Exemplo n.º 1
class PCCController(object):
    def __init__(self, carcontroller):
        self.CC = carcontroller
        self.human_cruise_action_time = 0
        self.automated_cruise_action_time = 0
        self.last_angle = 0.
        context = zmq.Context()
        self.poller = zmq.Poller()
        self.live20 = messaging.sub_sock(context,
        self.lead_1 = None
        self.last_update_time = 0
        self.enable_pedal_cruise = False
        self.last_cruise_stalk_pull_time = 0
        self.prev_pcm_acc_status = 0
        self.prev_cruise_buttons = CruiseButtons.IDLE
        self.pedal_speed_kph = 0.
        self.pedal_idx = 0
        self.accel_steady = 0.
        self.prev_tesla_accel = 0.
        self.prev_tesla_pedal = 0.
        self.pedal_interceptor_state = 0
        self.torqueLevel_last = 0.
        self.prev_v_ego = 0.
        self.PedalForZeroTorque = 18.  #starting number, works on my S85
        self.lastTorqueForPedalForZeroTorque = TORQUE_LEVEL_DECEL
        self.v_pid = 0.
        self.a_pid = 0.
        self.last_output_gb = 0.
        self.last_speed_kph = 0.
        #for smoothing the changes in speed
        self.v_acc_start = 0.0
        self.a_acc_start = 0.0
        self.acc_start_time = sec_since_boot()
        self.v_acc = 0.0
        self.v_acc_sol = 0.0
        self.v_acc_future = 0.0
        self.a_acc = 0.0
        self.a_acc_sol = 0.0
        self.v_cruise = 0.0
        self.a_cruise = 0.0
        #Long Control
        self.LoC = None
        #when was radar data last updated?
        self.last_md_ts = None
        self.last_l100_ts = None
        self.md_ts = None
        self.l100_ts = None
        self.lead_last_seen_time_ms = 0
        self.continuous_lead_sightings = 0

    def reset(self, v_pid):
        if self.LoC:

    def update_stat(self, CS, enabled, sendcan):
        if not self.LoC:
            self.LoC = LongControl(CS.CP, tesla_compute_gb)

        can_sends = []
        if CS.pedal_interceptor_available and not CS.cstm_btns.get_button_status(
            # pedal hardware, enable button
            CS.cstm_btns.set_button_status("pedal", 1)
            print "enabling pedal"
        elif not CS.pedal_interceptor_available:
            if CS.cstm_btns.get_button_status("pedal"):
                # no pedal hardware, disable button
                CS.cstm_btns.set_button_status("pedal", 0)
                print "disabling pedal"
            print "Pedal unavailable."

        # check if we had error before
        if self.pedal_interceptor_state != CS.pedal_interceptor_state:
            self.pedal_interceptor_state = CS.pedal_interceptor_state
                "pedal", 1 if self.pedal_interceptor_state > 0 else 0)
            if self.pedal_interceptor_state > 0:
                # send reset command
                idx = self.pedal_idx
                self.pedal_idx = (self.pedal_idx + 1) % 16
                can_sends.append(teslacan.create_pedal_command_msg(0, 0, idx))
                    3, "Pedal Interceptor Off (state %s)" %
                    self.pedal_interceptor_state, 150, 3)
                CS.UE.custom_alert_message(3, "Pedal Interceptor On", 150, 3)
        # disable on brake
        if CS.brake_pressed and self.enable_pedal_cruise:
            self.enable_pedal_cruise = False
            CS.UE.custom_alert_message(3, "PDL Disabled", 150, 4)
            CS.cstm_btns.set_button_status("pedal", 1)
            print "brake pressed"

        prev_enable_pedal_cruise = self.enable_pedal_cruise
        # process any stalk movement
        curr_time_ms = _current_time_millis()
        speed_uom_kph = 1.
        if CS.imperial_speed_units:
            speed_uom_kph = CV.MPH_TO_KPH
        if (CS.cruise_buttons == CruiseButtons.MAIN
                and self.prev_cruise_buttons != CruiseButtons.MAIN):
            double_pull = curr_time_ms - self.last_cruise_stalk_pull_time < 750
            self.last_cruise_stalk_pull_time = curr_time_ms
            ready = (CS.cstm_btns.get_button_status("pedal") > PCCState.OFF
                     and enabled and CruiseState.is_off(CS.pcm_acc_status))
            if ready and double_pull:
                # A double pull enables ACC. updating the max ACC speed if necessary.
                self.enable_pedal_cruise = True
                # Increase PCC speed to match current, if applicable.
                self.pedal_speed_kph = max(CS.v_ego * CV.MS_TO_KPH,
                # A single pull disables PCC (falling back to just steering).
                self.enable_pedal_cruise = False
        # Handle pressing the cancel button.
        elif CS.cruise_buttons == CruiseButtons.CANCEL:
            self.enable_pedal_cruise = False
            self.pedal_speed_kph = 0.
            self.last_cruise_stalk_pull_time = 0
        # Handle pressing up and down buttons.
        elif (self.enable_pedal_cruise
              and CS.cruise_buttons != self.prev_cruise_buttons):
            # Real stalk command while PCC is already enabled. Adjust the max PCC
            # speed if necessary.
            actual_speed_kph = CS.v_ego * CV.MS_TO_KPH
            if CS.cruise_buttons == CruiseButtons.RES_ACCEL:
                self.pedal_speed_kph = max(self.pedal_speed_kph,
                                           actual_speed_kph) + speed_uom_kph
            elif CS.cruise_buttons == CruiseButtons.RES_ACCEL_2ND:
                self.pedal_speed_kph = max(
                    self.pedal_speed_kph, actual_speed_kph) + 5 * speed_uom_kph
            elif CS.cruise_buttons == CruiseButtons.DECEL_SET:
                self.pedal_speed_kph = min(self.pedal_speed_kph,
                                           actual_speed_kph) - speed_uom_kph
            elif CS.cruise_buttons == CruiseButtons.DECEL_2ND:
                self.pedal_speed_kph = min(
                    self.pedal_speed_kph, actual_speed_kph) - 5 * speed_uom_kph
            # Clip PCC speed between 0 and 170 KPH.
            self.pedal_speed_kph = clip(self.pedal_speed_kph, MIN_PCC_V_KPH,
        # If something disabled cruise control, disable PCC too
        elif self.enable_pedal_cruise and CS.pcm_acc_status:
            self.enable_pedal_cruise = False

        # Notify if PCC was toggled
        if prev_enable_pedal_cruise and not self.enable_pedal_cruise:
            CS.UE.custom_alert_message(3, "PCC Disabled", 150, 4)
            CS.cstm_btns.set_button_status("pedal", PCCState.STANDBY)
        elif self.enable_pedal_cruise and not prev_enable_pedal_cruise:
            CS.UE.custom_alert_message(2, "PCC Enabled", 150)
            CS.cstm_btns.set_button_status("pedal", PCCState.ENABLED)

        # Update the UI to show whether the current car state allows PCC.
        if CS.cstm_btns.get_button_status("pedal") in [
                PCCState.STANDBY, PCCState.NOT_READY
            if enabled and CruiseState.is_off(CS.pcm_acc_status):
                CS.cstm_btns.set_button_status("pedal", PCCState.STANDBY)
                CS.cstm_btns.set_button_status("pedal", PCCState.NOT_READY)

        # Update prev state after all other actions.
        self.prev_cruise_buttons = CS.cruise_buttons
        self.prev_pcm_acc_status = CS.pcm_acc_status

    def update_pdl(self, enabled, CS, frame, actuators, pcm_speed):
        cur_time = sec_since_boot()
        idx = self.pedal_idx
        self.pedal_idx = (self.pedal_idx + 1) % 16
        if not CS.pedal_interceptor_available or not enabled:
            return 0., 0, idx
        # Alternative speed decision logic that uses the lead car's distance
        # and speed more directly.
        # Bring in the lead car distance from the Live20 feed
        l20 = None
        if enabled:
            for socket, _ in self.poller.poll(0):
                if socket is self.live20:
                    l20 = messaging.recv_one(socket)
        if l20 is not None:
            self.lead_1 = l20.live20.leadOne
            if _is_present(self.lead_1):
                self.lead_last_seen_time_ms = _current_time_millis()
                self.continuous_lead_sightings += 1
                self.continuous_lead_sightings = 0
            self.md_ts = l20.live20.mdMonoTime
            self.l100_ts = l20.live20.l100MonoTime

        brake_max, accel_max = calc_cruise_accel_limits(CS, self.lead_1)
        output_gb = 0
        # this mode (Follow) uses the Follow logic created by JJ for ACC
        # once the speed is detected we have to use our own PID to determine
        # how much accel and break we have to do
        if PCCModes.is_selected(FollowMode(), CS.cstm_btns):
            self.v_pid = self.calc_follow_speed_ms(CS)
            # cruise speed can't be negative even is user is distracted
            self.v_pid = max(self.v_pid, 0.)

            enabled = self.enable_pedal_cruise and self.LoC.long_control_state in [
                LongCtrlState.pid, LongCtrlState.stopping

            if self.enable_pedal_cruise:
                jerk_min, jerk_max = _jerk_limits(CS.v_ego, self.lead_1,
                self.v_cruise, self.a_cruise = speed_smoother(
                    self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start, self.v_pid, accel_max,
                    brake_max, jerk_max, jerk_min, _DT_MPC)

                # cruise speed can't be negative even is user is distracted
                self.v_cruise = max(self.v_cruise, 0.)
                self.v_acc = self.v_cruise
                self.a_acc = self.a_cruise

                self.v_acc_future = self.v_pid

                self.v_acc_start = self.v_acc_sol
                self.a_acc_start = self.a_acc_sol
                self.acc_start_time = cur_time

                # Interpolation of trajectory
                dt = min(
                    cur_time - self.acc_start_time, _DT_MPC + _DT
                ) + _DT  # no greater than dt mpc + dt, to prevent too high extraps
                self.a_acc_sol = self.a_acc_start + (dt / _DT_MPC) * (
                    self.a_acc - self.a_acc_start)
                self.v_acc_sol = self.v_acc_start + dt * (
                    self.a_acc_sol + self.a_acc_start) / 2.0

                # we will try to feed forward the pedal position.... we might want to feed the last output_gb....
                # it's all about testing now.
                vTarget = clip(self.v_acc_sol, 0, self.v_pid)
                self.vTargetFuture = clip(self.v_acc_future, 0, self.v_pid)

                t_go, t_brake = self.LoC.update(
                    self.enable_pedal_cruise, CS.v_ego, CS.brake_pressed != 0,
                    CS.standstill, False, self.v_pid, vTarget,
                    self.vTargetFuture, self.a_acc_sol, CS.CP, None)
                output_gb = t_go - t_brake
                #print "Output GB Follow:", output_gb
                print "PID reset"
                output_gb = 0.
                starting = self.LoC.long_control_state == LongCtrlState.starting
                a_ego = min(CS.a_ego, 0.0)
                reset_speed = MIN_CAN_SPEED if starting else CS.v_ego
                reset_accel = CS.CP.startAccel if starting else a_ego
                self.v_acc = reset_speed
                self.a_acc = reset_accel
                self.v_acc_start = reset_speed
                self.a_acc_start = reset_accel
                self.v_cruise = reset_speed
                self.a_cruise = reset_accel
                self.v_acc_sol = reset_speed
                self.a_acc_sol = reset_accel
                self.v_pid = reset_speed

        # This mode uses the longitudinal MPC built in OP
        # we use the values from actuator.accel and actuator.brake
        elif PCCModes.is_selected(OpMode(), CS.cstm_btns):
            output_gb = actuators.gas - actuators.brake

        # This is an experimental mode that is probably broken.
        # Don't use it.
        # Ratios are centered at 1. They can be multiplied together.
        # Factors are centered around 0. They can be multiplied by constants.
        # For example +9% is a 1.06 ratio or 0.09 factor.
        elif PCCModes.is_selected(ExperimentalMode(), CS.cstm_btns):
            output_gb = 0.0
            if enabled and self.enable_pedal_cruise:
                MAX_DECEL_RATIO = 0
                MAX_ACCEL_RATIO = 1.1
                available_speed_kph = self.pedal_speed_kph - CS.v_ego * CV.MS_TO_KPH
                # Hold accel if radar gives intermittent readings at great distance.
                # Makes the car less skittish when first making radar contact.
                if (_is_present(self.lead_1)
                        and self.continuous_lead_sightings < 8
                        and _sec_til_collision(self.lead_1) > 3
                        and self.lead_1.dRel > 60):
                    output_gb = self.last_output_gb
                # Hold speed in turns if no car is seen
                elif CS.angle_steers >= 5.0 and not _is_present(self.lead_1):
                # Try to stay 2 seconds behind lead, matching their speed.
                elif _is_present(self.lead_1):
                    weighted_d_ratio = _weighted_distance_ratio(
                        self.lead_1, CS.v_ego, MAX_DECEL_RATIO,
                    weighted_v_ratio = _weighted_velocity_ratio(
                        self.lead_1, CS.v_ego, MAX_DECEL_RATIO,
                    # Don't bother decelerating if the lead is already pulling away
                    if weighted_d_ratio < 1 and weighted_v_ratio > 1.01:
                        gas_brake_ratio = max(1, self.last_output_gb + 1)
                        gas_brake_ratio = weighted_d_ratio * weighted_v_ratio
                    # rescale around 0 rather than 1.
                    output_gb = gas_brake_ratio - 1
                # If no lead has been seen recently, accelerate to max speed.
                    # An acceleration factor that drops off as we aproach max speed.
                    max_speed_factor = min(available_speed_kph, 3) / 3
                    # An acceleration factor that increases as time passes without seeing
                    # a lead car.
                    time_factor = (_current_time_millis() -
                                   self.lead_last_seen_time_ms) / 3000
                    time_factor = clip(time_factor, 0, 1)
                    output_gb = 0.14 * max_speed_factor * time_factor
                # If going above the max configured PCC speed, slow. This should always
                # be in force so it is not part of the if/else block above.
                if available_speed_kph < 0:
                    # linearly brake harder, hitting -1 at 10kph over
                    speed_limited_gb = max(available_speed_kph, -10) / 10.0
                    # This is a minimum braking amount. The logic above may ask for more.
                    output_gb = min(output_gb, speed_limited_gb)

        # Determine pedal "zero"
        #save position for cruising (zero acc, zero brake, no torque) when we are above 10 MPH
        if (CS.torqueLevel < TORQUE_LEVEL_ACC
                and CS.torqueLevel > TORQUE_LEVEL_DECEL
                and CS.v_ego >= 10. * CV.MPH_TO_MS and abs(CS.torqueLevel) <
            self.PedalForZeroTorque = self.prev_tesla_accel
            self.lastTorqueForPedalForZeroTorque = CS.torqueLevel
            #print "Detected new Pedal For Zero Torque at %s" % (self.PedalForZeroTorque)
            #print "Torque level at detection %s" % (CS.torqueLevel)
            #print "Speed level at detection %s" % (CS.v_ego * CV.MS_TO_MPH)

        self.last_output_gb = output_gb
        # accel and brake
        apply_accel = clip(output_gb, 0., accel_max)
        apply_brake = -clip(output_gb * MPC_BRAKE_MULTIPLIER, -brake_max, 0.)

        # if speed is over 5mpg, the "zero" is at PedalForZeroTorque; otherwise it is zero
        pedal_zero = 0.
        if CS.v_ego >= 5. * CV.MPH_TO_MS:
            pedal_zero = self.PedalForZeroTorque
        tesla_brake = clip((1. - apply_brake) * pedal_zero, 0, pedal_zero)
        tesla_accel = clip(apply_accel * MAX_PEDAL_VALUE, 0,
                           MAX_PEDAL_VALUE - tesla_brake)
        tesla_pedal = tesla_brake + tesla_accel

        tesla_pedal, self.accel_steady = accel_hysteresis(
            tesla_pedal, self.accel_steady, enabled)

        tesla_pedal = clip(tesla_pedal, self.prev_tesla_pedal - PEDAL_MAX_DOWN,
                           self.prev_tesla_pedal + PEDAL_MAX_UP)
        tesla_pedal = clip(tesla_pedal, 0.,
                           MAX_PEDAL_VALUE) if self.enable_pedal_cruise else 0.
        enable_pedal = 1. if self.enable_pedal_cruise else 0.

        self.torqueLevel_last = CS.torqueLevel
        self.prev_tesla_pedal = tesla_pedal * enable_pedal
        self.prev_tesla_accel = apply_accel * enable_pedal
        self.prev_v_ego = CS.v_ego

        self.last_md_ts = self.md_ts
        self.last_l100_ts = self.l100_ts

        return self.prev_tesla_pedal, enable_pedal, idx

    # function to calculate the cruise speed based on a safe follow distance
    def calc_follow_speed_ms(self, CS):
        # Make sure we were able to populate lead_1.
        if self.lead_1 is None:
            return None, None, None
        # dRel is in meters.
        lead_dist_m = _visual_radar_adjusted_dist_m(self.lead_1.dRel)
        # Grab the relative speed.
        rel_speed_kph = self.lead_1.vRel * CV.MS_TO_KPH
        # v_ego is in m/s, so safe_distance is in meters.
        safe_dist_m = _safe_distance_m(CS.v_ego)
        # Current speed in kph
        actual_speed_kph = CS.v_ego * CV.MS_TO_KPH
        # speed and brake to issue
        new_speed_kph = self.last_speed_kph
        ###   Logic to determine best cruise speed ###
        if self.enable_pedal_cruise:
            # If no lead is present, accel up to max speed
            if lead_dist_m == 0:
                new_speed_kph = self.pedal_speed_kph
            elif lead_dist_m > 0:
                lead_absolute_speed_kph = actual_speed_kph + rel_speed_kph
                if lead_dist_m < MIN_SAFE_DIST_M:
                    new_speed_kph = MIN_PCC_V_KPH
                    desired_speeds = OrderedDict([
                        # (distance in m, desired speed in kph)
                        # if too close, make sure we're falling back.
                        (0.5 * safe_dist_m,
                         clip(actual_speed_kph, lead_absolute_speed_kph - 20,
                              lead_absolute_speed_kph - 1)),
                        # if at the comfort point, match lead speed.
                        (1.0 * safe_dist_m,
                         clip(actual_speed_kph, lead_absolute_speed_kph - 7,
                              lead_absolute_speed_kph + 6)),
                        (1.5 * safe_dist_m,
                         clip(actual_speed_kph, lead_absolute_speed_kph - 6,
                              lead_absolute_speed_kph + 7)),
                        # if too far, make sure we're closing.
                        (3.5 * safe_dist_m,
                         clip(actual_speed_kph, lead_absolute_speed_kph + 1,
                              lead_absolute_speed_kph + 20))
                    new_speed_kph = _interp_map(lead_dist_m, desired_speeds)

                # Enforce limits on speed in the presence of a lead car.
                new_speed_kph = min(
                    new_speed_kph, _max_safe_speed_kph(lead_dist_m),
                    lead_absolute_speed_kph - _min_safe_vrel_kph(lead_dist_m))

            # Enforce limits on speed
            new_speed_kph = clip(new_speed_kph, MIN_PCC_V_KPH, MAX_PCC_V_KPH)
            new_speed_kph = clip(new_speed_kph, MIN_PCC_V_KPH,
            if CS.blinker_on:
                # Don't accelerate during manual turns.
                new_speed_kph = min(new_speed_kph, self.last_speed_kph)
            self.last_speed_kph = new_speed_kph

        return new_speed_kph * CV.KPH_TO_MS
Exemplo n.º 2
    def update_stat(self, CS, enabled, sendcan):
        if not self.LoC:
            self.LoC = LongControl(CS.CP, tesla_compute_gb)

        can_sends = []
        if CS.pedal_interceptor_available and not CS.cstm_btns.get_button_status(
            # pedal hardware, enable button
            CS.cstm_btns.set_button_status("pedal", 1)
            print "enabling pedal"
        elif not CS.pedal_interceptor_available:
            if CS.cstm_btns.get_button_status("pedal"):
                # no pedal hardware, disable button
                CS.cstm_btns.set_button_status("pedal", 0)
                print "disabling pedal"
            print "Pedal unavailable."

        # check if we had error before
        if self.pedal_interceptor_state != CS.pedal_interceptor_state:
            self.pedal_interceptor_state = CS.pedal_interceptor_state
                "pedal", 1 if self.pedal_interceptor_state > 0 else 0)
            if self.pedal_interceptor_state > 0:
                # send reset command
                idx = self.pedal_idx
                self.pedal_idx = (self.pedal_idx + 1) % 16
                can_sends.append(teslacan.create_pedal_command_msg(0, 0, idx))
                    3, "Pedal Interceptor Off (state %s)" %
                    self.pedal_interceptor_state, 150, 3)
                CS.UE.custom_alert_message(3, "Pedal Interceptor On", 150, 3)
        # disable on brake
        if CS.brake_pressed and self.enable_pedal_cruise:
            self.enable_pedal_cruise = False
            CS.UE.custom_alert_message(3, "PDL Disabled", 150, 4)
            CS.cstm_btns.set_button_status("pedal", 1)
            print "brake pressed"

        prev_enable_pedal_cruise = self.enable_pedal_cruise
        # process any stalk movement
        curr_time_ms = _current_time_millis()
        speed_uom_kph = 1.
        if CS.imperial_speed_units:
            speed_uom_kph = CV.MPH_TO_KPH
        if (CS.cruise_buttons == CruiseButtons.MAIN
                and self.prev_cruise_buttons != CruiseButtons.MAIN):
            double_pull = curr_time_ms - self.last_cruise_stalk_pull_time < 750
            self.last_cruise_stalk_pull_time = curr_time_ms
            ready = (CS.cstm_btns.get_button_status("pedal") > PCCState.OFF
                     and enabled and CruiseState.is_off(CS.pcm_acc_status))
            if ready and double_pull:
                # A double pull enables ACC. updating the max ACC speed if necessary.
                self.enable_pedal_cruise = True
                # Increase PCC speed to match current, if applicable.
                self.pedal_speed_kph = max(CS.v_ego * CV.MS_TO_KPH,
                # A single pull disables PCC (falling back to just steering).
                self.enable_pedal_cruise = False
        # Handle pressing the cancel button.
        elif CS.cruise_buttons == CruiseButtons.CANCEL:
            self.enable_pedal_cruise = False
            self.pedal_speed_kph = 0.
            self.last_cruise_stalk_pull_time = 0
        # Handle pressing up and down buttons.
        elif (self.enable_pedal_cruise
              and CS.cruise_buttons != self.prev_cruise_buttons):
            # Real stalk command while PCC is already enabled. Adjust the max PCC
            # speed if necessary.
            actual_speed_kph = CS.v_ego * CV.MS_TO_KPH
            if CS.cruise_buttons == CruiseButtons.RES_ACCEL:
                self.pedal_speed_kph = max(self.pedal_speed_kph,
                                           actual_speed_kph) + speed_uom_kph
            elif CS.cruise_buttons == CruiseButtons.RES_ACCEL_2ND:
                self.pedal_speed_kph = max(
                    self.pedal_speed_kph, actual_speed_kph) + 5 * speed_uom_kph
            elif CS.cruise_buttons == CruiseButtons.DECEL_SET:
                self.pedal_speed_kph = min(self.pedal_speed_kph,
                                           actual_speed_kph) - speed_uom_kph
            elif CS.cruise_buttons == CruiseButtons.DECEL_2ND:
                self.pedal_speed_kph = min(
                    self.pedal_speed_kph, actual_speed_kph) - 5 * speed_uom_kph
            # Clip PCC speed between 0 and 170 KPH.
            self.pedal_speed_kph = clip(self.pedal_speed_kph, MIN_PCC_V_KPH,
        # If something disabled cruise control, disable PCC too
        elif self.enable_pedal_cruise and CS.pcm_acc_status:
            self.enable_pedal_cruise = False

        # Notify if PCC was toggled
        if prev_enable_pedal_cruise and not self.enable_pedal_cruise:
            CS.UE.custom_alert_message(3, "PCC Disabled", 150, 4)
            CS.cstm_btns.set_button_status("pedal", PCCState.STANDBY)
        elif self.enable_pedal_cruise and not prev_enable_pedal_cruise:
            CS.UE.custom_alert_message(2, "PCC Enabled", 150)
            CS.cstm_btns.set_button_status("pedal", PCCState.ENABLED)

        # Update the UI to show whether the current car state allows PCC.
        if CS.cstm_btns.get_button_status("pedal") in [
                PCCState.STANDBY, PCCState.NOT_READY
            if enabled and CruiseState.is_off(CS.pcm_acc_status):
                CS.cstm_btns.set_button_status("pedal", PCCState.STANDBY)
                CS.cstm_btns.set_button_status("pedal", PCCState.NOT_READY)

        # Update prev state after all other actions.
        self.prev_cruise_buttons = CS.cruise_buttons
        self.prev_pcm_acc_status = CS.pcm_acc_status
Exemplo n.º 3
class PCCController(object):
    def __init__(self, carcontroller):
        self.CC = carcontroller
        self.human_cruise_action_time = 0
        self.automated_cruise_action_time = 0
        self.last_angle = 0.
        context = zmq.Context()
        self.poller = zmq.Poller()
        self.live20 = messaging.sub_sock(context,
        self.lead_1 = None
        self.last_update_time = 0
        self.enable_pedal_cruise = False
        self.stalk_pull_time_ms = 0
        self.prev_stalk_pull_time_ms = -1000
        self.prev_pcm_acc_status = 0
        self.prev_cruise_buttons = CruiseButtons.IDLE
        self.pedal_speed_kph = 0.
        self.pedal_idx = 0
        self.pedal_steady = 0.
        self.prev_tesla_accel = 0.
        self.prev_tesla_pedal = 0.
        self.pedal_interceptor_state = 0
        self.torqueLevel_last = 0.
        self.prev_v_ego = 0.
        self.PedalForZeroTorque = 18.  #starting number, works on my S85
        self.lastTorqueForPedalForZeroTorque = TORQUE_LEVEL_DECEL
        self.v_pid = 0.
        self.a_pid = 0.
        self.last_output_gb = 0.
        self.last_speed_kph = 0.
        #for smoothing the changes in speed
        self.v_acc_start = 0.0
        self.a_acc_start = 0.0
        self.acc_start_time = sec_since_boot()
        self.v_acc = 0.0
        self.v_acc_sol = 0.0
        self.v_acc_future = 0.0
        self.a_acc = 0.0
        self.a_acc_sol = 0.0
        self.v_cruise = 0.0
        self.a_cruise = 0.0
        #Long Control
        self.LoC = None
        #when was radar data last updated?
        self.last_md_ts = None
        self.last_l100_ts = None
        self.md_ts = None
        self.l100_ts = None
        self.lead_last_seen_time_ms = 0
        self.continuous_lead_sightings = 0

    def reset(self, v_pid):
        if self.LoC:

    def update_stat(self, CS, enabled, sendcan):
        if not self.LoC:
            self.LoC = LongControl(CS.CP, tesla_compute_gb)

        can_sends = []
        if CS.pedal_interceptor_available and not CS.cstm_btns.get_button_status(
            # pedal hardware, enable button
            CS.cstm_btns.set_button_status("pedal", 1)
            print "enabling pedal"
        elif not CS.pedal_interceptor_available:
            if CS.cstm_btns.get_button_status("pedal"):
                # no pedal hardware, disable button
                CS.cstm_btns.set_button_status("pedal", 0)
                print "disabling pedal"
            print "Pedal unavailable."

        # check if we had error before
        if self.pedal_interceptor_state != CS.pedal_interceptor_state:
            self.pedal_interceptor_state = CS.pedal_interceptor_state
                "pedal", 1 if self.pedal_interceptor_state > 0 else 0)
            if self.pedal_interceptor_state > 0:
                # send reset command
                idx = self.pedal_idx
                self.pedal_idx = (self.pedal_idx + 1) % 16
                can_sends.append(teslacan.create_pedal_command_msg(0, 0, idx))
                    3, "Pedal Interceptor Off (state %s)" %
                    self.pedal_interceptor_state, 150, 3)
                CS.UE.custom_alert_message(3, "Pedal Interceptor On", 150, 3)
        # disable on brake
        if CS.brake_pressed and self.enable_pedal_cruise:
            self.enable_pedal_cruise = False
            CS.UE.custom_alert_message(3, "PDL Disabled", 150, 4)
            CS.cstm_btns.set_button_status("pedal", 1)
            print "brake pressed"

        prev_enable_pedal_cruise = self.enable_pedal_cruise
        # process any stalk movement
        curr_time_ms = _current_time_millis()
        speed_uom_kph = 1.
        if CS.imperial_speed_units:
            speed_uom_kph = CV.MPH_TO_KPH
        if (CS.cruise_buttons == CruiseButtons.MAIN
                and self.prev_cruise_buttons != CruiseButtons.MAIN):
            self.prev_stalk_pull_time_ms = self.stalk_pull_time_ms
            self.stalk_pull_time_ms = curr_time_ms
            double_pull = self.stalk_pull_time_ms - self.prev_stalk_pull_time_ms < STALK_DOUBLE_PULL_MS
            ready = (CS.cstm_btns.get_button_status("pedal") > PCCState.OFF
                     and enabled and (CruiseState.is_off(CS.pcm_acc_status))
                     or CS.forcePedalOverCC)
            if ready and double_pull:
                # A double pull enables ACC. updating the max ACC speed if necessary.
                self.enable_pedal_cruise = True
                # Increase PCC speed to match current, if applicable.
                self.pedal_speed_kph = max(CS.v_ego * CV.MS_TO_KPH,
        # Handle pressing the cancel button.
        elif CS.cruise_buttons == CruiseButtons.CANCEL:
            self.enable_pedal_cruise = False
            self.pedal_speed_kph = 0.
            self.stalk_pull_time_ms = 0
            self.prev_stalk_pull_time_ms = -1000
        # Handle pressing up and down buttons.
        elif (self.enable_pedal_cruise
              and CS.cruise_buttons != self.prev_cruise_buttons):
            # Real stalk command while PCC is already enabled. Adjust the max PCC
            # speed if necessary.
            actual_speed_kph = CS.v_ego * CV.MS_TO_KPH
            if CS.cruise_buttons == CruiseButtons.RES_ACCEL:
                self.pedal_speed_kph = max(self.pedal_speed_kph,
                                           actual_speed_kph) + speed_uom_kph
            elif CS.cruise_buttons == CruiseButtons.RES_ACCEL_2ND:
                self.pedal_speed_kph = max(
                    self.pedal_speed_kph, actual_speed_kph) + 5 * speed_uom_kph
            elif CS.cruise_buttons == CruiseButtons.DECEL_SET:
                self.pedal_speed_kph = min(self.pedal_speed_kph,
                                           actual_speed_kph) - speed_uom_kph
            elif CS.cruise_buttons == CruiseButtons.DECEL_2ND:
                self.pedal_speed_kph = min(
                    self.pedal_speed_kph, actual_speed_kph) - 5 * speed_uom_kph
            # Clip PCC speed between 0 and 170 KPH.
            self.pedal_speed_kph = clip(self.pedal_speed_kph, MIN_PCC_V_KPH,
        # If something disabled cruise control, disable PCC too
        elif self.enable_pedal_cruise and CS.pcm_acc_status and not CS.forcePedalOverCC:
            self.enable_pedal_cruise = False
        # A single pull disables PCC (falling back to just steering). Wait some time
        # in case a double pull comes along.
        elif (self.enable_pedal_cruise
              and curr_time_ms - self.stalk_pull_time_ms > STALK_DOUBLE_PULL_MS
              and self.stalk_pull_time_ms - self.prev_stalk_pull_time_ms >
            self.enable_pedal_cruise = False

        # Notify if PCC was toggled
        if prev_enable_pedal_cruise and not self.enable_pedal_cruise:
            CS.UE.custom_alert_message(3, "PCC Disabled", 150, 4)
            CS.cstm_btns.set_button_status("pedal", PCCState.STANDBY)
        elif self.enable_pedal_cruise and not prev_enable_pedal_cruise:
            CS.UE.custom_alert_message(2, "PCC Enabled", 150)
            CS.cstm_btns.set_button_status("pedal", PCCState.ENABLED)

        # Update the UI to show whether the current car state allows PCC.
        if CS.cstm_btns.get_button_status("pedal") in [
                PCCState.STANDBY, PCCState.NOT_READY
            if enabled and (CruiseState.is_off(CS.pcm_acc_status)
                            or CS.forcePedalOverCC):
                CS.cstm_btns.set_button_status("pedal", PCCState.STANDBY)
                CS.cstm_btns.set_button_status("pedal", PCCState.NOT_READY)

        # Update prev state after all other actions.
        self.prev_cruise_buttons = CS.cruise_buttons
        self.prev_pcm_acc_status = CS.pcm_acc_status

    def update_pdl(self, enabled, CS, frame, actuators, pcm_speed):
        cur_time = sec_since_boot()
        idx = self.pedal_idx
        self.pedal_idx = (self.pedal_idx + 1) % 16
        if not CS.pedal_interceptor_available or not enabled:
            return 0., 0, idx
        # Alternative speed decision logic that uses the lead car's distance
        # and speed more directly.
        # Bring in the lead car distance from the Live20 feed
        l20 = None
        if enabled:
            for socket, _ in self.poller.poll(0):
                if socket is self.live20:
                    l20 = messaging.recv_one(socket)
        if l20 is not None:
            self.lead_1 = l20.live20.leadOne
            if _is_present(self.lead_1):
                self.lead_last_seen_time_ms = _current_time_millis()
                self.continuous_lead_sightings += 1
                self.continuous_lead_sightings = 0
            self.md_ts = l20.live20.mdMonoTime
            self.l100_ts = l20.live20.l100MonoTime

        brake_max, accel_max = calc_cruise_accel_limits(CS, self.lead_1)
        output_gb = 0
        # this mode (Follow) uses the Follow logic created by JJ for ACC
        # once the speed is detected we have to use our own PID to determine
        # how much accel and break we have to do
        if PCCModes.is_selected(FollowMode(), CS.cstm_btns):
            self.v_pid = self.calc_follow_speed_ms(CS)
            # cruise speed can't be negative even is user is distracted
            self.v_pid = max(self.v_pid, 0.)

            enabled = self.enable_pedal_cruise and self.LoC.long_control_state in [
                LongCtrlState.pid, LongCtrlState.stopping

            if self.enable_pedal_cruise:
                jerk_min, jerk_max = _jerk_limits(CS.v_ego, self.lead_1,
                self.v_cruise, self.a_cruise = speed_smoother(
                    self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start, self.v_pid, accel_max,
                    brake_max, jerk_max, jerk_min, _DT_MPC)

                # cruise speed can't be negative even is user is distracted
                self.v_cruise = max(self.v_cruise, 0.)
                self.v_acc = self.v_cruise
                self.a_acc = self.a_cruise

                self.v_acc_future = self.v_pid

                self.v_acc_start = self.v_acc_sol
                self.a_acc_start = self.a_acc_sol
                self.acc_start_time = cur_time

                # Interpolation of trajectory
                dt = min(
                    cur_time - self.acc_start_time, _DT_MPC + _DT
                ) + _DT  # no greater than dt mpc + dt, to prevent too high extraps
                self.a_acc_sol = self.a_acc_start + (dt / _DT_MPC) * (
                    self.a_acc - self.a_acc_start)
                self.v_acc_sol = self.v_acc_start + dt * (
                    self.a_acc_sol + self.a_acc_start) / 2.0

                # we will try to feed forward the pedal position.... we might want to feed the last output_gb....
                # it's all about testing now.
                vTarget = clip(self.v_acc_sol, 0, self.v_pid)
                self.vTargetFuture = clip(self.v_acc_future, 0, self.v_pid)

                t_go, t_brake = self.LoC.update(
                    self.enable_pedal_cruise, CS.v_ego, CS.brake_pressed != 0,
                    CS.standstill, False, self.v_pid, vTarget,
                    self.vTargetFuture, self.a_acc_sol, CS.CP, None)
                output_gb = t_go - t_brake
                #print "Output GB Follow:", output_gb
                #print "PID reset"
                output_gb = 0.
                starting = self.LoC.long_control_state == LongCtrlState.starting
                a_ego = min(CS.a_ego, 0.0)
                reset_speed = MIN_CAN_SPEED if starting else CS.v_ego
                reset_accel = CS.CP.startAccel if starting else a_ego
                self.v_acc = reset_speed
                self.a_acc = reset_accel
                self.v_acc_start = reset_speed
                self.a_acc_start = reset_accel
                self.v_cruise = reset_speed
                self.a_cruise = reset_accel
                self.v_acc_sol = reset_speed
                self.a_acc_sol = reset_accel
                self.v_pid = reset_speed

        # This mode uses the longitudinal MPC built in OP
        # we use the values from actuator.accel and actuator.brake
        elif PCCModes.is_selected(OpMode(), CS.cstm_btns):
            output_gb = actuators.gas - actuators.brake

        # Determine pedal "zero"
        #save position for cruising (zero acc, zero brake, no torque) when we are above 10 MPH
        if (CS.torqueLevel < TORQUE_LEVEL_ACC
                and CS.torqueLevel > TORQUE_LEVEL_DECEL
                and CS.v_ego >= 10. * CV.MPH_TO_MS and abs(CS.torqueLevel) <
            self.PedalForZeroTorque = self.prev_tesla_accel
            self.lastTorqueForPedalForZeroTorque = CS.torqueLevel
            #print "Detected new Pedal For Zero Torque at %s" % (self.PedalForZeroTorque)
            #print "Torque level at detection %s" % (CS.torqueLevel)
            #print "Speed level at detection %s" % (CS.v_ego * CV.MS_TO_MPH)

        self.last_output_gb = output_gb
        # accel and brake
        apply_accel = clip(output_gb, 0., accel_max)
        apply_brake = -clip(output_gb * MPC_BRAKE_MULTIPLIER, -brake_max, 0.)

        # if speed is over 5mpg, the "zero" is at PedalForZeroTorque; otherwise it is zero
        pedal_zero = 0.
        if CS.v_ego >= 5. * CV.MPH_TO_MS:
            pedal_zero = self.PedalForZeroTorque
        tesla_brake = clip((1. - apply_brake) * pedal_zero, 0, pedal_zero)
        tesla_accel = clip(apply_accel * MAX_PEDAL_VALUE, 0,
                           MAX_PEDAL_VALUE - tesla_brake)
        tesla_pedal = tesla_brake + tesla_accel

        tesla_pedal = self.pedal_hysteresis(tesla_pedal, enabled)

        tesla_pedal = clip(tesla_pedal, self.prev_tesla_pedal - PEDAL_MAX_DOWN,
                           self.prev_tesla_pedal + PEDAL_MAX_UP)
        tesla_pedal = clip(tesla_pedal, 0.,
                           MAX_PEDAL_VALUE) if self.enable_pedal_cruise else 0.
        enable_pedal = 1. if self.enable_pedal_cruise else 0.

        self.torqueLevel_last = CS.torqueLevel
        self.prev_tesla_pedal = tesla_pedal * enable_pedal
        self.prev_tesla_accel = apply_accel * enable_pedal
        self.prev_v_ego = CS.v_ego

        self.last_md_ts = self.md_ts
        self.last_l100_ts = self.l100_ts

        return self.prev_tesla_pedal, enable_pedal, idx

    # function to calculate the cruise speed based on a safe follow distance
    def calc_follow_speed_ms(self, CS):
        # Make sure we were able to populate lead_1.
        if self.lead_1 is None:
            return None, None, None
        # dRel is in meters.
        lead_dist_m = _visual_radar_adjusted_dist_m(self.lead_1.dRel)
        # Grab the relative speed.
        rel_speed_kph = self.lead_1.vRel * CV.MS_TO_KPH
        # v_ego is in m/s, so safe_distance is in meters.
        safe_dist_m = _safe_distance_m(CS.v_ego)
        # Current speed in kph
        actual_speed_kph = CS.v_ego * CV.MS_TO_KPH
        # speed and brake to issue
        new_speed_kph = self.last_speed_kph
        ###   Logic to determine best cruise speed ###
        if self.enable_pedal_cruise:
            # If no lead is present, accel up to max speed
            if lead_dist_m == 0:
                new_speed_kph = self.pedal_speed_kph
            elif lead_dist_m > 0:
                lead_absolute_speed_kph = actual_speed_kph + rel_speed_kph
                if lead_dist_m < MIN_SAFE_DIST_M:
                    new_speed_kph = MIN_PCC_V_KPH
                    # Force speed into a band that is generally slower than lead if too
                    # close, and faster than lead if too far. Allow a range of speeds at
                    # any given distance, to prevent continuous jerky adjustments.
                    min_vrel_kph_map = OrderedDict([
                        # (distance in m, min allowed relative kph)
                        (0.5 * safe_dist_m, 2),
                        (1.0 * safe_dist_m, -6),
                        (1.5 * safe_dist_m, -10),
                        (3.0 * safe_dist_m, -20)
                    min_vrel_kph = _interp_map(lead_dist_m, min_vrel_kph_map)
                    max_vrel_kph_map = OrderedDict([
                        # (distance in m, max allowed relative kph)
                        (0.5 * safe_dist_m, 8),
                        (1.0 * safe_dist_m, 1),
                        (1.5 * safe_dist_m, 0),
                        # With visual radar the relative velocity is 0 until the confidence
                        # gets high. So even a small negative number here gives constant
                        # accel until lead lead car gets close enough to read.
                        (2.0 * safe_dist_m, -2)
                    max_vrel_kph = _interp_map(lead_dist_m, max_vrel_kph_map)
                    min_kph = lead_absolute_speed_kph - max_vrel_kph
                    max_kph = lead_absolute_speed_kph - min_vrel_kph
                    # In the special case were we are going faster than intended but it's
                    # still an acceptable speed, accept it. This could happen if the
                    # driver manually accelerates, or if we roll down a hill. In either
                    # case, don't fight the extra velocity unless necessary.
                    if actual_speed_kph > new_speed_kph and min_kph < actual_speed_kph < max_kph:
                        new_speed_kph = actual_speed_kph

                    new_speed_kph = clip(new_speed_kph, min_kph, max_kph)

                # Enforce limits on speed in the presence of a lead car.
                new_speed_kph = min(
                    new_speed_kph, _max_safe_speed_kph(lead_dist_m),
                    lead_absolute_speed_kph - _min_safe_vrel_kph(lead_dist_m))

            # Enforce limits on speed
            new_speed_kph = clip(new_speed_kph, MIN_PCC_V_KPH, MAX_PCC_V_KPH)
            new_speed_kph = clip(new_speed_kph, MIN_PCC_V_KPH,
            if CS.blinker_on:
                # Don't accelerate during manual turns.
                new_speed_kph = min(new_speed_kph, self.last_speed_kph)
            self.last_speed_kph = new_speed_kph

        return new_speed_kph * CV.KPH_TO_MS

    def pedal_hysteresis(self, pedal, enabled):
        # for small accel oscillations within PEDAL_HYST_GAP, don't change the command
        if not enabled:
            # send 0 when disabled, otherwise acc faults
            self.pedal_steady = 0.
        elif pedal > self.pedal_steady + PEDAL_HYST_GAP:
            self.pedal_steady = pedal - PEDAL_HYST_GAP
        elif pedal < self.pedal_steady - PEDAL_HYST_GAP:
            self.pedal_steady = pedal + PEDAL_HYST_GAP
        return self.pedal_steady