Exemplo n.º 1
def email_unread_notifications(timeframe):
	Looks for all unread notifcations and sends each user one email with a summary.
	Marks any sent notifications as "read".

	timeframe may be:
	* 'daily'  - only send to users who have the daily email setting
	* 'weekly' - only send to users who have the weekly email setting
	* 'all'    - send all notifications

	users = db.notifications.find({"read": False}).distinct("uid")

	for uid in users:
		profile = UserProfile(id=uid)
		if profile.settings["email_notifications"] != timeframe and timeframe != 'all':
		notifications = NotificationSet().unread_for_user(uid)
			user = User.objects.get(id=uid)
		except User.DoesNotExist:

		message_html = render_to_string("email/notifications_email.html", { "notifications": notifications, "recipient": user.first_name })
		#message_text = util.strip_tags(message_html)
		subject      = "New Activity on Sefaria from %s" % notifications.actors_string()
		from_email   = "The Sefaria Project <*****@*****.**>"
		to           = user.email

		msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(subject, message_html, from_email, [to])
		msg.content_subtype = "html"  # Main content is now text/html
		#msg.attach_alternative(message_text, "text/plain")

Exemplo n.º 2
def notifications_api(request):
	API for retrieving user notifications.
	if not request.user.is_authenticated():
		return jsonResponse({"error": "You must be logged in to access your notifications."})

	page      = int(request.GET.get("page", 1))
	page_size = int(request.GET.get("page_size", 10))

	notifications = NotificationSet().recent_for_user(request.user.id, limit=page_size, page=page)

	return jsonResponse({
							"html": notifications.to_HTML(),
							"page": page,
							"page_size": page_size,
							"count": notifications.count 