def prompt_organization(prompt="Enter an organization ID: "):
	while True:
		org_id = raw_input(prompt)
		if org_id is not "":
			org = Organization.get_organization(org_id)
			if org is not None:
				return org
def multiprompt_organization(prompt="Enter org IDs, comma separated: "):
	org_ids = raw_input(prompt).split(",")
	orgs = []
	for org_id in org_ids:
		org = Organization.get_organization(org_id)
		if org is not None:
	return orgs
def change_organization(id=None):
	if id is not None:
		# Check if user belongs to organization
		org = Organization.get_organization(id)
		if org is not None and org in g.user.organizations:
			session['organization'] = org._id
			app.logger.debug("Changed '%s' organization to '%s'" %
					(g.user.username, session['organization']))
			app.logger.debug("User tried to change to non-existent organization?")
	if 'referer' in request.headers: 
		return redirect(request.headers['referer'])
	return redirect(url_for('dashboard.index'))