Exemplo n.º 1
    def smooth(self, input_path, **kwargs):
        Specfem2D requires additional model parameters in directory to perform
        the xsmooth_sem task. This function will copy these files into the 
        directory before performing the base smooth operations. 

        Kwargs should match arguments of solver.base.smooth()
        .. note::
            This operation is usually run with run(single=True) so only one
            task will be performing these operations.

        :type input_path: str
        :param input_path: path to data
        # Redundant to 'base' class but necessary
        if not exists(input_path):


        # Copy over only the files that are required. Won't execute if no match
        files = []
        for tag in ["jacobian", "NSPEC_ibool", "x", "y", "z"]:
            files += glob(f"*_{tag}.bin")
        for src in files:
            unix.cp(src=src, dst=input_path)

        super().smooth(input_path=input_path, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def distribute_databases(self):
        A serial task to distrubute the database files outputted by 
        xgenerate_databases from main solver to all other solver directories
        # Copy the database files but ignore any vt? files
        src_db = glob(
            os.path.join(PATH.SOLVER, self.mainsolver, "OUTPUT_FILES",
                         "DATABASES_MPI", "*"))
        for extension in [".vtu", ".vtk"]:
            src_db = [_ for _ in src_db if extension not in _]

        # Copy the .h files from the mesher, Specfem needs these as well
        src_h = glob(
            os.path.join(PATH.SOLVER, self.mainsolver, "OUTPUT_FILES", "*.h"))

        for source_name in self.source_names:
            # Ensure main solver is skipped
            if source_name == self.mainsolver:
            # Copy database files to each of the other source directories
            dst_db = os.path.join(PATH.SOLVER, source_name, "OUTPUT_FILES",
                                  "DATABASES_MPI", "")
            unix.cp(src_db, dst_db)

            # Copy mesher h files into the overlying directory
            dst_h = os.path.join(PATH.SOLVER, source_name, "OUTPUT_FILES", "")
            unix.cp(src_h, dst_h)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def initialize_adjoint_traces(self):
        Setup utility: Creates the "adjoint traces" expected by SPECFEM

            Adjoint traces are initialized by writing zeros for all channels.
            Channels actually in use during an inversion or migration will be
            overwritten with nonzero values later on.
        # Initialize adjoint traces as zeroes for all data_filenames
        # write to `traces/adj`

        # Rename data to work around Specfem naming convetions

        # Workaround for Specfem3D's requirement that all components exist,
        # even ones not in use as adjoint traces
        if PAR.FORMAT.upper() == "SU":
            unix.cd(os.path.join(self.cwd, "traces", "adj"))

            for iproc in range(PAR.NPROC):
                for channel in ["x", "y", "z"]:
                    dst = f"{iproc:d}_d{channel}_SU.adj"
                    if not exists(dst):
                        src = f"{iproc:d}_d{PAR.COMPONENTS[0]}_SU.adj"
                        unix.cp(src, dst)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def save_traces(self):
     Save waveform traces into the output directory
     src = os.path.join(PATH.SCRATCH, "traces")
     dst = PATH.OUTPUT
     unix.cp(src, dst)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def generate_mesh(self, model_path, model_name, model_type='gll'):
        Performs meshing with internal mesher Meshfem2D and database generation

        :type model_path: str
        :param model_path: path to the model to be used for mesh generation
        :type model_name: str
        :param model_name: name of the model to be used as identification
        :type model_type: str
        :param model_type: available model types to be passed to the Specfem3D
            Par_file. See Specfem3D Par_file for available options.
        assert (exists(model_path)), f"model {model_path} does not exist"

        available_model_types = ["gll"]
        assert(model_type in available_model_types), \
            f"{model_type} not in available types {available_model_types}"


        # Run mesh generation
        if model_type == "gll":

            # Copy the model files (ex: proc000023_vp.bin ...) into DATA
            src = glob(os.path.join(model_path, "*"))
            dst = self.model_databases
            unix.cp(src, dst)

        # Export the model into output folder
        if self.taskid == 0:
            self.export_model(os.path.join(PATH.OUTPUT, model_name))
Exemplo n.º 6
 def save_kernels(self):
     Save individual kernels into the output directory
     src = os.path.join(PATH.SCRATCH, "kernels")
     dst = PATH.OUTPUT
     unix.cp(src, dst)
Exemplo n.º 7
 def save_kernels_sum(self):
     Same summed kernels into the output directory
     src = os.path.join(PATH.SCRATCH, "kernels", "sum")
     dst = os.path.join(PATH.OUTPUT, "kernels")
     unix.cp(src, dst)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def import_traces(self, path):
        File transfer utility. Import traces into the workflow.

        :type path: str
        :param path: path to traces
        src = glob(os.path.join(path, 'traces', self.source_name, '*'))
        dst = os.path.join(self.cwd, 'traces', 'obs')
        unix.cp(src, dst)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def import_model(self, path):
        File transfer utility to move a SPEFEM2D model into the correct location
        for a workflow.

        :type path: str
        :param path: path to the SPECFEM2D model
        unix.cp(src=glob(os.path.join(path, "model", "*")),
                dst=os.path.join(self.cwd, "DATA"))
Exemplo n.º 10
    def export_model(self, path):
        File transfer utility to move a SPEFEM2D model from the DATA directory
        to an external path location

        :type path: str
        :param path: path to export the SPECFEM2D model
        unix.cp(src=glob(os.path.join(self.cwd, "DATA", "*.bin")), dst=path)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def generate_synthetics(self):
        Performs forward simulation, and evaluates the objective function
        self.logger.info(msg.sub("PREPARING VELOCITY MODEL"))
        src = os.path.join(PATH.OUTPUT, "model_init")
        dst = os.path.join(PATH.SCRATCH, "model")

        assert os.path.exists(src)
        unix.cp(src, dst)

        self.logger.info(msg.sub("EVALUATE OBJECTIVE FUNCTION"))
Exemplo n.º 12
    def initialize_solver_directories(self):
        Creates solver directories in serial using a single node.
        Should only be run by master job.

        Differs from Base initialize_solver_directories() as this serial task
        will create directory structures for each source, rather than having
        each source create its own. However the internal dir structure is the
        for source_name in self.source_names:
            cwd = os.path.join(PATH.SOLVER, source_name)
            # Remove any existing scratch directory

            # Create internal directory structure, change into directory to make
            # all actions RELATIVE path actions
            for cwd_dir in [
                    "bin", "DATA", "OUTPUT_FILES/DATABASES_MPI", "traces/obs",
                    "traces/syn", "traces/adj"

            # Copy exectuables
            src = glob(os.path.join(PATH.SPECFEM_BIN, "*"))
            dst = os.path.join("bin", "")
            unix.cp(src, dst)

            # Copy all input files except source files
            src = glob(os.path.join(PATH.SPECFEM_DATA, "*"))
            src = [_ for _ in src if self.source_prefix not in _]
            dst = os.path.join("DATA", "")
            unix.cp(src, dst)

            # symlink event source specifically
            src = os.path.join(PATH.SPECFEM_DATA,
            dst = os.path.join("DATA", self.source_prefix)
            unix.ln(src, dst)

            if source_name == self.mainsolver:
                # Symlink taskid_0 as mainsolver in solver directory
                unix.ln(source_name, os.path.join(PATH.SOLVER, "mainsolver"))
                # Only check the solver parameters once
Exemplo n.º 13
    def export_traces(self, path, prefix="traces/obs"):
        File transfer utility. Export traces to disk.

        :type path: str
        :param path: path to save traces
        :type prefix: str
        :param prefix: location of traces w.r.t self.cwd
        if self.taskid == 0:
            self.logger.debug("exporting traces to {path} {prefix}")


        src = os.path.join(self.cwd, prefix)
        dst = os.path.join(path, self.source_name)
        unix.cp(src, dst)
Exemplo n.º 14
    def initialize_adjoint_traces(self):
        Setup utility: Creates the "adjoint traces" expected by SPECFEM.
        This is only done for the 'base' the Preprocess class.

            Adjoint traces are initialized by writing zeros for all channels.
            Channels actually in use during an inversion or migration will be
            overwritten with nonzero values later on.

        unix.cd(os.path.join("traces", "adj"))

        # work around SPECFEM2D's use of different name conventions for
        # regular traces and 'adjoint' traces
        if PAR.FORMAT.upper() == "SU":
            files = glob("*SU")
            unix.rename(old="_SU", new="_SU.adj", names=files)
        elif PAR.FORMAT.upper() == "ASCII":
            files = glob("*sem?")

            # Get the available extensions, which are named based on unit
            extensions = set([os.path.splitext(_)[-1] for _ in files])
            for extension in extensions:
                unix.rename(old=extension, new=".adj", names=files)

        # SPECFEM2D requires that all components exist even if ununsed
        components = ["x", "y", "z", "p"]

        if PAR.FORMAT.upper() == "SU":
            for comp in components:
                src = f"U{PAR.COMPONENTS[0]}_file_single.su.adj"
                dst = f"U{comp.lower()}s_file_single.su.adj"
                if not exists(dst):
                    unix.cp(src, dst)
        elif PAR.FORMAT.upper() == "ASCII":
            for fid in glob("*.adj"):
                net, sta, cha, ext = fid.split(".")
                for comp in components:
                    # Replace the last value in the channel with new component
                    cha_check = cha[:-1] + comp.upper()
                    fid_check = ".".join([net, sta, cha_check, ext])
                    if not exists(fid_check):
                        unix.cp(fid, fid_check)
Exemplo n.º 15
    def generate_mesh(self, model_path, model_name, model_type='gll'):
        Performs meshing and database generation as a serial task. Differs
        slightly from specfem3d class as it only creates database files for
        the main solver, which are then copied in serial by the function

        :type model_path: str
        :param model_path: path to the model to be used for mesh generation
        :type model_name: str
        :param model_name: name of the model to be used as identification
        :type model_type: str
        :param model_type: available model types to be passed to the Specfem3D
            Par_file. See Specfem3D Par_file for available options.
        available_model_types = ["gll"]

        assert (exists(model_path)), f"model {model_path} does not exist"

        model_type = model_type or getpar(key="MODEL", file="DATA/Par_file")
        assert(model_type in available_model_types), \
            f"{model_type} not in available types {available_model_types}"

        # Ensure that we're running on the main solver only
        assert (self.taskid == 0)


        # Check that the model parameter falls into the acceptable types
        par = getpar("MODEL").strip()
        assert(par in available_model_types), \
            f"Par_file {par} not in available types {available_model_types}"

        if par == "gll":

            # Copy model files and then run xgenerate databases
            src = glob(os.path.join(model_path, "*"))
            dst = self.model_databases
            unix.cp(src, dst)


        self.export_model(os.path.join(PATH.OUTPUT, model_name))
Exemplo n.º 16
    def save_gradient(self):
        Save the gradient vector. Allows saving numpy array or standard
        Fortran .bin files

        Saving as a vector saves on file count, but requires numpy and seisflows
        functions to read
        dst = os.path.join(PATH.OUTPUT, f"gradient_{optimize.iter:04d}")

        if PAR.SAVEAS in ["binary", "both"]:
            src = os.path.join(PATH.GRAD, "gradient")
            unix.mv(src, dst)
        if PAR.SAVEAS in ["vector", "both"]:
            src = os.path.join(PATH.OPTIMIZE, optimize.g_old)
            unix.cp(src, dst + ".npy")

        self.logger.debug(f"saving gradient to path:\n{dst}")
Exemplo n.º 17
    def export_model(self, path, parameters=None):
        File transfer utility. Export the model to disk.

        Performed by master solver.

        :type path: str
        :param path: path to save model
        :type parameters: list
        :param parameters: list of parameters that define the model
        if parameters is None:
            parameters = self.parameters

        if self.taskid == 0:
            for key in parameters:
                files = glob(os.path.join(self.model_databases, f"*{key}.bin"))
                unix.cp(files, path)
Exemplo n.º 18
    def setup(self):
        Prepares solver for inversion or migration.
        Sets up directory structure expected by SPECFEM and copies or generates
        seismic data to be inverted or migrated

        .. note:;
            As input for an inversion or migration, users can choose between
            providing data, or providing a target model from which data are
            generated on the fly.
            In the former case, a value for PATH.DATA must be supplied;
            in the latter case, a value for PATH.MODEL_TRUE must be provided.
        # Clean up for new inversion

        # Determine where observation data will come from
        if PAR.CASE.upper() == "SYNTHETIC" and PATH.MODEL_TRUE is not None:
            if self.taskid == 0:
                    "generating 'data' with MODEL_TRUE synthetics")
            # Generate synthetic data on the fly using the true model
        elif PATH.DATA is not None and os.path.exists(PATH.DATA):
            # If Data provided by user, copy directly into the solver directory
            unix.cp(src=glob(os.path.join(PATH.DATA, self.source_name, "*")),
                    dst=os.path.join("traces", "obs"))

        # Prepare initial model
        if self.taskid == 0:
            self.logger.info("running mesh generation for MODEL_INIT")

        # Create blank adjoint traces to be overwritten
Exemplo n.º 19
    def initialize_solver_directories(self):
        Creates directory structure expected by SPECFEM3D (bin/, DATA/) copies
        executables, and prepares input files. Executables must be supplied
        by user as there is no mechanism for automatically compiling from source

        Directories will act as completely independent Specfem run directories.
        This allows for embarrassing parallelization while avoiding the need
        for intra-directory communications, at the cost of redundancy and
        extra files.
        if self.taskid == 0:
            self.logger.info(f"initializing {PAR.NTASK} solver directories")


        # Create directory structure
        for cwd_dir in [
                "bin", "DATA", "OUTPUT_FILES/DATABASES_MPI", "traces/obs",
                "traces/syn", "traces/adj", self.model_databases,

        # Copy exectuables into the bin/ directory
        src = glob(os.path.join(PATH.SPECFEM_BIN, "*"))
        dst = os.path.join("bin", "")
        unix.cp(src, dst)

        # Copy all input files except source files
        src = glob(os.path.join(PATH.SPECFEM_DATA, "*"))
        src = [_ for _ in src if self.source_prefix not in _]
        dst = os.path.join("DATA", "")
        unix.cp(src, dst)

        # Symlink event source specifically, strip the source name as SPECFEM
        # just expects `source_name`
        src = os.path.join(PATH.SPECFEM_DATA,
        dst = os.path.join("DATA", self.source_prefix)
        unix.ln(src, dst)

        if self.taskid == 0:
            mainsolver = os.path.join(PATH.SOLVER, "mainsolver")
            # Symlink taskid_0 as mainsolver in solver directory for convenience
            if not os.path.exists(mainsolver):
                unix.ln(self.cwd, mainsolver)
                self.logger.debug(f"source {self.source_name} symlinked as "
            # Copy the initial model from mainsolver into current directory
            # Avoids the need to run multiple instances of xgenerate_databases
            src = os.path.join(PATH.SOLVER, "mainsolver", "OUTPUT_FILES",
            dst = os.path.join(self.cwd, "OUTPUT_FILES", "DATABASES_MPI")
            unix.cp(src, dst)

Exemplo n.º 20
    def _save_quantity(self, filepaths, tag="", path_out=""):
        Repeatable convenience function to save quantities from the scratch/
        directory to the output/ directory

        :type filepaths: list
        :param filepaths: full path to files that should be saved to output/
        :type tag: str  
        :param tag: tag for saving the files in PATH.OUTPUT. If not given, will
            save directly into the output/ directory
        :type path_out: str
        :param path_out: overwrite the default output path file naming
        if not path_out:
            path_out = os.path.join(PATH.OUTPUT, tag)

        if not os.path.exists(path_out):

        for src in filepaths:
            dst = os.path.join(path_out, os.path.basename(src))
            unix.cp(src, dst) 
Exemplo n.º 21
    def setup(self):
        Create the SeisFlows3 directory structure in preparation for a
        SeisFlows3 workflow. Ensure that if any config information is left over
        from a previous workflow, that these files are not overwritten by
        the new workflow. Should be called by submit()

        .. note::
            This function is expected to create dirs: SCRATCH, SYSTEM, OUTPUT
            and the following log files: output, error

        .. note::
            Logger is configured here as all workflows, independent of system,
            will be calling setup()

        :rtype: tuple of str
        :return: (path to output log, path to error log)
        # Create scratch directories

        # Create output directories
        log_files = os.path.join(PATH.WORKDIR, CFGPATHS.LOGDIR)

        # If resuming, move old log files to keep them out of the way. Number
        # in ascending order, so we don't end up overwriting things
        for src in [self.output_log, self.error_log, PATH.PAR_FILE]:
            i = 1
            if os.path.exists(src):
                dst = os.path.join(log_files, number_fid(src, i))
                while os.path.exists(dst):
                    i += 1
                    dst = os.path.join(log_files, number_fid(src, i))
                self.logger.debug(f"copying par/log file to: {dst}")
                unix.cp(src=src, dst=dst)
Exemplo n.º 22
    def create_specfem2d_working_directory(self):
        Create the working directory where we will generate our initial and
        final models using one of the SPECFEM2D examples
        assert (os.path.exists(self.sem2d_paths["example"])), (
            f"SPECFEM2D/EXAMPLE directory: '{self.sem2d['example']}' "
            f"does not exist, please check this path and try again.")

        # Incase this example has written before, remove dir. that were created

        # Copy the binary executables and DATA from the SPECFEM2D example
        cp(self.sem2d_paths.bin, self.workdir_paths.bin)
        cp(self.sem2d_paths.example_data, self.workdir_paths.data)

        # Make sure that SPECFEM2D can find the expected files in the DATA/ dir
        ln("SOURCE_001", "SOURCE")
        ln("Par_file_Tape2007_onerec", "Par_file")
Exemplo n.º 23
    def generate_mesh(self, model_path, model_name, model_type=None):
        Performs meshing with internal mesher Meshfem3D and database generation

        :type model_path: str
        :param model_path: path to the model to be used for mesh generation
        :type model_name: str
        :param model_name: name of the model to be used as identification
        :type model_type: str
        :param model_type: available model types to be passed to the Specfem3D
            Par_file. See Specfem3D Par_file for available options.
        available_model_types = ["gll"]

        assert (exists(model_path)), f"model {model_path} does not exist"

        model_type = model_type or getpar(key="MODEL", file="DATA/Par_file")
        assert(model_type in available_model_types), \
            f"{model_type} not in available types {available_model_types}"


        # Run mesh generation
        if model_type == "gll":

            src = glob(os.path.join(model_path, "*"))
            dst = self.model_databases
            unix.cp(src, dst)

            call_solver(mpiexec=PAR.MPIEXEC, executable="bin/xmeshfem3D")

        # Export the model for future use in the workflow
        if self.taskid == 0:
            self.export_model(os.path.join(PATH.OUTPUT, model_name))
Exemplo n.º 24
    def prepare_eval_grad(self, cwd, taskid, filenames, **kwargs):
        Prepares solver for gradient evaluation by writing residuals and
        adjoint traces. Meant to be called by solver.eval_func().

        Reads in observed and synthetic waveforms, applies optional
        preprocessing, assesses misfit, and writes out adjoint sources and
        STATIONS_ADJOINT file.

        .. note::
            Meant to be called by solver.eval_func(), may have unused arguments
            to keep functions general across subclasses.

        :type cwd: str
        :param cwd: current specfem working directory containing observed and
            synthetic seismic data to be read and processed. Should be defined
            by solver.cwd
        :type filenames: list of str
        :param filenames: list of filenames defining the files in traces
        if taskid == 0:
            self.logger.debug("preparing files for gradient evaluation")

        for filename in filenames:
            obs = self.reader(path=os.path.join(cwd, "traces", "obs"),
            syn = self.reader(path=os.path.join(cwd, "traces", "syn"),

            # Process observations and synthetics identically
            if PAR.FILTER:
                if taskid == 0:
                    self.logger.debug(f"applying {PAR.FILTER} filter to data")
                obs = self._apply_filter(obs)
                syn = self._apply_filter(syn)
            if PAR.MUTE:
                if taskid == 0:
                    self.logger.debug(f"applying {PAR.MUTE} mutes to data")
                obs = self._apply_mute(obs)
                syn = self._apply_mute(syn)
            if PAR.NORMALIZE:
                if taskid == 0:
                        f"normalizing data with: {PAR.NORMALIZE}")
                obs = self._apply_normalize(obs)
                syn = self._apply_normalize(syn)

            if PAR.MISFIT is not None:
                self._write_residuals(cwd, syn, obs)

            # Write the adjoint traces. Rename file extension for Specfem
            if PAR.FORMAT.upper() == "ASCII":
                # Change the extension to '.adj' from whatever it is
                ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[-1]
                filename_out = filename.replace(ext, ".adj")
            elif PAR.FORMAT.upper() == "SU":
                # TODO implement this
                raise NotImplementedError

            self._write_adjoint_traces(path=os.path.join(cwd, "traces", "adj"),

        # Copy over the STATIONS file to STATIONS_ADJOINT required by Specfem
        # ASSUMING that all stations are used in adjoint simulation
        src = os.path.join(cwd, "DATA", "STATIONS")
        dst = os.path.join(cwd, "DATA", "STATIONS_ADJOINT")
        unix.cp(src, dst)