Exemplo n.º 1
from class;


select sid,sname from student
where sid in(
select student_id from score
where course_id in(
select cid from teacher,course
where teacher.tname = '张三'
and teacher.tid = course.teacher_id)
group by student_id
having count(student_id)>=2);


select tid,tname from teacher
where tid in(
select teacher_id from course
group by teacher_id
having count(teacher_id) >2);


select sid,sname from student
where sid in(
select student_id from score
where student_id = 1
or student_id = 2);


select tid,tname from teacher
where tid not in(
select tid from teach2cls
where cid in(
select t1.cid from(
select class.cid,class.caption,class_grade.gname,
when class_grade.gid between 1 and 2 then '低年级'
when class_grade.gid between 3 and 4 then '中年级'
when class_grade.gid between 5 and 6 then '高年级' else 0 end as grade_layer
from class,class_grade
where class.grade_id=class_grade.gid)as t1
where t1.grade_layer='高'));
Exemplo n.º 2
partition by weight 
order by tuple()""")

client.execute("""INSERT INTO tag_sums
JOIN (SELECT mbid, sum(weight) FROM tags WHERE weight > 10 GROUP BY mbid) USING (mbid)""")

client.execute("ALTER TABLE tag_sums ADD COLUMN rel_weight Float32")

client.execute("ALTER TABLE tag_sums UPDATE rel_weight = divide(weight,ttl_weight) WHERE weight > 0")

## can play with parameters to get nice number of tags
select count(*) from (
    select tag, count(tag) from tags where weight > 10 group by tag having count(tag) > 30 order by count(tag) desc

select count(*) from (
    select tag, count(tag) from tag_sums where rel_weight > 0.05 group by tag having count(tag) > 30)

# * investigating problems with NULL byte

    # c2 = 25024374
    # c = 24374
    # exactly 25m in db atm

    # sed -n '25024372p;25024376p' < ttl_tags.csv

    # awk 'NR >= 25024372 && NR <= 25024376' 

    # 28117686-25000000
Exemplo n.º 3
on update cascade,
foreign key(cid) references class(cid)
on delete cascade
on update cascade
insert into teach2cls(tid,cid) values


select count(sid) as student_sum from student;
#聚集函数 count(*)

select sid,sname from student
where sid in(select student_id from score
where score >=60 and (course_id =1 or course_id =3));

select caption,count(*) from class
group by grade_id DESC
limit 3;
#分组 降序

Exemplo n.º 4
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Time    : 2017/9/8 12:51
# @Author  : Aries
# @Site    : 
# @File    : mysql 查询作业.py
# @Software: PyCharm

# 1、查询所有的课程的名称以及对应的任课老师姓名

select c.cname as "课程名",t.tname as "教师名"
from course c,teacher t
where c.teacher_id=t.tid;

# 2、查询学生表中男女生各有多少人

select gender as "性别",count(1) as "数量" from student group by gender;

# 3、查询物理成绩等于100的学生的姓名

select * from student where sid in (select student_id from score where num=100 and course_id=(select cid from course where cname="物理"));

# 4、查询平均成绩大于八十分的同学的姓名和平均成绩

SELECT sname 姓名,平均成绩 from student RIGHT JOIN (SELECT student_id,avg(num) 平均成绩 from score GROUP BY student_id HAVING avg(num)>80) as A on student.sid=A.student_id;

# 5、查询所有学生的学号,姓名,选课数,总成绩

SELECT  student_id 学号,sname 姓名,COUNT(course_id) 课程数,SUM(num) 总分 FROM score LEFT JOIN student ON score.student_id=student.sid GROUP BY student_id;

# 6、 查询姓李老师的个数
Exemplo n.º 5
                   and cpc_entry_id in ('1', '3')
               ) t1
         where charge_info_map['expids'] is not null
           and charge_info_map['slot'] in ('1','3')-- and get_json_object(charge_info_map['expids'], '$.CTR') in ('601', '602') )

         group by case when get_json_object(charge_info_map['expids'], '$.OCPC_CALB_CVR') is null then '-1'
                       else get_json_object(charge_info_map['expids'], '$.OCPC_CALB_CVR')
       ) order_log
    on pv_log.cvr_pv_exp_id = order_log.cvr_order_exp_id
  left join (
        select case when get_json_object(expids, '$.OCPC_CALB_CVR') is null then '-1'
                    else get_json_object(expids, '$.OCPC_CALB_CVR')
                     END as cvr_click_exp_id,
               count(1) as click_num,
               sum(price)/100 as price,
               sum(final_charge)/100 as final_charge,
               sum(bid)/100 as bid
          from log.dpods_baymax_wm_reporter_service_cpvlog
         where dt BETWEEN '20180427' and '$$yesterday_compact'
           and act=2
           and isvalid='PASS'
           and FROM_UNIXTIME(cast (SUBSTR(log_time,1,10) as bigint),'yyyyMMdd')=dt
           and log_file_name='baymax-reporter-charge-log'
           and slot in ('1', '3')
         group by case when get_json_object(expids, '$.OCPC_CALB_CVR') is null then '-1'
                       else get_json_object(expids, '$.OCPC_CALB_CVR')
       ) click_log
    on pv_log.cvr_pv_exp_id = click_log.cvr_click_exp_id
Exemplo n.º 6
Write an SQL query to find the customer_number for the customer who has placed the largest number of orders.

The test cases are generated so that exactly one customer will have placed more orders than any other customer.

The query result format is in the following example.

# Write your MySQL query statement below

select customer_number from (

select customer_number, count(order_number) as total from orders

group by customer_number 

order by total desc ) k limit 1

#solution for the follow-up

select customer_number
from orders
group by customer_number
having count(order_number) = (select count(*) as count
                              from orders
                              group by customer_number
                              order by count desc limit 1);
# If all elements can be made equal, return False, otherwise return True.
# Example:arr[ ] = [128, 4, 2]
# 128, 4*2*2*2*2*2 = 128, 2*2*2*2*2*2*2 = 128
# -- True
# arr[ ] = [65, 4, 2]
# -- False
### Answer
Find prime factoriztion of that number and check if the values are only 2 or 7 

### Question 9 - Time for a response on a messaging application
# self join such that A.receiver_id=B.sender_id AND B.receiver_id=A.sender_id AND A.timestamp<=B.timestamp
# Extract B.timestamp-A.timestamp to check if it is less than 5 mins

### Question 10 - Calculating student attendance using SQL
select grade_level, sum(PresentStatus)/count(PresentStatus) as OverallAttendanceRate
from (select date, grade_level, (case when attendance_status IN ('present', 'tardy') then 1 else 0 end) as PresentStatus
from student_attendance_log as A LEFT JOIN student_demographic as B ON A.student_id=B.student_id
group by date, grade_level
HAVING date='2018-03-12') as P

### Question 12 - Finding the value closest to 0
# You are given a list of Q 1D points, return the value in Q that is the closest to value j.
# Q = [1, -1, -5, 2, 4, -2, 1] ; j = 3
# We would return two values in this case: 2, 4
import numpy as np
Q = np.sort(Q,axis=None)
Diff_array = []
for i in range(0,len(Q)):
  min_Diff_array = np.min(Diff_array)
Exemplo n.º 8
       last_day/92 as lastday,
       when n_buy=0 or b.num is null then 0
       when n_buy!=0 then b.num/n_buy
       end as repeatbuy,
       when week.num is null then 0
       when week.num is not null then week.num
       end as weekbuy,
       when month.num is null then 0
       when month.num is not null then month.num
       end as monthbuy
from yi_train_brand
left outer join       
   (select brand_id,count(user_id) as num
         (select  brand_id,
                  count(distinct visit_datetime) as num
          from yi_train_set
          where type=1
          group by brand_id,user_id)a
    where a.num>1
    group by brand_id)b
on b.brand_id=yi_train_brand.brand_id
left outer join
    (select distinct brand_id,1 as num
     from yi_train_set
     where type=1 and visit_datetime>'07-08')week
on week.brand_id=yi_train_brand.brand_id