def get_tok_punct(self):
        """ get punctuation non-tokenized, non-whitespace
        :returns: True if token found, result in self.tok
                Checks for ;(SEMICOLON), .(PERIOD)
                    else labeled (PUNCT)
        line = self.line
        if len(line) == 0:
            return False

        match = re.match(r'^\S', line)
        if not match:
            return False

        tok_str = line[0]
        if tok_str == ";":
            tok_type = SelectStreamToken.SEMICOLON
        elif tok_str == ".":
            tok_type = SelectStreamToken.PERIOD
            tok_type = SelectStreamToken.PUNCT

        self.tok = SelectStreamToken(tok_type, tok_str)
        self.line = line[len(tok_str) + 1:]
        return True
    def get_tok_word(self):
        """ get word from input ([a-z_]\w*)
        :returns: True if token found, result in self.tok
        line = self.line
        if len(line) == 0:
            return False
        ib = 0
        iend = ib
        tok_str = ""
        ch = line[ib]
        if not re.match(r'[a-zA-Z_]', ch):
            return False

        tok_str = ch
        iend += 1
        while iend < len(line):
            ch = line[iend]
            if not re.match(r'\w', ch):
                break  # end of word
            tok_str += ch
            iend += 1
        self.tok = SelectStreamToken(SelectStreamToken.WORD, str=tok_str)
        self.line = line[iend:]
        return True
    def get_tok(self):
        """ Get next input token
        Ignores comments(Unquoted # to end of line)
        Tokens end at whitespace, end of line, ";",
            character not part of the token (e.g. ",", ";")
        while True:
            if self.line is None:
                self.line = self.get_line()  # Get next line
            if self.line is None:
                return SelectStreamToken(SelectStreamToken.EOF)

            self.line = self.line.lstrip()
            if self.get_tok_comment():
                continue  # Ignore comment
            if self.get_tok_word():
                return self.tok
            if self.get_tok_quote():
                return self.tok
            if self.get_tok_number():
                return self.tok
            if self.get_tok_punct():  # incl SEMICOLON, PERIOD
                return self.tok
            if self.get_tok_eol():
                return self.tok
    def get_tok_str(self, delim=None, multi_line=False, esc='\\'):
        """ Get string, creating a SelectStreamToken in self.tok
        adjusting self.line to after string trailing delimiter
        :delim: String trailing delimiter default: REQUIRED
        :multi_line: string can be multi-line default: single line
        :esc: escape character defaule "\"
        if delim is None:
            raise SelectError("get_tok_str: missing required delim")

        line = self.get_line()
        if line is None or not line.startswith(delim):
            self.line = line
            return False

        tok_str = ""
        iend = 0
        iend += len(delim)  # Start after beginning delimiter
        line = line[iend:]
        iend = 0
        while True:
            if line is None:
                line = self.get_line()
                iend = 0
            if line is None:
                break  # EOF
            while iend < len(line):
                ch = line[iend]
                if esc is not None and ch == esc:
                    iend += 1
                    if iend >= len(line):
                        ch = "\n"  # Escaped newline
                        ch = line[iend]
                        iend += 1
                    continue  # Go on to character after escaped
                rem_line = line[iend:]
                if rem_line.startswith(delim):
                    self.tok = SelectStreamToken(SelectStreamToken.QSTRING,
                    iend += len(delim)
                    self.line = line[iend:]
                    return True

                ch = line[iend]
                tok_str += ch
                iend += 1
            if multi_line:
                tok_str += "\n"  # Add in newline, separating lines
                line = self.get_line()
                iend = 0
                if line is None:
                    break  # EOF
            break  # Single line
        raise SelectError("Missing delimiter (%s)" % delim)
 def get_tok_comment(self):
     """ Check if we are at a comment
     Returns a token, which is can be ignored
         comment format: "#" to rest of line
     if self.line.startswith("#"):
         tok = SelectStreamToken(SelectStreamToken.COMMENT, str=self.line)
         self.line = ""  # To end of line
         return tok
    def get_tok_eol(self):
        """ get End of Line
        :returns: True if token found, result in self.tok
        line = self.line
        if len(line) == 0:
            tok_str = "\n"
            self.tok = SelectStreamToken(SelectStreamToken.EOL, tok_str)
            self.line = None
            return True

        return False
    def get_tok_number(self):
        """ get nu ber from input ([+-]?\d*(\.\d*)?
        :returns: True if token found, result in self.tok
        line = self.line
        if len(line) == 0:
            return False

        match = re.match(r'^[+-]?(\d+|(\d*\.\d*))', line)
        if not match:
            return False

        tok_str =
        self.tok = SelectStreamToken(SelectStreamToken.NUMBER, tok_str)
        self.line = line[len(tok_str) + 1:]
        return True