Exemplo n.º 1
    def __handle_recursive(self, data_prov_object, level, path):
        if level == 4:
            for item in os.listdir(path):
                if item.endswith(".xml"):
                    data_prov_object.config = self.handle_meta_config(c_path.join(path, item))
                elif c_path.validate_dir(c_path.join(path, item)):
                    raise RuntimeError("DataProvisioner:  found directory {0} in binary_file level of DataProvisioner. \
                    Directories are not allowed in the binary_file level".format(item))
                        with open(c_path.join(path, item), "r") as data_file:
                            data_prov_object.files[item] = data_file.read()
                        raise RuntimeError("DataProvisioner:  Can't open {0}".format(c_path.join(path, item)))

        for item in os.listdir(path):
            if item.endswith(".xml"):
                pass  # configs at not the 4th level arent supported
                data_prov_object.config = self.handle_meta_config(c_path.join(path, item))
            elif c_path.validate_dir(c_path.join(path, item)) == False:
                raise RuntimeError("DataProvisioner:  found binary file {0} in level {1} of DataProvisioner. \
                Binary files are only allowed at the binary_file level".format(item, level_num_to_name(level)))
            child_data_prov_object = DataProvObject(item, c_path.join(path, item))
            data_prov_object.children[item] = child_data_prov_object
            self.__handle_recursive(child_data_prov_object, level + 1, c_path.join(path, item))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, config_dir):
        """Initializations and checks"""
        if not c_path.validate_dir(config_dir):
            raise RuntimeError('Directory doesnt exist: ' + config_dir)

        # First level of directory that is expected
        sub_config_dir = c_path.join(config_dir, defines.CONFIG_DIR_BASENAME)
        except Exception as e:
            raise RuntimeError('Directory ' + config_dir + '\n'
                               '    ' + 'must contain configs sub directory: ' + defines.CONFIG_DIR_BASENAME)

        self.config_dir = sub_config_dir
    def __init__(self, config_dir):
        """Initializations and checks"""
        if not c_path.validate_dir(config_dir):
            raise RuntimeError('Directory doesnt exist: ' + config_dir)

        # First level of directory that is expected
        sub_config_dir = c_path.join(config_dir, defines.CONFIG_DIR_BASENAME)
        except Exception as e:
            raise RuntimeError('Directory ' + config_dir + '\n'
                               '    ' + 'must contain configs sub directory: ' + defines.CONFIG_DIR_BASENAME)

        self.config_dir = sub_config_dir
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _populate_database(cls, data_prov_object, level, path):
        """ Recursively creates and fills in the DataProvObject including all of it's children

        :param data_prov_object: the highest level of the DataProvObject hierarchy
        :type data_prov_object: DataProvObject
        :param level: the level depth of the current data prov hierarchy. Should be set to 1 when initially calling _populate_database
        :type level: int
        :param path: the path in the file system corresponding to the current data prov level through which to scan and populate the DataProvObject
        :type path: str
        :rtype: None
        :raises: RuntimeError

        for item in os.listdir(path):
            if item.endswith(".xml") and level == BINARY_FILE_LEVEL:
                data_prov_object.config = cls._get_config(
                    c_path.join(path, item))
            # allow for unix style hidden folders to exist
            elif item.startswith("."):
            elif c_path.validate_dir(c_path.join(
                    path, item)) and level == BINARY_FILE_LEVEL:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "DataProvisioner:  found directory {0} in binary_file level of DataProvisioner. \
                Directories are not allowed in the binary_file level".format(
            elif not c_path.validate_dir(c_path.join(
                    path, item)) and level != BINARY_FILE_LEVEL:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "DataProvisioner:  found binary file {0} in level {1} of DataProvisioner. \
                Binary files are only allowed at the binary_file level".format(
                        item, cls._level_num_to_name(level)))
            elif level == 4:
                    data_prov_object.files[item] = c_path.load_data_from_file(
                        c_path.join(path, item))
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        "DataProvisioner:  Can't open {0}".format(
                            c_path.join(path, item)))

            # recursively populate database children
            if level < BINARY_FILE_LEVEL:
                child_data_prov_object = DataProvObject(
                    item, c_path.join(path, item))
                data_prov_object.children[item] = child_data_prov_object
                cls._populate_database(child_data_prov_object, level + 1,
                                       c_path.join(path, item))
Exemplo n.º 5
    def verify(self):
        '''verifies self.database is correct. Checks for type/bin file mismatch. bin files not
           in level 3. Lack of binfiles. Too many binfiles. Etc.Some things are implicitly verified
           by the file handler, like existence of files/folders and correct paths, since it
           can't create the database with bad paths

           :raises: RuntimeError

        if len(self.database.files) > 0:
            raise RuntimeError("DataProvisioner:  binary files {0} exist within security_policy level of Data Provisioning file structure").format(self.database.files)
        for lvl1_name, lvl1_obj in self.database.children.items():

            if len(lvl1_obj.files) > 0 :
                raise RuntimeError("DataProvisioner:  binary files {0} exists within security_policy_type level of Data Provisioning file structure").format(lvl1_obj.files)

            for lvl2_name, lvl2_obj in lvl1_obj.children.items():

                if len(lvl2_obj.files) > 0 :
                    raise RuntimeError("DataProvisioner:  binary files {0} exists within data_prov_id level of Data Provisioning file structure").format(lvl2_obj.files)

                for lvl3_name, lvl3_obj in lvl2_obj.children.items():

#                     if len(lvl3_obj.files) == 0:
#                         raise RuntimeError("DataProvisioner:  there are no binary files in data_prov_id of Data Provisioning file structure. {0}".format(lvl3_obj.path))

                    for file_name in lvl3_obj.files:
                        if c_path.validate_dir(file_name):
                            raise RuntimeError("DataProvisioner:  Directories are not allowed within the data_prov_id directory of the Data Provisioning file structure")

        logger.debug("DataProvisioner database verification passed")
        return True
Exemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self, meta_build_path, config_dir_obj, sign_id_list=[]):
        assert isinstance(meta_build_path, str)
        assert isinstance(config_dir_obj, ConfigDir)

        # Initialize the BaseStager

        self.config_dir_obj = config_dir_obj

        # Create internal attributes
        self._meta_build_path = meta_build_path

        # Validate that the meta_build path exists
        meta_build_path = c_path.normalize(meta_build_path)
        if not c_path.validate_dir(meta_build_path):
            raise RuntimeError('No read access to the meta build path: ' + meta_build_path)

        # Get the meta lib module from the metabuild
        meta_info = self.get_meta_info(meta_build_path)

        # Create the image info list based on the meta data
        for sign_id, chipset, image_src_path, image_dest_path in self.get_image_info_from_meta(meta_info):
            # Filer on the sign id
            if sign_id_list:
                if sign_id not in sign_id_list:

                img_config_parser = self.get_image_config_parser(chipset)

                # Validate the sign_id
                sign_id = self._get_sign_id(img_config_parser,

                # Get the config block for the sign id
                img_config_block = img_config_parser.get_config_for_sign_id(sign_id)

                # Create the one image info object
                image_info = ImageInfo('', sign_id, img_config_block,

                # Set the src path
                image_info.src_image = image_src_path
                image_info.image_under_operation = image_info.src_image.image_path

                # Set the dest path
                image_info.dest_image = image_dest_path

                # Put the image info object into the list

            except Exception as e:

        if not self._image_info_list:
            raise RuntimeError('No images found from the meta build.')
    def get_chipset_config_path(self, chipset):
        :param str chipset: chipset to return config file for
        :returns: config path corresponding to the given chipset
        :rtype: str
        logger.debug('Searching configs corresponding to chipset: ' + chipset)
        chipset_dir = c_path.join(self.config_dir, chipset)

        if c_path.validate_dir(chipset_dir):
            return self._get_config_path(chipset_dir)
        raise RuntimeError('Did not find config for chipset: "' + chipset + '"')
Exemplo n.º 8
    def get_chipset_config_path(self, chipset):
        :param str chipset: chipset to return config file for
        :returns: config path corresponding to the given chipset
        :rtype: str
        logger.debug('Searching configs corresponding to chipset: ' + chipset)
        chipset_dir = c_path.join(self.config_dir, chipset)

        if c_path.validate_dir(chipset_dir):
            return self._get_config_path(chipset_dir)
        raise RuntimeError('Did not find config for chipset: "' + chipset + '"')
Exemplo n.º 9
    def get_chipset_config_paths(self, chipset):
        """Returns a tuple of the configs found for the chipset dir. If any of
        the config files is not found in the dir, its value is returned as None.

        :param str chipset_dir: Chipset to return config files for
        :returns: (oem_config_path, qc_config_path, ui_config_path, user_config_path)
        :rtype: (tuple(str))
        logger.debug('Searching configs corresponding to chipset: ' + chipset)
        chipset_dir = c_path.join(self.config_dir, chipset)

        if c_path.validate_dir(chipset_dir):
            return self._get_config_paths(chipset_dir)
        raise RuntimeError('Did not find config for chipset: "' + chipset + '"')
Exemplo n.º 10
    def generateMetaBuild(self, timer=1200, interval=5):
        """ generate new meta build with given image build
        :param str meta_build_path: meta build directory, require write access
        :param str image_build_path: image build directory, require read access
        if self.run:
            self.retcode = ''
            # meta build path validation
            meta_path_val = c_path.normalize(self.meta_build_path)
            if not c_path.validate_dir_write(meta_path_val):
                raise RuntimeError('Cannot write at: ' + meta_path_val)

            # image build path validation
            image_path_val = c_path.normalize(self.image_build_path)
            if not c_path.validate_dir(image_path_val):
                raise RuntimeError('Cannot access: ' + image_path_val)

            """TODO: Don't know how to check if TZ build has changed
                     and if re-generate NON-HLOS.bin is needed.
                     For now, always re-generate meta build.
            # check if meta build has been generated with the required image build already
            meta_info = self.getMetainfo(self.meta_build_path)
            path = meta_info.get_build_path(BUILD)
            tz_path_in_meta_build_val = c_path.normalize(path)
            generation_complete_flag = c_path.join(meta_path_val, GENERATION_COMPLETE_STR)
            if tz_path_in_meta_build_val == image_path_val and c_path.validate_file(generation_complete_flag):
                self.logging_state_info('meta build with required image build is available at: ' + meta_path_val)
                self.logging_state_info('meta build generation is skipped')
                logger.debug('meta build path: ' + meta_path_val)
                logger.debug('image build path: ' + image_path_val)
            cmd = ['python', REGENERATE_CMD_TZ + image_path_val]
            cwd = c_path.join(meta_path_val, BUILD_SCRIPTS_DIR)
            self.logging_state_info(getCurrentTime() + ' start meta build generation, please wait and do not interrupt ...')
            self.logging_state_info('Set current working directory: ' + cwd)
            self.logging_state_info('Generate Meta build command: ' + " ".join(cmd))
            self.log = c_path.join(meta_path_val, REGENERATE_BUID_LOG)
            self.run = False
            self.retcode = self.execute(cmd, self.log, cwd, timer, interval)
            self.logging_state_info(getCurrentTime() +' meta build generation return code: ' + str(self.retcode))
            self.logging_state_info('meta build generation log can be found at: ' + self.log)
            if self.retcode == 0:
                self.run = True
            self.logging_state_info('skip meta build regeneration')
Exemplo n.º 11
def getBuildIDfrompath(meta_build_path):
    """ Returns build ID from meta build path
    :param str meta_build_path: meta build path
    :returns: meta build ID
    :rtype: str
    # meta build path validation
    path_val = c_path.normalize(meta_build_path)
    if not c_path.validate_dir(path_val):
        raise RuntimeError('Cannot access: ' + path_val)

    # get build id from build_path as it is the directory name in dest
    build_id = os.path.basename(path_val)

    return build_id
Exemplo n.º 12
    def config_paths(self):
        """(list[tuple(str)]) List of the config paths found in the workspace
        conforming to the naming structure.
        config_dir = self.config_dir
        config_paths = []

        logger.debug('Searching config path sets in dir: ' + config_dir)
        for entry in os.listdir(config_dir):
            path = c_path.join(config_dir, entry)
            if c_path.validate_dir(path):
                oem, qc, ui, user = self._get_config_paths(path)
                if oem or qc or ui or user:
                    config_paths.append((oem, qc, ui, user))
                    logger.debug2('Skipping dir: ' + entry + '\n'
                                  '    ' + 'Does not contain any configs')
                logger.debug2('Skipping file in first level: ' + entry)
        logger.debug('Config paths found from the config dir: ' + str(config_paths))
        return config_paths
Exemplo n.º 13
    def config_paths(self):
        """(list[tuple(str)]) List of the config paths found in the workspace
        conforming to the naming structure.
        config_dir = self.config_dir
        config_paths = []

        logger.debug('Searching config path sets in dir: ' + config_dir)
        for entry in os.listdir(config_dir):
            path = c_path.join(config_dir, entry)
            if c_path.validate_dir(path):
                config = self._get_config_path(path)
                if config:
                    logger.debug2('Skipping dir: ' + entry + '\n'
                                  '    ' + 'Does not contain any configs')
                logger.debug2('Skipping file in first level: ' + entry)
        logger.debug('Config paths found from the config dir: ' + str(config_paths))
        return config_paths
Exemplo n.º 14
    def c_validate(self):
        """Validates the command line args provided by the user.

        :raises: RuntimeError if any error occurs.
        args = self.parsed_args
        err = []

        # Check if the meta build supports sign id
        meta_supports_sign_id = False
        if args.meta_build:
            meta_supports_sign_id = SecImageCore.meta_supports_sign_id(

        # Check the input files
        if ((args.image_file and args.meta_build)
                or (not args.image_file and not args.meta_build)):
                'Provide either image_file or a meta_build for processing.')

        # Check that --override flag is not given without help flag
        if args.overrides and not args.help:
                '-h flag must accompany --overrides flag to view overridable properties'

        # Check the configuration option and output dir
        if args.image_file or (args.meta_build and not meta_supports_sign_id):
            if ((args.chipset and args.config_path)
                    or (not args.chipset and not args.config_path)):
                    'Provide either chipset or a config_path to process images.'
            if not args.output_dir:
                err.append('Provide the output_dir for storing the output.')
        elif args.meta_build and not meta_supports_sign_id:
            if not args.output_dir and not args.mini_build:
                    'Provide either output_dir or mini_build for storing the output.'

        # Check the operations
        if not (args.integrity_check or args.sign or args.encrypt
                or args.decrypt or args.validate or args.verify_inputs):
            err.append('Specify one or more operations to perform.')

        # Check and sanitize any paths for read access
        for path in ['image_file', 'config_path']:
            path_val = getattr(args, path, None)
            if path_val:
                path_val = c_path.normalize(path_val)
                if not c_path.validate_file(path_val):
                    err.append('Cannot access ' + path + ' at: ' + path_val)
                setattr(args, path, path_val)

        # Check and sanitize any paths for read dir access
        for path in ['meta_build']:
            path_val = getattr(args, path, None)
            if path_val:
                path_val = c_path.normalize(path_val)
                if not c_path.validate_dir(path_val):
                    err.append('Cannot access ' + path + ' at: ' + path_val)
                setattr(args, path, path_val)

        # Check and sanitize paths for write access
        for path in ['output_dir', 'mini_build']:
            path_val = getattr(args, path, None)
            if path_val:
                path_val = c_path.normalize(path_val)
                except Exception as e:
                    err.append('Cannot write at: ' + path_val + '\n'
                               '    ' + 'Error: ' + str(e))
                setattr(args, path, path_val)

        # Raise error if any
        if err:
            if len(err) > 1:
                err = [('  ' + str(idx + 1) + '. ' + error)
                       for idx, error in enumerate(err)]
                err = 'Please check the command line args:\n\n' + '\n'.join(
                err = err[0]
            raise RuntimeError(err)
Exemplo n.º 15
    def c_validate(self):
        """Validates the command line args provided by the user.

        :raises: RuntimeError if any error occurs.
        args = self.parsed_args
        err = []

        # Check the input files
        if ((args.image_file and args.meta_build)
                or (not args.image_file and not args.meta_build)):
                'Provide either image_file or a meta_build for processing.')

        # Check that m_image_file and meta_build are not both provided
        if args.meta_build and args.m_image_file:
            err.append('--m_image_file cannot be provided with meta_build.')
            err.append('Provide --m_gen flag if ' + multi_image_string() +
                       ' file generation is desired.')

        # Check that m_gen and m_image_file are not both provided
        if args.m_gen and args.m_image_file:
            err.append('Provide either --m_image_file or --m_gen.')

        # Check that --override flag is not given without help flag
        if args.overrides and not args.help:
                '-h flag must accompany --overrides flag to view overridable properties'

        # Check if the meta build supports sign id
        meta_supports_sign_id = False
        if args.meta_build:
            meta_supports_sign_id = SecImageCore.meta_supports_sign_id(

        # Check the configuration option and output dir
        if args.image_file or (args.meta_build and not meta_supports_sign_id):
            if ((args.chipset and args.config_path)
                    or (not args.chipset and not args.config_path)):
                    'Provide either chipset or a config_path to process images.'
            if not args.output_dir:
                err.append('Provide the output_dir for storing the output.')
        elif args.meta_build and not meta_supports_sign_id:
            if not args.output_dir and not args.mini_build:
                    'Provide either output_dir or mini_build for storing the output.'

        if not (args.integrity_check or args.sign or args.encrypt
                or args.decrypt or args.validate or args.verify_inputs
                or args.no_op):
            err.append('Specify one or more operations to perform.')

        # Check that multi-image operations are enabled when m_gen or m_image_file are provided
        if args.m_image_file and not (args.m_integrity_check or args.m_sign
                                      or args.m_encrypt or args.m_decrypt
                                      or args.m_validate):
            err.append('Specify one or more ' + multi_image_string() +
                       ' image operations to perform.')
        if args.m_gen and not (args.m_integrity_check or args.m_sign
                               or args.m_encrypt):
            err.append('Specify one or more ' + multi_image_string() +
                       ' image operations to perform.')

        # Check that multi-image operations are not enabled when m_gen and m_image_file are missing
        if not (args.m_gen or args.m_image_file) and (
                args.m_integrity_check or args.m_sign or args.m_encrypt
                or args.m_decrypt or args.m_validate):
                'Provide either --m_image_file or --m_gen when performing ' +
                multi_image_string() + ' image operations.')

        # Check that no_op operation is only enabled when m_gen or m_image_file are provided
        if args.no_op and not (args.m_gen or args.m_image_file):
                'Provide either --m_image_file or --m_gen when adding image entry to '
                + multi_image_string() + ' image.')

        # Check that no_op operation is not provided with any other individual image operations
        if args.no_op and (args.integrity_check or args.sign or args.encrypt
                           or args.decrypt or args.validate):
                'no_op operation cannot be performed alongside other image operations'

        # Check sign_attr is only set when adding hash table
        if args.sign_attr and not (args.integrity_check or args.sign):
                'sign_attr operation can only be performed when integrity_check or sign are being performed.'

        # Check m_sign_attr is only set when adding hash table
        if args.m_sign_attr and not (args.m_integrity_check or args.m_sign):
                'm_sign_attr operation can only be performed when m_integrity_check or m_sign are being performed.'

        # Check other options:
        if args.rch and not args.validate:
                'Root Cert Hash can only be given when "--validate" operation is provided.'

        # Check and sanitize any paths for read access
        for path in ['image_file', 'config_path']:
            path_val = getattr(args, path, None)
            if path_val:
                path_val = c_path.normalize(path_val)
                if not c_path.validate_file(path_val):
                    err.append('Cannot access ' + path + ' at: ' + path_val)
                setattr(args, path, path_val)

        # Check and sanitize any paths for read dir access
        for path in ['meta_build']:
            path_val = getattr(args, path, None)
            if path_val:
                path_val = c_path.normalize(path_val)
                if not c_path.validate_dir(path_val):
                    err.append('Cannot access ' + path + ' at: ' + path_val)
                setattr(args, path, path_val)

        # Check and sanitize paths for write access
        for path in ['output_dir', 'mini_build']:
            path_val = getattr(args, path, None)
            if path_val:
                path_val = c_path.normalize(path_val)
                except Exception as e:
                    err.append('Cannot write at: ' + path_val + '\n'
                               '    ' + 'Error: ' + str(e))
                setattr(args, path, path_val)

        # Raise error if any
        if err:
            if len(err) > 1:
                err = [('  ' + str(idx + 1) + '. ' + error)
                       for idx, error in enumerate(err)]
                err = 'Please check the command line args:\n\n' + '\n'.join(
                err = err[0]
            raise RuntimeError(err)
Exemplo n.º 16
    def __init__(self, meta_build_path, config_dir_obj, parsegen_config, authority,
                 sign_id_list=[], gen_multi_image=False, platform_binding=None):
        assert isinstance(meta_build_path, str)
        assert isinstance(config_dir_obj, ConfigDir)
        assert isinstance(parsegen_config, ParsegenCfgParser)

        # Initialize the BaseStager
        super(MetaBuildStager, self).__init__(authority)

        self.config_dir_obj = config_dir_obj

        # Create internal attributes
        self._meta_build_path = meta_build_path

        # Validate that the meta_build path exists
        meta_build_path = c_path.normalize(meta_build_path)
        if not c_path.validate_dir(meta_build_path):
            raise RuntimeError('No read access to the meta build path: ' + meta_build_path)

        # Get the meta lib module from the metabuild
        meta_info = MetaBuild.getMetainfo(meta_build_path)

        # List of sign ids searched
        sign_ids_searched = []

        # Create the image info list based on the meta data
        for sign_id, chipset, image_src_path, image_dest_path, err_code in self.get_image_info_from_meta(meta_info):

            # Filter on the sign id
            if sign_id_list and sign_id not in sign_id_list:

            # Update internal variables
            self.images_status[sign_id] = {
                'errcode' : err_code,
                'path' : image_src_path.image_path if image_src_path is not None else None,

            # If there is an error, continue
            if err_code != MetaError.SUCCESS:
                # Put the image info object into the list
                img_config_parser = self.get_image_config_parser(chipset)
                imageinfo = self._create_imageinfo(
                    img_config_parser, parsegen_config, sign_id, "", gen_multi_image=False,
                    src_image=image_src_path, dest_image=image_dest_path, platform_binding=platform_binding)
            except Exception as e:

            # Create image info object for to-be-created Multi-Image Signing and Integrity image
            if gen_multi_image:
                if chipset in self._multi_image_imageinfo_dict:
                    logger.debug("Multi-image imageinfo already exists for chipset " + chipset)
                logger.debug("Create multi-image imageinfo object for chipset " + chipset)
                # Set sign id to Multi-Image Sign & Integrity image's sign id
                sign_id = MULTI_IMAGE_SIGN_ID[authority]
                # Set the Multi-Image Signing & Integrity image's imageinfo
                self._multi_image_imageinfo_dict[chipset] = self._create_imageinfo(
                    img_config_parser, parsegen_config, sign_id, None, gen_multi_image=True,

        if sign_id_list and set(sign_id_list) != set(sign_ids_searched):
            raise RuntimeError('Unknown sign id provided: ' + ', '.join(set(sign_id_list) - set(sign_ids_searched)))

        if not self._image_info_list:
            raise RuntimeError('No images found from the meta build.')
    def __init__(self, meta_build_path, config_dir_obj, sign_id_list=[]):
        assert isinstance(meta_build_path, str)
        assert isinstance(config_dir_obj, ConfigDir)

        # Initialize the BaseStager

        self.config_dir_obj = config_dir_obj

        # Create internal attributes
        self._meta_build_path = meta_build_path

        # Validate that the meta_build path exists
        meta_build_path = c_path.normalize(meta_build_path)
        if not c_path.validate_dir(meta_build_path):
            raise RuntimeError('No read access to the meta build path: ' + meta_build_path)

        # Get the meta lib module from the metabuild
        meta_info = self.get_meta_info(meta_build_path)

        # Create the image info list based on the meta data
        for sign_id, chipset, image_src_path, image_dest_path in self.get_image_info_from_meta(meta_info):
            # Filer on the sign id
            if sign_id_list:
                if sign_id not in sign_id_list:

                img_config_parser = self.get_image_config_parser(chipset)

                # Validate the sign_id
                sign_id = self._get_sign_id(img_config_parser,

                # Get the config block for the sign id
                img_config_block = img_config_parser.get_config_for_sign_id(sign_id)

                # Create the one image info object
                image_info = ImageInfo('', sign_id, img_config_block,

                # Set the src path
                image_info.src_image = image_src_path
                image_info.image_under_operation = image_info.src_image.image_path

                # Set the dest path
                image_info.dest_image = image_dest_path

                # Check if the dest image name should be overriden
                if img_config_block.output_file_name is not None:
                    image_info.dest_image.image_name = img_config_block.output_file_name

                # Put the image info object into the list

            except Exception as e:

        if not self._image_info_list:
            raise RuntimeError('No images found from the meta build.')
Exemplo n.º 18
    def __init__(self,
        from sectools.features.isc.parsegen.config.parser import ParsegenCfgParser
        assert isinstance(meta_build_path, str)
        assert isinstance(config_dir_obj, ConfigDir)
        assert isinstance(parsegen_config, ParsegenCfgParser)

        # Initialize the BaseStager
        BaseStager.__init__(self, authority)

        self.config_dir_obj = config_dir_obj

        # Create internal attributes
        self._meta_build_path = meta_build_path

        # Validate that the meta_build path exists
        meta_build_path = c_path.normalize(meta_build_path)
        if not c_path.validate_dir(meta_build_path):
            raise RuntimeError('No read access to the meta build path: ' +

        # Get the meta lib module from the metabuild
        meta_info = self.get_meta_info(meta_build_path)

        # List of sign ids searched
        sign_ids_searched = []

        # Create the image info list based on the meta data
        for sign_id, chipset, image_src_path, image_dest_path, err_code in self.get_image_info_from_meta(

            # Filter on the sign id
            if sign_id_list and sign_id not in sign_id_list:

            # Update internal variables
            self.images_status[sign_id] = {
                if image_src_path is not None else None,

            # If there is an error, continue
            if err_code != MetaError.SUCCESS:

                # Put the image info object into the list
                img_config_parser = self.get_image_config_parser(chipset)
                imageinfo = self._create_imageinfo(img_config_parser,
                                                   parsegen_config, sign_id,
                                                   "", image_src_path,
            except Exception as e:

        if sign_id_list and set(sign_id_list) != set(sign_ids_searched):
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Unknown sign id provided: ' +
                ', '.join(set(sign_id_list) - set(sign_ids_searched)))

        if not self._image_info_list:
            raise RuntimeError('No images found from the meta build.')
Exemplo n.º 19
    def __init__(self,
        from sectools.features.isc.parsegen.config.parser import ParsegenCfgParser
        assert isinstance(meta_build_path, str)
        assert isinstance(config_dir_obj, ConfigDir)
        assert isinstance(parsegen_config, ParsegenCfgParser)

        # Initialize the BaseStager

        self.config_dir_obj = config_dir_obj

        # Create internal attributes
        self._meta_build_path = meta_build_path

        # Validate that the meta_build path exists
        meta_build_path = c_path.normalize(meta_build_path)
        if not c_path.validate_dir(meta_build_path):
            raise RuntimeError('No read access to the meta build path: ' +

        # Get the meta lib module from the metabuild
        meta_info = self.get_meta_info(meta_build_path)

        # List of sign ids searched
        sign_ids_searched = []

        # Create the image info list based on the meta data
        for sign_id, chipset, image_src_path, image_dest_path, err_code in self.get_image_info_from_meta(

            # Filer on the sign id
            if sign_id_list and sign_id not in sign_id_list:

            # If there is an error, continue
            if err_code is not None:

                img_config_parser = self.get_image_config_parser(chipset)

                # Validate the sign_id
                sign_id = self._get_sign_id(
                    os.path.basename(image_src_path.image_path), sign_id)

                # Get the config block for the sign id
                img_config_block = img_config_parser.get_config_for_sign_id(

                # Create the one image info object
                image_info = ImageInfo('', sign_id, img_config_block,
                                       img_config_parser, parsegen_config)

                # Set the src path
                image_info.src_image = image_src_path
                image_info.image_under_operation = image_info.src_image.image_path

                # Set the dest path
                image_info.dest_image = image_dest_path

                # Check if the dest image name should be overriden
                if img_config_block.output_file_name is not None:
                    image_info.dest_image.image_name = img_config_block.output_file_name

                # Put the image info object into the list

            except Exception as e:

        if sign_id_list and set(sign_id_list) != set(sign_ids_searched):
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Unknown sign id provided: ' +
                ', '.join(set(sign_id_list) - set(sign_ids_searched)))

        if not self._image_info_list:
            raise RuntimeError('No images found from the meta build.')
Exemplo n.º 20
    def c_validate(self):
        """Validates the command line args provided by the user.

        :raises: RuntimeError if any error occurs.
        args = self.parsed_args
        err = []

        config_params_32bits = {
            "tcg min": args.tcg_min,
            "tcg max": args.tcg_max,
            'testsig': args.testsig,
            "tcg fix": args.tcg_fix,

        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        if (args.input_dir or args.image_file) and args.testsig:
                'Generate testsig (-t) and sign with image_file (-i or -r) cannot be used together'

        if args.capability and (args.cass is False):
                'Capability (-p) is only supported when CASS (-c) is used')

        if not (args.image_file or args.input_dir) and not args.testsig:
                'Either generate testsig (-t) or sign with image_file (-i or -r) must be specified'

        if args.validate and (args.testsig or args.input_dir):
                'Validate (-a) should be used with image_file (-i). An input signed image should be referenced by -i.'

        if args.validate is False and args.image_file:
            path, filename = os.path.split(args.image_file)
            if filename.startswith(TESTSIG_PREFIX):
                    'Cannot sign testsig file {0}. Please use -t to generate testsig instead.'

        if args.tcg_fix:
            for key in ["tcg min", "tcg max"]:
                if config_params_32bits[key]:
                        "{0} should not be specified when tcg_fix is specified"

        for key in config_params_32bits:
            if Attribute.validate(num_bits=32,
                                  string=config_params_32bits[key]) is False:
                err.append('{0}:{1} is not a valid 32 bit integer'.format(
                    key, config_params_32bits[key]))

        # Check and sanitize any paths for read access
        for path in ['image_file', 'config']:
            path_val = getattr(args, path, None)
            if path_val:
                path_val = c_path.normalize(path_val)
                if not c_path.validate_file(path_val):
                    err.append('Cannot access ' + path + ' at: ' + path_val)
                setattr(args, path, path_val)

        for path in ['input_dir']:
            path_val = getattr(args, path, None)
            if path_val:
                path_val = c_path.normalize(path_val)
                if not c_path.validate_dir(path_val):
                    err.append('Cannot access ' + path + ' at: ' + path_val)
                setattr(args, path, path_val)

        # Check and sanitize paths for write access
        for path in ['output_dir']:
            path_val = getattr(args, path, None)
            if path_val:
                path_val = c_path.normalize(path_val)
                except Exception as e:
                    err.append('Cannot write at: ' + path_val + '\n'
                               '    ' + 'Error: ' + str(e))
                setattr(args, path, path_val)

        # Raise error if any
        if err:
            if len(err) > 1:
                err = [('  ' + str(idx + 1) + '. ' + error)
                       for idx, error in enumerate(err)]
                err = 'Please check the command line args:\n\n' + '\n'.join(
                err = err[0]
            raise RuntimeError(err)