Exemplo n.º 1
def process_bags(outfilename, inbags):

    outbag = rosbag.Bag(outfilename, "w")
    pm = SedsMessage() # store previous message for dx computation
    cm = SedsMessage() # current seds message
    zero = rospy.rostime.Duration(0)

    # open all the trajectory bags
    for (i,bagname) in enumerate(inbags):
        rospy.loginfo("Processing bag %d: %s" %  (i,bagname))

        # need a new listener for each bag -- otherwise TF_OLD_DATA warnings
        bag = rosbag.Bag(bagname)
        first = True # set pm on first step -- compute pm.dx on every other step

        # read all the bag messages and process /tf messages
        for topic, msg, t in bag.read_messages():

            if topic == "/wam/cartesian_coordinates":

                cm.x = npa(msg.position)
                cm.t = t
                cm.index = i
                if first:
                    pm.x = cm.x
                    pm.index = cm.index
                    pm.t = cm.t
                    first = False

                # compute dx
                pm.dx = cm.x - pm.x

                # compute dt
                pm.dt = cm.t - pm.t;

                # Write out the seds bag if time has changed.
                # Some tf frames change at a much faster rate and
                # so listener reprocesses the same transform
                # lookup even though latest common time remains
                # the same. If we did not check pm.dt != zero,
                # we'd end up with a lot of duplicate entries.

                # We also check whether pm.dx is zero. This choice
                # is the result of a fair amount of
                # experimentation to try to extract the actual
                # motions from a bagfile that probably contains a
                # lot of the robot just sitting there (e.g. before
                # the teaching trajectory actually starts). I
                # experimented a fair bit with the best way to
                # extract the useful subtrajectory out of the bag
                # and this criterion is the best in terms of
                # simplicity and quality.

                if (pm.dt != zero and not iszero(pm.dx)):
                    rospy.logdebug("Message time: %s" % str(pm.t))
                    outbag.write('seds/trajectories', pm)

                # alt. set t parameter to orginal bag
                # time? would need to process bags in
                # order to avoid time travel

                pm.x = cm.x
                pm.index = cm.index
                pm.t = cm.t

        # end of current bag -- write out last entry with dx = 0
        cm.dx = cm.x - pm.x
        outbag.write('seds/trajectories', cm)


    rospy.loginfo("Writing bag: %s" % outfilename)
    outbag.close() # very important to close a rosbag after writing
Exemplo n.º 2
def process_bags(outfilename, inbags, source_fid, target_fid):

    outbag = rosbag.Bag(outfilename, "w")
    pm = SedsMessage() # store previous message for dx computation
    cm = SedsMessage() # current seds message
    zero = rostime.Duration(0)

    s1 = String()
    s1.data = source_fid
    outbag.write('seds/source_fid', s1)
    rospy.loginfo("Writing seds/source_fid " + s1.data)

    s2 = String()
    s2.data = target_fid
    outbag.write('seds/target_fid', s2)
    rospy.loginfo("Writing seds/target_fid " + s2.data)

    # open all the trajectory bags
    for (i,bagname) in enumerate(inbags):
        rospy.loginfo("Processing bag %d: %s" %  (i,bagname))

        # need a new listener for each bag -- otherwise TF_OLD_DATA warnings
        listener = BagListener()
        bag = rosbag.Bag(bagname)
        first = True # set pm on first step -- compute pm.dx on every other step


        # read all the bag messages and process /tf messages
        for topic, msg, t in bag.read_messages():

            #only process /tf messages
            if topic[-2:] == "tf":# and (cfid == target_fid or cfid == source_fid):
                # loads the transforms
                    #Can we transform between these?
                    #et = listener.lookupTransform(source_fid, target_fid, rostime.Time(0))
                    #since source and target may be at very different rates, we need to time travel
                    #so get times with respect to a constant (the torso)
                    et = listener.lookupTransformFull(source_fid,source_time,target_fid,target_time,unmoving_fid)
                    #et = listener.lookupTransformFull(target_fid,target_time,source_fid,source_time,unmoving_fid) 
                    # get the current x
                    cm.x = et[0][:] + euler_from_quaternion(et[1][:])
                    cm.index = i
                    cm.t = max(source_time,target_time)

                    if first:
                        pm.x = cm.x
                        pm.index = cm.index
                        pm.t = cm.t
                        first = False
                    # compute dx
                    pm.dx = npa(cm.x) - npa(pm.x)

                    # compute dt
                    pm.dt = cm.t - pm.t;
                    # Write out the seds bag if time has changed.
                    # Some tf frames change at a much faster rate and
                    # so listener reprocesses the same transform
                    # lookup even though latest common time remains
                    # the same. If we did not check pm.dt != zero,
                    # we'd end up with a lot of duplicate entries.
                    # We also check whether pm.dx is zero. This choice
                    # is the result of a fair amount of
                    # experimentation to try to extract the actual
                    # motions from a bagfile that probably contains a
                    # lot of the robot just sitting there (e.g. before
                    # the teaching trajectory actually starts). I
                    # experimented a fair bit with the best way to
                    # extract the useful subtrajectory out of the bag
                    # and this criterion is the best in terms of
                    # simplicity and quality.
                    if (pm.dt != zero) and not iszero(pm.dx):
                        #rospy.loginfo("Message time: %s" % str(pm.t))
                        #print "At time " + str(min(source_time,target_time))
                        #print "-Translation " + str(pm.x[0:3])
                        outbag.write('seds/trajectories', pm)
                        # alt. set t parameter to orginal bag
                        # time? would need to process bags in
                        # order to avoid time travel
                        pm.x = cm.x
                        #pm.index = cm.index
                        pm.t = cm.t

                except tf.Exception, error:
                    rospy.logdebug("%s %s %s %s" % (error,topic,msg,t))
                    #rospy.loginfo("TF Exception %s" % error)

        # end of current bag -- write out last entry with dx = 0
        cm.dx = npa(cm.x) - npa(pm.x)
        outbag.write('seds/trajectories', cm)
        #print "Found " + str(tf_cnt) + "tfs, " + str(tf_match_cnt) + " match, and " + str(nonzero_cnt) + " are nonzero."
        rospy.loginfo("Processed %s, found transforms for %s and %s are nonzero" % (str(tf_cnt), str(tf_match_cnt), str(nonzero_cnt)))
Exemplo n.º 3

    for (i,s) in enumerate(starts):
        x = s
        px = None

        cnt = 0
        while x != px and cnt < 1000:

            # compute the next step
            dx = list(ds(x).dx)

            # record x,dx in SedsMessage
            sm.x = x
            sm.dx = dx
            sm.t = rospy.Time(0)
            sm.dt = rospy.Duration(0.2)
            sm.index = i

            outbag.write('seds/trajectories', sm)

            x = list(npa(x) + npa(dx))
            cnt += 1

Exemplo n.º 4
def process_bags(outfilename, inbags, source_fid, target_fid):

    outbag = rosbag.Bag(outfilename, "w")
    pm = SedsMessage() # store previous message for dx computation
    cm = SedsMessage() # current seds message
    zero = rostime.Duration(0)

    s1 = String()
    s1.data = source_fid
    outbag.write('seds/source_fid', s1)
    rospy.loginfo("Writing seds/source_fid " + s1.data)

    s2 = String()
    s2.data = target_fid
    outbag.write('seds/target_fid', s2)
    rospy.loginfo("Writing seds/target_fid " + s2.data)

    # open all the trajectory bags
    for (i,bagname) in enumerate(inbags):
        rospy.loginfo("Processing bag %d: %s" %  (i,bagname))

        # need a new listener for each bag -- otherwise TF_OLD_DATA warnings
        listener = BagListener()
        bag = rosbag.Bag(bagname)
        first = True # set pm on first step -- compute pm.dx on every other step

        # read all the bag messages and process /tf messages
        for topic, msg, t in bag.read_messages():

            if topic[-2:] == "tf":
                # loads the transforms

                # computes the coordinates
                    et = listener.lookupTransform(source_fid, target_fid, rostime.Time(0))
                    t = listener.getLatestCommonTime(source_fid, target_fid)

                    # fill in the seds message
                    cm.x = et[0][:] # pos (x,y,z)

                    cm.index = i
                    cm.t = t

                    if first:
                        pm.x = cm.x
                        pm.index = cm.index
                        pm.t = cm.t
                        first = False

                    # compute dx
                    pm.dx = npa(cm.x) - npa(pm.x)

                    # compute dt
                    pm.dt = cm.t - pm.t;

                    # Write out the seds bag if time has changed.
                    # Some tf frames change at a much faster rate and
                    # so listener reprocesses the same transform
                    # lookup even though latest common time remains
                    # the same. If we did not check pm.dt != zero,
                    # we'd end up with a lot of duplicate entries.

                    # We also check whether pm.dx is zero. This choice
                    # is the result of a fair amount of
                    # experimentation to try to extract the actual
                    # motions from a bagfile that probably contains a
                    # lot of the robot just sitting there (e.g. before
                    # the teaching trajectory actually starts). I
                    # experimented a fair bit with the best way to
                    # extract the useful subtrajectory out of the bag
                    # and this criterion is the best in terms of
                    # simplicity and quality.

                    if (pm.dt != zero and not iszero(pm.dx)):
                        rospy.logdebug("Message time: %s" % str(pm.t))
                        outbag.write('seds/trajectories', pm)

                        # alt. set t parameter to orginal bag
                        # time? would need to process bags in
                        # order to avoid time travel

                    pm.x = cm.x
                    pm.index = cm.index
                    pm.t = cm.t

                except LookupException, error:
                    # sometimes not enough info is recorded to complete the transform lookup
                    rospy.logdebug("%s %s %s %s" % (error,topic,msg,t))

                except ConnectivityException, error:
                    # sometimes the perceptual information drops out
                    rospy.loginfo("ConnectivityException %s" % error)
                    rospy.logdebug("%s %s %s %s" % (error,topic,msg,t))