def cancelBooking(self, userEmail: str, bookingId: int): """ Cancel a flight for a given user """ allBookings, userBookings = self.showBookedFlights(userEmail, methodCall=True) dateFormat = "%d-%m-%Y" notFound = True cancelledBooking = None for booking in allBookings: if booking["email"] == userEmail and booking[ "id"] == bookingId and booking["isActive"]: departureDate = datetime.strptime(booking["flight"]["date"], dateFormat).date() todayDate = notFound = False if departureDate <= todayDate: print( 'Cannot cancel the booking, because the departure date is too close.' ) return booking["isActive"] = False cancelledBooking = booking if notFound: print('Not a valid bookingId') return bookingsPath = 'data/bookings.json' if cancelledBooking: writeBookings = self.file.writeJsonFile(bookingsPath, allBookings) print('Activating Mail Service') sendMail(userEmail, cancelledBooking["bookingId"], cancelledBooking["flight"], False) print(" -- Flight Cancellation successful -- ")
def checkPrice(url,paramPrice): headers={ "User-Agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.67 Safari/537.36 Edg/87.0.664.55" } page = requests.get(url, headers=headers) htmlPage = BeautifulSoup(page.content,'html.parser') productTitle=htmlPage.find("h1", class_="pr-new-br").getText() price = htmlPage.find("span",class_="prc-slg").getText() image = htmlPage.find("img", class_="ph-gl-img") convertedPrice = float(price.replace(",",".").replace(" TL","")) if(convertedPrice <= paramPrice): print("Ürün fiyatı düştü") htmlEmailContent= """\ <html> <head></head> <body> <h3>{0}</h3> <br/> {1} <br/> <p>Ürün linki: {2}</p> </body> </html> """.format(productTitle, image, url) sendMail("KIME_EMAIL","Ürünün fiyatı düştü👍👍", htmlEmailContent) else: print("ürün fiyatı düşmedi")
def register(request): """注册用户""" if request.method == "POST": f = RegisterForm(request.POST) if f.is_valid(): vari = request.POST.get('vari') if not vari or vari != request.session.get("captcha"): # return render(request, "register.html", {'errors': f.errors}) return render(request, "register.html", {'errors': '错误的验证码'}) name = f.cleaned_data["name"] # 用户名 email = f.cleaned_data["email"] # 邮箱 psd = f.cleaned_data["psd"] # 密码 real_ip = request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'] # ip introduction = f.cleaned_data["introduction"] vericode = hashlib.sha1(email+EMAIL_SALT).hexdigest() user = User.objects.create(name=name, email=email, psd=hashlib.sha1(psd).hexdigest(), introduction=introduction, vericode=vericode, real_ip=real_ip, image=DEFAULT_IMAGE_PATH) if sendMail([email], '验证邮箱', u"""{username},你好,IFORJ是致力于python的网络问答社区,帮助你寻找答案,分享知识。iforj是由用户可以根据自身的需 求,有针对性地提出问题;同时,这些答案又将作为搜索结果。你可以搜索类似的问题,问题被分为,爬虫,数据分析,django,scrapy, python语法等基础分类,你可以按着分类搜索相关的问题。我们以打造最活跃的python问答平台为目的,很高兴为您提供便捷的服务。 如果有好的意见和建议,欢迎联系我们 <a href="http://{HOSTNAME}/validate/{vericode}">验证邮箱</a>""".format(username=name, HOSTNAME=HOSTNAME, vericode=vericode)): del request.session['captcha'] else: pass # 邮件发送失败 return HttpResponseRedirect("/") else: return render(request, "register.html", {'errors': f.errors}) return render(request, "register.html")
def git_pull(): try: global logger, p j = request.json # payload if p.GIT_CI.save_payload: with open(os.path.join(Dirs()['LOG'],'git_payload_{}.pcl'.format(str(, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(j, f) #checking payload if j['head_commit']['committer']['email'] != p.GIT_CI.check_committer: Speak('commit security check not passed') logger.error('commit security check not passed') return 'commit security check not passed' process = Popen('git pull'.split(' '), stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, cwd=Dirs()['REPO']) reply = ' : '.join([str(i) for i in process.communicate() ]) if p.GIT_CI.report_speak: Speak('git pull done on the machine {}'.format(socket.gethostname())) if p.GIT_CI.report_pull_email: sent = sendMail([], [,,], 'CI - git pull from ' + socket.gethostname(), reply ,[]) return reply except Exception as e: logger.error(e) return 'error ' + str(e)
def send(config, dmp_check):'attaching files:\n' + '\n'.join(files_to_backup(config)))'sending email ... ' + \ sendMail([], \ [,,],\ 'archive from ' + socket.gethostname(), \ str(files_to_backup(config)) + '\n' + dmp_check, \ files_to_backup(config)))
def book_stadium(self, book_time): self.driver.find_element_by_xpath( '//*[@class="business-order"]/div').click() # 点击立即预定按钮,打开新页面 sleep(3) n = self.driver.window_handles # 获取当前页句柄 self.driver.switch_to.window(n[1]) # 切换到新的网页窗口 self.book_time(book_time) sleep(3) # 定位你要定的时间段 while True: for i in range(4, 10): # 我只需要预定第4列和第9列的场地,也就是4号到9号场地 site = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath( '//*[@id="booking"]/div[3]/div[1]/' 'table/tbody/tr[9]/td[{}]'.format(i)) sta = site.get_attribute('status') if int(sta) != 0: print('%s号场地已被预定' % i) else: # 场地可预订的话点击场地 sleep(3) self.driver.find_element_by_xpath( '//*[@id="booking"]/div[3]/div[2]/div[2]/a').click( ) # 点击提交订单按钮 # 加上登录态失效时的判断,提交订单后,如果弹出登录页面,也会发送邮件给自己提醒场地有空出来 head = self.driver.find_element_by_class_name('headText') if head: print('登录态已失效,%s号场地还有,请登录预定!!' % i) send_email.sendMail() self.driver.quit() return sleep(2) scroll_bottom = "window.scrollTo(0,document.body.scrollHeight)" # 获取body的高度,滑到底部 self.driver.execute_script(scroll_bottom) self.driver.find_element_by_xpath( '//*[@class="order"]/a').click() sleep(2) self.driver.find_element_by_xpath( '//*[@id="pay_form"]/div[1]/div[5]/div').click() sleep(3) print('%s号场地预定成功,请马上支付!!' % i) send_email.sendMail() self.driver.quit() return sleep(int(format(random.randint(600, 1200)))) # 随机等待10-20分钟 self.driver.refresh()
def Alert(distance): global alert_time, iss if distance <= alert_distance: if ( - alert_time).seconds > 5 * 60 : alert_time = if alert_type == 'speak' and alert_time.hour > alert_time_window[0] and alert_time.hour < alert_time_window[1]: Speak("international space station approaching, distance is {0} kilometers".format(str(distance))) alert_message = '\t'.join([str(i) for i in [str('.')[0], distance, iss.latitude, iss.longitude]]) print (alert_message, file=open(os.path.join(Dirs()['LOG'], 'iss_alert'),'a'))'sending email ... ' + sendMail([], [,,], 'ISS approaching alert ', alert_message ,[]))
def register(request): """注册用户""" if request.method == "POST": f = RegisterForm(request.POST) if f.is_valid(): name = f.cleaned_data["name"] # 用户名 email = f.cleaned_data["email"] # 邮箱 psd = f.cleaned_data["psd"] # 密码 real_ip = request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'] #ip introduction = f.cleaned_data["introduction"] vericode = hashlib.sha1(email+EMAIL_SALT).hexdigest() user = User.objects.create(name=name, email=email, psd=hashlib.sha1(psd).hexdigest(), introduction=introduction, vericode=vericode, real_ip=real_ip) if sendMail([email], '验证邮箱', '<a href="http://{HOSTNAME}/validate/{vericode}">验证邮箱</a>'.format(HOSTNAME=HOSTNAME, vericode=vericode)): else: pass# 邮件发送失败 return HttpResponseRedirect("/") else: return render(request, "register.html", {'errors': f.errors}) return render(request, "register.html")
def bookAFlight(self, userEmail: str): """ Book a flight for a given user """ source = input("Enter the source: ") destination = input("Enter the destination: ") if not source or not destination: print("Invalid Inputs") return allFlights, availableFlights = self.getFlights(source, destination, display=True) if not availableFlights: return flightId = input("Enter the Flight Id: ") if not flightId.isdigit(): print("invalid Input") return flightId = int(flightId) flight = self.getFlightById(source, destination, flightId) if not flight: print('No Flight with the given id found!') return if flight["available"] <= 0: print("No Seats Available -- Try another Flight") return bookingsPath = 'data/bookings.json' flightsPath = 'data/flights.json' bookingId = f'{userEmail}-{flight["id"]}-{flight["date"]}' bookings = [] out = self.file.readJsonFile(bookingsPath) if out['status'] == 200: bookings = out['data'] id = 1 if bookings: id = bookings[-1]['id'] + 1 newBooking = dict() newBooking['id'] = id newBooking['bookingId'] = bookingId newBooking['flight'] = flight newBooking['email'] = userEmail newBooking['isActive'] = True bookings.append(newBooking) for flight in allFlights: if flight["id"] == flightId: print(flight) flight["available"] -= 1 writeBookings = self.file.writeJsonFile(bookingsPath, bookings) writeFlights = self.file.writeJsonFile(flightsPath, allFlights) if writeBookings['status'] == 200 and writeFlights['status'] == 200: print('Activating Mail Service') sendMail(userEmail, bookingId, flight, True) print("Booking Successful") print() else: print('something went wrong')
def mainMethod(): util = StockUtils() sqlins = mysqlOp() #例子。。。。。。。。。。。。。。,如果如果遍历这个A股,调用 # stocklist = util.getAllStockList() pList = util.getStockPriceEachMonth('000001', True) #False 返回是每个月的数据,True 是年的数据 for i in pList: print i.code,, '时间:' + i.month, '开始价格:' + i.startPrice, '结束价格' + i.endPrice, '最高价:' + i.maxPrice, '最低价:' + i.minPrice # print '\n========================================当前时间:%s===========================================' % ) print '\n===============================================近60天创新高======================================================' mh = util.get60DaysMaxStockList() print '===============================================共 %s 个======================================================' % str( len(mh)) if mh and len(mh) > 0: mailString = ( '===================================当前日期%s==================================' % str([0:10]) maxPriceList = [] needSync = False fileName = 'stockMaxFile' #读取本地数据 if fpath.exists(fileName): f = open(fileName, 'rb') allData = pickle.load(f) maxPriceList = allData['data'] date = allData['date'] if str([0:10] != date or not date: needSync = True f.close() else: needSync = True f = open(fileName, 'w') f.close() for code in mh: if needSync: if len(maxPriceList) > 0: maxCount = 0 for d in maxPriceList: if d.has_key(code): maxCount = int(d[code]) + 1 d[code] = maxCount break else: continue # maxPriceList.append({'code': code, 'maxPriceCount': '1'}) if maxCount == 0: maxPriceList.append({code: '1'}) else: maxPriceList.append({code: '1'}) else: pass model = szyjl(code) if not model: continue s1 = model.code.ljust(8, ' ') + 6, ' ') + szyjlString(model) s2 = util.roeStringForCode(code, model)[0] s3 = util.roeStringInYearsForCode(code, model)[0] if s1 and s2 and s3: mailString = mailString + s1 + s2 + s3 + '\n\n' print s1 print s2 print s3 else: pass if needSync: pprint.pprint(maxPriceList) f = open(fileName, 'w') pickle.dump( { 'data': maxPriceList, 'date': str([0:10] }, f) f.close() else: pass # 发送邮件 try: if mailString: sendMail(None, None, 'stock60Days', mailString) except Exception: print Exception.__name__ finally: print '' #价值投资选股 print '\n===============================价值投资股票========================================' th = util.getMostValueableStockList() myStock = [] if th and len(th) > 0: print '===============================共 %s 个========================================\n' % str( len(th)) for item in th: model = szyjl(item.code) rankModel = szyjlRank(item.code) if not model or not rankModel: continue #不需要过滤换手率以及市值,价值投资 print(u'第%s个:' % str(th.index(item) + 1)), 6, ' '), item.code.ljust(7, ' '), mostValueableCompanyString( item), szyjlString(model), szyjlRankString(rankModel) jidu = util.roeStringForCode(item.code, model) niandu = util.roeStringInYearsForCode(item.code, model) if jidu and niandu: if niandu[1]: print '=======================================高速增加,可以关注=======================================' if niandu[2]: print '=======================================高潜质企业,可以关注=======================================' if niandu[3]: print '=======================================高附加值,可以关注=======================================' if (niandu[1] or niandu[3]): myStock.append(item) print jidu[0] print niandu[0] else: continue if len(myStock) > 0: print '\n\n\n' print '=======================================高成长企业列表,强烈关注=============================================' print '=======================================高成长企业列表,强烈关注=============================================' print '=======================================高成长企业列表,强烈关注=============================================' ret = sorted(myStock, key=lambda item: item.jzcsyl, reverse=True) for i in ret: if float(i.jzcsyl[0:-2]) / 100 <= float(0.12): continue model = szyjl(i.code) if model: print i.code,, '机构持仓数:' + i.orgCount, '资产收益率:' + i.jzcsyl, ' ', szyjlString( model) print util.roeStringForCode(i.code, model)[0] print util.roeStringInYearsForCode(i.code, model)[0] print util.getCompanyBussinessDetailString(i.code) print '\n\n' else: continue print '\n\n' # print '================================创新高绩优股=========================================' # interList = list(set(mh).intersection(set([item.code for item in th]))) # for code in interList: # model = szyjl(code) # print model.code, # print util.roeStringForCode(code,model)[0] #调研次数 # print '\n=================================机构调研次数排行===================================' # dy = util.getCompanyResearchRank() # if dy and len(dy): # for item in dy: # print, item.code, item.time, item.desc, item.sum # # #推荐公司 # print '\n===============================券商推荐公司=======================================' # tj = util.getRcommandedCompanyList() # if tj and len(tj): # for item in tj: # print item.code,, item.time,, item.reason, item.advice #推荐次数排行公司 # print '\n======================================券商推荐次数排行=============================================' # tj = util.getRcommandRankList() # if tj and len(tj): # for item in tj: # print item.code.ljust(9,' '),,' '),('券商推荐次数:'+item.count + ' 买入评级:' + item.buyCount + ' 增持评级:' + item.addCount) # model = szyjl(item.code) # print util.roeStringForCode(item.code,model) # print util.getCompanyBussinessDetailString(item.code) # print '\n' # #股东增持 print '\n====================================股东增持=====================================' gd = util.getStockholderHoldsStocks() if gd and len(gd): for item in gd: companyInfo = item.split(',') print companyInfo[0], companyInfo[1].ljust( 7, ' '), companyInfo[-4], u'至', companyInfo[-3], ( companyInfo[4]).ljust( 30, ' '), companyInfo[5], (companyInfo[6] + u'万').ljust( 13, ' '), (u'占流通股的' + (companyInfo[7] + '%')).ljust( 15, ' '), (u'市值: ' + util.getSylDetailDataForCode( companyInfo[0]).sz + u'亿').ljust(15, ' ') # #行业报告 # print '\n==================================行业涨幅分析报告=================================' # hy = util.getIndustryReport() # if hy and len(hy): # for item in hy: # print item.split(',')[10],item.split(',')[-1],' ', item # # # # #概念排行 # print '\n=================================概念涨幅排行=====================================' # lit = util.getIndustryRank() # if lit and len(lit): # for item in lit: # print item # #周k线图 # print '\n=================================周K线图=====================================' # stocklist = util.getAllStockList() # for item in stocklist: # week = util.getWeekKLineForCode(item) # print week #优质基金列表 print '\n=================================优质基金=====================================' fundList = util.getGoodFundList() companyRank = {} for i in fundList: print i.code, (, ' '), ('一周收益:' + i.weekProfit).ljust( 15, ' '), ('月收益' + i.oneMonthProfit).ljust( 14, ' '), ('3个月收益:' + i.threeMonthProfit).ljust( 17, ' '), ('半年收益:' + i.halfYearProfit).ljust( 15, ' '), ('一年收益:' + i.oneYearProfit).ljust( 15, ' '), ('3年收益:' + i.threeYearProfit).ljust(15, ' ') companyList = util.getFundHoldCompanyList(i.code) if companyList and len(companyList): for code in companyList: #code 最后一位是市场代码,沪市还是深市 c = code[0:-1] model = szyjl(c) if model: if companyRank.has_key(c): v = companyRank[c] companyRank[c] = str(int(v) + 1) else: companyRank[c] = "1" else: continue # print model.code, ret = sorted(companyRank.iteritems(), key=lambda item: int(item[1]), reverse=True) print '\n================ ===============持仓机构数量====================================\n' for item in ret: k = item[0] v = companyRank[k] weekModel = util.getWeekKLineForCode(k) rankModel = szyjlRank(k) price = '' if weekModel: price = (weekModel.priceList[-1]).endPrice print k, util.getStockNameFromCode(k), v, szyjlString( szyjl(k)), szyjlRankString(rankModel), (u'现价:' + price) model = szyjl(k) if model: print util.roeStringForCode(k, model)[0] print util.roeStringInYearsForCode(k, model)[0] else: pass print '\n\n'