Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, key, colour: str = None, blocking=False, buffer_dist=0,
                 ac: dict = AIRCRAFT_LIST['Default'],
                 wind_vel: float = 0, wind_dir: float = 0):
        super().__init__(key, colour, blocking, buffer_dist)
        delattr(self, '_colour')

        self._layers = [
            TemporalPopulationEstimateLayer(f'_strike_risk_tpe_{key}', buffer_dist=buffer_dist),
            RoadsLayer(f'_strike_risk_roads_{key}', buffer_dist=buffer_dist)]

        self.aircraft = casex.AircraftSpecs(casex.enums.AircraftType.FIXED_WING, ac['width'], ac['length'], ac['mass'])
        self.aircraft.set_glide_speed_ratio(ac['glide_speed'], ac['glide_ratio'])

        self.alt = ac['cruise_alt']
        self.vel = ac['cruise_speed']
        self.wind_vel = wind_vel
        # !! This is the direction the wind is COMING FROM !! #
        self.wind_dir = np.deg2rad(
            (((wind_dir - 180) % 360) - 90) % 360

        self.event_prob = ac['failure_prob']

        self.bm = BallisticModel(self.aircraft)
        self.gm = GlideDescentModel(self.aircraft)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self,
                 colour: str = None,
                 ac_width: float = 2,
                 ac_length: float = 2,
                 ac_mass: float = 2,
                 ac_glide_ratio: float = 12,
                 ac_glide_speed: float = 15,
                 ac_glide_drag_coeff: float = 0.1,
                 ac_ballistic_drag_coeff: float = 0.8,
                 ac_ballistic_frontal_area: float = 0.2,
                 ac_failure_prob: float = 5e-3,
                 alt: float = 120,
                 vel: float = 18,
                 wind_vel: float = 5,
                 wind_dir: float = 90):
        super().__init__(key, colour, blocking, buffer_dist)
        delattr(self, '_colour')

        self._layers = [
            RoadsLayer(f'_strike_risk_roads_{key}', buffer_dist=buffer_dist)

        self.aircraft = casex.AircraftSpecs(
            casex.enums.AircraftType.FIXED_WING, ac_width, ac_length, ac_mass)
        self.aircraft.set_glide_speed_ratio(ac_glide_speed, ac_glide_ratio)

        self.alt = alt
        self.vel = vel
        self.wind_vel = wind_vel
        # !! This is the direction the wind is COMING FROM !! #
        self.wind_dir = np.deg2rad((((wind_dir - 180) % 360) - 90) % 360)

        self.event_prob = ac_failure_prob

        self.bm = BallisticModel(self.aircraft)
        self.gm = GlideDescentModel(self.aircraft)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self,
                 tiles: str = 'Wikipedia',
                 tools: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None,
                 active_tools: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None,
                 cmap: str = 'CET_L18',
                 raster_resolution: float = 40,
                 plot_size: Tuple[int, int] = (760, 735),
                 progress_callback: Optional[Callable[[str], None]] = None,
                 update_callback: Optional[Callable[[str], None]] = None,
                 progress_bar_callback: Optional[Callable[[int],
                                                          None]] = None):
        Initialise a Plot Server

        :param str tiles: a geoviews.tile_sources attribute string from http://geoviews.org/gallery/bokeh/tile_sources.html#bokeh-gallery-tile-sources
        :param List[str] tools: the bokeh tools to make available for the plot from https://docs.bokeh.org/en/latest/docs/user_guide/tools.html
        :param List[str] active_tools: the subset of `tools` that should be enabled by default
        :param cmap: a colorcet attribute string for the colourmap to use from https://colorcet.holoviz.org/user_guide/Continuous.html
        :param raster_resolution: resolution of a single square of the raster pixel grid in metres
        :param Tuple[int, int] plot_size: the plot size in (width, height) order
        :param progress_callback: an optional callable that takes a string updating progress
        :param update_callback: an optional callable that is called before an plot is rendered
        :param progress_bar_callback: an optional callback that takes an integer updating the progress bar
        self.tools = ['crosshair'] if tools is None else tools
        self.active_tools = ['wheel_zoom'
                             ] if active_tools is None else active_tools

        import colorcet
        self.cmap = getattr(colorcet, cmap)

        from geoviews import tile_sources as gvts
        self._base_tiles = getattr(gvts, tiles)

        self._time_idx = 0

        from seedpod_ground_risk.layers.roads_layer import RoadsLayer
        self._generated_data_layers = {}
        self.data_layer_order = []
        self.data_layers = [
            TemporalPopulationEstimateLayer('Temporal Pop. Est'),
            RoadsLayer('Road Traffic Population/Hour')

        self.annotation_layers = []

        self.plot_size = plot_size
        self._progress_callback = progress_callback if progress_callback is not None else lambda *args: None
        self._update_callback = update_callback if update_callback is not None else lambda *args: None
        self._progress_bar_callback = progress_bar_callback if progress_bar_callback is not None else lambda *args: None

        self._x_range, self._y_range = [-1.45, -1.35], [50.85, 50.95]

        self.raster_resolution_m = raster_resolution

        self._epsg4326_to_epsg3857_proj = None
        self._epsg3857_to_epsg4326_proj = None
        self._preload_started = False
        self._preload_complete = False

        from bokeh.io import curdoc
        from bokeh.server.server import Server

        self._current_plot = curdoc()
        self._server_thread = None
        self.server = Server({'/': self.plot}, num_procs=1)
        self.url = 'http://localhost:{port}/{prefix}'.format(port=self.server.port, prefix=self.server.prefix) \
            if self.server.address is None else self.server.address
 def setUp(self) -> None:
     self.plot_title = 'Full Roads Population Transiting Density'
     self.layer = RoadsLayer('test')
 def setUp(self) -> None:
     self.layer = RoadsLayer('test')
 def setUp(self) -> None:
     self.layer = RoadsLayer('test', buffer_dist=10)