Exemplo n.º 1
def get_mongodb_config(path=SETTINGS.DATABASE.MONGODB_CONFIG_PATH):
    """Read the MongoDB connection configuration.

    Reads the file at the provided path or otherwise {SETTINGS.DATABASE.MONGODB_CONFIG_PATH} to get
        - database host
        - database port
        - database name
        - username
        - password

    Default path is $HOME/.config/seml/mongodb.config.

    Config file should be in the format:
    username: <your_username>
    password: <your_password>
    port: <port>
    database: <database_name>
    host: <host>

        Contains the MongoDB config as detailed above.


    access_dict = {}
    config_str = "\nPlease run `seml configure` to provide your credentials."

    if not path.exists():
        raise MongoDBError(
            f"MongoDB credentials could not be read at '{path}'.{config_str}")

    with open(path, 'r') as f:
        for line in f.readlines():
            # ignore lines that are empty
            if len(line.strip()) > 0:
                split = line.split(':')
                key = split[0].strip()
                value = split[1].strip()
                access_dict[key] = value

    required_entries = ['username', 'password', 'port', 'host', 'database']
    for entry in required_entries:
        if entry not in access_dict:
            raise MongoDBError(f"No {entry} found in '{path}'.{config_str}")

    db_port = access_dict['port']
    db_name = access_dict['database']
    db_host = access_dict['host']
    db_username = access_dict['username']
    db_password = access_dict['password']

    return {
        'password': db_password,
        'username': db_username,
        'host': db_host,
        'db_name': db_name,
        'port': db_port
Exemplo n.º 2
def reset_experiments(db_collection_name, sacred_id, filter_states, batch_id, filter_dict):
    collection = get_collection(db_collection_name)

    if sacred_id is None:
        if len({*States.PENDING, *States.RUNNING, *States.KILLED} & set(filter_states)) > 0:
            detect_killed(db_collection_name, print_detected=False)

        if isinstance(filter_states, str):
            filter_states = [filter_states]

        filter_dict = build_filter_dict(filter_states, batch_id, filter_dict)

        nreset = collection.count_documents(filter_dict)
        exps = collection.find(filter_dict)

        if nreset >= 10:
            if input(f"Resetting the state of {nreset} experiment{s_if(nreset)}. "
                     f"Are you sure? (y/n) ").lower() != "y":
            logging.info(f"Resetting the state of {nreset} experiment{s_if(nreset)}.")
        for exp in exps:
            reset_single_experiment(collection, exp)
        exp = collection.find_one({'_id': sacred_id})
        if exp is None:
            raise MongoDBError(f"No experiment found with ID {sacred_id}.")
            logging.info(f"Resetting the state of experiment with ID {sacred_id}.")
            reset_single_experiment(collection, exp)
Exemplo n.º 3
def delete_experiments(db_collection_name, sacred_id, filter_states, batch_id, filter_dict):
    collection = get_collection(db_collection_name)
    if sacred_id is None:
        if len({*States.PENDING, *States.RUNNING, *States.KILLED} & set(filter_states)) > 0:
            detect_killed(db_collection_name, print_detected=False)

        filter_dict = build_filter_dict(filter_states, batch_id, filter_dict)
        ndelete = collection.count_documents(filter_dict)
        batch_ids = collection.find(filter_dict, {'batch_id'})
        batch_ids_in_del = set([x['batch_id'] for x in batch_ids])

        if ndelete >= 10:
            if input(f"Deleting {ndelete} configuration{s_if(ndelete)} from database collection. "
                     f"Are you sure? (y/n) ").lower() != "y":
            logging.info(f"Deleting {ndelete} configuration{s_if(ndelete)} from database collection.")
        exp = collection.find_one({'_id': sacred_id})
        if exp is None:
            raise MongoDBError(f"No experiment found with ID {sacred_id}.")
            logging.info(f"Deleting experiment with ID {sacred_id}.")
            batch_ids_in_del = set([exp['batch_id']])
            collection.delete_one({'_id': sacred_id})

    if len(batch_ids_in_del) > 0:
        # clean up the uploaded sources if no experiments of a batch remain
        delete_orphaned_sources(collection, batch_ids_in_del)
Exemplo n.º 4
def get_command_from_exp(exp, db_collection_name, verbose=False, unobserved=False,
                         post_mortem=False, debug=False, debug_server=False, print_info=True):
    if 'executable' not in exp['seml']:
        raise MongoDBError(f"No executable found for experiment {exp['_id']}. Aborting.")
    exe = exp['seml']['executable']

    config = exp['config']
    config['db_collection'] = db_collection_name
    if not unobserved:
        config['overwrite'] = exp['_id']
    config_strings = [f'{key}="{val}"' if type(val) != str else f'{key}="\'{val}\'"' for key, val in config.items()]
    if not verbose:
    if unobserved:
    if post_mortem:
    if debug:

    if debug_server:
        ip_address, port = find_free_port()
        if print_info:
            logging.info(f"Starting debug server with IP '{ip_address}' and port '{port}'. "
                         f"Experiment will wait for a debug client to attach.")
        interpreter = f"python -m debugpy --listen {ip_address}:{port} --wait-for-client"
        interpreter = "python"

    return interpreter, exe, config_strings
Exemplo n.º 5
def load_sources_from_db(exp, collection, to_directory):
    db = collection.database
    fs = gridfs.GridFS(db)
    if 'source_files' not in exp['seml']:
        raise MongoDBError(
            f'No source files found for experiment with ID {exp["_id"]}.')
    source_files = exp['seml']['source_files']
    for path, _id in source_files:
        _dir = f"{to_directory}/{os.path.dirname(path)}"
        if not os.path.exists(_dir):
                mode=0o700)  # only current user can read, write, or execute
        with open(f'{to_directory}/{path}', 'wb') as f:
            file = fs.find_one(_id)
            if file is None:
                raise MongoDBError(
                    f"Could not find source file with ID '{_id}' for experiment with ID {exp['_id']}."