Exemplo n.º 1
def fib2meshalyzer(filename):
    Given a filename for a CARP mesh (.pts, .elem and .lon) this functions
    generates the .vec and .vpts files necessary to visualize vector data
    in meshalyzer.
    ptsFile = "%s.pts" % filename
    lonFile = "%s.lon" % filename
    vecFile = "%s.vec" % filename
    elemFile = "%s.elem" % filename
    vptsFile = "%s.vpts" % filename

    np_xyz = read_array_pts(ptsFile)
    elemList = read_array_elem(elemFile)

    # copy filename.lon to filename.vec
    shutil.copy(lonFile, vecFile)

    # create .vpts file
    f = open(vptsFile, "w")
    f.write("%d\n" % len(elemList))

    for e in elemList:
        numNode = getNumNode[e[0]]
        nodeList = [e[j + 1] for j in xrange(numNode)]
        centroid = get_element_center(nodeList, np_xyz)
        f.write("%f %f %f\n" % (centroid[0], centroid[1], centroid[2]))


    print ".vec and .vpts files were generated!"
Exemplo n.º 2
def fit_lambda(igb_file, pts_file, resolution=100):
    Function to fit the space constant lambda
    Input: igb_file   - with Vm at each time slice
           pts_file   - file describing the mesh
           resolution - of the mesh

    [vm, hd] = read_igb_slice(igb_file)    
    Vm = vm.squeeze()
    xyz  = read_array_pts(pts_file)
    ytmp = xyz[:,1]
    ztmp = xyz[:,2]
    size = len(xyz[:,1])

    # list with the nodes' indexes of the line
    aux = -resolution/2
    lindx = [i for i in xrange(size) if ytmp[i] == aux and ztmp[i] == aux]

    value1 = Vm[100,:]
    x     = zeros((len(lindx))) # space
    data  = zeros((len(lindx))) # vm at t=100ms    
    ### improve the loop and assignments below
    for i in lindx:
        x[i]     = xyz[i,0]
        data[i] = value1[i]
    def dbexpl(x,p):
        Example of curve fitting for
        return( p[0]*exp(-(x+25000)/p[1]) + data[-1] )
    def residuals(p,data,x):
        err = data - dbexpl(x,p)
        return err
    ### vm curve fitting ###
    p0         = [10,1000]                                          # initial guesses
    guessfit   = dbexpl(x,p0)                                       # data evaluated with p0
    pbest      = leastsq(residuals,p0,args=(data,x),full_output=1)  # minimize the sum of squares of a set of equations
    bestparams = pbest[0]                                           # solution (estimated parameters)
    cov_x      = pbest[1]                                           # estimate of the covariance matrix of the solution
    print 'Best fit parameters: ' , bestparams
    #print cov_x
    datafit = dbexpl(x,bestparams)
    legend(['Vm(x,t=100ms)','fitting'], 'upper right')
    title('Space constant ''$\lambda$'' fitting')
Exemplo n.º 3
def condVelocity(ptsFile, actFile, output=True):
    Function to calculate the conduction velocity in a cable slab
    Input: ptsFile - description of the nodes
           actFile - file with activation time of the nodes
            0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
                A       B
    Bernardo Martins Rocha, 2008
    xyz = read_array_pts(ptsFile)
    #act = read_array(actFile) # deprecated under new SciPy/Numpy
    act = loadtxt(actFile)
    actTeste = act
    distA =   max(xyz[:,0]/4)
    distB = 3*max(xyz[:,0]/4)

    # node A
    tmp   = abs(xyz[:,0] - distA)
    tmpID = where(tmp == tmp.min())    # where return tuple
    aux   = tmpID[0][0] + 1
    nodeA = xyz[aux]
    actTI = where(act[:,0] == aux)     # activation time index

    if size(actTI) == 0:
        if output: print " NodeA was not activated. CV is unknown!"
        return nan
        actTI = actTI[0][0]            # from tuple to scalar
        actTA = act[actTI , 1]         # activation time for node A
    # node B
    tmp   = abs(xyz[:,0] - distB)
    tmpID = where(tmp == tmp.min())    # where return tuple
    aux   = tmpID[0][0] + 1
    nodeB = xyz[aux]
    actTI = where(act[:,0] == aux)     # activation time index

    if size(actTI) == 0:
        if output: print " NodeB was not activated. CV is unknown!"
        return nan
        actTI = actTI[0][0]            # from tuple to scalar
        actTB = act[actTI , 1]         # activation time for node B

    distAB = sqrt(sum(pow(nodeB - nodeA,2)))
    condve = distAB / (actTB - actTA)
    if output: print " CV = %.3f m/s" % (condve/1000)
    return (condve/1000)
Exemplo n.º 4
def tag_elem_file (elem_file, node_file, region_list):
    Function to tag rectangular areas in structured meshes in CARP
    Bernardo M. Rocha, 2009
    new_efile = open('element.elem', 'w')
    elem = read_array_elem (elem_file)
    pts  = read_array_pts  (node_file)

    for r in region_list:
        for e in elem:
            elem_type = e[0]   
            if elem_type == 'Qd':
                node_range = xrange(1,4+1)
                node_tag   = e[5]
                for n in node_range:
                    g = int( e[n] )
                    node = Point ( pts[g][0], pts[g][1], pts[g][2] )        
                    # check if node is inside region
                    if ( (node.x >= r.bottom.x) and
                         (node.x <= r.bottom.x + r.width) and
                         (node.y >= r.top.y - r.height) and
                         (node.y <= r.top.y)):
                        node_tag = r.tag
                    # end if
                # end for n
                e[5] = node_tag
            # end if Qd
        # end for e
    # end for r
    # write to file
    new_efile.write('%d\n' % len(elem))
    for e in elem:
        new_efile.write('Qd %d %d %d %d %d \n' %
            (int(e[1]), int(e[2]),int(e[3]),int(e[4]),int(e[5])))

