Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: core.py Projeto: croby/pyScss
def percentage(value):
    value = NumberValue(value)
    value.units = {'%': _units_weights.get('%', 1), '_': '%'}
    return value
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: core.py Projeto: croby/pyScss
def hue(color):
    c = ColorValue(color).value
    h, l, s = colorsys.rgb_to_hls(c[0] / 255.0, c[1] / 255.0, c[2] / 255.0)
    ret = NumberValue(h * 360.0)
    ret.units = {'deg': _units_weights.get('deg', 1), '_': 'deg'}
    return ret
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: core.py Projeto: croby/pyScss
def lightness(color):
    c = ColorValue(color).value
    h, l, s = colorsys.rgb_to_hls(c[0] / 255.0, c[1] / 255.0, c[2] / 255.0)
    ret = NumberValue(l)
    ret.units = {'%': _units_weights.get('%', 1), '_': '%'}
    return ret
Exemplo n.º 4
def sprite_map(g, **kwargs):
    Generates a sprite map from the files matching the glob pattern.
    Uses the keyword-style arguments passed in to control the placement.
    g = StringValue(g).value

    if not Image:
        raise Exception("Images manipulation require PIL")

    if g in sprite_maps:
        sprite_maps[glob]["*"] = datetime.datetime.now()
    elif ".." not in g:  # Protect against going to prohibited places...
        vertical = kwargs.get("direction", "vertical") == "vertical"
        repeat = StringValue(kwargs.get("repeat", "no-repeat"))
        position = NumberValue(kwargs.get("position", 0))
        collapse_x = NumberValue(kwargs.get("collapse_x", 0))
        collapse_y = NumberValue(kwargs.get("collapse_y", 0))
        if position and position > -1 and position < 1:
            position.units = {"%": _units_weights.get("%", 1), "_": "%"}

        dst_colors = kwargs.get("dst_color")
        if isinstance(dst_colors, ListValue):
            dst_colors = [list(ColorValue(v).value[:3]) for n, v in dst_colors.items() if v]
            dst_colors = [list(ColorValue(dst_colors).value[:3])] if dst_colors else []

        src_colors = kwargs.get("src_color")
        if isinstance(src_colors, ListValue):
            src_colors = [tuple(ColorValue(v).value[:3]) if v else (0, 0, 0) for n, v in src_colors.items()]
            src_colors = [tuple(ColorValue(src_colors).value[:3]) if src_colors else (0, 0, 0)]

        len_colors = max(len(dst_colors), len(src_colors))
        dst_colors = (dst_colors * len_colors)[:len_colors]
        src_colors = (src_colors * len_colors)[:len_colors]

        spacing = kwargs.get("spacing", 0)
        if isinstance(spacing, ListValue):
            spacing = [int(NumberValue(v).value) for n, v in spacing.items()]
            spacing = [int(NumberValue(spacing).value)]
        spacing = (spacing * 4)[:4]

        if callable(config.STATIC_ROOT):
            glob_path = g
            rfiles = files = sorted(config.STATIC_ROOT(g))
            glob_path = os.path.join(config.STATIC_ROOT, g)
            files = glob.glob(glob_path)
            files = sorted((f, None) for f in files)
            rfiles = [(f[len(config.STATIC_ROOT) :], s) for f, s in files]

        if not files:
            log.error("Nothing found at '%s'", glob_path)
            return StringValue(None)

        times = []
        for file, storage in files:
                d_obj = storage.modified_time(file)

        map_name = os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(g)).replace("\\", "_").replace("/", "_")
        key = list(zip(*files)[0]) + times + [repr(kwargs), config.ASSETS_URL]
        key = map_name + "-" + base64.urlsafe_b64encode(hashlib.md5(repr(key)).digest()).rstrip("=").replace("-", "_")
        asset_file = key + ".png"
        asset_path = os.path.join(config.ASSETS_ROOT, asset_file)

            asset, map, sizes = pickle.load(open(asset_path + ".cache"))
            sprite_maps[asset] = map

            def images():
                for file, storage in files:
                    yield Image.open(storage.open(file)) if storage is not None else Image.open(file)

            names = tuple(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file))[0] for file, storage in files)
            positions = []
            spacings = []
            tot_spacings = []
            for name in names:
                name = name.replace("-", "_")
                _position = kwargs.get(name + "_position")
                if _position is None:
                    _position = position
                    _position = NumberValue(_position)
                    if _position and _position > -1 and _position < 1:
                        _position.units = {"%": _units_weights.get("%", 1), "_": "%"}
                _spacing = kwargs.get(name + "_spacing")
                if _spacing is None:
                    _spacing = spacing
                    if isinstance(_spacing, ListValue):
                        _spacing = [int(NumberValue(v).value) for n, v in _spacing.items()]
                        _spacing = [int(NumberValue(_spacing).value)]
                    _spacing = (_spacing * 4)[:4]
                if _position and _position.unit != "%":
                    if vertical:
                        if _position > 0:
                            tot_spacings.append((_spacing[0], _spacing[1], _spacing[2], _spacing[3] + _position))
                        if _position > 0:
                            tot_spacings.append((_spacing[0] + _position, _spacing[1], _spacing[2], _spacing[3]))

            sizes = tuple((collapse_x or image.size[0], collapse_y or image.size[1]) for image in images())

            _spacings = zip(*tot_spacings)
            if vertical:
                width = max(zip(*sizes)[0]) + max(_spacings[1]) + max(_spacings[3])
                height = sum(zip(*sizes)[1]) + sum(_spacings[0]) + sum(_spacings[2])
                width = sum(zip(*sizes)[0]) + sum(_spacings[1]) + sum(_spacings[3])
                height = max(zip(*sizes)[1]) + max(_spacings[0]) + max(_spacings[2])

            new_image = Image.new(mode="RGBA", size=(width, height), color=(0, 0, 0, 0))

            offsets_x = []
            offsets_y = []
            offset = 0
            for i, image in enumerate(images()):
                spacing = spacings[i]
                position = positions[i]
                iwidth, iheight = image.size
                width, height = sizes[i]
                if vertical:
                    if position and position.unit == "%":
                        x = width * position.value - (spacing[3] + height + spacing[1])
                    elif position.value < 0:
                        x = width + position.value - (spacing[3] + height + spacing[1])
                        x = position.value
                    offset += spacing[0]
                    for i, dst_color in enumerate(dst_colors):
                        src_color = src_colors[i]
                        pixdata = image.load()
                        for _y in xrange(image.size[1]):
                            for _x in xrange(image.size[0]):
                                pixel = pixdata[_x, _y]
                                if pixel[:3] == src_color:
                                    pixdata[_x, _y] = tuple(
                                        [int(c) for c in dst_color] + [pixel[3] if len(pixel) == 4 else 255]
                    if iwidth != width or iheight != height:
                        cy = 0
                        while cy < iheight:
                            cx = 0
                            while cx < iwidth:
                                cropped_image = image.crop((cx, cy, cx + width, cy + height))
                                new_image.paste(cropped_image, (int(x + spacing[3]), offset), cropped_image)
                                cx += width
                            cy += height
                        new_image.paste(image, (int(x + spacing[3]), offset))
                    offsets_y.append(offset - spacing[0])
                    offset += height + spacing[2]
                    if position and position.unit == "%":
                        y = height * position.value - (spacing[0] + height + spacing[2])
                    elif position.value < 0:
                        y = height + position.value - (spacing[0] + height + spacing[2])
                        y = position.value
                    offset += spacing[3]
                    for i, dst_color in enumerate(dst_colors):
                        src_color = src_colors[i]
                        pixdata = image.load()
                        for _y in xrange(image.size[1]):
                            for _x in xrange(image.size[0]):
                                pixel = pixdata[_x, _y]
                                if pixel[:3] == src_color:
                                    pixdata[_x, _y] = tuple(
                                        [int(c) for c in dst_color] + [pixel[3] if len(pixel) == 4 else 255]
                    if iwidth != width or iheight != height:
                        cy = 0
                        while cy < iheight:
                            cx = 0
                            while cx < iwidth:
                                cropped_image = image.crop((cx, cy, cx + width, cy + height))
                                new_image.paste(cropped_image, (offset, int(y + spacing[0])), cropped_image)
                                cx += width
                            cy += height
                        new_image.paste(image, (offset, int(y + spacing[0])))
                    offsets_x.append(offset - spacing[3])
                    offset += width + spacing[1]

            except IOError:
                log.exception("Error while saving image")
            filetime = int(time.mktime(datetime.datetime.now().timetuple()))

            url = "%s%s?_=%s" % (config.ASSETS_URL, asset_file, filetime)
            asset = 'url("%s") %s' % (escape(url), repeat)
            # Use the sorted list to remove older elements (keep only 500 objects):
            if len(sprite_maps) > 1000:
                for a in sorted(sprite_maps, key=lambda a: sprite_maps[a]["*"], reverse=True)[500:]:
                    del sprite_maps[a]
            # Add the new object:
            map = dict(zip(names, zip(sizes, rfiles, offsets_x, offsets_y)))
            map["*"] = datetime.datetime.now()
            map["*f*"] = asset_file
            map["*k*"] = key
            map["*n*"] = map_name
            map["*t*"] = filetime

            tmp_dir = config.ASSETS_ROOT
            cache_tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, dir=tmp_dir)
            pickle.dump((asset, map, zip(files, sizes)), cache_tmp)
            os.rename(cache_tmp.name, asset_path + ".cache")

            sprite_maps[asset] = map
        for file, size in sizes:
            _image_size_cache[file] = size
    ret = StringValue(asset)
    return ret