Exemplo n.º 1
    def _reformat_returns(title, text):
        lines = text.split('\n')
        new_text = ''

        if len(lines) == 0:
            return new_text

        indent = get_indent(text)
        param = ''
        description = ''
        while len(lines) > 0:
            line = lines[0]
            line = line.strip()

            # Check if it is continuation of parameter description from previous lines
            if param != '':
                # It is continuation of multi-line parameter description
                description += reindent(line, indent + 4) + '\n'
                # This is the first line of ``return`` description
                param = _get_param_text(title, '') + ' ' + line
                new_text += reindent(param, indent) + '\n'

        if param != '' and description != '':
            new_text += reindent(description, indent + 4) + '\n'
        return new_text + '\n'
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _reformat_parameters(title, text):
        lines = text.split('\n')
        new_text = ''

        if len(lines) == 0:
            return new_text

        indent = get_indent(text)
        param = ''
        description = ''
        while len(lines) > 0:
            line = lines[0]
            line = line.strip()
            idx = line.find(' : ')
            if idx >= 0 & line[0:idx].isalnum():
                # Check if previous parameter existed. If so, need to add it to reformatted text
                if param != '':
                    new_text += _get_param_text(
                        title, param) + '\n' + reindent(
                            description, indent + 4) + '\n'

                # Found parameter. Extract the description (can be multi-line)
                param = line[0:idx]
                description = line[idx + 3:] + '\n'
                # There is no parameter description starting in this line.
                # Check if it is continuation of parameter description from previous lines
                if param != '':
                    # It is continuation of multi-line parameter description
                    description += reindent(line, indent + 4) + '\n'
                    # This is not the description of parameter. Copy as is
                    new_text += reindent(line, indent) + '\n'

        if param != '' and description != '':
            new_text += _get_param_text(title, param) + '\n' + reindent(
                description, indent + 4) + '\n'
        return new_text
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_obj_examples(pandas_name):
    Get list of examples for Pandas object.

    :param pandas_name: Pandas object for which documentation to be generated.
    :return: Generated docstring.
    sdc_obj = get_sdc_object_by_pandas_name(pandas_name)
    sdc_doc = get_docstring(sdc_obj)
    sections = split_in_sections(reindent(sdc_doc, 0))
    sections_as_dict = {title.strip(): text for title, text in sections}
    example_section = sections_as_dict.get('Examples')
    if not example_section:
        return None

    examples = []
    section_names = ['literalinclude', 'command-output']
    for subsection in example_section.strip().split('\n\n'):
        subsection = subsection.strip()
        if any(subsection.startswith(f'.. {name}') for name in section_names):
            # remove a directory level from path to examples
            examples.append(subsection.replace(' ../', ' '))

    return reformat('\n\n'.join(examples))
Exemplo n.º 4
def reformat_bullet_list(text):
    lines = text.split('\n')
    new_text = ''
    bullet_indent = -1
    while len(lines) > 0:
        line = lines[0]
        if line.strip().startswith('- '):
            # Here if met new bullet
            bullet_indent = get_indent(
                line)  # We need to know indent to identify multi-line bullets
            new_text += line + '\n'
        elif line.strip() == '':
            bullet_indent = -1  # We finished parsing multi-line bullet
            new_text += '\n'
            if bullet_indent >= 0:
                # Here if we're parsing multi-line bullet
                new_text += reindent(line, bullet_indent + 4) + '\n'
                # Here if we are not in bullet list
                new_text += line + '\n'

    return new_text
Exemplo n.º 5
def parse_templ_rst(fname_templ):
    Parses input template rst file and outputs the final rst file
    Template document must have the following structure:

    Heading or subheading

    Any text (if any)

    Another heading or subheading

    Any text (if any)

    .. currentmodule:: <module name>

    .. sdc_toctree

    Any text (if any)

    Any text (if any)

    Another heading or subheading

    Any text (if any)

    :param fname_templ:
    path, fname_out = os.path.split(fname_templ)
    fname_out = fname_out.replace('_templ', '')
    fname_out = fname_out.replace('_', '', 1)
    fout = open_file_for_write(APIREF_REL_PATH + fname_out)
    with open(fname_templ, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fin:
        doc = fin.readlines()

        while len(doc) > 0:
            # Parsing lines until ``.. sdc_toctree`` section is met
            while len(doc) > 0 and not doc[0].startswith('.. sdc_toctree'):
                line = doc[0]
                if line.startswith('.. currentmodule::'):
                    current_module_name = line[19:].strip()

            if len(doc) == 0:

            doc.pop(0)  # Skipping ``.. sdc_toctree``

            # Parsing the list of APIs
            while len(doc) > 0 and doc[0].strip() != '':
                line = doc[0]
                indent = get_indent(line)
                line = line.strip()
                full_name = current_module_name + '.' + line
                short_description = generate_simple_object_doc(
                    full_name, short_doc_flag=True).strip()
                new_line = reindent(':ref:`', indent) + line + ' <' + full_name + '>`\n' + \
                    reindent(short_description, indent+4) + '\n'

                full_description = generate_simple_object_doc(
                    full_name, short_doc_flag=False)
                f = open_file_for_write(APIREF_REL_PATH + full_name + '.rst')
                f.write('.. _' + full_name + ':\n\n:orphan:\n\n')
                f.write(create_heading_str(full_name, '*') + '\n\n')

            if len(doc) == 0:

Exemplo n.º 6
def generate_simple_object_doc(pandas_name,
    Generates documentation for Pandas object obj according to flags.

    For complex objects such as modules and classes the function does not go to sub-objects,
    i.e. to class attributes and sub-modules of the module.

    :param pandas_name: Pandas object for which documentation to be generated.
    :param short_doc_flag: Flag to indicate that only short description for the object is needed.
    :param doc_from_pandas_flag: Flag to indicate that the documentation must be taken from Pandas docstring.
           This docstring can be extended with Intel SDC specific sections. These are See Also, Examples,
           Notes, Warning, Limitations, etc. if ``add_sdc_sections`` flag is set.
    :param add_sdc_sections: Flag to indicate that extra sections of the documentation need to be taken from Intel SDC.
           If ``doc_from_pandas_flag==False`` then the description section is taken from Intel SDC too. Otherwise
           Intel SDC description section will be cut and Pandas API description will be used instead.
    :param unsupported_warning: Flag, if ``True`` includes warning message if corresponding Intel SDC object is not
           found. This indicates that given SDC method is unsupported.
    :param reformat_pandas: Flag, if ``True`` re-formats Parameters section to :param: style. Needed to work around
           Sphinx generator issues for Pandas Parameters section written in NumPy style
    :return: Generated docstring.

    doc = ''
    pandas_obj = get_obj(pandas_name)
    if pandas_obj is None:
        return doc  # Empty documentation for no-object

    if doc_from_pandas_flag:  # Check if documentation needs to be generated from Pandas docstring
        if short_doc_flag:  # Check if only short description is needed
            doc = get_short_description(
                pandas_obj)  # Short description is requested
            # Exclude Examples, Notes, See Also, References sections
            sections = split_in_sections(reindent(get_docstring(pandas_obj),
            while len(sections) > 0:
                title, text = sections[0]
                if title.strip() == '':  # Description sections
                    doc += text + '\n\n'
                elif title.strip() == 'Examples':  # Exclude Examples section
                elif title.strip(
                ) == 'Notes':  # Exclude Notes section (may be too specific to Pandas)
                elif title.strip().lower(
                ) == 'see also':  # Exclude See Also section (may be too specific to Pandas)
                elif title.strip(
                ) == 'References':  # Exclude References section (may be too specific to Pandas)
                elif title.strip() == 'Parameters' or title.strip() == 'Raises' or title.strip() == 'Return' or \
                        title.strip() == 'Returns':
                    if reformat_pandas:
                        doc += reformat_pandas_params(title, text)
                        doc += create_heading_str(
                            title) + '\n\n' + text + '\n\n'
                    doc += create_heading_str(title) + '\n\n' + text + '\n\n'

    if not add_sdc_sections:
        if reformat_pandas:
            return reformat(doc)
            return doc

    # Here if additional sections from Intel SDC object needs to be added to pandas_obj docstring
    sdc_obj = get_sdc_object_by_pandas_name(pandas_name)
    if sdc_obj is None:
        if unsupported_warning:
            if reformat_pandas:
                doc = reformat(doc)

            if short_doc_flag:
                return doc + ' **Unsupported by Intel SDC**.'
                return doc + '\n\n.. warning::\n    This feature is currently unsupported ' \
                                      'by Intel Scalable Dataframe Compiler\n\n'

    if not short_doc_flag:
        sdc_doc = get_docstring(sdc_obj)
        sdc_doc = cut_sdc_dev_guide(sdc_doc)

        # Cut description section from ``sdc_doc``
        if is_sdc_user_guide_header(
                sdc_doc[0]):  # First section is SDC User Guide header

        if doc_from_pandas_flag:
            # Ignore description from Intel SDC, keep Pandas description only
            while len(sdc_doc) > 0:
                title, text = sdc_doc[0]
                if title.strip() != '':

        indent = get_indent(doc)
        for title, text in sdc_doc:
            if title.strip() == '':
                doc += '\n' + reindent(text, indent)
                doc += '\n' + reindent(create_heading_str(title), indent) + '\n' + \
                       reindent(text, indent) + '\n'

    return reformat(doc)