Exemplo n.º 1
def example_rotation_ckks():
    print("Example: Rotation / Rotation in CKKS");

    #Rotations in the CKKS scheme work very similarly to rotations in BFV.
    parms = EncryptionParameters(scheme_type.CKKS)

    poly_modulus_degree = 8192
        poly_modulus_degree, IntVector([40, 40, 40, 40, 40])))

    context = SEALContext.Create(parms)

    keygen = KeyGenerator(context)
    public_key = keygen.public_key()
    secret_key = keygen.secret_key()
    relin_keys = keygen.relin_keys()
    gal_keys = keygen.galois_keys()
    encryptor = Encryptor(context, public_key)
    evaluator = Evaluator(context)
    decryptor = Decryptor(context, secret_key)

    ckks_encoder = CKKSEncoder(context)

    slot_count = ckks_encoder.slot_count()
    print("Number of slots: {}".format(slot_count))

    step_size = 1.0 / (slot_count - 1)
    input = DoubleVector(list(map(lambda x: x*step_size, range(0, slot_count))))


    scale = 2.0**50

    print("Encode and encrypt.")
    plain = Plaintext() 
    ckks_encoder.encode(input, scale, plain)
    encrypted = Ciphertext() 
    encryptor.encrypt(plain, encrypted)

    rotated = Ciphertext()  
    print("Rotate 2 steps left.")
    evaluator.rotate_vector(encrypted, 2, gal_keys, rotated)
    print("    + Decrypt and decode ...... Correct.")
    decryptor.decrypt(rotated, plain)
    result = DoubleVector()
    ckks_encoder.decode(plain, result)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def with_env(cls):
        parms = EncryptionParameters(scheme_type.CKKS)
            CoeffModulus.Create(POLY_MODULUS_DEGREE, PRIME_SIZE_LIST))

        context = SEALContext.Create(parms)

        keygen = KeyGenerator(context)
        public_key = keygen.public_key()
        secret_key = keygen.secret_key()
        relin_keys = keygen.relin_keys()
        galois_keys = keygen.galois_keys()

        return cls(context=context,
Exemplo n.º 3
def example_rotation_bfv():
    print("Example: Rotation / Rotation in BFV")

    parms = EncryptionParameters(scheme_type.BFV)

    poly_modulus_degree = 8192
    parms.set_plain_modulus(PlainModulus.Batching(poly_modulus_degree, 20))

    context = SEALContext.Create(parms)

    keygen = KeyGenerator(context)
    public_key = keygen.public_key()
    secret_key = keygen.secret_key()
    relin_keys = keygen.relin_keys()
    encryptor = Encryptor(context, public_key)
    evaluator = Evaluator(context)
    decryptor = Decryptor(context, secret_key)

    batch_encoder = BatchEncoder(context)
    slot_count = batch_encoder.slot_count()
    row_size = int(slot_count / 2)
    print("Plaintext matrix row size: {}".format(row_size))

    pod_matrix = UInt64Vector([0]*slot_count)
    pod_matrix[0] = 0
    pod_matrix[1] = 1
    pod_matrix[2] = 2
    pod_matrix[3] = 3
    pod_matrix[row_size] = 4
    pod_matrix[row_size + 1] = 5
    pod_matrix[row_size + 2] = 6
    pod_matrix[row_size + 3] = 7

    print("Input plaintext matrix:")
    print_matrix(pod_matrix, row_size)

    #First we use BatchEncoder to encode the matrix into a plaintext. We encrypt
    #the plaintext as usual.

    plain_matrix = Plaintext()  
    print("Encode and encrypt.")
    batch_encoder.encode(pod_matrix, plain_matrix)
    encrypted_matrix = Ciphertext() 
    encryptor.encrypt(plain_matrix, encrypted_matrix)
    print("    + Noise budget in fresh encryption: {} bits".format(

    #Rotations require yet another type of special key called `Galois keys'. These
    #are easily obtained from the KeyGenerator.

    gal_keys = keygen.galois_keys()

    #Now rotate both matrix rows 3 steps to the left, decrypt, decode, and print.
    print("Rotate rows 3 steps left.")
    evaluator.rotate_rows_inplace(encrypted_matrix, 3, gal_keys)
    plain_result = Plaintext()  
    print("    + Noise budget after rotation: {} bits".format(
    print("    + Decrypt and decode ...... Correct.")
    decryptor.decrypt(encrypted_matrix, plain_result)
    batch_encoder.decode(plain_result, pod_matrix)
    print_matrix(pod_matrix, row_size)

    #We can also rotate the columns, i.e., swap the rows.
    print("Rotate columns.")
    evaluator.rotate_columns_inplace(encrypted_matrix, gal_keys)
    print("    + Noise budget after rotation: {} bits".format(
    print("    + Decrypt and decode ...... Correct.")
    decryptor.decrypt(encrypted_matrix, plain_result)
    batch_encoder.decode(plain_result, pod_matrix)
    print_matrix(pod_matrix, row_size)

    #Finally, we rotate the rows 4 steps to the right, decrypt, decode, and print.
    print("Rotate rows 4 steps right.")
    evaluator.rotate_rows_inplace(encrypted_matrix, -4, gal_keys)
    print("    + Noise budget after rotation: {} bits".format(
    print("    + Decrypt and decode ...... Correct.")
    decryptor.decrypt(encrypted_matrix, plain_result)
    batch_encoder.decode(plain_result, pod_matrix)
    print_matrix(pod_matrix, row_size)
Exemplo n.º 4
def example_levels():
    print("Example: Levels")

    #In this examples we describe the concept of `levels' in BFV and CKKS and the
    #related objects that represent them in Microsoft SEAL.
    #In Microsoft SEAL a set of encryption parameters (excluding the random number
    #generator) is identified uniquely by a 256-bit hash of the parameters. This
    #hash is called the `parms_id' and can be easily accessed and printed at any
    #time. The hash will change as soon as any of the parameters is changed.
    #When a SEALContext is created from a given EncryptionParameters instance,
    #Microsoft SEAL automatically creates a so-called `modulus switching chain',
    #which is a chain of other encryption parameters derived from the original set.
    #The parameters in the modulus switching chain are the same as the original
    #parameters with the exception that size of the coefficient modulus is
    #decreasing going down the chain. More precisely, each parameter set in the
    #chain attempts to remove the last coefficient modulus prime from the
    #previous set; this continues until the parameter set is no longer valid
    #(e.g., plain_modulus is larger than the remaining coeff_modulus). It is easy
    #to walk through the chain and access all the parameter sets. Additionally,
    #each parameter set in the chain has a `chain index' that indicates its
    #position in the chain so that the last set has index 0. We say that a set
    #of encryption parameters, or an object carrying those encryption parameters,
    #is at a higher level in the chain than another set of parameters if its the
    #chain index is bigger, i.e., it is earlier in the chain.
    #Each set of parameters in the chain involves unique pre-computations performed
    #when the SEALContext is created, and stored in a SEALContext::ContextData
    #object. The chain is basically a linked list of SEALContext::ContextData
    #objects, and can easily be accessed through the SEALContext at any time. Each
    #node can be identified by the parms_id of its specific encryption parameters
    #(poly_modulus_degree remains the same but coeff_modulus varies).

    parms = EncryptionParameters(scheme_type.BFV)

    poly_modulus_degree = 8192

    #In this example we use a custom coeff_modulus, consisting of 5 primes of
    #sizes 50, 30, 30, 50, and 50 bits. Note that this is still OK according to
    #the explanation in `1_bfv_basics.cpp'. Indeed,
    #    CoeffModulus::MaxBitCount(poly_modulus_degree)
    #returns 218 (greater than 50+30+30+50+50=210).
    #Due to the modulus switching chain, the order of the 5 primes is significant.
    #The last prime has a special meaning and we call it the `special prime'. Thus,
    #the first parameter set in the modulus switching chain is the only one that
    #involves the special prime. All key objects, such as SecretKey, are created
    #at this highest level. All data objects, such as Ciphertext, can be only at
    #lower levels. The special prime should be as large as the largest of the
    #other primes in the coeff_modulus, although this is not a strict requirement.
    #          special prime +---------+
    #                                  |
    #                                  v
    #coeff_modulus: { 50, 30, 30, 50, 50 }  +---+  Level 4 (all keys; `key level')
    #                                           |
    #                                           |
    #    coeff_modulus: { 50, 30, 30, 50 }  +---+  Level 3 (highest `data level')
    #                                           |
    #                                           |
    #        coeff_modulus: { 50, 30, 30 }  +---+  Level 2
    #                                           |
    #                                           |
    #            coeff_modulus: { 50, 30 }  +---+  Level 1
    #                                           |
    #                                           |
    #                coeff_modulus: { 50 }  +---+  Level 0 (lowest level)

                            IntVector([50, 30, 30, 50, 50])))

    #In this example the plain_modulus does not play much of a role; we choose
    #some reasonable value.

    parms.set_plain_modulus(PlainModulus.Batching(poly_modulus_degree, 20))

    context = SEALContext.Create(parms)

    #There are convenience method for accessing the SEALContext::ContextData for
    #some of the most important levels:
    #    SEALContext::key_context_data(): access to key level ContextData
    #    SEALContext::first_context_data(): access to highest data level ContextData
    #    SEALContext::last_context_data(): access to lowest level ContextData
    #We iterate over the chain and print the parms_id for each set of parameters.

    print("Print the modulus switching chain.")

    #First print the key level parameter information.

    context_data = context.key_context_data()
    print("----> Level (chain index): {} ...... key_context_data()".format(
    print("      parms_id: {}".format(list2hex(context_data.parms_id())))
    print("coeff_modulus primes:", end=' ')
    for prime in context_data.parms().coeff_modulus():
        print(hex(prime.value()), end=' ')
    print(" \\-->")

    #Next iterate over the remaining (data) levels.

    context_data = context.first_context_data()
    while (context_data):
        print(" Level (chain index): {} ".format(context_data.chain_index()),
        if context_data.parms_id() == context.first_parms_id():
            print(" ...... first_context_data()")
        elif context_data.parms_id() == context.last_parms_id():
            print(" ...... last_context_data()")
        print("      parms_id: {}".format(list2hex(context_data.parms_id())))
        print("coeff_modulus primes:", end=' ')
        for prime in context_data.parms().coeff_modulus():
            print(hex(prime.value()), end=' ')
        print(" \\-->")

        #Step forward in the chain.
        context_data = context_data.next_context_data()

    print(" End of chain reached")

    #We create some keys and check that indeed they appear at the highest level.

    keygen = KeyGenerator(context)
    public_key = keygen.public_key()
    secret_key = keygen.secret_key()
    relin_keys = keygen.relin_keys()
    galois_keys = keygen.galois_keys()
    print("Print the parameter IDs of generated elements.")
    print("    + public_key:  {}".format(list2hex(public_key.parms_id())))
    print("    + secret_key:  {}".format(list2hex(secret_key.parms_id())))
    print("    + relin_keys:  {}".format(list2hex(relin_keys.parms_id())))
    print("    + galois_keys: {}".format(list2hex(galois_keys.parms_id())))

    encryptor = Encryptor(context, public_key)
    evaluator = Evaluator(context)
    decryptor = Decryptor(context, secret_key)

    #In the BFV scheme plaintexts do not carry a parms_id, but ciphertexts do. Note
    #how the freshly encrypted ciphertext is at the highest data level.

    plain = Plaintext("1x^3 + 2x^2 + 3x^1 + 4")
    encrypted = Ciphertext()
    encryptor.encrypt(plain, encrypted)
    print("    + plain:       {} (not set in BFV)".format(
    print("    + encrypted:   {}".format(list2hex(encrypted.parms_id())))

    #`Modulus switching' is a technique of changing the ciphertext parameters down
    #in the chain. The function Evaluator::mod_switch_to_next always switches to
    #the next level down the chain, whereas Evaluator::mod_switch_to switches to
    #a parameter set down the chain corresponding to a given parms_id. However, it
    #is impossible to switch up in the chain.

    print("Perform modulus switching on encrypted and print.")
    context_data = context.first_context_data()

    while (context_data.next_context_data()):
        print(" Level (chain index): {} ".format(context_data.chain_index()))
        print("      parms_id of encrypted: {}".format(
        print("      Noise budget at this level: {} bits".format(
        print(" \\-->")
        context_data = context_data.next_context_data()

    print(" Level (chain index): {}".format(context_data.chain_index()))
    print("      parms_id of encrypted: {}".format(encrypted.parms_id()))
    print("      Noise budget at this level: {} bits".format(
    print(" \\-->")
    print(" End of chain reached")

    #At this point it is hard to see any benefit in doing this: we lost a huge
    #amount of noise budget (i.e., computational power) at each switch and seemed
    #to get nothing in return. Decryption still works.

    print("Decrypt still works after modulus switching.")
    decryptor.decrypt(encrypted, plain)
    print("    + Decryption of encrypted: {} ...... Correct.".format(

    #However, there is a hidden benefit: the size of the ciphertext depends
    #linearly on the number of primes in the coefficient modulus. Thus, if there
    #is no need or intention to perform any further computations on a given
    #ciphertext, we might as well switch it down to the smallest (last) set of
    #parameters in the chain before sending it back to the secret key holder for
    #Also the lost noise budget is actually not an issue at all, if we do things
    #right, as we will see below.
    #First we recreate the original ciphertext and perform some computations.

    print("Computation is more efficient with modulus switching.")
    print("Compute the 8th power.")
    encryptor.encrypt(plain, encrypted)
    print("    + Noise budget fresh:                   {} bits".format(
    evaluator.relinearize_inplace(encrypted, relin_keys)
    print("    + Noise budget of the 2nd power:         {} bits".format(
    evaluator.relinearize_inplace(encrypted, relin_keys)
    print("    + Noise budget of the 4th power:         {} bits".format(

    #Surprisingly, in this case modulus switching has no effect at all on the
    #noise budget.

    print("    + Noise budget after modulus switching:  {} bits".format(

    #This means that there is no harm at all in dropping some of the coefficient
    #modulus after doing enough computations. In some cases one might want to
    #switch to a lower level slightly earlier, actually sacrificing some of the
    #noise budget in the process, to gain computational performance from having
    #smaller parameters. We see from the print-out that the next modulus switch
    #should be done ideally when the noise budget is down to around 25 bits.

    evaluator.relinearize_inplace(encrypted, relin_keys)
    print("    + Noise budget of the 8th power:         {} bits".format(
    print("    + Noise budget after modulus switching:  {} bits".format(

    #At this point the ciphertext still decrypts correctly, has very small size,
    #and the computation was as efficient as possible. Note that the decryptor
    #can be used to decrypt a ciphertext at any level in the modulus switching

    decryptor.decrypt(encrypted, plain)
    print("    + Decryption of the 8th power (hexadecimal) ...... Correct.")
    print("    {}".format(plain.to_string()))

    #In BFV modulus switching is not necessary and in some cases the user might
    #not want to create the modulus switching chain, except for the highest two
    #levels. This can be done by passing a bool `false' to SEALContext::Create.

    context = SEALContext.Create(parms, False)

    #We can check that indeed the modulus switching chain has been created only
    #for the highest two levels (key level and highest data level). The following
    #loop should execute only once.

    print("Optionally disable modulus switching chain expansion.")
    print("Print the modulus switching chain.")

    context_data = context.key_context_data()
    while (context_data):
        print(" Level (chain index): {}".format(context_data.chain_index()))
        print("      parms_id: {}".format(list2hex(context_data.parms_id())))
        print("coeff_modulus primes:", end=' ')
        for prime in context_data.parms().coeff_modulus():
            print(hex(prime.value()), end=' ')
        print(" \\-->")
        context_data = context_data.next_context_data()

    print(" End of chain reached")
Exemplo n.º 5
class FheBuilder(object):
    secret_key = None
    public_key = None
    galois_keys = None
    encryptor = None
    decryptor = None

    def __init__(self, modulus, degree):
        self.modulus = modulus
        self.degree = degree
        self.acceptable_degree = [1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384]
        if self.degree not in self.acceptable_degree:
            raise Exception(f"Get {self.degree}, but expect degree {self.acceptable_degree}")

        self.parms = EncryptionParameters(scheme_type.BFV)
        # self.parms.set_coeff_modulus(CoeffModulus.Create(self.degree, [60]))
        # print(self.parms.coeff_modulus()[0].value())
        self.context = SEALContext.Create(self.parms)
        self.keygen = KeyGenerator(self.context)
        self.evaluator = Evaluator(self.context)
        self.batch_encoder = BatchEncoder(self.context)

    def generate_keys(self):
        self.secret_key = self.keygen.secret_key()
        self.public_key = self.keygen.public_key()
        self.encryptor = Encryptor(self.context, self.public_key)
        self.decryptor = Decryptor(self.context, self.secret_key)

    def generate_galois_keys(self):
        self.galois_keys = self.keygen.galois_keys()

    def get_public_key_buffer(self) -> torch.Tensor:
        if self.public_key is None:
            self.public_key = self.keygen.public_key()
        return torch_from_buffer(self.public_key)

    def build_from_loaded_public_key(self):
        self.encryptor = Encryptor(self.context, self.public_key)

    def get_secret_key_buffer(self) -> torch.Tensor:
        if self.secret_key is None:
            self.secret_key = self.keygen.secret_key()
        return torch_from_buffer(self.secret_key)

    def build_from_loaded_secret_key(self):
        self.decryptor = Decryptor(self.context, self.secret_key)

    def build_enc(self, num_elem, is_cheap_init=False) -> FheEncTensor:
        return FheEncTensor(num_elem, self.modulus, self.degree,
                            self.context, self.evaluator, self.batch_encoder, self.encryptor,

    def build_enc_from_torch(self, torch_tensor) -> FheEncTensor:
        res = self.build_enc(get_prod(torch_tensor.size()))
        return res

    def build_plain(self, num_elem) -> FhePlainTensor:
        return FhePlainTensor(num_elem, self.modulus, self.degree, self.context, self.evaluator, self.batch_encoder)

    def build_plain_from_torch(self, torch_tensor) -> FhePlainTensor:
        res = self.build_plain(get_prod(torch_tensor.size()))
        return res

    def decrypt_to_torch(self, fhe_enc_tensor: FheEncTensor, dst=None, to="gpu") -> torch.Tensor:
        def sub_decrypt(enc):
            return enc.decrypt(self.decryptor, dst=dst, to=to)

        if isinstance(fhe_enc_tensor, FheEncTensor):
            return sub_decrypt(fhe_enc_tensor)
        elif isinstance(fhe_enc_tensor, list):
            return torch.stack(list(map(sub_decrypt, fhe_enc_tensor)))
            raise Exception(f"Unexpected type of fhe_enc_tensor: {fhe_enc_tensor}")

    def noise_budget(self, fhe_enc_tensor: FheEncTensor, name=None):
        noise_bits = self.decryptor.invariant_noise_budget(fhe_enc_tensor.cts[0])
        if name is not None:
            print(f"{name} noise budget {noise_bits} bits")
        return noise_bits