Exemplo n.º 1
def run():
    Run the main PSVD program. This function periodically captures a new image
    and then tests for changes in the parking space reference areas compared to
    the control points as set during the setup procedure (./psvd_setup.py).
    When a change has been detected for 3 ticks the server (to which the pi is
    registered) is updated to accordingly show whether the appropriate parking
    spaces are filled or empty.
    This function is run mainly as an infinite loop until the application
    is destroyed.
    if s.IS_VERBOSE: print "INFO: run() called. "

    # --- Pre-loop Setup ------------------------------------------------------

    # variables
    global camera  # use global pi camera object!
    global occupancy
    global app

    image_location = "./images/psvd.jpeg"  # image save location
    loop_delay = s.PICTURE_DELAY  # duration between each loop in seconds

    # load data sets and count the number of spaces and control boxes
    space_boxes, control_boxes = __setup_box_data()
    num_spaces = len(space_boxes)
    num_controls = len(control_boxes)
    if s.IS_VERBOSE:
        print "INFO: #Spaces:", num_spaces, "\t#CPs:", num_controls

    # assert that the correct number of spaces and CPs are present in the data
    assert num_spaces > 0
    assert num_controls == 3

    # set initial values for status and ticks
    last_status = [None for i in range(10)]
    last_ticks = [3 for i in range(10)]

    while True:
        # --- Space and CP Average Calculation Phase ---------------------------

        # clear lists containing average colour values for spaces
        space_averages = []
        control_averages = []

        # capture new image & save to specified location
        print "INFO: New image saved to:", image_location

            # load image for processing
            image = imageread.Image.open(image_location)
            pixels = image.load()
            print "ERROR: The image has failed to load. Check camera setup. "

        # setup space dimensions and averages, and if verbose, print to terminal
        for space in space_boxes:
            space_x = space[2]
            space_y = space[3]
            space_w = abs(space[4] - space[2])
            space_h = abs(space[5] - space[3])

            if s.IS_VERBOSE:
                print "INFO: Space", space[0], "dimensions:"
                print "      x:", space_x, "y:", space_y, "w:", space_w, "h:", space_h

            # append space average pixel to list of averages
            space_average = imageread.get_area_average(pixels, space_x,
                                                       space_y, space_w,

        if s.IS_VERBOSE: print ""  # line break

        # setup CP dimensions and averages and, if verbose, print to terminal
        for control in control_boxes:
            control_x = control[2]
            control_y = control[3]
            control_w = abs(control[4] - control[2])
            control_h = abs(control[5] - control[3])

            if s.IS_VERBOSE:
                print "INFO: CP", control[0], "dimensions:"
                print "      x:", control_x, "y:", control_y, "w:", control_w, "h:", control_h

            # append control average pixel to list of averages
            control_average = imageread.get_area_average(
                pixels, control_x, control_y, control_w, control_h)

        # --- Average Comparisons and Data Upload Phase ------------------------

        # average pixel values now calculated for all Control Points and Parking
        # Spaces. Now move on to comparison and upload phase.
        if s.IS_VERBOSE: print "\n\n"  # doubleline break

        # compare control points averages to parking spaces averages
        for i, space in zip(space_boxes, space_averages):

            # number of control points that conflict with parking space reading
            num_controls = 0

            print "INFO: Checking for differences...\n     ",
            # for each control point (3 in total) compare each parking space
            for control in control_averages:

                # make comparison
                if imageread.compare_area(space, control):
                    num_controls += 1
                    print "Y",
                    print "N",

            # determine if parking space is occupied. If at least two CPs agree
            # that the space is occupied, set the space to occupied.
            is_occupied = False
            if num_controls >= 2: is_occupied = True

            if s.IS_VERBOSE and is_occupied:
                print "=> Space", i[0], "is occupied.\n"
            elif s.IS_VERBOSE and not is_occupied:
                print "=> Space", i[0], "is empty.\n"

            # update the server with most recent space values after 3 ticks
            if last_status[i[0]] != is_occupied:
                print "      Detected change in space", i[0]
                print "      Space", i[0], "has been", (
                    "occupied" if is_occupied else
                    "vacant"), "for", last_ticks[i[0]], "tick(s).\n"

                if last_ticks[i[0]] < 3:
                    last_ticks[i[0]] += 1
                    last_status[i[0]] = is_occupied
                    last_ticks[i[0]] = 1
                    print "      Space", i[
                        0], "has changed status, sending update to server...\n"
                    num = 1 if is_occupied else 0
                    occupancy = last_status

                    sendoutput = senddata.send_update(i[0], num)
                    if "success" in sendoutput.keys():
                        print "      Success:", sendoutput["success"]
                    elif "error" in sendoutput.keys():
                        print "      Error:", sendoutput["error"]
                    print ''
                last_ticks[i[0]] = 1

        if s.IS_VERBOSE: print "INFO: Sleep for", loop_delay, "seconds..."
Exemplo n.º 2
def run():
    Run the main PiPark program. This function periodically captures a new image
    and then tests for changes in the parking space reference areas compared to
    the control points as set during the setup procedure (./pipark_setup.py).
    When a change has been detected for 3 ticks the server (to which the pi is
    registered) is updated to accordingly show whether the appropriate parking
    spaces are filled or empty.
    This function is run mainly as an infinite loop until the application
    is destroyed.
    if s.IS_VERBOSE: print "INFO: run() called. "
     # --- Pre-loop Setup ------------------------------------------------------
    # variables
    global camera  # use global pi camera object!
    global occupancy
    global app
    image_location = "./images/pipark.jpeg"  # image save location
    loop_delay = s.PICTURE_DELAY  # duration between each loop in seconds
    # load data sets and count the number of spaces and control boxes
    space_boxes, control_boxes = __setup_box_data()
    num_spaces = len(space_boxes)
    num_controls = len(control_boxes)
    if s.IS_VERBOSE: print "INFO: #Spaces:", num_spaces, "\t#CPs:", num_controls
    # assert that the correct number of spaces and CPs are present in the data
    assert num_spaces > 0
    assert num_controls == 3
    # set initial values for status and ticks
    last_status = [None for i in range(10)]
    last_ticks = [3 for i in range(10)]
    while True:
        # --- Space and CP Average Calculation Phase ---------------------------
        # clear lists containing average colour values for spaces
        space_averages = []
        control_averages = []
        # capture new image & save to specified location
        print "INFO: New image saved to:", image_location

            # load image for processing
            image = imageread.Image.open(image_location)
            pixels = image.load()
            print "ERROR: The image has failed to load. Check camera setup. "

        # setup space dimensions and averages, and if verbose, print to terminal
        for space in space_boxes:
            space_x = space[2]
            space_y = space[3]
            space_w = abs(space[4] - space[2])
            space_h = abs(space[5] - space[3])
            if s.IS_VERBOSE: 
                print "INFO: Space", space[0], "dimensions:"
                print "      x:", space_x, "y:", space_y, "w:", space_w, "h:", space_h
            # append space average pixel to list of averages
            space_average = imageread.get_area_average(
        if s.IS_VERBOSE: print ""  # line break

        # setup CP dimensions and averages and, if verbose, print to terminal
        for control in control_boxes:
            control_x = control[2]
            control_y = control[3]
            control_w = abs(control[4] - control[2])
            control_h = abs(control[5] - control[3])

            if s.IS_VERBOSE: 
                print "INFO: CP", control[0], "dimensions:"
                print "      x:", control_x, "y:", control_y, "w:", control_w, "h:", control_h
            # append control average pixel to list of averages
            control_average = imageread.get_area_average(
        # --- Average Comparisons and Data Upload Phase ------------------------
        # average pixel values now calculated for all Control Points and Parking
        # Spaces. Now move on to comparison and upload phase.
        if s.IS_VERBOSE: print "\n\n"  # doubleline break
        # compare control points averages to parking spaces averages
        for i, space in zip(space_boxes, space_averages):
            # number of control points that conflict with parking space reading
            num_controls = 0
            print "INFO: Checking for differences...\n     ",
            # for each control point (3 in total) compare each parking space
            for control in control_averages:
                # make comparison
                if imageread.compare_area(space, control):
                    num_controls += 1
                    print "Y",
                    print "N",

            # determine if parking space is occupied. If at least two CPs agree
            # that the space is occupied, set the space to occupied.
            is_occupied = False
            if num_controls >= 2: is_occupied = True
            if s.IS_VERBOSE and is_occupied:
                print "=> Space", i[0], "is filled.\n"
            elif s.IS_VERBOSE and not is_occupied:
                print "=> Space", i[0], "is empty.\n"
            # update the server with most recent space values after 3 ticks
            if last_status[i[0]] != is_occupied:
                print "      Detected change in space", i[0]
                print "      Space", i[0], "has been", ("occupied" if is_occupied else "vacant"), "for", last_ticks[i[0]], "tick(s).\n"
                if last_ticks[i[0]] < 3:
                    last_ticks[i[0]] += 1
                    last_status[i[0]] = is_occupied
                    last_ticks[i[0]] = 1
                    print "      Space", i[0], "has changed status, sending update to server...\n"
                    num = 1 if is_occupied else 0
                    occupancy = last_status
                    sendoutput = senddata.send_update(i[0], num)
                    if "success" in sendoutput.keys():
                        print "      Success:", sendoutput["success"]
                    elif "error" in sendoutput.keys():
                        print "      Error:", sendoutput["error"]
                    print ''
                last_ticks[i[0]] = 1
        if s.IS_VERBOSE: print "INFO: Sleep for", loop_delay, "seconds... Zzz."
Exemplo n.º 3
def main():
    Run main program loop. Detect changes to parking spaces and update 
    appropriate availabity of the spaces to the server.

    # setup camera and image save location
    camera = imageread.setup_camera()
    image_location = "./images/pipark.jpeg"

    # load data sets and count num spaces on control boxes
    space_boxes, control_boxes = __setup_box_data()

    num_spaces = len(space_boxes)
    num_controls = len(control_boxes)

    print "Number of spaces:", num_spaces, "Number of Control boxes:", num_controls

    assert num_spaces > 0
    assert num_controls == 3

    last_status = [None for i in range(10)]
    last_ticks = [3 for i in range(10)]

    # run centralised program loop
    while True:
        space_averages = []
        control_averages = []

        # take new picture, save to specified location
        print "INFO: New picture taken,", image_location

        # load image
            image = imageread.Image.open(image_location)
            pixels = image.load()
            print "ERROR: Image has failed to load."

        # setup spaces
        for space in space_boxes:
            space_x = space[2]
            space_y = space[3]
            space_w = abs(space[4] - space[2])
            space_h = abs(space[5] - space[3])

            #space_x, space_y, space_w, space_h = __get_area_values(space)

            print "Space dims:", "x", space_x, "y", space_y, "w", space_w, "h", space_h

                imageread.get_area_average(pixels, space_x, space_y, space_w,

        # setup control
        for control in control_boxes:

            control_x = control[2]
            control_y = control[3]
            control_w = abs(control[4] - control[2])
            control_h = abs(control[5] - control[3])

            #control_x, control_y, control_w, control_h = __get_area_values(control)

            print "Control dims:", "x", control_x, "y", control_y, "w", control_w, "h", control_h

                imageread.get_area_average(pixels, control_x, control_y,
                                           control_w, control_h))

        print "\n\n"
        # compare control points to spaces
        for i, space in zip(space_boxes, space_averages):

            num_controls = 0
            for control in control_averages:
                if imageread.compare_area(space, control):
                    num_controls += 1

            # Determine if occupied
            is_occupied = False
            if num_controls >= 2: is_occupied = True

            print "INFO: Space", i[0], "is", ("occupied" if is_occupied else
                                              "vacant"), "\n"

            if last_status[i[0]] != is_occupied:
                print "INFO: Detected change in space", i[0]
                print "INFO: Space", i[0], "has been the", (
                    "occupied" if is_occupied else
                    "vacant"), "for", last_ticks[i[0]], "tick(s).\n"
                if last_ticks[i[0]] < 3:
                    last_ticks[i[0]] += 1
                    last_status[i[0]] = is_occupied
                    last_ticks[i[0]] = 1
                    print "INFO: Space", i[
                        0], "has changed status, sending update to server...\n"
                    num = 1 if is_occupied else 0
                    print senddata.send_update(i[0], num), "\n"
                last_ticks[i[0]] = 1

            # old version
            """if num_controls >= 2:
               # last_status
                print "INFO: Space", i[0], "occupied!"
                print senddata.send_update(i[0], 1), "\n"
                print "INFO: Space", i[0], "vacant!"
                print senddata.send_update(i[0], 0), "\n" """

        print "INFO: Sleeping for 5s"
Exemplo n.º 4
def main():
    Run main program loop. Detect changes to parking spaces and update 
    appropriate availabity of the spaces to the server.

    # setup camera and image save location
    camera = imageread.setup_camera()
    image_location = "./images/pipark.jpeg"

    # load data sets and count num spaces on control boxes
    space_boxes, control_boxes = __setup_box_data()

    num_spaces = len(space_boxes)
    num_controls = len(control_boxes)

    print "Number of spaces:", num_spaces, "Number of Control boxes:", num_controls

    assert num_spaces > 0
    assert num_controls == 3

    last_status = [None for i in range(10)]
    last_ticks = [3 for i in range(10)]

    # run centralised program loop
    while True:
        space_averages = []
        control_averages = []

        # take new picture, save to specified location
        print "INFO: New picture taken,", image_location

        # load image
            image = imageread.Image.open(image_location)
            pixels = image.load()
            print "ERROR: Image has failed to load."

        # setup spaces
        for space in space_boxes:
            space_x = space[2]
            space_y = space[3]
            space_w = abs(space[4] - space[2])
            space_h = abs(space[5] - space[3])

            # space_x, space_y, space_w, space_h = __get_area_values(space)

            print "Space dims:", "x", space_x, "y", space_y, "w", space_w, "h", space_h

            space_averages.append(imageread.get_area_average(pixels, space_x, space_y, space_w, space_h))

        # setup control
        for control in control_boxes:

            control_x = control[2]
            control_y = control[3]
            control_w = abs(control[4] - control[2])
            control_h = abs(control[5] - control[3])

            # control_x, control_y, control_w, control_h = __get_area_values(control)

            print "Control dims:", "x", control_x, "y", control_y, "w", control_w, "h", control_h

            control_averages.append(imageread.get_area_average(pixels, control_x, control_y, control_w, control_h))

        print "\n\n"
        # compare control points to spaces
        for i, space in zip(space_boxes, space_averages):

            num_controls = 0
            for control in control_averages:
                if imageread.compare_area(space, control):
                    num_controls += 1

            # Determine if occupied
            is_occupied = False
            if num_controls >= 2:
                is_occupied = True

            print "INFO: Space", i[0], "is", ("occupied" if is_occupied else "vacant"), "\n"

            if last_status[i[0]] != is_occupied:
                print "INFO: Detected change in space", i[0]
                print "INFO: Space", i[0], "has been the", ("occupied" if is_occupied else "vacant"), "for", last_ticks[
                ], "tick(s).\n"
                if last_ticks[i[0]] < 3:
                    last_ticks[i[0]] += 1
                    last_status[i[0]] = is_occupied
                    last_ticks[i[0]] = 1
                    print "INFO: Space", i[0], "has changed status, sending update to server...\n"
                    num = 1 if is_occupied else 0
                    print senddata.send_update(i[0], num), "\n"
                last_ticks[i[0]] = 1

            # old version
            """if num_controls >= 2:
               # last_status
                print "INFO: Space", i[0], "occupied!"
                print senddata.send_update(i[0], 1), "\n"
                print "INFO: Space", i[0], "vacant!"
                print senddata.send_update(i[0], 0), "\n" """

        print "INFO: Sleeping for 5s"