Exemplo n.º 1
def getO2(ctd,vvar):

    if 'sal' not in ctd:
        ctd['sal'] = sw.salt(ctd['c'] * 10. / seawater.constants.c3515,
                ctd['t'], ctd['p'])

    ctd['O2sat'] = np.real( seawater.extras.satO2(ctd['sal'], ctd['t']))
    # from April 2008 calibration
    Voff = -0.4877
    Soc = 0.4401
    Boc = 0.0000
    Tcor = 0.0005
    Pcor = 1.35e-4

    #below numbers are true for CTD casts prior to April 2008
    #Voff = -0.4893;
    #Soc = 0.4227;
    #Boc = 0.0000;
    #Tcor = 0.001;
    #Pcor = 1.35e-4;

    ctd['O2'] = (Soc * (ctd[vvar] + Voff) * np.exp(Tcor * ctd['t']) *
            ctd['O2sat'] * np.exp(ctd['p'] * Pcor))

    if 'den' not in ctd:
        ctd['pden']=sw.dens(ctd['sal'], ctd['t'], ctd['p'])
    ctd['O2'] = 1.e6 * ctd['O2']/(ctd['pden'] * 22.3916);
    return ctd
Exemplo n.º 2
def calc_density(temp, salt, levels):

    assert len(temp.shape) == 3
    assert len(salt.shape) == 3
    assert len(levels.shape) == 1

    num_levs = levels.shape[0]
    lats = salt.shape[1]
    lons = salt.shape[2]
    depth = np.vstack(([levels] * lats * lons)).T.reshape(num_levs, lats, lons)

    # Pressure in dbar
    pressure = depth * 0.1
    density = eos80.dens(salt, temp, pressure)

    return density
Exemplo n.º 3
def calc_density(S, T, p):
    args = S, T, p
    prho = sw.pden(*args)
    rho = sw.dens(*args)
    return prho, rho
Exemplo n.º 4
def loadMVP_raw(file,depthbins):
    import numpy as np
    from matplotlib.dates import date2num
    import datetime
    import seawater.eos80 as sw
    import numpy.lib.recfunctions as rec
    #import time
    import scipy.signal as signal
    #import bindata
    #from binMVPdata import binMVPdata
    import binMVPdata
    import calendar
   # try:
    if 1:
        f = open(file, 'r')
#        print ("Processing " + file)
        header = f.read(7000) #read in 7000 bytes to get the header
        profile_xyt = {}
        i = header.find('LAT ( ddmm.mmmmmmm,N):')
        profile_xyt['lat_DDMMmm'] = header[i+23:i+36]
        profile_xyt['lat_hemisphere'] = header[i+37:i+38]
        profile_xyt['latitude'] = (float(profile_xyt['lat_DDMMmm'][1:3])) +(np.divide((float(profile_xyt['lat_DDMMmm'][3:])),60))
        if (profile_xyt['lat_hemisphere']=='S'):
        i = header.find('LON (dddmm.mmmmmmm,E):')
        profile_xyt['lon_DDMMmm'] = header[i+23:i+36]
        profile_xyt['lon_hemisphere'] = header[i+37:i+38]
        profile_xyt['longitude'] =  (float(profile_xyt['lon_DDMMmm'][1:3])) +(np.divide((float(profile_xyt['lon_DDMMmm'][3:])),60))
        if profile_xyt['lon_hemisphere']=='W':
          profile_xyt['longitude'] =-profile_xyt['longitude'] 
        i = header.find('Time (hh|mm|ss.s):')
        profile_xyt['time'] = header[i+19:i+29]
        i = header.find('Date (dd/mm/yyyy):')        
        profile_xyt['date'] = header[i+19:i+29]
        datetimestring = profile_xyt['date']+' '+profile_xyt['time']
        datetimefmt = ('%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S.%f')
        #print datetimestring[:-5]
            profile_xyt['datetime'] = datetime.datetime.strptime(datetimestring, datetimefmt)
            datetimefmt = ('%d/%m/%Y %H:%M')
            profile_xyt['datetime'] = datetime.datetime.strptime(datetimestring[:-5], datetimefmt)
        profile_xyt['unixtime'] = calendar.timegm(profile_xyt['datetime'].utctimetuple())
        profile_xyt['mtime'] = date2num(profile_xyt['datetime'])
        profile_xyt['matlabtime'] = date2num(profile_xyt['datetime'])+366.
        profile_xyt['tzone'] = 'Z'
        i = header.find('Index: ')
        profile_xyt['cast_number'] = int(header[i+7:i+11])
 #       profile_xyt['datetime']=date2num(profile_xyt['datetime'])
        i = header.find('Bottom Depth (m):')
        # print profile_xyt['bottom']
        newline1 = header.find('\n',6000,len(header))
        newline2 = header.find('\n',newline1+1,len(header))
        rawfields = ["pressure","cond","temp","analog"]
        if newline2 - newline1 > 26:
            data = np.genfromtxt(file, usecols = (0,1,2,3), skip_header = 61,
                                 names = ["pressure","cond","temp","analog"])
            data = np.genfromtxt(file, usecols = (0,1,2), skip_header = 61,
                                 names = ["pressure","cond","temp"] )
            temparray = np.empty((data['pressure'].shape))
            data = rec.append_fields(data,'analog',temparray,dtypes = float)
        # lag conductivity to match w. temp cell
        N = np.shape(data['cond'])[0]
        #print N
        data = rec.append_fields(data,'cond0',data['cond'],dtypes = float)

        #this loop here will find the indices for when the fish is going down
        pressurederivative = np.diff(data['pressure']) # take the derivative of the pressure profile
        B, A = signal.butter(2, 0.01, output='ba') # constants for the filter
        smooth_pressurederivative = signal.filtfilt(B,A, pressurederivative) #filter the pressure derivative, to smooth out the curve
        smooth_pressurederivative = np.append(smooth_pressurederivative,[0]) # make the arrays the same size
        down_inds = np.where(smooth_pressurederivative>0.05) # find the indices where the descent rate is more than 0.1

        #depth_bins = np.arange(0,300,1)
        profile_grid = {}        
        for k in rawfields:
            profile_grid[k] = binMVPdata.binMVPdata(depthbins,
        profile_grid['salinity'] = sw.salt(profile_grid['cond']/42.9140, 
            profile_grid['temp'], profile_grid['pressure'])
        profile_grid['density'] = sw.dens(profile_grid['salinity'],  
        profile_grid['pden'] = sw.pden(profile_grid['salinity'],  

        return profile_grid, profile_xyt, data
Exemplo n.º 5
                    timest = l[11:28]
                    ctd['time'] = datetime.strptime(timest, '%d %b %Y %H:%M')
                    ctd['matlabtime'] = ctdtrans.datetime2matlab(ctd['time'])

        # get salt and pden...
        ctd['c0'] = ctd['c']
        N = len(ctd['c'])
        ctd['coffset'] = coffset
        ctd['c'] = np.interp(np.arange(N)-coffset, np.arange(N), ctd['c0'])
        ctd['sal'] = sw.salt(ctd['c'] * 10. / seawater.constants.c3515,
                ctd['t'], ctd['p'])
        ctd['pden']=sw.dens(ctd['sal'], ctd['t'], ctd['p'])

        ctd = ctdtrans.getO2(ctd,'v1');
        ctd = ctdtrans.getFlu(ctd,'v2');
        ctd = ctdtrans.getPar(ctd,'v3');

        alongx, acrossx = getInletX.getInletX(ctd['lon'], ctd['lat'])

        ctd['alongx'] = alongx
        ctd['acrossx'] = acrossx

        ds = xr.Dataset(
            'cond': (['scan'], ctd['c'], {'units':'S/m', 'offset': '{} scans'.format(coffset)}),
            'cond0': (['scan'], ctd['c0'], {'units':'S/m'}),
            'temp': (['scan'],ctd['t'], {'units':'deg C'}),
Exemplo n.º 6
def convert_to_mll(o2, s, t, p):
    '''Convert dissolved oxygen concentration from um/kg to ml/l.
    return sw.dens(s, t, p) * o2 / 44.66 / 1000.0
Exemplo n.º 7
def convert_to_mll(o2, s, t, p):
    '''Convert dissolved oxygen concentration from um/kg to ml/l.
    return sw.dens(s, t, p) * o2 / 44.66 / 1000.0