Exemplo n.º 1
def collections_post_api(request, user_id, slug=None):
    if request.method == "POST":
        j = request.POST.get("json")
        if not j:
            return jsonResponse({"error": "No JSON given in post data."})
        collection_data = json.loads(j)
        if "slug" in collection_data:
            collection = Collection().load({"slug": collection_data["slug"]})
            if not collection:
                return jsonResponse({
                    "Collection with slug `{}` not found.".format(
            # check poster is a collection admin
            if user_id not in collection.admins:
                return jsonResponse({
                    "You do not have permission to edit this collection."

            collection_data["admins"] = [user_id]
            collection = Collection(collection_data)
        return jsonResponse({

    elif request.method == "DELETE":
        if not slug:
            return jsonResponse(
                {"error": "Please specify a collection in the URL."})
        existing = Collection().load({"slug": slug})
        if existing:
            if user_id not in existing.admins:
                return jsonResponse({
                    "You do not have permission to delete this collection."
                CollectionSet({"slug": slug}).delete()
                return jsonResponse({"status": "ok"})
            return jsonResponse({
                "Collection with the slug `{}` does not exist".format(slug)

        return jsonResponse({"error": "Unsupported HTTP method."})
def get_sheet_for_panel(id=None):
	sheet = get_sheet(id)
	if "error" in sheet:
		return sheet
	if "assigner_id" in sheet:
		asignerData = public_user_data(sheet["assigner_id"])
		sheet["assignerName"]  = asignerData["name"]
	if "viaOwner" in sheet:
		viaOwnerData = public_user_data(sheet["viaOwner"])
		sheet["viaOwnerName"]  = viaOwnerData["name"]
	ownerData = public_user_data(sheet["owner"])
	sheet["ownerName"]  = ownerData["name"]
	sheet["ownerProfileUrl"] = public_user_data(sheet["owner"])["profileUrl"]
	sheet["ownerImageUrl"] = public_user_data(sheet["owner"])["imageUrl"]
	sheet["naturalDateCreated"] = naturaltime(datetime.strptime(sheet["dateCreated"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f"))
	sheet["sources"] = annotate_user_links(sheet["sources"])
	sheet["topics"] = add_langs_to_topics(sheet.get("topics", []))
	if "displayedCollection" in sheet:
		collection = Collection().load({"slug": sheet["displayedCollection"]})
		if collection:
			sheet["collectionImage"] = getattr(collection, "imageUrl", None)
			sheet["collectionName"] = collection.name
			del sheet["displayedCollection"]
	return sheet
Exemplo n.º 3
def collections_role_api(request, slug, uid, role):
    API for setting a collection members role, or removing them from a collection.
    if request.method != "POST":
        return jsonResponse({"error": "Unsupported HTTP method."})
    collection = Collection().load({"slug": slug})
    if not collection:
        return jsonResponse({"error": "No collection with slug `{}`.".format(slug)})
    uid = int(uid)
    if request.user.id not in collection.admins:
        if not (uid == request.user.id and role == "remove"): # non admins can remove themselves
            return jsonResponse({"error": "You must be a collection owner to change contributor roles."})
    user = UserProfile(id=uid)
    if not user.exists():
        return jsonResponse({"error": "No user with the specified ID exists."})
    if role not in ("member", "publisher", "admin", "remove"):
        return jsonResponse({"error": "Unknown collection contributor role."})
    if uid == request.user.id and collection.admins == [request.user.id] and role != "admin":
        return jsonResponse({"error": _("Leaving this collection would leave it without any owners. Please appoint another owner before leaving, or delete the collection.")})
    if role == "remove":
        collection.add_member(uid, role)

    collection_content = collection.contents(with_content=True, authenticated=True)
    return jsonResponse(collection_content)
Exemplo n.º 4
def view_sheet(request, sheet_id, editorMode = False):
    View the sheet with sheet_id.
    editor = request.GET.get('editor', '0')
    embed = request.GET.get('embed', '0')

    if editor != '1' and embed !='1' and editorMode is False:
        return catchall(request, sheet_id, True)

    sheet_id = int(sheet_id)
    sheet = get_sheet(sheet_id)
    if "error" in sheet and sheet["error"] != "Sheet updated.":
            return HttpResponse(sheet["error"])

    sheet["sources"] = annotate_user_links(sheet["sources"])

    # Count this as a view
    db.sheets.update({"id": sheet_id}, {"$inc": {"views": 1}})

        owner = User.objects.get(id=sheet["owner"])
        author = owner.first_name + " " + owner.last_name
    except User.DoesNotExist:
        author = "Someone Mysterious"

    sheet_class          = make_sheet_class_string(sheet)
    sheet_collections    = get_user_collections_for_sheet(request.user.id, sheet_id) if sheet["owner"] == request.user.id else None
    displayed_collection = Collection().load({"slug": sheet["displayedCollection"]}) if sheet.get("displayedCollection", None) else None
    embed_flag           = "embed" in request.GET
    likes                = sheet.get("likes", [])
    like_count           = len(likes)
    if request.user.is_authenticated:
        can_edit_flag    = can_edit(request.user, sheet)
        can_add_flag     = can_add(request.user, sheet)
        viewer_is_liker  = request.user.id in likes
        can_edit_flag    = False
        can_add_flag     = False
        viewer_is_liker  = False

    canonical_url = request.get_full_path().replace("?embed=1", "").replace("&embed=1", "")

    return render_template(request,'sheets.html', None, {
        "sheetJSON": json.dumps(sheet),
        "sheet": sheet,
        "sheet_class": sheet_class,
        "can_edit": can_edit_flag,
        "can_add": can_add_flag,
        "title": sheet["title"],
        "author": author,
        "is_owner": request.user.id == sheet["owner"],
        "sheet_collections": sheet_collections,
        "displayed_collection":  displayed_collection,
        "like_count": like_count,
        "viewer_is_liker": viewer_is_liker,
        "current_url": request.get_full_path,
        "canonical_url": canonical_url,
Exemplo n.º 5
def collections_get_api(request, slug=None):
    if not slug:
        return jsonResponse(CollectionSet.get_collection_listing(request.user.id))
    collection_obj = Collection().load({"slug": unquote(slug)})
    if not collection_obj:
        return jsonResponse({"error": "No collection with slug '{}'".format(slug)})
    is_member = request.user.is_authenticated and collection_obj.is_member(request.user.id)
    collection_content = collection_obj.contents(with_content=True, authenticated=is_member)
    return jsonResponse(collection_content)
Exemplo n.º 6
def collections_pin_sheet_api(request, slug, sheet_id):
    if request.method != "POST":
        return jsonResponse({"error": "Unsupported HTTP method."})
    collection = Collection().load({"slug": slug})
    if not collection:
        return jsonResponse({"error": "No collection with slug `{}`.".format(slug)})
    if not collection.is_member(request.user.id):
        return jsonResponse({"error": "You must be a collection editor to pin sheets."})

    sheet_id = int(sheet_id)
    collection_content = collection.contents(with_content=True, authenticated=True)
    del collection_content["lastModified"]
    return jsonResponse({"collection": collection_content, "status": "success"})
Exemplo n.º 7
def collections_inclusion_api(request, slug, action, sheet_id):
    API for adding or removing a sheet from a collection
    if request.method != "POST":
        return jsonResponse({"error": "Unsupported HTTP method."})
    collection = Collection().load({"slug": slug})
    if not collection:
        return jsonResponse({"error": "No collection with slug `{}`.".format(slug)})
    if not collection.is_member(request.user.id):
        return jsonResponse({"error": "Only members of this collection my change its contents."})
    sheet_id = int(sheet_id)
    sheet = db.sheets.find_one({"id": sheet_id})
    if not sheet:
        return jsonResponse({"error": "No sheet with id {}.".format(sheet_id)})

    if action == "remove":
        if sheet_id in collection.sheets:
            if request.user.id == sheet["owner"] and sheet.get("displayedCollection", None) == collection.slug:
                sheet["displayedCollection"] = None
                db.sheets.find_one_and_replace({"id": sheet["id"]}, sheet)
            return jsonResponse({"error": "Sheet with id {} is not in this collection.".format(sheet_id)})
    if action == "add":
        if sheet_id not in collection.sheets:
            # If a sheet's owner adds it to a collection, and the sheet is not highlighted
            # in another collection, set it to highlight this collection.
            if request.user.id == sheet["owner"] and not sheet.get("displayedCollection", None):
                sheet["displayedCollection"] = collection.slug
                db.sheets.find_one_and_replace({"id": sheet["id"]}, sheet)

    is_member = request.user.is_authenticated and collection.is_member(request.user.id)
    sheet = get_sheet_for_panel(int(sheet_id))
    sheet_listing = annotate_user_collections([sheet_to_dict(sheet)], request.user.id)[0]
    return jsonResponse({
        "status": "ok",
        "action": action,
        "collectionListing": collection.listing_contents(request.user.id),
        "collection": collection.contents(with_content=True, authenticated=is_member),
        "sheet": sheet,
        "sheetListing": sheet_listing,
Exemplo n.º 8
def collections_invite_api(request, slug, uid_or_email, uninvite=False):
    API for adding or removing collection members, or collection invitations
    if request.method != "POST":
        return jsonResponse({"error": "Unsupported HTTP method."})
    collection = Collection().load({"slug": slug})
    if not collection:
        return jsonResponse(
            {"error": "No collection with slug {}.".format(slug)})
    if request.user.id not in collection.admins:
        return jsonResponse(
            {"error": "You must be a collection owner to invite new members."})

    user = UserProfile(email=uid_or_email)
    if not user.exists():
        if uninvite:
            message = "Invitation removed."
            collection.invite_member(uid_or_email, request.user.id)
            message = "Invitation sent."
        is_new_member = not collection.is_member(user.id)

        if is_new_member:
            from sefaria.model.notification import Notification
            notification = Notification({"uid": user.id})
            message = "Collection editor added."
            message = "%s is already a editor of this collection." % user.full_name

    collection_content = collection.contents(with_content=True,
    del collection_content["lastModified"]
    return jsonResponse({"collection": collection_content, "message": message})
Exemplo n.º 9
def get_sheets_for_ref(tref, uid=None, in_collection=None):
	Returns a list of sheets that include ref,
	formating as need for the Client Sidebar.
	If `uid` is present return user sheets, otherwise return public sheets.
	If `in_collection` (list of slugs) is present, only return sheets in one of the listed collections.
    oref = model.Ref(tref)
    # perform initial search with context to catch ranges that include a segment ref
    segment_refs = [r.normal() for r in oref.all_segment_refs()]
    query = {"expandedRefs": {"$in": segment_refs}}
    if uid:
        query["owner"] = uid
        query["status"] = "public"
    if in_collection:
        collections = CollectionSet({"slug": {"$in": in_collection}})
        sheets_list = [collection.sheets for collection in collections]
        sheets_ids = [sheet for sublist in sheets_list for sheet in sublist]
        query["id"] = {"$in": sheets_ids}

    sheetsObj = db.sheets.find(
        query, {
            "id": 1,
            "title": 1,
            "owner": 1,
            "viaOwner": 1,
            "via": 1,
            "dateCreated": 1,
            "includedRefs": 1,
            "expandedRefs": 1,
            "views": 1,
            "topics": 1,
            "status": 1,
            "summary": 1,
            "attribution": 1,
            "assigner_id": 1,
            "likes": 1,
            "displayedCollection": 1,
            "options": 1
        }).sort([["views", -1]])
    sheets = [s for s in sheetsObj]
    user_ids = list({s["owner"] for s in sheets})
    django_user_profiles = User.objects.filter(id__in=user_ids).values(
        'email', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'id')
    user_profiles = {item['id']: item for item in django_user_profiles}
    mongo_user_profiles = list(
        db.profiles.find({"id": {
            "$in": user_ids
        }}, {
            "id": 1,
            "slug": 1,
            "profile_pic_url_small": 1
    mongo_user_profiles = {item['id']: item for item in mongo_user_profiles}
    for profile in user_profiles:
            user_profiles[profile]["slug"] = mongo_user_profiles[profile][
            user_profiles[profile]["slug"] = "/"

                "profile_pic_url_small"] = mongo_user_profiles[profile].get(
                    "profile_pic_url_small", '')
            user_profiles[profile]["profile_pic_url_small"] = ""

    results = []
    for sheet in sheets:
        anchor_ref_list, anchor_ref_expanded_list = oref.get_all_anchor_refs(
            segment_refs, sheet.get("includedRefs", []),
            sheet.get("expandedRefs", []))
        ownerData = user_profiles.get(
            sheet["owner"], {
                'first_name': 'Ploni',
                'last_name': 'Almoni',
                'email': '*****@*****.**',
                'slug': 'Ploni-Almoni',
                'id': None,
                'profile_pic_url_small': ''

        if "assigner_id" in sheet:
            asignerData = public_user_data(sheet["assigner_id"])
            sheet["assignerName"] = asignerData["name"]
            sheet["assignerProfileUrl"] = asignerData["profileUrl"]
        if "viaOwner" in sheet:
            viaOwnerData = public_user_data(sheet["viaOwner"])
            sheet["viaOwnerName"] = viaOwnerData["name"]
            sheet["viaOwnerProfileUrl"] = viaOwnerData["profileUrl"]

        if "displayedCollection" in sheet:
            collection = Collection().load(
                {"slug": sheet["displayedCollection"]})
            sheet["collectionTOC"] = getattr(collection, "toc", None)
        topics = add_langs_to_topics(sheet.get("topics", []))
        for anchor_ref, anchor_ref_expanded in zip(anchor_ref_list,
            sheet_data = {
                "owner": sheet["owner"],
                "_id": str(sheet["_id"]),
                "id": str(sheet["id"]),
                "public": sheet["status"] == "public",
                "title": strip_tags(sheet["title"]),
                "sheetUrl": "/sheets/" + str(sheet["id"]),
                "anchorRef": anchor_ref.normal(),
                "anchorRefExpanded": [r.normal() for r in anchor_ref_expanded],
                "options": sheet["options"],
                "collectionTOC": sheet.get("collectionTOC", None),
                ownerData["first_name"] + " " + ownerData["last_name"],
                "via": sheet.get("via", None),
                "viaOwnerName": sheet.get("viaOwnerName", None),
                "assignerName": sheet.get("assignerName", None),
                "viaOwnerProfileUrl": sheet.get("viaOwnerProfileUrl", None),
                "assignerProfileUrl": sheet.get("assignerProfileUrl", None),
                "ownerProfileUrl": "/profile/" + ownerData["slug"],
                "ownerImageUrl": ownerData.get('profile_pic_url_small', ''),
                "status": sheet["status"],
                "views": sheet["views"],
                "topics": topics,
                "likes": sheet.get("likes", []),
                "summary": sheet.get("summary", None),
                "attribution": sheet.get("attribution", None),
                "is_featured": sheet.get("is_featured", False),
                "category": "Sheets",  # ditto
                "type": "sheet",  # ditto

    return results
Exemplo n.º 10
def collection_link(collection_slug):
    c = Collection().load({"slug": collection_slug})
    if not c:
        return mark_safe("[unknown collection: {}".format(collection_slug))
    return mark_safe("<a href='/collections/{}'>{}</a>".format(
        collection_slug, c.name))
Exemplo n.º 11
 def annotate_collection(n, collection_slug):
     c = Collection().load({"slug": collection_slug})
     n["content"]["collection_name"] = c.name