def setup_net(self): = Unet(1, [8, 16, 32, 64], 1).to(self.device) checkpoint_path = 'seg_net/checkpoints/checkpoint_364500.pth.tar' checkpoint = torch.load(checkpoint_path)['state_dict'])
class Environment: def __init__(self, raw_list, lbl_list): self.action_space = ActionSpace(NUM_ACTIONS) self.observation_space = ObservationSpace() self.obs_shape = RL_NET_SIZE self.mask_shape = RL_NET_SIZE[:3] self.raw_list = raw_list self.lbl_list = lbl_list self.viewed = {} self.tree_base = TREE_BASE self.base_start = (80, 80, 80) self.base_size = ORIGIN_SIZE self.device = torch.device("cuda:1") self.setup_net() def setup_net(self): = Unet(1, [8, 16, 32, 64], 1).to(self.device) checkpoint_path = 'seg_net/checkpoints/checkpoint_364500.pth.tar' checkpoint = torch.load(checkpoint_path)['state_dict']) def calculate_score(self, gt_lbl, mask, cell_id): gt_mask = (gt_lbl == cell_id).astype(np.int32) mask = (mask > 128).astype(np.int32) dice_score = np.sum( mask[gt_mask == 1]) * 2.0 / (np.sum(mask) + np.sum(gt_mask)) return dice_score def get_cell_id(self, gt_lbl): ids, count = np.unique(gt_lbl, return_counts=True) count[0] = -1 biggest_cell_id = ids[np.argmax(count)] return biggest_cell_id def predict(self): # print ("predict") st = self.state.node.start sz = self.state.node.size padding = 30 with torch.no_grad(): raw_patch = self.raw_list[st[0]:st[0] + sz[0], st[1]:st[1] + sz[1], st[2]:st[2] + sz[2]] raw_patch = resize(raw_patch, SEG_NET_SIZE[:3], order=0, mode='reflect', preserve_range=True) raw_patch = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(raw_patch, 0), 0).astype( np.float32) / 255.0 new_mask = new_mask = np.squeeze(new_mask.cpu().numpy()) * 255 new_mask = resize(new_mask, sz, order=0, mode='reflect', preserve_range=True).astype(np.uint8) cur_mask = self.mask[st[0]:st[0] + sz[0], st[1]:st[1] + sz[1], st[2]:st[2] + sz[2]] self.mask[st[0]:st[0] + sz[0], st[1]:st[1] + sz[1], st[2]:st[2] + sz[2]] = np.maximum(cur_mask, new_mask) gt_lbl = self.lbl_list[st[0] - padding:st[0] + sz[0] + padding, st[1] - padding:st[1] + sz[1] + padding, st[2] - padding:st[2] + sz[2] + padding] new_mask = np.pad(new_mask, padding, mode='constant', constant_values=0) cell_id = self.get_cell_id(self.lbl_list[st[0]:st[0] + sz[0], st[1]:st[1] + sz[1], st[2]:st[2] + sz[2]]) # Hanle revisit segmented cell if cell_id in self.viewed: return 0 self.viewed[cell_id] = True score = self.calculate_score(gt_lbl, new_mask, cell_id) if score < 0.6: score = 0 return score def update_taboo(self): self.taboo[] = True def step(self, action): done = False reward = 0 state = copy.deepcopy(self.state) self.set_state(state) prev_state = copy.deepcopy(state) action = Action(action) info = {'ale.lives': 1} # Handle revisiting a visited node taboo_action = False if (0 <= action.val < self.tree_base): if ( * TREE_BASE + action.val) in self.taboo: taboo_action = True action.val = self.tree_base + 1 if action.val == self.tree_base: reward = self.predict() if action.val >= self.tree_base: self.update_taboo() if (action.val < self.tree_base and state.node.level == MAX_LV) or taboo_action: self.update_taboo() if (action.val >= self.tree_base and state.node.level == 0): done = True info = {'ale.lives': 0} return self.observation(), reward, done, info state.node.step(action.val) self.set_state(state) ret = self.observation(), reward, done, info return ret def sample_action(self): return self.action_space.sample_action() def reset(self): self.state = State(Node()) self.mask = np.zeros(self.mask_shape, dtype=np.uint8) self.mask = np.pad(self.mask, 80, mode='constant', constant_values=0) self.taboo = {} self.viewed = {} return self.observation() def set_state(self, state): self.state = copy.deepcopy(state) def location_mask(self): location = np.zeros(ORIGIN_SIZE, dtype=np.uint8) st = self.state.node.start sz = self.state.node.size location[st[0] - 80:st[0] - 80 + sz[0], st[1] - 80:st[1] - 80 + sz[1], st[2] - 80:st[2] - 80 + sz[2]] = 255 return location def observation(self): ''' Observation of size (D, H, W, 5) ''' st = self.state.node.start sz = self.state.node.size raw_patch = self.raw_list[st[0]:st[0] + sz[0], st[1]:st[1] + sz[1], st[2]:st[2] + sz[2]] mask_patch = self.mask[st[0]:st[0] + sz[0], st[1]:st[1] + sz[1], st[2]:st[2] + sz[2]] raw_patch = resize(raw_patch, RL_NET_SIZE[:3], order=0, mode='wrap', preserve_range=True) mask_patch = resize(mask_patch, RL_NET_SIZE[:3], order=0, mode='wrap', preserve_range=True) raw_patch = np.expand_dims(raw_patch, -1) mask_patch = np.expand_dims(mask_patch, -1) # print ('base', self.base_start, self.base_size, '\\base') full_raw = self.raw_list[self.base_start[0]:self.base_start[0] + self.base_size[0], self.base_start[1]:self.base_start[1] + self.base_size[1], self.base_start[2]:self.base_start[2] + self.base_size[2]] full_raw = resize(full_raw, RL_NET_SIZE[:3], order=0, mode='wrap', preserve_range=True) full_raw = np.expand_dims(full_raw, -1) full_mask = self.mask[self.base_start[0]:self.base_start[0] + self.base_size[0], self.base_start[1]:self.base_start[1] + self.base_size[1], self.base_start[2]:self.base_start[2] + self.base_size[2]] full_mask = resize(full_mask, RL_NET_SIZE[:3], order=0, mode='wrap', preserve_range=True) full_mask = np.expand_dims(full_mask, -1) location_mask = self.location_mask() location_mask = resize(location_mask, RL_NET_SIZE[:3], order=0, mode='wrap', preserve_range=True) location_mask = np.expand_dims(location_mask, -1) ret = np.concatenate( [full_raw, full_mask, location_mask, raw_patch, mask_patch], -1) return ret def concat_last_dim_2_x(self, arr): # Arr of HxWxC # Ret of HxW*C assert (len(arr.shape) == 3) ret = [] for i in range(arr.shape[-1]): ret.append(arr[..., i]) ret = np.concatenate(ret, -1) return ret def render(self): ret = self.observation() st = self.state.node.start sz = self.state.node.size z = int(1.0 * (st[0] + sz[0] // 2 - 80) / ORIGIN_SIZE[0] * SEG_NET_SIZE[0]) y = int(1.0 * (st[1] + sz[1] // 2 - 80) / ORIGIN_SIZE[0] * SEG_NET_SIZE[0]) x = int(1.0 * (st[2] + sz[2] // 2 - 80) / ORIGIN_SIZE[0] * SEG_NET_SIZE[0]) yx = self.concat_last_dim_2_x(ret[z, :, :, :]) zx = self.concat_last_dim_2_x(ret[:, y, :, :]) zy = self.concat_last_dim_2_x(ret[:, :, x, :]) # Concatenate to Y dim ret = np.concatenate([yx, zx, zy], 0) ret = np.repeat(np.expand_dims(ret, -1), 3, axis=-1) return ret.astype(np.uint8)
class Environment: def __init__(self, raw, lbl, SEG_checkpoints_path): self.action_space = ActionSpace(NUM_ACTIONS) self.observation_space = ObservationSpace(RL_NET_SIZE) self.obs_shape = RL_NET_SIZE self.raw = raw self.lbl = lbl self.raw = np.pad(self.raw, BORDER_SIZE, mode='constant', constant_values=0) self.lbl = np.pad(self.lbl, BORDER_SIZE, mode='constant', constant_values=0) self.base_start = (0, 0, 0) self.base_size = ORIGIN_SIZE self.thres = 128 self.metric = rand_score self.vol_size = self.raw.shape self.rng = np.random.RandomState(time_seed()) self.device = torch.device("cuda:1") self.setup_nets(SEG_checkpoints_path) def setup_nets(self, path): self.seg_net_size = SEG_NET_SIZE = Unet(SEG_CHANNELS, FEATURES, 1).to(self.device) checkpoint = torch.load(path)['state_dict']) def reset(self): z0 = self.rng.randint(BORDER_SIZE, self.vol_size[0] - ORIGIN_SIZE[0] - BORDER_SIZE) y0 = self.rng.randint( 50 + BORDER_SIZE, self.vol_size[1] - ORIGIN_SIZE[1] - BORDER_SIZE - 50) x0 = self.rng.randint( 180 + BORDER_SIZE, self.vol_size[2] - ORIGIN_SIZE[2] - BORDER_SIZE - 180) # print ((z0, y0, x0)) # z0, y0, x0 = (114, 312, 290) #(114, 312, 290) self.state = State(Node(start=[z0, y0, x0])) self.mask = np.zeros(ORIGIN_SIZE, dtype=np.uint8) self.history = {} self.viewed = {} self.history[] = {'refined': False, 'zoomed': 0} self.stack = [] return self.observation() def get_cell_id(self, gt_lbl): ids, count = np.unique(gt_lbl, return_counts=True) count[0] = -1 biggest_cell_id = ids[np.argmax(count)] return biggest_cell_id def calculate_score(self, gt_lbl, mask, cell_id): gt_mask = (gt_lbl == cell_id).astype(np.int32) mask = (mask > 128).astype(np.int32) dice_score = np.sum( mask[gt_mask == 1]) * 2.0 / (np.sum(mask) + np.sum(gt_mask)) return dice_score def refine(self): # print ('-----------------------Refine') st = self.state.node.start sz = self.state.node.size padding = UPDATE_MASK_PADDING net = seg_net_size = self.seg_net_size ost = self.state.node.origin_start mask_st = [st[0] - ost[0], st[1] - ost[1], st[2] - ost[2]] with torch.no_grad(): raw_patch = self.raw[st[0]:st[0] + sz[0], st[1]:st[1] + sz[1], st[2]:st[2] + sz[2]] raw_patch = resize(raw_patch, seg_net_size, order=0, mode='reflect', preserve_range=True) raw_patch = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(raw_patch, 0), 0) # (1, 1, H, W) new_mask = net( torch.tensor(raw_patch, device=self.device, dtype=torch.float32)) new_mask = np.squeeze(new_mask.cpu().numpy()) * 255 new_mask = resize(new_mask, sz, order=0, mode='reflect', preserve_range=True).astype(np.uint8) cur_mask = self.mask[mask_st[0]:mask_st[0] + sz[0], mask_st[1]:mask_st[1] + sz[1], mask_st[2]:mask_st[2] + sz[2]] # print ('cur_mask_shape', cur_mask.shape, 'new_mask_shape', new_mask.shape) # print ('st:', st, 'sz:', sz) # print ('mask_st', mask_st, 'origin_start', ost) self.mask[mask_st[0]:mask_st[0] + sz[0], mask_st[1]:mask_st[1] + sz[1], mask_st[2]:mask_st[2] + sz[2]] = np.maximum( cur_mask, new_mask) # print (np.max (self.mask)) gt_lbl = self.lbl[st[0] - padding:st[0] + sz[0] + padding, st[1] - padding:st[1] + sz[1] + padding, st[2] - padding:st[2] + sz[2] + padding] new_mask = np.pad(new_mask, padding, mode='constant', constant_values=0) cell_id = self.get_cell_id(self.lbl[st[0]:st[0] + sz[0], st[1]:st[1] + sz[1], st[2]:st[2] + sz[2]]) if cell_id in self.viewed: return 0 self.viewed[cell_id] = True score = self.calculate_score(gt_lbl, new_mask, cell_id) if score < 0.6: score = 0 return score def handle_zoomin(self, action): next_node_id = * TREE_BASE + action # Revisit a visited node if next_node_id in self.history: return self.handle_zoomout() self.history[next_node_id] = {'refined': False, 'zoomed': 0} self.history[]['zoomed'] |= 2**action # print ('----------------------------Zoomin') # print ('old:', self.state.node.start, self.state.node.size) if self.state.node.level == MAX_LV - 1: # instantly refine inner patch self.history[next_node_id]['refined'] = True # Zoomin, refine then zoomout with no stack operation self.state.node.step(action) reward = self.refine() self.handle_zoomout(pop_last=False) info = {'up_level': False, 'ale.lives': 1, 'down_level': False} done = False return self.observation(), reward, done, info reward = 0 done = False info = {'up_level': False, 'ale.lives': 1, 'down_level': True} self.stack += [copy.deepcopy(self.state)] self.state.node.step(action) # print ('current:', self.state.node.start, self.state.node.size) return self.observation(), reward, done, info def handle_refine(self): # If trying to re-refine if self.history[]['refined']: return self.handle_zoomout() reward = self.refine() self.history[]['refined'] = True info = {'up_level': False, 'ale.lives': 1, 'down_level': False} done = False return self.observation(), reward, done, info def handle_zoomout(self, pop_last=True): # print ('----------------------------Zoomout') # print ('old:', self.state.node.start, self.state.node.size) done = True observation = self.observation() reward = 0 info = { 'up_level': True and (self.state.node.level != 0), 'ale.lives': 1 if (self.state.node.level != 0) else 0, 'down_level': False } if len(self.stack) > 0 and pop_last: self.stack.pop() self.state.node.step(TREE_BASE) # print ('current', self.state.node.start, self.state.node.size) return observation, reward, done, info def step(self, action): done = False state = copy.deepcopy(self.state) self.set_state(state) # print ("DEBUG", TREE_BASE) prev_state = copy.deepcopy(state) info = {'ale.lives': 1} if (0 <= action < TREE_BASE): return self.handle_zoomin(action) if (action == TREE_BASE): return self.handle_refine() if (action == TREE_BASE + 1): return self.handle_zoomout() def cell_count(self): st = self.state.node.start sz = self.state.node.size gt_lbl = self.lbl[st[0]:st[0] + sz[0], st[1]:st[1] + sz[1], st[2]:st[2] + sz[2]] return len(np.unique(gt_lbl)) def debug(self): print('------------------------DEBUG') print( print(self.history[]['refined']) print(self.history[]['zoomed']) print('-----------------------------') def sample_action(self): return self.action_space.sample_action() def get_zoomed_mask(self, zoomed): # print ("------------------Get Zoomed Mask") ret = np.zeros(RL_NET_SIZE[:3], dtype=np.uint8) for i in range(TREE_BASE): if ((2**i) & zoomed) != 0: # print ('i', i) z0 = int(DZ[i] * 0.5 * RL_NET_SIZE[0]) + RL_NET_SIZE[0] // 12 y0 = int(DY[i] * 0.5 * RL_NET_SIZE[1]) + RL_NET_SIZE[1] // 12 x0 = int(DX[i] * 0.5 * RL_NET_SIZE[2]) + RL_NET_SIZE[2] // 12 size = [ RL_NET_SIZE[0] // 3, RL_NET_SIZE[1] // 3, RL_NET_SIZE[2] // 3 ] # print ('size', size) # print ((z0, y0, x0)) ret[z0:z0 + size[0], y0:y0 + size[1], x0:x0 + size[2]] = 255 return ret def set_state(self, state): self.state = copy.deepcopy(state) def observation(self): ''' Observation of size RL_NET_SIZE # Raw, mask, zoomed_mask, refined_mask ''' st = self.state.node.start sz = self.state.node.size ost = self.state.node.origin_start mask_st = [st[0] - ost[0], st[1] - ost[1], st[2] - ost[2]] raw_patch = self.raw[st[0]:st[0] + sz[0], st[1]:st[1] + sz[1], st[2]:st[2] + sz[2]] mask_patch = self.mask[mask_st[0]:mask_st[0] + sz[0], mask_st[1]:mask_st[1] + sz[1], mask_st[2]:mask_st[2] + sz[2]] if (self.history[]['refined']): refined_mask = np.ones(RL_NET_SIZE[:3], dtype=np.uint8) * 255 else: refined_mask = np.zeros(RL_NET_SIZE[:3], dtype=np.uint8) raw_patch = resize(raw_patch, RL_NET_SIZE[:3], order=0, mode='reflect', preserve_range=True).astype(np.uint8) mask_patch = resize(mask_patch, RL_NET_SIZE[:3], order=0, mode='reflect', preserve_range=True).astype(np.uint8) zoomed_mask = self.get_zoomed_mask( self.history[]['zoomed']) raw_patch = np.expand_dims(raw_patch, -1) mask_patch = np.expand_dims(mask_patch, -1) refined_mask = np.expand_dims(refined_mask, -1) zoomed_mask = np.expand_dims(zoomed_mask, -1) ret = np.concatenate( [raw_patch, mask_patch, refined_mask, zoomed_mask], -1) return ret def concat_last_dim_2_x(self, arr): # Arr of HxWxC # Ret of HxW*C assert (len(arr.shape) == 3) ret = [] for i in range(arr.shape[-1]): ret.append(arr[..., i]) ret = np.concatenate(ret, -1) return ret def render(self): ret = self.observation() st = self.state.node.start sz = self.state.node.size size = ret.shape z = size[0] // 2 y = size[1] // 2 x = size[2] // 2 yx = self.concat_last_dim_2_x(ret[z, :, :, :]) zx = self.concat_last_dim_2_x(ret[:, y, :, :]) zy = self.concat_last_dim_2_x(ret[:, :, x, :]) # Concatenate to Y dim ret = np.concatenate([yx, zx, zy], 0) ret = np.repeat(np.expand_dims(ret, -1), 3, axis=-1) return ret.astype(np.uint8)
def setup_nets(self, path): self.seg_net_size = SEG_NET_SIZE = Unet(SEG_CHANNELS, FEATURES, 1).to(self.device) checkpoint = torch.load(path)['state_dict'])
class Environment: def __init__ (self, raw_list, lbl_list): self.action_space = ActionSpace (NUM_ACTIONS) self.observation_space = ObservationSpace () self.obs_shape = RL_NET_SIZE self.mask_shape = RL_NET_SIZE [:3] self.raw_list = raw_list self.lbl_list = lbl_list self.viewed = {} self.tree_base = TREE_BASE self.base_start = (80, 80, 80) self.base_size = ORIGIN_SIZE self.device = torch.device("cuda:1") self.setup_net () def setup_net (self): = Unet (1, [8, 16, 32, 64], 1).to (self.device) checkpoint_path = 'seg_net/checkpoints/checkpoint_364500.pth.tar' checkpoint = torch.load (checkpoint_path) (checkpoint['state_dict']) def calculate_score (self, gt_lbl, mask, cell_id): gt_mask = (gt_lbl == cell_id).astype (np.int32) mask = (mask > 128).astype (np.int32) #plt.imshow (gt_mask, cmap='gray') () #plt.imshow (mask, cmap='gray') () # print (gt_mask.shape, mask.shape) dice_score = np.sum(mask[gt_mask==1])*2.0 / (np.sum(mask) + np.sum(gt_mask)) return dice_score def get_cell_id (self, gt_lbl): ids, count = np.unique (gt_lbl, return_counts=True) count [0] = -1 biggest_cell_id = ids [np.argmax (count)] return biggest_cell_id def predict (self): # print ("predict") st = self.state.node.start sz = self.state.node.size padding = 30 with torch.no_grad(): raw_patch = self.raw_list [st[0]: st[0]+sz[0], st[1]: st[1] + sz[1], st[2]: st[2] + sz[2]] raw_patch = resize (raw_patch, SEG_NET_SIZE [:3], order=0, mode='reflect', preserve_range=True) raw_patch = np.expand_dims (np.expand_dims (raw_patch, 0), 0).astype (np.float32) / 255.0 new_mask = (torch.tensor (raw_patch).to (self.device)) new_mask = np.squeeze (new_mask.cpu ().numpy()) * 255 new_mask = resize (new_mask, sz, order=0, mode='reflect', preserve_range=True).astype (np.uint8) cur_mask = self.mask [st[0]: st[0]+sz[0], st[1]: st[1] + sz[1], st[2]: st[2] + sz[2]] self.mask [st[0]: st[0]+sz[0], st[1]: st[1] + sz[1], st[2]: st[2] + sz[2]] = np.maximum (cur_mask, new_mask) gt_lbl = self.lbl_list [st[0]-padding: st[0]+sz[0]+padding, st[1]-padding: st[1] + sz[1]+padding, st[2]-padding: st[2] + sz[2]+padding] new_mask = np.pad (new_mask, padding, mode='constant', constant_values=0) cell_id = self.get_cell_id (self.lbl_list [st[0]: st[0]+sz[0], st[1]: st[1] + sz[1], st[2]: st[2] + sz[2]]) # Hanle revisit segmented cell if cell_id in self.viewed: return 0 self.viewed [cell_id] = True score = self.calculate_score (gt_lbl, new_mask, cell_id) if score < 0.6: score = 0 return score def update_taboo (self): self.taboo [] = True def step (self, action): done = False reward = 0 state = copy.deepcopy (self.state) self.set_state (state) prev_state = copy.deepcopy (state) action = Action (action) info = { 'ale.lives': 1} # Handle revisiting a visited node taboo_action = False if (0 <= action.val < self.tree_base): if ( * TREE_BASE + action.val) in self.taboo: taboo_action = True action.val = self.tree_base + 1 if action.val == self.tree_base: