subclass_basic_names(
            MotifInstantiationStrategy, "Instantiation",
        valid_strategy_values = str(valid_strategy_values)[1:-1].replace(
            "'", "`")
        chain_values = str([name for name in Chain])[1:-1].replace("'", "`")
        mapping = {
            "It should be one of the classes inheriting MotifInstantiationStrategy.":
            f"Valid values are: {valid_strategy_values}.",
            "The value should be an instance of :py:obj:`~source.data_model.receptor.receptor_sequence.Chain.Chain`.":
            f"Valid values are: {chain_values}."
        doc = update_docs_per_mapping(doc, mapping)
        return doc
    def get_documentation():
        doc = str(SingleLineReceptorImport.__doc__)

        valid_chain_names = str([item.name for item in Chain])[1:-1].replace("'", "`")
        valid_chain_pair_names = str([item.name for item in ChainPair])[1:-1].replace("'", "`")
        region_type_values = str([region_type.name for region_type in RegionType])[1:-1].replace("'", "`")

        mapping = {
            "The possible names that can be filled in for <chain> are given in :py:obj:`~immuneML.data_model.receptor.receptor_sequence.Chain.Chain`":
                f"The possible names that can be filled in for <chain> are: {valid_chain_names}.",
            "Valid values for receptor_chains are the names of the :py:obj:`~immuneML.data_model.receptor.ChainPair.ChainPair` enum.":
                f"Valid values for receptor_chains are: {valid_chain_pair_names}.",
            "Valid values for region_type are the names of the :py:obj:`~immuneML.data_model.receptor.RegionType.RegionType` enum.": f"Valid values are {region_type_values}.",

        doc = update_docs_per_mapping(doc, mapping)
        return doc
Exemplo n.º 20
    def get_documentation():
        doc = str(MiXCRImport.__doc__)

        region_type_values = str([
            for region_type in MiXCRImport.SEQUENCE_NAME_MAP.keys()
        ])[1:-1].replace("'", "`")
        repertoire_fields = list(Repertoire.FIELDS)

        mapping = {
            "Valid values for region_type are defined in MiXCRImport.SEQUENCE_NAME_MAP.":
            f"Valid values are {region_type_values}.",
            "Valid immuneML fields that can be specified here are defined by Repertoire.FIELDS":
            f"Valid immuneML fields that can be specified here are {repertoire_fields}."
        doc = update_docs_per_mapping(doc, mapping)
        return doc
Exemplo n.º 21
 def get_documentation():
     doc = str(TrainMLModelInstruction.__doc__)
     valid_values = str([metric.name.lower() for metric in Metric])[1:-1].replace("'", "`")
     valid_strategies = str(ReflectionHandler.all_nonabstract_subclass_basic_names(HPOptimizationStrategy, "",
         .replace("'", "`")
     mapping = {
         "dataset (Dataset)": "dataset",
         "hp_strategy (HPOptimizationStrategy)": "strategy",
         "hp_settings": "settings",
         "assessment (SplitConfig)": "assessment",
         "selection (SplitConfig)": "selection",
         "optimization_metric (Metric)": "optimization_metric",
         "label_configuration (LabelConfiguration)": "labels (list)",
         "data_reports": "reports",
         "a list of metrics": f"a list of metrics ({valid_values})",
         "a metric to use for optimization": f"a metric to use for optimization (one of {valid_values})",
         "Valid values are objects of any class inheriting :py:obj:`~immuneML.hyperparameter_optimization.strategy."
         "HPOptimizationStrategy.HPOptimizationStrategy`.": f"Valid values are: {valid_strategies}.",
         "the reports to be specified here have to be :py:obj:`~immuneML.reports.train_ml_model_reports.TrainMLModelReport.TrainMLModelReport` reports.": f"the reports that can be provided here are :ref:`{TrainMLModelReport.get_title()}`."
     doc = update_docs_per_mapping(doc, mapping)
     return doc