Exemplo n.º 1
def field2d(src_lon, src_lat, src_field, dest_lon, dest_lat, dest_mask=None,
            nx=0, ny=0, weight=10, threads=2, pmap=None):
    Given a 2D field with time (dimensions [time, lat, lon]), interpolate
    onto a new grid and return the new field. This is a helper function
    when needing to interpolate data within files, etc.

    src_lon: numpy.ndarray
        longitude that field is on
    src_lat: numpy.ndarray
        latitude that field is on
    src_field: numpy.ndarray
        field to interpolate
    dest_lon: numpy.ndarray
        output longitudes to interpolate to
    dest_lat: numpy.ndarray
        output latitudes to interpolate to
    dest_mask: numpy.ndarray, optional
        mask to apply to interpolated data
    reftime: datetime, optional:
        Reference time as the epoch for z-grid file
    nx : float, optional:
        decorrelation length-scale for OA (same units as source data)
    ny : float, optional:
        decorrelation length-scale for OA (same units as source data)
    weight : int, optional:
        number of points to use in weighting matrix
    threads : int, optional:
        number of processing threads
    pmap : numpy.ndarray, optional:
        use the specified pmap rather than compute it

        interpolated field on the destination grid
        the pmap used in the inerpolation
    if pmap is None:
        tmp, pmap = seapy.oasurf(src_lon, src_lat, src_lat,
                                 dest_lon, dest_lat, weight=weight, nx=nx, ny=ny)
    if dest_mask is None:
        dest_mask = np.ones(dest_lat.shape)
    records = np.arange(0, src_field.shape[0])
    maxrecs = np.maximum(1,
                                    np.int(_max_memory /
                                           (dest_lon.nbytes + src_lon.nbytes))))
    for rn, recs in enumerate(seapy.chunker(records, maxrecs)):
        nfield = np.ma.array(Parallel(n_jobs=threads, verbose=2)
                                 src_lon, src_lat, src_field[i, :, :],
                                 dest_lon, dest_lat,
                                 pmap, weight,
                                 nx, ny, dest_mask)
                              for i in recs), copy=False)
    return nfield, pmap
Exemplo n.º 2
def field2d(src_lon, src_lat, src_field, dest_lon, dest_lat, dest_mask=None,
            nx=0, ny=0, weight=10, threads=2, pmap=None):
    Given a 2D field with time (dimensions [time, lat, lon]), interpolate
    onto a new grid and return the new field. This is a helper function
    when needing to interpolate data within files, etc.

    src_lon: numpy.ndarray
        longitude that field is on
    src_lat: numpy.ndarray
        latitude that field is on
    src_field: numpy.ndarray
        field to interpolate
    dest_lon: numpy.ndarray
        output longitudes to interpolate to
    dest_lat: numpy.ndarray
        output latitudes to interpolate to
    dest_mask: numpy.ndarray, optional
        mask to apply to interpolated data
    reftime: datetime, optional:
        Reference time as the epoch for z-grid file
    nx : float, optional:
        decorrelation length-scale for OA (same units as source data)
    ny : float, optional:
        decorrelation length-scale for OA (same units as source data)
    weight : int, optional:
        number of points to use in weighting matrix
    threads : int, optional:
        number of processing threads
    pmap : numpy.ndarray, optional:
        use the specified pmap rather than compute it

        interpolated field on the destination grid
        the pmap used in the inerpolation
    if pmap is None:
        tmp, pmap = seapy.oasurf(src_lon, src_lat, src_lat,
                                 dest_lon, dest_lat, weight=weight, nx=nx, ny=ny)
    if dest_mask is None:
        dest_mask = np.ones(dest_lat.shape)
    records = np.arange(0, src_field.shape[0])
    maxrecs = np.maximum(1,
                                    np.int(_max_memory /
                                           (dest_lon.nbytes + src_lon.nbytes))))
    for rn, recs in enumerate(seapy.chunker(records, maxrecs)):
        nfield = np.ma.array(Parallel(n_jobs=threads, verbose=2)
                                 src_lon, src_lat, src_field[i, :, :],
                                 dest_lon, dest_lat,
                                 pmap, weight,
                                 nx, ny, dest_mask)
                              for i in recs), copy=False)
    return nfield, pmap
Exemplo n.º 3
def __interp_grids(src_grid, child_grid, ncout, records=None,
                   threads=2, nx=0, ny=0, weight=10, vmap=None, z_mask=False,
    internal method:  Given a model file (average, history, etc.),
    interpolate the fields onto another gridded file.

    src_grid : seapy.model.grid data source (History, Average, etc. file)
    child_grid : seapy.model.grid output data grid
    ncout : netcdf output file
    [records] : array of the record indices to interpolate
    [threads] : number of processing threads
    [nx] : decorrelation length in grid-cells for x
    [ny] : decorrelation length in grid-cells for y
    [vmap] : variable name mapping
    [z_mask] : mask out depths in z-grids
    [pmap] : use the specified pmap rather than compute it


    # If we don't have a variable map, then do a one-to-one mapping
    if vmap is None:
        vmap = dict()
        for k in seapy.roms.fields:
            vmap[k] = k

    # Generate a file to store the pmap information
    sname = getattr(src_grid, 'name', None)
    cname = getattr(child_grid, 'name', None)
    pmap_file = None if any(v is None for v in (sname, cname)) else \
        sname + "_" + cname + "_pmap.npz"

    # Create or load the pmaps depending on if they exist
    if nx == 0:
        if hasattr(src_grid, "dm") and hasattr(child_grid, "dm"):
            nx = np.ceil(np.mean(src_grid.dm) / np.mean(child_grid.dm))
            nx = 5
    if ny == 0:
        if hasattr(src_grid, "dn") and hasattr(child_grid, "dn"):
            ny = np.ceil(np.mean(src_grid.dn) / np.mean(child_grid.dn))
            ny = 5

    if pmap is None:
        if pmap_file is not None and os.path.isfile(pmap_file):
            pmap = np.load(pmap_file)
            tmp = np.ma.masked_equal(src_grid.mask_rho, 0)
            tmp, pmaprho = seapy.oasurf(src_grid.lon_rho, src_grid.lat_rho,
                                        tmp, child_grid.lon_rho, child_grid.lat_rho,
                                        weight=weight, nx=nx, ny=ny)
            tmp = np.ma.masked_equal(src_grid.mask_u, 0)
            tmp, pmapu = seapy.oasurf(src_grid.lon_u, src_grid.lat_u,
                                      tmp, child_grid.lon_rho, child_grid.lat_rho,
                                      weight=weight, nx=nx, ny=ny)
            tmp = np.ma.masked_equal(src_grid.mask_v, 0)
            tmp, pmapv = seapy.oasurf(src_grid.lon_v, src_grid.lat_v,
                                      tmp, child_grid.lon_rho, child_grid.lat_rho,
                                      weight=weight, nx=nx, ny=ny)
            if pmap_file is not None:
                np.savez(pmap_file, pmaprho=pmaprho, pmapu=pmapu, pmapv=pmapv)
            pmap = {"pmaprho": pmaprho, "pmapu": pmapu, "pmapv": pmapv}

    # Get the time field
    ncsrc = seapy.netcdf(src_grid.filename)
    time = seapy.roms.get_timevar(ncsrc)

    # Interpolate the depths from the source to final grid
    src_depth = np.min(src_grid.depth_rho, 0)
    dst_depth = __interp2_thread(src_grid.lon_rho, src_grid.lat_rho, src_depth,
                                 child_grid.lon_rho, child_grid.lat_rho, pmap[
                                 weight, nx, ny, child_grid.mask_rho)
    # Interpolate the scalar fields
    records = np.arange(0, ncsrc.variables[time].shape[0]) \
        if records is None else np.atleast_1d(records)
    for src in vmap:
        dest = vmap[src]

        # Extra fields will probably be user tracers (biogeochemical)
        fld = seapy.roms.fields.get(dest, {"dims": 3})

        # Only interpolate the fields we want in the destination
        if (dest not in ncout.variables) or ("rotate" in fld):

        if fld["dims"] == 2:
            # Compute the max number of hold in memory
            maxrecs = np.maximum(1, np.minimum(len(records),
                                               np.int(_max_memory / (child_grid.lon_rho.nbytes +
            for rn, recs in enumerate(seapy.chunker(records, maxrecs)):
                outr = np.s_[
                    rn * maxrecs:np.minimum((rn + 1) * maxrecs, len(records))]
                ndata = np.ma.array(Parallel(n_jobs=threads, verbose=2, max_nbytes=_max_memory)
                                     src_grid.lon_rho, src_grid.lat_rho,
                                     ncsrc.variables[src][i, :, :],
                                     child_grid.lon_rho, child_grid.lat_rho,
                                     pmap["pmaprho"], weight,
                                     nx, ny, child_grid.mask_rho)
                                     for i in recs), copy=False)
                ncout.variables[dest][outr, :, :] = ndata
            maxrecs = np.maximum(1, np.minimum(
                len(records), np.int(_max_memory /
                                     (child_grid.lon_rho.nbytes *
                                      child_grid.n +
                                      src_grid.lon_rho.nbytes *
            for rn, recs in enumerate(seapy.chunker(records, maxrecs)):
                outr = np.s_[
                    rn * maxrecs:np.minimum((rn + 1) * maxrecs, len(records))]
                ndata = np.ma.array(Parallel(n_jobs=threads, verbose=2, max_nbytes=_max_memory)
                                        src_grid.lon_rho, src_grid.lat_rho,
                                        ncsrc.variables[src][i, :, :, :],
                                        child_grid.lon_rho, child_grid.lat_rho,
                                        pmap["pmaprho"], weight,
                                        nx, ny, child_grid.mask_rho,
                                        up_factor=_up_scaling.get(dest, 1.0),
                                        down_factor=_down_scaling.get(dest, 1.0))
                                     for i in recs), copy=False)
                if z_mask:
                    __mask_z_grid(ndata, dst_depth, child_grid.depth_rho)
                ncout.variables[dest][outr, :, :, :] = ndata

    # Rotate and Interpolate the vector fields. First, determine which
    # are the "u" and the "v" vmap fields
        velmap = {
            "u": list(vmap.keys())[list(vmap.values()).index("u")],
            "v": list(vmap.keys())[list(vmap.values()).index("v")]}
        warn("velocity not present in source file")

    srcangle = src_grid.angle if src_grid.cgrid else None
    dstangle = child_grid.angle if child_grid.cgrid else None
    maxrecs = np.minimum(len(records),
                         np.int(_max_memory /
                                (2 * (child_grid.lon_rho.nbytes *
                                      child_grid.n +
                                      src_grid.lon_rho.nbytes *
    for nr, recs in enumerate(seapy.chunker(records, maxrecs)):
        vel = Parallel(n_jobs=threads, verbose=2, max_nbytes=_max_memory)(delayed(__interp3_vel_thread)(
            src_grid.lon_rho, src_grid.lat_rho,
            src_grid.depth_rho, srcangle,
            ncsrc.variables[velmap["u"]][i, :, :, :],
            ncsrc.variables[velmap["v"]][i, :, :, :],
            child_grid.lon_rho, child_grid.lat_rho,
            child_grid.depth_rho, dstangle,
            pmap["pmaprho"], weight, nx, ny,
            child_grid.mask_rho) for i in recs)

        for j in range(len(vel)):
            vel_u = np.ma.array(vel[j][0], copy=False)
            vel_v = np.ma.array(vel[j][1], copy=False)
            if z_mask:
                __mask_z_grid(vel_u, dst_depth, child_grid.depth_rho)
                __mask_z_grid(vel_v, dst_depth, child_grid.depth_rho)

            if child_grid.cgrid:
                vel_u = seapy.model.rho2u(vel_u)
                vel_v = seapy.model.rho2v(vel_v)

            ncout.variables["u"][nr * maxrecs + j, :] = vel_u
            ncout.variables["v"][nr * maxrecs + j, :] = vel_v

            if "ubar" in ncout.variables:
                # Create ubar and vbar
                # depth = seapy.adddim(child_grid.depth_u, vel_u.shape[0])
                ncout.variables["ubar"][nr * maxrecs + j, :] = \
                    np.sum(vel_u * child_grid.depth_u, axis=0) /  \
                    np.sum(child_grid.depth_u, axis=0)

            if "vbar" in ncout.variables:
                # depth = seapy.adddim(child_grid.depth_v, vel_v.shape[0])
                ncout.variables["vbar"][nr * maxrecs + j, :] = \
                    np.sum(vel_v * child_grid.depth_v, axis=0) /  \
                    np.sum(child_grid.depth_v, axis=0)


    # Return the pmap that was used
    return pmap
Exemplo n.º 4
    print("Usage: {:s} input_file output_file".format(sys.argv[0]))

print("Convert {:s} to {:s}".format(infile, outfile))
maxrecs = 30

# Get the parameters
inc = seapy.netcdf(infile)
lat = len(inc.dimensions['lat'])
lon = len(inc.dimensions['lon'])
epoch, tvar = seapy.roms.get_reftime(inc)

# Create the new file
onc = seapy.roms.ncgen.create_frc_bulk(
    outfile, lat=lat, lon=lon, reftime=epoch, clobber=True)

# Save the times
onc.variables['time'][:] = inc.variables[tvar][:]
ntimes = len(onc.dimensions['time'])
onc.variables['lat'][:] = inc.variables['lat'][:]
onc.variables['lon'][:] = inc.variables['lon'][:]

# Copy the variables
for v in seapy.roms.forcing.fields:
    print("{:s}, ".format(v), end='', flush=True)
    for l in seapy.chunker(np.arange(ntimes), maxrecs):
        onc.variables[v][l, :] = inc.variables[v][l, :]
Exemplo n.º 5
    print("Usage: {:s} input_file output_file".format(sys.argv[0]))

print("Convert {:s} to {:s}".format(infile, outfile))
maxrecs = 30

# Get the parameters
inc = seapy.netcdf(infile)
eta_rho = len(inc.dimensions['eta_rho'])
xi_rho = len(inc.dimensions['xi_rho'])
s_rho = len(inc.dimensions['s_rho'])
epoch, tvar = seapy.roms.get_reftime(inc)

# Create the new file
onc = seapy.roms.ncgen.create_clim(
    outfile, eta_rho=eta_rho, xi_rho=xi_rho, s_rho=s_rho, reftime=epoch, clobber=True)

# Save the times
onc.variables['clim_time'][:] = inc.variables[tvar][:]
ntimes = len(onc.dimensions['clim_time'])

# Copy the variables
for v in seapy.roms.fields:
    print("{:s}, ".format(v), end='', flush=True)
    for l in seapy.chunker(np.arange(ntimes), maxrecs):
        onc.variables[v][l, :] = inc.variables[v][l, :]
Exemplo n.º 6
def gen_direct_forcing(his_file, frc_file, cdl=None):
    Generate a direct forcing file from a history (or other ROMS output) file. It requires
    that sustr, svstr, shflux, and ssflux (or swflux) with salt be available. This will
    generate a forcing file that contains: sustr, svstr, swflux, and ssflux.

    his_file: string,
      The ROMS history (or other) file(s) (can use wildcards) that contains the fields to
      make forcing from
    frc_file: string,
      The output forcing file
    cdl: string, optional,
        Use the specified CDL file as the definition for the new
        netCDF file.

    None: Generates an output file of bulk forcings
    import os

    infile = seapy.netcdf(his_file)
    ref, _ = seapy.roms.get_reftime(infile)

    # Create the output file
    nc = seapy.roms.ncgen.create_frc_direct(frc_file,
                                            title="Forcing from " +

    # Copy the data over
    time = seapy.roms.num2date(infile, 'ocean_time')
    nc.variables['frc_time'][:] = seapy.roms.date2num(time, nc, 'frc_time')
    for x in seapy.progressbar.progress(seapy.chunker(range(len(time)), 1000)):
        nc.variables['SSS'][x, :, :] = seapy.convolve_mask(
            infile.variables['salt'][x, -1, :, :], copy=False)
        if 'EminusP' in infile.variables:
            nc.variables['swflux'][x, :, :] = seapy.convolve_mask(
                infile.variables['EminusP'][x, :, :], copy=False) * 86400
        elif 'swflux' in infile.variables:
            nc.variables['swflux'][x, :, :] = seapy.convolve_mask(
                infile.variables['swflux'][x, :, :], copy=False)
            nc.variables['swflux'][x, :, :] = seapy.convolve_mask(
                infile.variables['ssflux'][x, :, :]
                / nc.variables['SSS'][x, :, :], copy=False)

        for f in ("sustr", "svstr", "shflux", "swrad"):
            if f in infile.variables:
                nc.variables[f][x, :, :] = seapy.convolve_mask(
                    infile.variables[f][x, :, :], copy=False)

    for f in ("lat_rho", "lat_u", "lat_v", "lon_rho", "lon_u", "lon_v"):
        if f in infile.variables:
            nc.variables[f][:] = infile.variables[f][:]
Exemplo n.º 7
def gen_direct_forcing(his_file, frc_file, cdl=None):
    Generate a direct forcing file from a history (or other ROMS output) file. It requires
    that sustr, svstr, shflux, and ssflux (or swflux) with salt be available. This will
    generate a forcing file that contains: sustr, svstr, swflux, and ssflux.

    his_file: string,
      The ROMS history (or other) file(s) (can use wildcards) that contains the fields to
      make forcing from
    frc_file: string,
      The output forcing file
    cdl: string, optional,
        Use the specified CDL file as the definition for the new
        netCDF file.

    None: Generates an output file of bulk forcings
    import os

    infile = seapy.netcdf(his_file)
    ref, _ = seapy.roms.get_reftime(infile)

    # Create the output file
    nc = seapy.roms.ncgen.create_frc_direct(
        title="Forcing from " + os.path.basename(his_file),

    # Copy the data over
    time = seapy.roms.num2date(infile, 'ocean_time')
    nc.variables['frc_time'][:] = seapy.roms.date2num(time, nc, 'frc_time')
    for x in seapy.progressbar.progress(seapy.chunker(range(len(time)), 1000)):
        nc.variables['SSS'][x, :, :] = seapy.convolve_mask(
            infile.variables['salt'][x, -1, :, :], copy=False)
        if 'EminusP' in infile.variables:
            nc.variables['swflux'][x, :, :] = seapy.convolve_mask(
                infile.variables['EminusP'][x, :, :], copy=False) * 86400
        elif 'swflux' in infile.variables:
            nc.variables['swflux'][x, :, :] = seapy.convolve_mask(
                infile.variables['swflux'][x, :, :], copy=False)
            nc.variables['swflux'][x, :, :] = seapy.convolve_mask(
                infile.variables['ssflux'][x, :, :] /
                nc.variables['SSS'][x, :, :],

        for f in ("sustr", "svstr", "shflux", "swrad"):
            if f in infile.variables:
                nc.variables[f][x, :, :] = seapy.convolve_mask(
                    infile.variables[f][x, :, :], copy=False)

    for f in ("lat_rho", "lat_u", "lat_v", "lon_rho", "lon_u", "lon_v"):
        if f in infile.variables:
            nc.variables[f][:] = infile.variables[f][:]
Exemplo n.º 8
def __interp_grids(src_grid, child_grid, ncsrc, ncout, records=None,
                   threads=2, nx=0, ny=0, weight=10, vmap=None, z_mask=False,
    internal method:  Given a model file (average, history, etc.),
    interpolate the fields onto another gridded file.

    src_grid : seapy.model.grid data of source
    child_grid : seapy.model.grid output data grid
    ncsrc : netcdf input file  (History, Average, etc. file)
    ncout : netcdf output file
    [records] : array of the record indices to interpolate
    [threads] : number of processing threads
    [nx] : decorrelation length in grid-cells for x
    [ny] : decorrelation length in grid-cells for y
    [vmap] : variable name mapping
    [z_mask] : mask out depths in z-grids
    [pmap] : use the specified pmap rather than compute it


    # If we don't have a variable map, then do a one-to-one mapping
    if vmap is None:
        vmap = dict()
        for k in seapy.roms.fields:
            vmap[k] = k

    # Generate a file to store the pmap information
    sname = getattr(src_grid, 'name', None)
    cname = getattr(child_grid, 'name', None)
    pmap_file = None if any(v is None for v in (sname, cname)) else \
        sname + "_" + cname + "_pmap.npz"

    # Create or load the pmaps depending on if they exist
    if nx == 0:
        if hasattr(src_grid, "dm") and hasattr(child_grid, "dm"):
            nx = np.ceil(np.mean(src_grid.dm) / np.mean(child_grid.dm))
            nx = 5
    if ny == 0:
        if hasattr(src_grid, "dn") and hasattr(child_grid, "dn"):
            ny = np.ceil(np.mean(src_grid.dn) / np.mean(child_grid.dn))
            ny = 5

    if pmap is None:
        if pmap_file is not None and os.path.isfile(pmap_file):
            pmap = np.load(pmap_file)
            tmp = np.ma.masked_equal(src_grid.mask_rho, 0)
            tmp, pmaprho = seapy.oasurf(src_grid.lon_rho, src_grid.lat_rho,
                                        tmp, child_grid.lon_rho, child_grid.lat_rho,
                                        weight=weight, nx=nx, ny=ny)
            tmp = np.ma.masked_equal(src_grid.mask_u, 0)
            tmp, pmapu = seapy.oasurf(src_grid.lon_u, src_grid.lat_u,
                                      tmp, child_grid.lon_rho, child_grid.lat_rho,
                                      weight=weight, nx=nx, ny=ny)
            tmp = np.ma.masked_equal(src_grid.mask_v, 0)
            tmp, pmapv = seapy.oasurf(src_grid.lon_v, src_grid.lat_v,
                                      tmp, child_grid.lon_rho, child_grid.lat_rho,
                                      weight=weight, nx=nx, ny=ny)
            if pmap_file is not None:
                np.savez(pmap_file, pmaprho=pmaprho, pmapu=pmapu, pmapv=pmapv)
            pmap = {"pmaprho": pmaprho, "pmapu": pmapu, "pmapv": pmapv}

    # Get the time field
    time = seapy.roms.get_timevar(ncsrc)

    # Interpolate the depths from the source to final grid
    src_depth = np.min(src_grid.depth_rho, 0)
    dst_depth = __interp2_thread(src_grid.lon_rho, src_grid.lat_rho, src_depth,
                                 child_grid.lon_rho, child_grid.lat_rho, pmap[
                                 weight, nx, ny, child_grid.mask_rho)
    # Interpolate the scalar fields
    records = np.arange(0, ncsrc.variables[time].shape[0]) \
        if records is None else np.atleast_1d(records)
    for src in vmap:
        dest = vmap[src]

        # Extra fields will probably be user tracers (biogeochemical)
        fld = seapy.roms.fields.get(dest, {"dims": 3})

        # Only interpolate the fields we want in the destination
        if (dest not in ncout.variables) or \
           (src not in ncsrc.variables) or \
           ("rotate" in fld):

        if fld["dims"] == 2:
            # Compute the max number of hold in memory
            maxrecs = np.maximum(1, np.minimum(len(records),
                                               np.int(_max_memory / (child_grid.lon_rho.nbytes +
            for rn, recs in enumerate(seapy.chunker(records, maxrecs)):
                outr = np.s_[
                    rn * maxrecs:np.minimum((rn + 1) * maxrecs, len(records))]
                ndata = np.ma.array(Parallel(n_jobs=threads, verbose=2, max_nbytes=_max_memory)
                                     src_grid.lon_rho, src_grid.lat_rho,
                                     ncsrc.variables[src][i, :, :],
                                     child_grid.lon_rho, child_grid.lat_rho,
                                     pmap["pmaprho"], weight,
                                     nx, ny, child_grid.mask_rho)
                                     for i in recs), copy=False)
                ncout.variables[dest][outr, :, :] = ndata
            maxrecs = np.maximum(1, np.minimum(
                len(records), np.int(_max_memory /
                                     (child_grid.lon_rho.nbytes *
                                      child_grid.n +
                                      src_grid.lon_rho.nbytes *
            for rn, recs in enumerate(seapy.chunker(records, maxrecs)):
                outr = np.s_[
                    rn * maxrecs:np.minimum((rn + 1) * maxrecs, len(records))]
                ndata = np.ma.array(Parallel(n_jobs=threads, verbose=2, max_nbytes=_max_memory)
                                        src_grid.lon_rho, src_grid.lat_rho,
                                        ncsrc.variables[src][i, :, :, :],
                                        child_grid.lon_rho, child_grid.lat_rho,
                                        pmap["pmaprho"], weight,
                                        nx, ny, child_grid.mask_rho,
                                        up_factor=_up_scaling.get(dest, 1.0),
                                        down_factor=_down_scaling.get(dest, 1.0))
                                     for i in recs), copy=False)
                if z_mask:
                    __mask_z_grid(ndata, dst_depth, child_grid.depth_rho)
                ncout.variables[dest][outr, :, :, :] = ndata

    # Rotate and Interpolate the vector fields. First, determine which
    # are the "u" and the "v" vmap fields
        velmap = {
            "u": list(vmap.keys())[list(vmap.values()).index("u")],
            "v": list(vmap.keys())[list(vmap.values()).index("v")]}
        warn("velocity not present in source file")

    srcangle = getattr(src_grid, 'angle', None)
    dstangle = getattr(child_grid, 'angle', None)
    maxrecs = np.minimum(len(records),
                         np.int(_max_memory /
                                (2 * (child_grid.lon_rho.nbytes *
                                      child_grid.n +
                                      src_grid.lon_rho.nbytes *
    for nr, recs in enumerate(seapy.chunker(records, maxrecs)):
        vel = Parallel(n_jobs=threads, verbose=2, max_nbytes=_max_memory)(delayed(__interp3_vel_thread)(
            src_grid.lon_rho, src_grid.lat_rho,
            src_grid.depth_rho, srcangle,
            ncsrc.variables[velmap["u"]][i, :, :, :],
            ncsrc.variables[velmap["v"]][i, :, :, :],
            child_grid.lon_rho, child_grid.lat_rho,
            child_grid.depth_rho, dstangle,
            pmap["pmaprho"], weight, nx, ny,
            child_grid.mask_rho) for i in recs)

        for j in range(len(vel)):
            vel_u = np.ma.array(vel[j][0], copy=False)
            vel_v = np.ma.array(vel[j][1], copy=False)
            if z_mask:
                __mask_z_grid(vel_u, dst_depth, child_grid.depth_rho)
                __mask_z_grid(vel_v, dst_depth, child_grid.depth_rho)

            if child_grid.cgrid:
                vel_u = seapy.model.rho2u(vel_u)
                vel_v = seapy.model.rho2v(vel_v)

            ncout.variables["u"][nr * maxrecs + j, :] = vel_u
            ncout.variables["v"][nr * maxrecs + j, :] = vel_v

            if "ubar" in ncout.variables:
                # Create ubar and vbar
                # depth = seapy.adddim(child_grid.depth_u, vel_u.shape[0])
                ncout.variables["ubar"][nr * maxrecs + j, :] = \
                    np.sum(vel_u * child_grid.depth_u, axis=0) /  \
                    np.sum(child_grid.depth_u, axis=0)

            if "vbar" in ncout.variables:
                # depth = seapy.adddim(child_grid.depth_v, vel_v.shape[0])
                ncout.variables["vbar"][nr * maxrecs + j, :] = \
                    np.sum(vel_v * child_grid.depth_v, axis=0) /  \
                    np.sum(child_grid.depth_v, axis=0)


    # Return the pmap that was used
    return pmap