Exemplo n.º 1
    def findPathToClosestDot(self, gameState):
        Returns a path (a list of actions) to the closest dot, starting from

        return search.ucs(AnyFoodSearchProblem(gameState))
Exemplo n.º 2
 def findPathToClosestDot(self, gameState):
     "Returns a path (a list of actions) to the closest dot, starting from gameState"
     # Here are some useful elements of the startState
     startPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
     food = gameState.getFood()
     walls = gameState.getWalls()
     problem = AnyFoodSearchProblem(gameState)
     actionlist = []
     nodes = set()
     fringe = util.PriorityQueue()
     start = search.Node(startPosition, None, 0, None, 0, 0)
     fringe.push(start, 0)
     while not fringe.isEmpty():
         current = fringe.pop()
         if problem.isGoalState(current.state):
             while current.parent != None:
                 current = current.parent
             return actionlist
         if current.state not in nodes:
             for child in problem.getSuccessors(current.state):
                 children = search.Node(child[0], child[1], 0, current, 0, greedy((child[0], food), problem))
                 fringe.push(children, children.heuristic)
     return []
     return search.ucs(problem)
Exemplo n.º 3
def cornersHeuristic(state, problem):
	A heuristic for the CornersProblem that you defined.

	  state:   The current search state
			   (a data structure you chose in your search problem)

	  problem: The CornersProblem instance for this layout.

	This function should always return a number that is a lower bound
	on the shortest path from the state to a goal of the problem; i.e.
	it should be admissible (as well as consistent).
    corners = problem.corners  # These are the corner coordinates
    # These are the walls of the maze, as a Grid (game.py)
    walls = problem.walls

    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"

    totalDist = 0
    node = state[0]
    cornersVisited = state[1]

    l = [
                                      warn=False))) for corner in corners
        if corner not in cornersVisited
    if len(l) == 0:
        return 0
    return max(l)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def findPathToClosestDot(self, gameState):
        Returns a path (a list of actions) to the closest dot, starting from
        # Here are some useful elements of the startState
        startPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        food = gameState.getFood()
        walls = gameState.getWalls()
        problem = AnyFoodSearchProblem(gameState)

        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        uneaten = food.asList()
        #print uneaten
        xy1 = startPosition

        def manhdistance(xy1, xy2):
            return (abs(xy1[0] - xy2[0]) + abs(xy1[1] - xy2[1]))

        priorityqueue = util.PriorityQueue()
        if not len(uneaten) == 0:
            for xy in uneaten:
                #print len(xy)
                d = manhdistance(xy, xy1)
                priorityqueue.push(xy, d)
            problem.goal= priorityqueue.pop()
            #distance = priorityqueue.pop()[1]

        path = search.ucs(problem)
        return path
Exemplo n.º 5
 def solve(start, nodes, weight):
     source  = max((v, k) for k,v in weight[start].items())[1]
     x,y     = source
     nodes[x][y] = False
     problem = PathRouteProblem(source, nodes, weight)
     actions = search.ucs(problem)
     total   = problem.getCostOfActions(actions)
     return (actions, total)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def findPathToClosestDot(self, gameState):
     "Returns a path (a list of actions) to the closest dot, starting from gameState"
     x,y = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
     food = gameState.getFood()
     walls = gameState.getWalls()
     problem = AnyFoodSearchProblem(gameState)
     return search.ucs(problem)
Exemplo n.º 7
def on_click():
    This function defines the action of the 'Next' button.
    global algo, counter, next_button, IT_Del_problem, start, goal
    IT_Del_problem = GraphProblem(start.get(), goal.get(), map_IT_Del)
    if "Uniform Cost Search" == algo.get():
        node = uniform_cost_search(IT_Del_problem)
        if node is not None:
            final_path = ucs(IT_Del_problem).solution()

            show_cost_and_path(final_path, ucs(IT_Del_problem).path_cost)

        counter += 1
Exemplo n.º 8
def maze_distance(point1, point2, game_state):
    return len(
Exemplo n.º 9
    def findPathToClosestDot(self, gameState):
        "Returns a path (a list of actions) to the closest dot, starting from gameState"
        # Here are some useful elements of the startState
        startPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        food = gameState.getFood()
        walls = gameState.getWalls()
        problem = AnyFoodSearchProblem(gameState)

        return search.ucs(problem)
Exemplo n.º 10
  def findPathToClosestDot(self, gameState):
    "Returns a path (a list of actions) to the closest dot, starting from gameState"
    # Here are some useful elements of the startState
    startPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
    food = gameState.getFood()
    walls = gameState.getWalls()
    problem = AnyFoodSearchProblem(gameState)

    #return search.astar(problem,simplefoodHeuristic) # Same as UCS
    return search.ucs(problem)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def findPathToClosestDot(self, gameState):
        "Returns a path (a list of actions) to the closest dot, starting from gameState"
        # Here are some useful elements of the startState
        startPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        food = gameState.getFood()
        walls = gameState.getWalls()
        problem = AnyFoodSearchProblem(gameState)

        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        return search.ucs(problem)
Exemplo n.º 12
def distanceToFood(point1, point2, gameState):

    x1, y1 = point1
    x2, y2 = point2

    walls = gameState.getWalls()
    assert not walls[x1][y1], 'point1 is a wall: ' + point1
    assert not walls[x2][y2], 'point2 is a wall: ' + str(point2)
    problem = PositionSearchProblem(gameState, start=point1, goal=point2, warn=False, visualize=False)
    return len(search.ucs(problem))
Exemplo n.º 13
def on_click():
    This function defines the action of the 'Next' button.
    global algo, counter, next_button, romania_problem, start, goal
    romania_problem = GraphProblem(start.get(), goal.get(), romania_map)
    if "Breadth-First Tree Search" == algo.get():
        node = breadth_first_tree_search(romania_problem)
        if node is not None:
            final_path = bfts(romania_problem).solution()
        counter += 1
    elif "Depth-First Tree Search" == algo.get():
        node = depth_first_tree_search(romania_problem)
        if node is not None:
            final_path = dfts(romania_problem).solution()
        counter += 1
    elif "Breadth-First Search" == algo.get():
        node = breadth_first_search(romania_problem)
        if node is not None:
            final_path = bfs(romania_problem).solution()
        counter += 1
    elif "Depth-First Graph Search" == algo.get():
        node = depth_first_graph_search(romania_problem)
        if node is not None:
            final_path = dfgs(romania_problem).solution()
        counter += 1
    elif "Uniform Cost Search" == algo.get():
        node = uniform_cost_search(romania_problem)
        if node is not None:
            final_path = ucs(romania_problem).solution()
        counter += 1
    elif "A* - Search" == algo.get():
        node = astar_search(romania_problem)
        if node is not None:
            final_path = asts(romania_problem).solution()
        counter += 1
Exemplo n.º 14
def on_click():
    This function defines the action of the 'Next' button.
    global algo, counter, next_button, romania_problem, start, goal
    romania_problem = GraphProblem(start.get(), goal.get(), romania_map)
    if "Breadth-First Tree Search" == algo.get():
        node = breadth_first_tree_search(romania_problem)
        if node is not None:
            final_path = bfts(romania_problem).solution()
        counter += 1
    elif "Depth-First Tree Search" == algo.get():
        node = depth_first_tree_search(romania_problem)
        if node is not None:
            final_path = dfts(romania_problem).solution()
        counter += 1
    elif "Breadth-First Graph Search" == algo.get():
        node = breadth_first_graph_search(romania_problem)
        if node is not None:
            final_path = bfs(romania_problem).solution()
        counter += 1
    elif "Depth-First Graph Search" == algo.get():
        node = depth_first_graph_search(romania_problem)
        if node is not None:
            final_path = dfgs(romania_problem).solution()
        counter += 1
    elif "Uniform Cost Search" == algo.get():
        node = uniform_cost_search(romania_problem)
        if node is not None:
            final_path = ucs(romania_problem).solution()
        counter += 1
    elif "A* - Search" == algo.get():
        node = astar_search(romania_problem)
        if node is not None:
            final_path = asts(romania_problem).solution()
        counter += 1
Exemplo n.º 15
 def findPathToClosestDot(self, gameState):
     Returns a path (a list of actions) to the closest dot, starting from
     # Here are some useful elements of the startState
     startPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
     food = gameState.getFood()
     walls = gameState.getWalls()
     problem = AnyFoodSearchProblem(gameState)
     "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
     return search.ucs(problem)
Exemplo n.º 16
    def findPathToClosestDot(self, gameState):
        Returns a path (a list of actions) to the closest dot, starting from
        # Here are some useful elements of the startState
        startPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        food = gameState.getFood()
        walls = gameState.getWalls()
        problem = AnyFoodSearchProblem(gameState)

        # easy peasy, though I did try astar it reaquires modifying the class more than I wanted to
        return search.ucs(problem)
Exemplo n.º 17
    def findPathToClosestDot(self, gameState):
        Returns a path (a list of actions) to the closest dot, starting from
        # Here are some useful elements of the startState
        startPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        food = gameState.getFood()
        walls = gameState.getWalls()
        problem = AnyFoodSearchProblem(gameState)
#        print 'Finding Dot', gameState
#        print search.ucs(problem);
        return search.ucs(problem);
Exemplo n.º 18
 def registerInitialState(self, state):
     "This method is called before any moves are made."
     "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
     walls = state.getWalls()
     top, right = walls.height - 2, walls.width - 2
     self.top, self.right = top, right
     self.corners = ((1, 1), (1, top), (right, 1), (right, top))
     cornersDistance = [((mazeDistance(state.getPacmanPosition(), cp,
                                       state)), cp) for cp in self.corners]
     scD = min(cornersDistance)[1]
     problem = PositionSearchProblem(state,
     self.path = search.ucs(problem)
Exemplo n.º 19
    def findPathToClosestDot(self, gameState):
        Returns a path (a list of actions) to the closest dot, starting from
        # Here are some useful elements of the startState
        startPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        food = gameState.getFood()
        walls = gameState.getWalls()
        problem = AnyFoodSearchProblem(gameState)

        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        path = search.ucs(problem)
        return path  #epistrefw to apotelesma tou ucs algorithmou me to pio apodotiko monopati
Exemplo n.º 20
def mazeDistanceU(point1, point2, gameState):
    Returns the maze distance between any two points, using the search functions
    you have already built.  The gameState can be any game state -- Pacman's position
    in that state is ignored.
    Example usage: mazeDistance( (2,4), (5,6), gameState)
    This might be a useful helper function for your ApproximateSearchAgent.
    x1, y1 = point1
    x2, y2 = point2
    walls = gameState.getWalls()
    assert not walls[x1][y1], 'point1 is a wall: ' + point1
    assert not walls[x2][y2], 'point2 is a wall: ' + str(point2)
    prob = PositionSearchProblem(gameState, start=point1, goal=point2, warn=False)
    return len(search.ucs(prob))
Exemplo n.º 21
    def findPathToClosestDot(self, gameState):
        Returns a path (a list of actions) to the closest dot, starting from
        # Here are some useful elements of the startState
        startPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        food = gameState.getFood()
        walls = gameState.getWalls()
        problem = AnyFoodSearchProblem(gameState)

        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        #We calculate the optimal path to the closest dot by using uniform cost search on the problem and returning the resulting list of actions.
        return search.ucs(problem)

Exemplo n.º 22
    def findPathToClosestDot(self, gameState):
        Returns a path (a list of actions) to the closest dot, starting from
        # Here are some useful elements of the startState
        startPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        food = gameState.getFood()
        walls = gameState.getWalls()
        problem = AnyFoodSearchProblem(gameState)

        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        temp_path = search.ucs(problem)
        #temp_path = search.bfs(problem);
        #temp_path = search.dfs(problem); ##MUST SEE -- Nice Backtrack can be seen
        return temp_path
Exemplo n.º 23
def foodHeuristic(state, problem):
    Your heuristic for the FoodSearchProblem goes here.

    This heuristic must be consistent to ensure correctness.  First, try to come
    up with an admissible heuristic; almost all admissible heuristics will be
    consistent as well.

    If using A* ever finds a solution that is worse uniform cost search finds,
    your heuristic is *not* consistent, and probably not admissible!  On the
    other hand, inadmissible or inconsistent heuristics may find optimal
    solutions, so be careful.

    The state is a tuple ( pacmanPosition, foodGrid ) where foodGrid is a Grid
    (see game.py) of either True or False. You can call foodGrid.asList() to get
    a list of food coordinates instead.

    If you want access to info like walls, capsules, etc., you can query the
    problem.  For example, problem.walls gives you a Grid of where the walls

    If you want to *store* information to be reused in other calls to the
    heuristic, there is a dictionary called problem.heuristicInfo that you can
    use. For example, if you only want to count the walls once and store that
    value, try: problem.heuristicInfo['wallCount'] = problem.walls.count()
    Subsequent calls to this heuristic can access
    position, foodGrid = state
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    x1, y1 = position
    distances = [0]
    game_state = problem.startingGameState
    walls = game_state.getWalls()
    position_search_prob = PositionSearchProblem(game_state,
                                                 goal=(1, 1),
    for food in foodGrid.asList():
        x2, y2 = food
        position_search_prob.goal = food
        # distances.append(util.manhattanDistance(position, food)) #fails a test by expanding more nodes 9000+
        if not walls[x1][y1] and not walls[x2][y2]:
            # BFS/ucs search expands around 4137 nodes
    return max(distances)
Exemplo n.º 24
def mazeDistance(point1, point2, gameState):
    Returns the maze distance between any two points, using the search functions
    you have already built.  The gameState can be any game state -- Pacman's position
    in that state is ignored.

    Example usage: mazeDistance( (2,4), (5,6), gameState)

    This might be a useful helper function for your ApproximateSearchAgent.
    x1, y1 = point1
    x2, y2 = point2
    walls = gameState.getWalls()
    assert not walls[x1][y1], 'point1 is a wall: ' + point1
    assert not walls[x2][y2], 'point2 is a wall: ' + str(point2)
    prob = PositionSearchProblem(gameState, start=point1, goal=point2, warn=False)
    return len(search.ucs(prob))
Exemplo n.º 25
    def findPathToClosestDot(self, gameState):
        "Returns a path (a list of actions) to the closest dot, starting from gameState"
        startPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        food = gameState.getFood()
        walls = gameState.getWalls()
        problem = AnyFoodSearchProblem(gameState)

        foodMax = []
        for i, row in enumerate(food):
            for j, col in enumerate(row):
                if food[i][j]:
                    foodMax.append((mazeDistance(startPosition, (i,j), gameState), (i, j)))
        if not foodMax:
            return []
            p = PositionSearchProblem(gameState, start = startPosition, goal = min(foodMax)[1], warn = False)
            return search.ucs(p) 
Exemplo n.º 26
def cornersHeuristic1(state, problem):
    A heuristic for the CornersProblem that you defined.

      state:   The current search state
               (a data structure you chose in your search problem)

      problem: The CornersProblem instance for this layout.

    This function should always return a number that is a lower bound on the
    shortest path from the state to a goal of the problem; i.e.  it should be
    admissible (as well as consistent).
    corners = problem.corners  # These are the corner coordinates
    walls = problem.walls  # These are the walls of the maze, as a Grid (game.py)

    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    current = state[0]
    exploredCorners = state[1]
    x, y = current
    distances = []
    h = 0
    unexploredCorners = []

    for corner in corners:
        if corner not in exploredCorners:

    if unexploredCorners:
        for corner in unexploredCorners:
            x_c, y_c = corner
            # Use search algorithm to compute the distance
            searchProblem = PositionSearchProblem(gameState=problem.gameState,
            dist = len(search.ucs(searchProblem)
                       )  # UCS and BFS are both ok. But dfs is not acceptable.

        # Picks the largest distance as the heuristic value
        h = max(distances)

    return h
Exemplo n.º 27
def foodHeuristic(state, problem):
	Your heuristic for the FoodSearchProblem goes here.

	This heuristic must be consistent to ensure correctness.  First, try to come up
	with an admissible heuristic; almost all admissible heuristics will be consistent
	as well.

	If using A* ever finds a solution that is worse uniform cost search finds,
	your heuristic is *not* consistent, and probably not admissible!  On the other hand,
	inadmissible or inconsistent heuristics may find optimal solutions, so be careful.

	The state is a tuple ( pacmanPosition, foodGrid ) where foodGrid is a
	Grid (see game.py) of either True or False. You can call foodGrid.asList()
	to get a list of food coordinates instead.

	If you want access to info like walls, capsules, etc., you can query the problem.
	For example, problem.walls gives you a Grid of where the walls are.

	If you want to *store* information to be reused in other calls to the heuristic,
	there is a dictionary called problem.heuristicInfo that you can use. For example,
	if you only want to count the walls once and store that value, try:
	  problem.heuristicInfo['wallCount'] = problem.walls.count()
	Subsequent calls to this heuristic can access problem.heuristicInfo['wallCount']
    position, foodGrid = state
    walls = problem.walls
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"

    # def localDist(start, end):
    #     return abs(start[0] - end[0]) + abs(start[1] - end[1])

    l = [
        for food in foodGrid.asList()
    if len(l) == 0:
        return 0
    return max(l)
Exemplo n.º 28
def foodHeuristic(state, problem):
    Your heuristic for the FoodSearchProblem goes here.

    This heuristic must be consistent to ensure correctness.  First, try to come
    up with an admissible heuristic; almost all admissible heuristics will be
    consistent as well.

    If using A* ever finds a solution that is worse uniform cost search finds,
    your heuristic is *not* consistent, and probably not admissible!  On the
    other hand, inadmissible or inconsistent heuristics may find optimal
    solutions, so be careful.

    The state is a tuple ( pacmanPosition, foodGrid ) where foodGrid is a Grid
    (see game.py) of either True or False. You can call foodGrid.asList() to get
    a list of food coordinates instead.

    If you want access to info like walls, capsules, etc., you can query the
    problem.  For example, problem.walls gives you a Grid of where the walls

    If you want to *store* information to be reused in other calls to the
    heuristic, there is a dictionary called problem.heuristicInfo that you can
    use. For example, if you only want to count the walls once and store that
    value, try: problem.heuristicInfo['wallCount'] = problem.walls.count()
    Subsequent calls to this heuristic can access
    position, foodGrid = state
    if problem.isGoalState(state):
        return 0
    distances = []
    for foodPosition in foodGrid.asList():
        searchProblem = PositionSearchProblem(problem.startingGameState, start=position, goal=foodPosition, warn=False, visualize=False)
    # distances = list(map(lambda x: abs(state[0][0] - x[0]) + abs(state[0][1] - x[1]), foodGrid.asList())) # about 9551 nodes
    return max(distances)
Exemplo n.º 29
    def solve(self):
        This method should return a sequence of actions that covers all target locations on the board.
        This time we trade optimality for speed.
        Therefore, your agent should try and cover one target location at a time. Each time, aiming for the closest uncovered location.
        You may define helpful functions as you wish.

        Probably a good way to start, would be something like this --

        current_state = self.board.__copy__()
        backtrace = []

        while ....

            actions = set of actions that covers the closets uncovered target location
            add actions to backtrace

        return backtrace
        current_state = self.board.__copy__()
        backtrace = []

        sortedTargets = self.sortFunction()

        problem = BlokusCoverProblem(current_state.board_w, current_state.board_h,
                                     current_state.piece_list, self.startingPoint)
        for target in sortedTargets:
            problem.targets = [target]
            actions = ucs(problem)

            for action in actions:
                problem.board.add_move(0, action)
            self.expanded += problem.expanded
        return backtrace
Exemplo n.º 30
 def findPathToClosestDot(self, gameState):
     "Returns a path (a list of actions) to the closest dot, starting from gameState"
     # Here are some useful elements of the startState
     problem = AnyFoodSearchProblem(gameState)
     return search.ucs(problem)
Exemplo n.º 31
            [S, N, N, N],
            [N, M, M, M],
            [N, R, R, R],
            [N, N, N, G]
        goal = (3, 3)
    elif choice == 'big':
        grid = [
            [S, R, R, R, M, G],
            [N, R, R, R, M, N],
            [N, M, R, R, R, N],
            [N, N, N, N, R, N],
            [N, R, N, N, N, N],
            [N, R, N, N, N, N]
        goal = (0, 5)
    elif choice == 'random':
        rows, cols = 10, 10
        goal = (random.randint(0, rows-1), random.randint(0, cols-1))
        types = (NORMAL, MOUNTAIN, RIVER)
        grid = [[random.choice(types) for _ in range(rows)] for _ in range(cols)]
        grid[start[0]][start[1]] = START
        grid[goal[0]][goal[1]] = GOAL
    # Run each algorithm and visualize the result
    print(visualize('BFS', grid, goal, bfs(grid, start, goal)))
    print(visualize('DFS', grid, goal, dfs(grid, start, goal)))
    print(visualize('Dijkstra’s algorithm', grid, goal, ucs(grid, start, goal)))
    print(visualize('A* search', grid, goal, a_star(grid, start, goal)))

    When running from the command line, compare every algorithm against
    one of the tests.
    choice = sys.argv[1]
    if choice not in {'little', 'big', 'random'}:
        print('Usage: python3 test.py (little|big|random)')

    start = (0, 0)
    if choice == 'little':
        grid = [[S, N, N, N], [N, M, M, M], [N, R, R, R], [N, N, N, G]]
        goal = (3, 3)
    elif choice == 'big':
        grid = [[S, R, R, R, M, G], [N, R, R, R, M, N], [N, M, R, R, R, N],
                [N, N, N, N, R, N], [N, R, N, N, N, N], [N, R, N, N, N, N]]
        goal = (0, 5)
    elif choice == 'random':
        rows, cols = 10, 10
        goal = (random.randint(0, rows - 1), random.randint(0, cols - 1))
        types = (NORMAL, MOUNTAIN, RIVER)
        grid = [[random.choice(types) for _ in range(rows)]
                for _ in range(cols)]
        grid[start[0]][start[1]] = START
        grid[goal[0]][goal[1]] = GOAL

    # Run each algorithm and visualize the result
    print(visualize('BFS', grid, goal, bfs(grid, start, goal)))
    print(visualize('DFS', grid, goal, dfs(grid, start, goal)))
    print(visualize('Dijkstra’s algorithm', grid, goal, ucs(grid, start,
    print(visualize('A* search', grid, goal, a_star(grid, start, goal)))
Exemplo n.º 33
 def findPathToClosestDot(self, gameState):
     "Returns a path (a list of actions) to the closest dot, starting from gameState"
     # Here are some useful elements of the startState
     problem = AnyFoodSearchProblem(gameState)
     return search.ucs(problem)
def cornersHeuristic(state, problem):

    A heuristic for the CornersProblem that you defined.

      state:   The current search state

               (a data structure you chose in your search problem)

      problem: The CornersProblem instance for this layout.

    This function should always return a number that is a lower bound on the

    shortest path from the state to a goal of the problem; i.e.  it should be

    admissible (as well as consistent).

    corners = problem.corners  # These are the corner coordinates
    walls = problem.walls  # These are the walls of the maze, as a Grid (game.py)

    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    #idea: 1) get Manhattan distance of current successor states to each corner
    # 2) return min distance(  state to closet corner) of each successor state, the state with min F=g+ H  value with pop first as next action
    #3) The result is algorithm always choose direction to one of the closet corner
    #     xy1 = state
    #     #"The Min Manhattan distance heuristic for a PositionSearchProblem"
    #     min_distance = min((abs(xy1[0] - corner[0]) + abs(xy1[1] - corner[1])) for corner in corners)
    #     return min_distance

    # new code start here: use UCS to reach Goal list
    #idea: 1) check start point to corner (as Goal) distance, real disstance ,not Manhanttan, return longest action corner

    # 2) check   Manhattan distance close to that longest corner until last corner ,  return last corner
    # as first visit corner
    state2corner_action_list = {}
    temp_corners = []
    #start_state = problem.getStartState()
    #call general search agent, default is "DFS", "Postion search problem"
    #search_method = SearchAgent(fn="aStarSearch",heuristic="manhattanHeuristic")
    #define goal of positon search problem
    for corner in corners:
        #problem = PositionSearchProblem(  corner_game_state.deepCopy(),  goal=corner)
        # use Astar in Postion search to find out list
        #state2corner_action_list[corner]= search.aStarSearch(problem,heuristic=manhattanHeuristic)
        actions = search.ucs(problem)
        state2corner_action_list[corner] = problem.getCostOfActions(actions)
    #assign one of the value to max
    max_action_list = state2corner_action_list[corner]
    #find out first access corner here -> setp 1, return longest path
    for corner in corners:
        if state2corner_action_list[corner] >= max_action_list:
            max_action_list = state2corner_action_list[corner]
            longest_path_corner = corner
    #remove longest path corner, find out closet corner to longest path corner
    temp_corners = corner.remove(longest_path_corner)
    xy1 = longest_path_corner

    while len(temp_corners) > 1:
        # assign first corner
        corner = temp_corners[0]
        # assign min distance to first corner
        min_distance = abs(xy1[0] - corner[0]) + abs(xy1[1] - corner[1])
        # find corner has min distance to longest_path corner
        for corner in temp_corners:
            if (abs(xy1[0] - corner[0]) +
                    abs(xy1[1] - corner[1])) <= min_distance:
                min_distance = abs(xy1[0] - corner[0]) + abs(xy1[1] -
                closest_corner = corner
        # update corner, always remove  corner close to  closest_corner
        temp_corners = corner.remove(closest_corner)
        xy1 = closest_corner

    #temp_corner length should be 1 and it is the target corner !
    target_corner = temp_corners
    print "target corner", target_corner
    #return Manhattn distance to target corner
    xy1 = state
    distance = abs(xy1[0] - target_corner[0]) + abs(xy1[1] - target_corner[1])
    return distance
Exemplo n.º 35
    def getAction(self, state):
        From game.py:
        The Agent will receive a GameState and must return an action from
        Directions.{North, South, East, West, Stop}
        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
#     print(state)
        foodgrid = state.getFood()
#     if (currentState.getFood().count() > 0):
#     startPosition = state.getPacmanPosition()
#     food = state.getFood()
#     walls = state.getWalls()
#     problem = AnyFoodSearchProblem(state)
#     import search
# #     return 0
#     return search.ucs(problem)
        prob= FoodSearchProblem(state)
        mindist =99999999
        minpoint = pacpoint
#     print(pacpoint)
#     print(foodgrid.width)
#     print(type(foodgrid))
#     print(state.getFood()[5][5])
        problem = FoodSearchProblem(state)
        for y in range(pacpoint[1],pacpoint[1]+foodgrid.height-1):
            y = y%(foodgrid.height-1)
            if (flag==True):
#         print(x)
            for x in range(pacpoint[0],pacpoint[0]+foodgrid.width-1):
                x=x% (foodgrid.width-1)
#             print(y)
                if (state.getFood()[x][y]==True):
#                 print('true')#
#                 ans= mazeDistance(pacpoint,(x,y),state)
#                 ans=((foodHeuristic(((x,y),foodgrid),problem)),0)
                    dist = util.manhattanDistance(pacpoint, (x,y))
#                 if (ans[0]<mindist | x+1==pacpoint[0]|x-1==pacpoint[0]| x+1==pacpoint[1]|x-1==pacpoint[1]):
                    if (dist==1 or (dist<mindist and mazeDistance(pacpoint,(x,y),state)<mindist) ):
                        if (dist==1):
                        mindist = dist
                        final = mindist[1]
#                     finalans=ans
#     print(minpoint)
#     print(pacpoint)
#     print(mindist)
#     problem = PositionSearchProblem(state, goal=minpoint, start=pacpoint, warn=False)
            prob = PositionSearchProblem(state, start=pacpoint, goal=minpoint, warn=False)
#     prob = AnyFoodSearchProblem(state)
#     return finalans[1][0]
            if( mindist!=1):
                return final[0]
            return search.ucs(prob)[0]
Exemplo n.º 36
    def getAction(self, state):
        From game.py:
        The Agent will receive a GameState and must return an action from
        Directions.{North, South, East, West, Stop}
        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        #     print(state)
        pacpoint = state.getPacmanPosition()
        foodgrid = state.getFood()
        curstate = (pacpoint, foodgrid)
        #     if (currentState.getFood().count() > 0):
        #     startPosition = state.getPacmanPosition()
        #     food = state.getFood()
        #     walls = state.getWalls()
        #     problem = AnyFoodSearchProblem(state)
        #     import search
        # #     return 0
        #     return search.ucs(problem)
        prob = FoodSearchProblem(state)
        d = []
        mindist = 99999999
        minpoint = pacpoint
        finalans = 0
        #     print(pacpoint)
        #     print(foodgrid.width)
        #     print(type(foodgrid))
        #     print(state.getFood()[5][5])
        problem = FoodSearchProblem(state)
        flag = False
        for y in range(pacpoint[1], pacpoint[1] + foodgrid.height - 1):
            y = y % (foodgrid.height - 1)
            if (flag == True):
#         print(x)
            for x in range(pacpoint[0], pacpoint[0] + foodgrid.width - 1):
                x = x % (foodgrid.width - 1)
                #             print(y)

                if (state.getFood()[x][y] == True):
                    #                 print('true')#
                    #                 ans= mazeDistance(pacpoint,(x,y),state)
                    #                 ans=((foodHeuristic(((x,y),foodgrid),problem)),0)
                    dist = util.manhattanDistance(pacpoint, (x, y))
                    #                 if (ans[0]<mindist | x+1==pacpoint[0]|x-1==pacpoint[0]| x+1==pacpoint[1]|x-1==pacpoint[1]):
                    if (dist == 1
                            or (dist < mindist
                                and mazeDistance(pacpoint,
                                                 (x, y), state) < mindist)):
                        minpoint = (x, y)
                        if (dist == 1):
                            mindist = 1
                            flag = True
                        mindist = dist
                        final = mindist[1]

#                     finalans=ans

#     print(minpoint)
#     print(pacpoint)
#     print(mindist)
#     problem = PositionSearchProblem(state, goal=minpoint, start=pacpoint, warn=False)
            prob = PositionSearchProblem(state,
            #     prob = AnyFoodSearchProblem(state)

            self.cost += 1

            #     return finalans[1][0]
            if (mindist != 1):
                return final[0]
            return search.ucs(prob)[0]