Exemplo n.º 1
    def check(self):
        """ Checks parameters and paths
        # check paths
        if 'SCRATCH' not in PATH:
            raise ParameterError(PATH, 'SCRATCH')

        if 'LOCAL' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'LOCAL', None)

        if 'OUTPUT' not in PATH:
            raise ParameterError(PATH, 'OUTPUT')

        # check input
        if 'DATA' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'DATA', None)

        if not exists(PATH.DATA):
            assert 'MODEL_TRUE' in PATH

        if 'MODEL_INIT' not in PATH:
            raise ParameterError(PATH, 'MODEL_INIT')

        # check output
        if 'SAVEGRADIENT' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'SAVEGRADIENT', 1)

        if 'SAVEKERNELS' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'SAVEKERNELS', 0)

        if 'SAVETRACES' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'SAVETRACES', 0)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def check(self):
        """ Checks parameters and paths
        if 'MISFIT' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'MISFIT', 'wav')

        if 'FORMAT' not in PAR:
            raise ParameterError(PAR, 'FORMAT')

        if 'CHANNELS' not in PAR:
            raise ParameterError(PAR, 'CHANNELS')

        if 'NORMALIZE' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'NORMALIZE', True)

        # mute settings
        if 'MUTE' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'MUTE', False)

        if 'MUTESLOPE' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'MUTESLOPE', 0.)

        if 'MUTECONST' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'MUTECONST', 0.)

        # filter settings
        if 'BANDPASS' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'BANDPASS', False)

        if 'FREQLO' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'FREQLO', 0.)

        if 'FREQHI' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'FREQHI', 0.)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def check_filter(self):
        """ Checks filter settings
        if not PAR.FILTER:

        elif PAR.FILTER == 'Bandpass':
            if 'FREQMIN' not in PAR: raise ParameterError('FREQMIN')
            if 'FREQMAX' not in PAR: raise ParameterError('FREQMAX')
            assert 0 < PAR.FREQMIN
            assert PAR.FREQMIN < PAR.FREQMIN
            assert PAR.FREQMAX < infinity

        elif PAR.FILTER == 'Lowpass':
            raise NotImplementedError
            if 'FREQ' not in PAR: raise ParameterError('FREQ')
            assert 0 < PAR.FREQ <= infinity

        elif PAR.FILTER == 'Highpass':
            raise NotImplementedError
            if 'FREQ' not in PAR: raise ParameterError('FREQ')
            assert 0 <= PAR.FREQ < infinity

            raise ParameterError()
Exemplo n.º 4
    def check(self):
        """ Checks parameters and paths

        # check paths
        if 'SCRATCH' not in PATH:
            raise ParameterError(PATH, 'SCRATCH')

        if 'LOCAL' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'LOCAL', None)

        if 'OUTPUT' not in PATH:
            raise ParameterError(PATH, 'OUTPUT')

        if 'SOLVER' not in PATH:
            raise ParameterError(PATH, 'SOLVER')

        # check input
        if 'DATA' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'DATA', None)

        if not exists(PATH.DATA):
            assert 'MODEL_TRUE' in PATH

        if 'MODEL_INIT' not in PATH:
            raise ParameterError(PATH, 'MODEL_INIT')

        # assertions
        if PAR.NSRC != 1:
            raise ParameterError(PAR, 'NSRC')
Exemplo n.º 5
    def check(self):
        """ Checks parameters and paths
        if 'MISFIT' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'MISFIT', None)

        if 'BACKPROJECT' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'BACKPROJECT', None)

        if 'FORMAT' not in PAR:
            raise ParameterError(PAR, 'FORMAT')

        if 'NORMALIZE' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'NORMALIZE', 'L2')

        if 'MUTE' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'MUTE', None)

        if 'FILTER' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'FILTER', None)

        # assertions
        if PAR.FORMAT not in dir(readers):
            print msg.ReaderError
            raise ParameterError()

        if PAR.FORMAT not in dir(writers):
            print msg.WriterError
            raise ParameterError()

Exemplo n.º 6
    def check(self):
        """ Checks parameters and paths

        # check parameters
        if 'TITLE' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'TITLE', basename(abspath('.')))

        if 'WALLTIME' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'WALLTIME', 30.)

        if 'VERBOSE' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'VERBOSE', 1)

        if 'NPROC' not in PAR:
            raise ParameterError(PAR, 'NPROC')

        if 'NTASK' not in PAR:
            raise ParameterError(PAR, 'NTASK')

        if 'SLURMARGS' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'SLURMARGS', '')

        # check paths
        if 'SCRATCH' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'SCRATCH', join(abspath('.'), 'scratch'))

        if 'LOCAL' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'LOCAL', None)

        if 'SUBMIT' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'SUBMIT', abspath('.'))

        if 'OUTPUT' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'OUTPUT', join(PATH.SUBMIT, 'output'))
Exemplo n.º 7
    def check(self):
        """ Checks parameters and paths
        if 'NPROC' not in PAR:
            raise ParameterError(PAR, 'NPROC')

        # check scratch paths
        if 'SCRATCH' not in PATH:
            raise ParameterError(PATH, 'SCRATCH')

        if 'LOCAL' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'LOCAL', None)

        if 'SOLVER' not in PATH:
            if PATH.LOCAL:
                setattr(PATH, 'SOLVER', join(PATH.LOCAL, 'solver'))
                setattr(PATH, 'SOLVER', join(PATH.SCRATCH, 'solver'))

        # check solver input paths
        if 'SPECFEM_BIN' not in PATH:
            raise ParameterError(PATH, 'SPECFEM_BIN')

        if 'SPECFEM_DATA' not in PATH:
            raise ParameterError(PATH, 'SPECFEM_DATA')

        # assertions
        assert self.parameters != []
Exemplo n.º 8
    def check(self):
        """ Checks parameters and paths
        if 'MISFIT' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'MISFIT', 'Waveform')

        if 'CHANNELS' not in PAR:
            raise ParameterError(PAR, 'CHANNELS')

        if 'READER' not in PAR:
            raise ParameterError(PAR, 'READER')

        if 'WRITER' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'WRITER', PAR.READER)

        if 'NORMALIZE' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'NORMALIZE', True)
	if 'PAR_CULL' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'PAR_CULL', True)

        # mute settings
        if 'MUTE' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'MUTE', False)

        if 'MUTESLOPE' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'MUTESLOPE', 0.)

        if 'MUTECONST' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'MUTECONST', 0.)

        # filter settings
        if 'BANDPASS' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'BANDPASS', False)

        if 'FREQLO' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'FREQLO', 0.)

        if 'FREQHI' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'FREQHI', 0.)

        if 'NORMALIZE_ALL' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'NORMALIZE_ALL', False)

        # assertions
        if PAR.READER not in dir(readers):
            print msg.ReaderError
            raise ParameterError()

        if PAR.WRITER not in dir(writers):
            print msg.WriterError
            raise ParameterError()
Exemplo n.º 9
    def generate_adjoint_traces(self, s, d, h):
        """ Generates adjoint traces from observed and synthetic traces

        for i in range(h.nr):
            s[:, i] = self.call_adjoint(s[:, i], d[:, i], h.nt, h.dt)

        # bandpass once more
        if PAR.BANDPASS:
            if PAR.FREQLO and PAR.FREQHI:
                s = sbandpass(s, h, PAR.FREQLO, PAR.FREQHI, 'reverse')

            elif PAR.FREQHI:
                s = shighpass(s, h, PAR.FREQLO, 'reverse')

            elif PAR.FREQHI:
                s = slowpass(s, h, PAR.FREQHI, 'reverse')

                raise ParameterError(PAR, 'BANDPASS')

        # normalize traces
        if PAR.NORMALIZE:
            for ir in range(h.nr):
                w = np.linalg.norm(d[:, ir], ord=2)
                if w > 0:
                    s[:, ir] /= w

        return s
Exemplo n.º 10
 def check_normalize(self):
     if not PAR.NORMALIZE:
     elif PAR.NORMALIZE in ['L1', 'L2', 'L2_squared']:
         raise ParameterError()
Exemplo n.º 11
    def apply_mute(self, traces):
        if not PAR.MUTE:
            return traces

        elif PAR.MUTE == 'MuteEarlyArrivals':
            # mutes early arrivals
            return mute_early(
                PAR.MUTESLOPE,  # (units: time/distance)
                PAR.MUTECONST,  # (units: time)

        elif PAR.MUTE == 'MuteLateArrivals':
            return mute_late(
                PAR.MUTESLOPE,  # (units: time/distance)
                PAR.MUTECONST,  # (units: time)

            raise ParameterError()
Exemplo n.º 12
    def apply_filter(self, traces):
        if not PAR.FILTER:
            return traces

        elif PAR.FILTER == 'Bandpass':
            traces = _signal.detrend(traces)
            for tr in traces:
                tr.filter('bandpass', freqmin=PAR.FREQMIN, freqmax=PAR.FREQMAX)

                # workaround obspy dtype conversion
                tr.data = tr.data.astype(np.float32)

        elif PAR.FILTER == 'Lowpass':
            traces = _signal.detrend(traces)
            for tr in traces:
                tr.filter('lowpass', freq=PAR.FREQ)

                # workaround obspy dtype conversion
                tr.data = tr.data.astype(np.float32)

        elif PAR.FILTER == 'Highpass':
            traces = _signal.detrend(traces)
            for tr in traces:
                tr.filter('highpass', freq=PAR.FREQ)

                # workaround obspy dtype conversion
                tr.data = tr.data.astype(np.float32)

            raise ParameterError()

        return traces
Exemplo n.º 13
    def check(self):
        """ Checks parameters and paths

        if 'TITLE' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'TITLE', unix.basename(abspath('..')))

        if 'SUBTITLE' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'SUBTITLE', unix.basename(abspath('.')))

        # check parameters
        if 'WALLTIME' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'WALLTIME', 30.)

        if 'STEPTIME' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'STEPTIME', 30.)

        if 'SLEEPTIME' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'SLEEPTIME', 1.)

        if 'VERBOSE' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'VERBOSE', 1)

        if 'NTASK' not in PAR:
            raise ParameterError(PAR, 'NTASK')

        if 'NPROC' not in PAR:
            raise ParameterError(PAR, 'NPROC')

        if 'NODESIZE' not in PAR:
            raise ParameterError(PAR, 'NODESIZE')

        # check paths
        if 'GLOBAL' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'GLOBAL', join(abspath('.'), 'scratch'))

        if 'LOCAL' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'LOCAL', None)

        if 'SUBMIT' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'SUBMIT', unix.pwd())

        if 'OUTPUT' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'OUTPUT', join(PATH.SUBMIT, 'output'))

        if 'SYSTEM' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'SYSTEM', join(PATH.GLOBAL, 'system'))
Exemplo n.º 14
    def check_mute(self):
        """ Checks mute settings
        if not PAR.MUTE:

        elif PAR.MUTE in ['MuteEarlyArrivals', 'MuteLateArrivals']:
            assert 'MUTESLOPE' in PAR
            assert 'MUTECONST' in PAR
            assert PAR.MUTESLOPE >= 0.

            raise ParameterError()
Exemplo n.º 15
    def check(self):
        """ Checks parameters and paths
        super(pbs_sm, self).check()

        # check parameters
        if 'WALLTIME' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'WALLTIME', 30.)

        if 'MEMORY' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'MEMORY', 0)

        if 'NODESIZE' not in PAR:
            raise ParameterError(PAR, 'NODESIZE')

        if 'PBSARGS' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'PBSARGS', '')
Exemplo n.º 16
    def apply_normalize(self, traces):
        if not PAR.NORMALIZE:
            return traces

        elif PAR.NORMALIZE == 'L1':
            # normalize each trace by its L1 norm
            for tr in traces:
                w = np.linalg.norm(tr.data, ord=1)
                if w > 0:
                    tr.data /= w
            return traces

        elif PAR.NORMALIZE == 'L2':
            # normalize each trace by its L2 norm
            for tr in traces:
                w = np.linalg.norm(tr.data, ord=2)
                if w > 0:
                    tr.data /= w
            return traces

        elif PAR.NORMALIZE == 'L2_squared':
            # normalize each trace by its L2 norm squared
            for tr in traces:
                w = np.linalg.norm(tr.data, ord=2)
                if w > 0:
                    tr.data /= w**2.
            return traces

        elif PAR.NORMALIZE == 'L2_summed':
            # normalize all traces by their combined L2 norm
            w = 0.
            for tr in traces:
                w += np.linalg.norm(tr.data, ord=2)**2.
            for tr in traces:
                tr.data /= w**0.5
            return traces

            raise ParameterError()
Exemplo n.º 17
    def process_traces(self, s, h):
        """ Performs data processing operations on traces
        # filter data
        if PAR.BANDPASS:
            if PAR.FREQLO and PAR.FREQHI:
                s = sbandpass(s, h, PAR.FREQLO, PAR.FREQHI)

            elif PAR.FREQHI:
                s = shighpass(s, h, PAR.FREQLO)

            elif PAR.FREQHI:
                s = slowpass(s, h, PAR.FREQHI)

                raise ParameterError(PAR, 'BANDPASS')

        # mute direct arrival
        if PAR.MUTE:
            vel = PAR.MUTESLOPE
            off = PAR.MUTECONST
            s = smute(s, h, vel, off, constant_spacing=False)

        return s
Exemplo n.º 18
    def check(self):
        """ Checks parameters and paths

        # check parameters
        if 'BEGIN' not in PAR:
            raise ParameterError(PAR, 'BEGIN')

        if 'END' not in PAR:
            raise ParameterError(PAR, 'END')

        if 'VERBOSE' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'VERBOSE', 1)

        # scratch paths
        if 'SCRATCH' not in PATH:
            raise ParameterError(PATH, 'SCRATCH')

        if 'LOCAL' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'LOCAL', None)

        if 'FUNC' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'FUNC', join(PATH.SCRATCH, 'evalfunc'))

        if 'GRAD' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'GRAD', join(PATH.SCRATCH, 'evalgrad'))

        if 'HESS' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'HESS', join(PATH.SCRATCH, 'evalhess'))

        if 'OPTIMIZE' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'OPTIMIZE', join(PATH.SCRATCH, 'optimize'))

        # input paths
        if 'DATA' not in PATH:
            setattr(PATH, 'DATA', None)

        if 'MODEL_INIT' not in PATH:
            raise ParameterError(PATH, 'MODEL_INIT')

        # output paths
        if 'OUTPUT' not in PATH:
            raise ParameterError(PATH, 'OUTPUT')

        if 'SAVEMODEL' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'SAVEMODEL', 1)

        if 'SAVEGRADIENT' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'SAVEGRADIENT', 0)

        if 'SAVEKERNELS' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'SAVEKERNELS', 0)

        if 'SAVETRACES' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'SAVETRACES', 0)

        if 'SAVERESIDUALS' not in PAR:
            setattr(PAR, 'SAVERESIDUALS', 0)

        # parameter assertions
        assert 1 <= PAR.BEGIN <= PAR.END

        # path assertions
        if not exists(PATH.DATA):
            assert 'MODEL_TRUE' in PATH
            assert exists(PATH.MODEL_TRUE)

        if not exists(PATH.MODEL_INIT):
            raise Exception()