Exemplo n.º 1
    def set_input_by_number(self, number, value):
        Set the value of form element by its number in the form

        :param number: number of element
        :param value: value which should be set to element

        sel = XpathSelector(self.form)
        elem = sel.select('.//input[@type="text"]')[number].node()
        return self.set_input(elem.get('name'), value)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def set_input_by_number(self, number, value):
        Set the value of form element by its number in the form

        :param number: number of element
        :param value: value which should be set to element

        sel = XpathSelector(self.form)
        elem = sel.select('.//input[@type="text"]')[number].node()
        return self.set_input(elem.get('name'), value)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def set_input_by_id(self, _id, value):
        Set the value of form element by its `id` attribute.

        :param _id: id of element
        :param value: value which should be set to element

        xpath = './/*[@id="%s"]' % _id
        if self._lxml_form is None:
        sel = XpathSelector(self.form)
        elem = sel.select(xpath).node()
        return self.set_input(elem.get('name'), value)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def set_input_by_id(self, _id, value):
        Set the value of form element by its `id` attribute.

        :param _id: id of element
        :param value: value which should be set to element

        xpath = './/*[@id="%s"]' % _id
        if self._lxml_form is None:
        sel = XpathSelector(self.form)
        elem = sel.select(xpath).node()
        return self.set_input(elem.get('name'), value)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def get_prices(self, grab, subject):
        """Parsing information about Obligatory extras and Optional extras
        for objects are prices and optional"""
        prices = []
            extras = grab.doc.rex_text(
                '<h3 class\="h6 copy-sp-m">.*?%s.*?</h3>(.+?)</ul>' % subject,
        except DataNotFound:
            logging.debug("Price %s is not found on %s" %
                          (subject, grab.doc.url))
            return None

        sel = XpathSelector(fromstring(extras))
        prices = []
        for li in sel.select('//li[@class="list__item u-cf"]'):
            obligatory = OrderedDict()
            obligatory['name'] = li.select('node()').text()
            money = li.select('node()/strong').text()
            obligatory['value'] = money[1:].replace(',', '')

            # Find perweek or perday
            if li.select('span[@class="boatview__extras-amount"' +
                         ' and contains(text(),"per week")]').exists():
                obligatory['perweek'] = True
            elif li.select('span[@class="boatview__extras-amount"' +
                           ' and contains(text(),"per day")]').exists():
                obligatory['perday'] = True
            obligatory['currency'] = money[0]

        if len(prices) < 1:
            logging.debug("Price %s contains less than one element on: %s" %
                          (subject, grab.doc.url))
            return None

        return prices
Exemplo n.º 6
 def select(self, xpath):
     sel = XpathSelector(self.dom_tree)
     return sel.select(xpath)