Exemplo n.º 1
def checker(fake_laser_param, realtime_lasers, nonrealtime_lasers):
    r = rospy.Rate(RATE)
    seq = 0
    laser_scan = LaserScan()
    laser_scan.header.seq = seq
    laser_scan.header.frame_id = fake_laser_param['frame_name']
    laser_scan.angle_min = fake_laser_param['angle_min']
    laser_scan.angle_max = fake_laser_param['angle_max']
    laser_scan.angle_increment = fake_laser_param['angle_increment']
    laser_scan.range_min = fake_laser_param['range_min']
    laser_scan.range_max = fake_laser_param['range_max']
    laser_scan.scan_time = 0
    laser_scan.time_increment = 0
    pub = rospy.Publisher('/scan', LaserScan, queue_size=10)
    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        fake_laser_data = realtime_lasers[0].get_range_data()
        for laser_scanner in realtime_lasers[1:]:
            new_laser_data = laser_scanner.get_range_data()
            fake_laser_data = [min(r1, r2) for r1, r2 in zip(fake_laser_data, new_laser_data)]
        for laser_scanner in nonrealtime_lasers:
            laser_data = laser_scanner.get_range_data()
            #fake_laser_data = [r1 if r1 < 1000 else min(r1, r2) for r1, r2 in zip(fake_laser_data, laser_data)]
            fake_laser_data = [min(r1, r2) for r1, r2 in zip(fake_laser_data, laser_data)]
        laser_scan.ranges = fake_laser_data
        laser_scan.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        seq += 1
Exemplo n.º 2
def merge_scans(rf, sg):
    rf.ranges = list(rf.ranges)
    for i in range(40):
        rf.ranges[len(rf.ranges)-i-1] = 0

    if not sg:
        rf.header.frame_id = 'laser'
        return rf
        global angle_min
        global angle_max
        global angle_increment
        global last_scan_time
        if not last_scan_time:
            last_scan_time = time.time()

        scan = LaserScan()
        scan.header.frame_id = 'laser'
        scan.header.stamp = get_most_recent_timestamp(rf, sg)    
        scan.angle_min = angle_min
        scan.angle_max = angle_max
        scan.angle_increment = angle_increment
        scan.scan_time = time.time() - last_scan_time
        scan.time_increment = scan.scan_time / 541
        scan.range_min = rf.range_min
        scan.range_max = rf.range_max
        scan.ranges = rf.ranges
        for i in range(180*2):
            if sg.ranges[i] < scan.ranges[90 + i] or scan.ranges[90 + i] == 0:
                scan.ranges[90 + i] = sg.ranges[i]

    return scan
Exemplo n.º 3
    def create_lidar_msg(lidar_string):
        lidar_msg = LaserScan()    
        data = lidar_string.split(";")
        #num_readings = 1440 --------------------------------
        #data[0] = min angle (degrees)
        #data[1] = max angle (degrees)
        #data[2] = timestep (ms)
        #data[3] = lidar scan array
        #data[4] = min range
        #data[5] = max range	

        #print data

        lidar_msg.header = create_header() #self?
        lidar_msg.angle_min = math.radians(float(data[0]))
        lidar_msg.angle_max = math.radians(float(data[1]))
        lidar_msg.angle_increment = math.radians(.25) #get from lidar
        lidar_msg.time_increment = float(25. / self.num_readings) #time in ms / measurements YOYOYOYO CHECK THIS
        lidar_msg.scan_time = float(data[2])
        lidar_msg.range_min = float(data[4]) / 1000 #sent in mm, should be meters
        lidar_msg.range_max = float(data[5]) / 1000 #sent in mm, should be meters

        array_string = data[3].translate(None, '[]')
        string_array = array_string.split(",")
        lidar_msg.ranges = [float(r) / 1000 for r in string_array] #better way?
    #    string_array = data[3].strip("[").strip("]").split(",")
        # string_array = data[3].split(",")
        # try:
        #     lidar_msg.ranges = [float(r) for r in string_array]
        #     lidar_msg.intensities = []
        # except ValueError:
        #     print "range vals failed"

        return lidar_msg
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _processLaserscan(self, readingType, remappedTimestamp, content):
        # FIXME: For type ROBOTLASER, we should publish the robot/sensor pose using TF and use the correct TF frame
        laserscan = LaserScan()
        laserscan.header = Header(stamp=remappedTimestamp, frame_id="odom", seq=self._laserscanCounter)

        if readingType.startswith("RAWLASER") or readingType.startswith("ROBOTLASER"):
            laserscan.angle_min = float(content[1])
            laserscan.angle_max = laserscan.angle_min + float(content[2])
            laserscan.angle_increment = float(content[3])
            laserscan.time_increment = 0
            laserscan.scan_time = 0.0  # FIXME
            laserscan.range_min = 0
            laserscan.range_max = float(content[4])

            numRanges = int(content[7])
            for i in xrange(0, numRanges):
                laserscan.ranges.append( float(content[8 + i]) )

            numRemissions = int(content[8 + numRanges])
            for i in xrange(0, numRemissions):
                laserscan.intensities.append( float(content[9 + numRanges + i]) )

            rospy.logwarn("Unsupported laser of type %s in line %d" % (readingType, self._lineCounter) )

        publisher = self._laserscanPublishers[ self._getLaserID(readingType, content) ]
        self._laserscanCounter += 1
def getLaserScan(frame_id, laser_scan_line):
    # Timestamp [seconds.microseconds]
    # # of ranges [unitless]
    # Angular offset [1/4 degree]
    # R1..R181 Ranges (zero padded to 181 ranges) [m]
    # 1235603336.30835, 181, 0, 11.360, 11.360, 11.390, 11.410, 81.910, 81.910, 11.380, 11.400, 11.430, 6.450, 6.170, 6.030, 5.880, 5.740, 5.600, 5.470, 5.360, 5.370, 5.390, 5.430, 5.470, 5.500, 5.530, 5.580, 5.610, 5.410, 5.230, 5.130, 5.180, 5.230, 5.280, 5.350, 6.040, 6.110, 6.180, 6.250, 6.330, 6.400, 6.490, 5.950, 5.750, 5.640, 5.520, 5.440, 5.330, 5.220, 5.280, 5.040, 5.490, 5.590, 5.690, 5.810, 5.930, 6.080, 6.210, 6.360, 6.530, 6.690, 6.870, 13.930, 13.770, 13.650, 13.650, 13.530, 13.430, 13.300, 13.190, 13.040, 12.870, 12.780, 12.700, 12.630, 12.550, 12.480, 12.410, 12.360, 12.310, 12.240, 12.200, 12.150, 12.110, 12.070, 12.040, 12.010, 11.990, 11.970, 11.560, 11.930, 11.920, 11.920, 11.910, 11.930, 11.920, 11.920, 11.940, 11.930, 12.830, 12.840, 12.300, 12.130, 12.120, 13.000, 12.250, 12.230, 12.270, 12.330, 12.390, 12.440, 12.520, 12.580, 12.810, 13.640, 13.740, 13.830, 13.940, 13.640, 6.410, 6.220, 6.010, 5.810, 5.640, 5.080, 4.180, 4.090, 4.250, 4.070, 4.050, 3.700, 3.560, 3.510, 3.510, 3.570, 3.430, 3.520, 3.590, 4.940, 4.650, 4.630, 5.050, 5.040, 5.080, 4.890, 2.790, 2.710, 2.660, 2.620, 2.590, 2.600, 2.660, 2.650, 2.630, 2.690, 2.790, 2.900, 4.250, 4.150, 2.510, 2.480, 2.390, 2.360, 2.330, 2.320, 2.300, 2.410, 2.270, 3.930, 2.290, 2.390, 3.850, 3.830, 3.830, 3.710, 4.060, 4.050, 4.040, 4.030, 4.020, 4.010, 4.010, 4.010, 4.010
    str_timestamp, str_num_readings, str_angular_offset, str_ranges = laser_scan_line.split(', ', 3)
    num_readings = int(str_num_readings)
    angular_offset = float(str_angular_offset)
    ranges = map(float, str_ranges.split(', ')) #convert array of readings
    laser_frequency = 50
    angle_range_rad = 180 * np.pi / 180

    #populate the LaserScan message
    msg = LaserScan()
    msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
    msg.header.frame_id = frame_id
    msg.angle_min = - (angle_range_rad / 2)
    msg.angle_max = (angle_range_rad / 2)
    msg.angle_increment = angle_range_rad / num_readings
    msg.time_increment = (1 / laser_frequency) / (num_readings)
    msg.range_min = 0.0
    msg.range_max = 40.0
    msg.ranges = ranges
    msg.intensities = [0.0] * len(ranges)

    return msg
    def prepare_laserscan_msg(self):
        Fill laser scan message
        laser_scan_msg = LaserScan()

        #Step 1: 
        num_readings = 100
        laser_frequency = 40
        ranges = []
        intensities = []
        count = 0
        i = 0
        #generate some fake data for laser scan
        while (i < num_readings):
            intensities.append(4 + count)
            i = i + 1

        #Step 2
        now = rospy.get_rostime()
        laser_scan_msg.header.stamp = now
        laser_scan_msg.header.frame_id = "laser_frame"
        laser_scan_msg.angle_min = -1.57
        laser_scan_msg.angle_max = 1.57
        laser_scan_msg.angle_increment = 3.14 / num_readings
        laser_scan_msg.time_increment = (1 / laser_frequency) / (num_readings)
        laser_scan_msg.range_min = 0.0
        laser_scan_msg.range_max = 4.0

        laser_scan_msg.ranges = ranges
        laser_scan_msg.intensities = intensities
Exemplo n.º 7
    def update(self):
        now = rospy.Time.now()
        if now > self.t_next:
            elapsed = now - self.then
            self.then = now
            elapsed = elapsed.to_sec()

            # this approximation works (in radians) for small angles
            th = self.th - self.th_pre

            self.dr = th / elapsed

            # publish the odom information
            quaternion = Quaternion()
            quaternion.x = self.qx
            quaternion.y = self.qy
            quaternion.z = self.qz
            quaternion.w = self.qw
                (self.x, self.y, 0),
                (0, 0, quaternion.z, quaternion.w),

                (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 1), rospy.Time.now(), self.laser_frame_id, self.base_frame_id

            odom = Odometry()
            odom.header.stamp = now
            odom.header.frame_id = self.odom_frame_id
            odom.pose.pose.position.x = self.x
            odom.pose.pose.position.y = self.y
            odom.pose.pose.position.z = 0
            odom.pose.pose.orientation = quaternion
            odom.child_frame_id = self.base_frame_id
            odom.twist.twist.linear.x = self.dx
            odom.twist.twist.linear.y = 0
            odom.twist.twist.angular.z = self.dr
            laser = LaserScan()
            laser.header.stamp = now
            laser.header.frame_id = self.laser_frame_id
            laser.angle_min = self.laser.angle_min
            laser.angle_max = self.laser.angle_max
            laser.angle_increment = self.laser.angle_increment
            laser.time_increment = self.laser.time_increment
            laser.scan_time = self.laser.scan_time
            laser.range_min = self.laser.range_min
            laser.range_max = self.laser.range_max
            laser.ranges = self.laser.ranges
            laser.intensities = self.laser.intensities
def create_laser_msg(range_data_array):
    ls = LaserScan()
    ls.angle_increment = 0.006283185307179586 # 0.36 deg
    ls.angle_max = 2.0943951023931953 # 120.0 deg
    ls.angle_min = -2.0943951023931953 # -120.0 deg
    ls.range_max = 4.0
    ls.range_min = 0.02
    ls.scan_time = 0.001 # No idea
    ls.time_increment = 1.73611115315e-05 # No idea, took from http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.science.robotics.ros.user/5192
    ls.header = Header()
    ls.header.frame_id = 'laser_link'
    ls.ranges = range_data_array
    return ls
Exemplo n.º 9
 def inputCallback(self, msg):
     # rospy.loginfo("-D- range_filter inputCallback")
     cur_val = msg.value
     if cur_val <= self.max_valid and cur_val >= self.min_valid:
         del self.prev[0]
         p = array(self.prev)
         self.rolling_ave = p.mean()
         self.rolling_std = p.std()
         self.rolling_meters = ((self.b * self.rolling_ave) ** self.m) / 100
         self.filtered_pub.publish( self.rolling_meters )
         self.std_pub.publish( self.rolling_std )
         rng = Range()
         rng.radiation_type = 1
         rng.min_range = self.min_range
         rng.max_range = self.max_range
         rng.range = self.rolling_meters
         rng.header.frame_id = self.frame
         rng.field_of_view = 0.1
         rng.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
         self.range_pub.publish( rng )
         ranges = [] 
         intensities = []
         angle_start = 0.0 - self.field_of_view
         angle_stop = self.field_of_view
         for angle in linspace( angle_start, angle_stop, 10):
             ranges.append( self.rolling_meters )
             intensities.append( 1.0 )
         scan = LaserScan()
         scan.ranges = ranges
         scan.header.frame_id = self.frame
         scan.time_increment = 0;
         scan.range_min = self.min_range
         scan.range_max = self.max_range
         scan.angle_min = angle_start
         scan.angle_max = angle_stop
         scan.angle_increment = (angle_stop - angle_start) / 10
         scan.intensities = intensities
         scan.scan_time = self.scan_time
         scan.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
         self.scan_pub.publish( scan )
Exemplo n.º 10
    def _create_scan(self):
        scan = LaserScan()
        scan.header.frame_id = self._frame_id
        scan.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime()
        scan.range_min = self._range_min
        scan.range_max = self._range_max
        scan.angle_min = numpy.deg2rad(self._angle_min)
        scan.angle_max = numpy.deg2rad(self._angle_max)
        scan.angle_increment = numpy.deg2rad(self._angle_increment)
        scan.scan_time = self._scan_time
        scan.time_increment = self._time_increment
        scan.ranges = [self._r] * self._num_readings
        scan.intensities = [1.0] * self._num_readings

        return scan
Exemplo n.º 11
 def publishLaserScan(self,data=None):
     scan = LaserScan()
     scan.header.seq = 1
     scan.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
     num_readings = 100
     laser_frequency = 40
     scan.header.frame_id = "base_laser"
     scan.angle_min = radians(-30)
     scan.angle_max = radians(30)
     scan.angle_increment = radians(60) / num_readings
     scan.time_increment = (1 / laser_frequency) / (num_readings)
     scan.range_min = 0.5
     scan.range_max = 6
     scan.ranges = [5]*num_readings
Exemplo n.º 12
 def publishLaserScan(self,data=None):
     scan = LaserScan()
     scan.header.seq = 1
     scan.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
     num_readings = 100
     laser_frequency = 20
     scan.header.frame_id = "base_laser"
     scan.angle_min = radians(-30)
     scan.angle_max = radians(30)
     scan.angle_increment = radians(60) / num_readings
     scan.time_increment = (1 / laser_frequency) / (num_readings)
     scan.range_min = 0.5
     scan.range_max = 10
     scan.ranges = [8]*num_readings
Exemplo n.º 13
    def filterScanData(self, data):
        self.lidarScan = data
        newRanges = self.filterRanges()

        msg = LaserScan()
        msg.header = data.header
        msg.angle_min = data.angle_min
        msg.angle_max = data.angle_max
        msg.angle_increment = data.angle_increment
        msg.time_increment = data.time_increment
        msg.scan_time = data.scan_time
        msg.range_min = data.range_min
        msg.range_max = data.range_max
        msg.ranges = newRanges
        msg.intensities = data.intensities
Exemplo n.º 14
    def pub_laser(self, msg):
        laser = LaserScan()

        laser.header = msg.header
        laser.header.frame_id = self.frame_id
        laser.angle_min = 0
        laser.angle_max = 3.14
        laser.angle_increment = 0.01
        laser.time_increment = 0.01
        laser.scan_time = 0.1
        laser.range_min = 0.2
        laser.range_max = 4.5
        laser.ranges = [msg.range, msg.range]
        laser.intensities = [1, 1]

Exemplo n.º 15
 def send_laser_scan(self, scans):
     self.seq += 1
     laserScan = LaserScan()
     laserScan.header.seq = self.seq
     laserScan.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
     laserScan.header.frame_id = "base_link"
     laserScan.angle_min = -self.lidar_fov / 2.0
     laserScan.angle_max = self.lidar_fov / 2.0
     laserScan.angle_increment = 1.0 * np.pi / 180.0
     laserScan.time_increment = 0.00001
     laserScan.scan_time = 0.001 * 181
     laserScan.range_min = 0.0
     laserScan.range_max = self.z_max
     laserScan.ranges = scans
     laserScan.intensities = []
Exemplo n.º 16
	def callback(self,_data):


		for i in range(0,len(_data.ranges)):
		for i in range(0, len(_data.intensities)):
Exemplo n.º 17
def pub_laserscan(obs_distance):
	laserscan = LaserScan()
	laserscan.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
	laserscan.header.frame_id = 'lidar'
	laserscan.angle_min = -1.57
	laserscan.angle_max = 1.57 # 对应180度
	laserscan.angle_increment = 3.14 / 180 #弧度的增量,这样就是隔1度取值
	laserscan.time_increment = 1.0  / 10   / 180 # 中间的10对应于json中的RotationsPerSecond
	laserscan.range_min = 0.0
	laserscan.range_max = 100.0
	laserscan.ranges = [] # 距离
	laserscan.intensities = [] # 强度
	for i in range(1,len(obs_distance)):
	return laserscan
Exemplo n.º 18
    def make_samples(self):
        ls = LaserScan()
        ls.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        ls.header.frame_id = "laser"

        ls.angle_min = -3.14
        ls.angle_max = 3.14
        ls.angle_increment = 6.28 / 360.0
        ls.time_increment = 0.1
        ls.range_min = 0.0
        ls.range_max = 100.0
        ls.ranges = [0.7 for i in range(0, 360)]
        # _lt1 = [i * 0.002 for i in range(0, 180)]
        # _lt2 = [(i - 180) * 0.002 for i in range(360, 180, -1)]
        # ls.ranges = _lt1 + _lt2

Exemplo n.º 19
 def publish_scan(self,msg):
     pub = rospy.Publisher('%s/scan'%(subscribed_robot), LaserScan, queue_size=1000)
     #rate = ros
     # py.Rate(10)
     #while not rospy.is_shutdown():
     scan_msg = LaserScan()
     scan_msg.header.frame_id = "%s/base_scan"%(subscribed_robot)
     scan_msg.angle_increment= msg["angle_increment"]
     scan_msg.angle_max = msg["angle_max"]
     scan_msg.angle_min = msg["angle_min"]
     scan_msg.range_max = msg["range_max"]
     scan_msg.range_min = msg["range_min"]
     scan_msg.time_increment = msg["time_increment"]
     scan_msg.ranges = msg["ranges"]
     scan_msg.intensities = msg["intensities"]
     rospy.logdebug("ROS published to {}/scan".format(subscribed_robot))
Exemplo n.º 20
    def publish_filtered_laser_scan(self, laser_original_data,
                                    new_filtered_laser_range, pub_num):

        rospy.logdebug("new_filtered_laser_range==>" +

        laser_filtered_object = LaserScan()

        h = Header()
        h.stamp = rospy.Time.now(
        )  # Note you need to call rospy.init_node() before this will work
        h.frame_id = laser_original_data.header.frame_id

        laser_filtered_object.header = h
        laser_filtered_object.angle_min = laser_original_data.angle_min
        laser_filtered_object.angle_max = laser_original_data.angle_max

        new_angle_incr = abs(laser_original_data.angle_max -
                             laser_original_data.angle_min) / len(

        #laser_filtered_object.angle_increment = laser_original_data.angle_increment
        laser_filtered_object.angle_increment = new_angle_incr
        laser_filtered_object.time_increment = laser_original_data.time_increment
        laser_filtered_object.scan_time = laser_original_data.scan_time
        laser_filtered_object.range_min = laser_original_data.range_min
        laser_filtered_object.range_max = laser_original_data.range_max

        laser_filtered_object.ranges = []
        laser_filtered_object.intensities = []
        for item in new_filtered_laser_range:
            if item == 0.0:
                # laser_distance = 0.1
                laser_distance = 0.0
                laser_distance = item

        if pub_num == '1':
        elif pub_num == '2':
        elif pub_num == '3':
Exemplo n.º 21
def callback(arg):

    laser = LaserScan()

    laser.header = arg.header            # timestamp in the header is the acquisition time on
    laser.angle_min = arg.angle_min        # start angle of the scan [rad]
    laser.angle_max = arg.angle_max        # end angle of the scan [rad]
    laser.angle_increment = arg.angle_increment  # angular distance between measurements [rad]
    laser.time_increment = arg.time_increment   # time between measurements [seconds] - if your scanne
    laser.scan_time = arg.scan_time        # time between scans [seconds]
    laser.range_min = arg.range_min        # minimum range value [m]
    laser.range_max = arg.range_max        # maximum range value [m]

    for i in range(len(arg.ranges)):
Exemplo n.º 22
def handle_laser_scan(laserMsg,currTime):
	scan = LaserScan()
	scan.header.stamp = currTime
	scan.header.frame_id = "base_link"
	scan.angle_min = -1.57
	scan.angle_max = 1.57
	scan.angle_increment = 3.14/181
	scan.time_increment = (1/0.5)/181
	scan.range_min = 0.0
	scan.range_max = 10.0
	scan.ranges = [0.0 for i in xrange(len(laserMsg)-1)]
	scan.intensities = [0.0 for i in xrange(len(laserMsg)-1)]
	for i in xrange(len(laserMsg)-1):
		scan.ranges[i] =laserMsg[i]
		scan.intensities[i]= 100
	laserPub =  rospy.Publisher('scan',LaserScan,queue_size = 1)
Exemplo n.º 23
    def Cb(self, msg):
        n_ranges = list()
        pv = msg.data[0]
        for i in range(50):
            if pv > 0.0 and msg.data[i] > 0.0:
                n_ranges.append((pv + msg.data[i]) / 2)
            pv = msg.data[i]

        laserMsg = LaserScan()
        laserMsg.ranges = n_ranges
        laserMsg.angle_increment = 0.2
        laserMsg.time_increment = 1 / 50
        laserMsg.header.frame_id = '/ultra'
        laserMsg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
Exemplo n.º 24
def front_laser_callback(laser_msg):
    pub = rospy.Publisher('/fused_laser', LaserScan, queue_size=1)

    scan = LaserScan()

    scan.header.stamp = laser_msg.header.stamp
    scan.header.frame_id = "front_laser"

    scan.angle_min = -1.57
    scan.angle_max = 1.57
    scan.angle_increment = 3.14 / 180
    scan.time_increment = (1.0 / 75.0) / 181
    scan.range_min = 0.0
    scan.range_max = 30.0
    scan.ranges = laser_msg.ranges
    scan.intensities = laser_msg.intensities

Exemplo n.º 25
    def callback(self, data):

        laser = LaserScan()

        laser.header = data.header
        laser.angle_min = data.angle_min
        laser.angle_max = data.angle_max
        laser.angle_increment = data.angle_increment
        laser.time_increment = data.time_increment
        laser.scan_time = data.scan_time
        laser.range_min = data.range_min
        laser.range_max = data.range_max
        laser.intensities = data.intensities
        laser.ranges = data.ranges

        cloud = self.laserProj.projectLaser(laser)

Exemplo n.º 26
def handle_laser_scan(laserMsg, currTime):
    scan = LaserScan()
    scan.header.stamp = currTime
    scan.header.frame_id = "base_link"
    scan.angle_min = -1.57
    scan.angle_max = 1.57
    scan.angle_increment = 3.14 / 181
    scan.time_increment = (1 / 0.5) / 181
    scan.range_min = 0.0
    scan.range_max = 10.0
    scan.ranges = [0.0 for i in xrange(len(laserMsg) - 1)]
    scan.intensities = [0.0 for i in xrange(len(laserMsg) - 1)]
    for i in xrange(len(laserMsg) - 1):
        scan.ranges[i] = laserMsg[i]
        scan.intensities[i] = 100
    laserPub = rospy.Publisher('scan', LaserScan, queue_size=1)
    def build_laser_scan(self, ranges):

        arc = math.pi / 2  # Laser arc  45 to 135 = 90 deg (in laser coordinate frame -45 45)
        num_readings = 181  # number of readings of the laser (len(temp_data))
        laser_frequency = 5

        result = LaserScan()
        result.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        result.header.frame_id = "laser_frame"
        result.angle_min = -0.785398  # math.PI/4 -45 degree
        result.angle_max = 0.785398  #math.PI/4  45 degree
        result.angle_increment = arc / num_readings  # 5 degree
        result.time_increment = (1 / laser_frequency) / (num_readings)
        result.range_min = 0.0
        result.range_max = 26.0
        result.ranges = ranges

        return result
Exemplo n.º 28
    def callback2(self, arg):

        laser = LaserScan()

        laser.header = arg.header
        laser.angle_min = arg.angle_min
        laser.angle_max = arg.angle_max
        laser.angle_increment = arg.angle_increment
        laser.time_increment = arg.time_increment
        laser.scan_time = arg.scan_time
        laser.range_min = arg.range_min
        laser.range_max = arg.range_max
        laser.intensities = arg.intensities
        laser.ranges = arg.ranges

        cloud = self.laserProj.projectLaser(laser)

Exemplo n.º 29
    def Cb(self, msg):
        n_ranges = list()
        pv = msg.data[0]
        for i in range(50):
            if pv>0.0 and msg.data[i]>0.0:
            pv = msg.data[i]

        laserMsg = LaserScan()
        laserMsg.ranges = n_ranges
        laserMsg.angle_increment = 0.2; 
        laserMsg.time_increment = 1/50
        laserMsg.header.frame_id = '/ultra'
        laserMsg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
Exemplo n.º 30
def callback(msg):
	new_msg = LaserScan()

	# Make a new message, and copy in the information
	new_msg.header = msg.header
	new_msg.angle_min = msg.angle_min
	new_msg.angle_max = msg.angle_max
	new_msg.angle_increment = msg.angle_increment
	new_msg.time_increment = msg.time_increment
	new_msg.scan_time = msg.scan_time
	new_msg.range_min = msg.range_min
	new_msg.range_max = msg.range_max
	new_msg.intensities = msg.intensities[:]

	# Noise up the ranges
	new_msg.ranges = [gauss(r, 0.1) for r in msg.ranges]

Exemplo n.º 31
    def GetScanInRange(self, scan, angle_min, angle_max):
        scan_filtered = LaserScan()
        scan_filtered.header = scan.header
        scan_filtered.angle_increment = scan.angle_increment
        scan_filtered.range_max = scan.range_max
        scan_filtered.range_min = scan.range_min
        scan_filtered.scan_time = scan.scan_time
        scan_filtered.time_increment = scan.time_increment

        ## Round the input range to the closest valid angle
        num_pts = len(scan.ranges) - 1

        min_idx = int(
            round((angle_min - scan.angle_min) / scan.angle_increment))
        if min_idx < 0:
            print("Warning: angle_min is less than minimum scan angle.")
            min_idx = 0
        elif min_idx > num_pts:
            print("Warning: angle_min is less than maximum scan angle.")
            min_idx = num_pts
        angle_min = scan.angle_min + min_idx * scan.angle_increment

        max_idx = int(
            round((angle_max - scan.angle_min) / scan.angle_increment))
        if max_idx < 0:
            print("Warning: angle_max is less than minimum scan angle.")
            max_idx = 0
        elif max_idx > num_pts:
            print("Warning: angle_max is less than maximum scan angle.")
            max_idx = num_pts
        angle_max = scan.angle_min + max_idx * scan.angle_increment

        ## Output the final values
        scan_filtered.angle_min = angle_min
        scan_filtered.angle_max = angle_max
        scan_filtered.ranges = scan.ranges[min_idx:max_idx]
        for i in range(len(scan.ranges)):
            angle = angle_min + angle_inc*i
            angle_deg = math.degrees(angle)
            print("Angle: {:3.2f} deg, Range: {:2.2f}".format(angle_deg, scan.ranges[i]))
        return scan_filtered
Exemplo n.º 32
    def publish_tof(self, distances):
        msg = Float32MultiArray(data=distances)

        scan = LaserScan()
        scan.header.stamp = self._timestamp
        scan.header.frame_id = "laser"
        scan.angle_min = self._angle_min
        scan.angle_max = self._angle_max
        scan.angle_increment = self._angle_inc
        scan.time_increment = 1.0 / 50.0
        scan.range_min = 0.0
        scan.range_max = self._rng_tof
        scan.ranges = []
        scan.intensities = []
        for i in range(0, self._laserbeams):
Exemplo n.º 33
    def scan_invert(self, scan):
        current_time = rospy.Time.now()

        new_scan = LaserScan()

        new_scan.header.stamp = scan.header.stamp
        new_scan.header.frame_id = scan.header.frame_id
        new_scan.angle_min = scan.angle_min
        new_scan.angle_max = scan.angle_max
        new_scan.angle_increment = scan.angle_increment
        new_scan.time_increment = scan.time_increment
        new_scan.range_min = scan.range_min
        new_scan.range_max = scan.range_max

        new_scan.ranges = scan.ranges[::-1]
        new_scan.intensities = scan.intensities[::-1]

Exemplo n.º 34
    def __init__(self):

        # parameters
        self.rate = rospy.get_param("~rate", 1.0)
        self.frame_id = rospy.get_param("~frame", "base_laser")
        self.range_min = rospy.get_param("~range_min", 0.2)
        self.range_max = rospy.get_param("~range_max", 5.5)
        self.angle_min = rospy.get_param("~angle_min", -1.57)
        self.angle_max = rospy.get_param("~angle_max", 1.57)
        self.num_readings = rospy.get_param("~num_readings", 100)
        self.fixed_reading = rospy.get_param("~fixed_reading", 2.0)
        self.scan_time = rospy.get_param("~scan_time", 0.1)

        self.angle_increment = (self.angle_max -
                                self.angle_min) / self.num_readings
        self.time_increment = self.scan_time / (self.num_readings)

        self.scanPub = rospy.Publisher('scan', LaserScan)

        rospy.loginfo("Started fake laser node publishing to /scan topic.")

        r = rospy.Rate(self.rate)

        while not rospy.is_shutdown():
            ranges = list()
            # Generate the fake data.
            for i in range(self.num_readings):
                ranges.append(self.fixed_reading * sin(i) *
                              random.uniform(0, 1))

            scan = LaserScan()
            scan.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
            scan.header.frame_id = self.frame_id
            scan.angle_min = self.angle_min
            scan.angle_max = self.angle_max
            scan.angle_increment = self.angle_increment
            scan.time_increment = self.time_increment
            scan.range_min = self.range_min
            scan.range_max = self.range_max
            scan.ranges = ranges
    def publish_filtered_laser_scan(self):

        length_range = len(self.laser_scan.ranges)
        length_intensities = len(self.laser_scan.intensities)

        #index = int(length_range / 2)
        #self.index = 10
        self.index += 1
        if self.index >= length_range - 1:
            self.index = 0

        print str(self.index)
        wanted_value = self.laser_scan.ranges[self.index]
        #wanted_value = 1.0

        laser_filtered_object = LaserScan()

        h = Header()
        h.stamp = rospy.Time.now(
        )  # Note you need to call rospy.init_node() before this will work
        h.frame_id = "chassis"

        laser_filtered_object.header = h
        laser_filtered_object.angle_min = self.laser_scan.angle_min
        laser_filtered_object.angle_max = self.laser_scan.angle_max
        laser_filtered_object.angle_increment = self.laser_scan.angle_increment
        laser_filtered_object.time_increment = self.laser_scan.time_increment
        laser_filtered_object.scan_time = self.laser_scan.scan_time
        laser_filtered_object.range_min = self.laser_scan.range_min
        laser_filtered_object.range_max = self.laser_scan.range_max
        laser_filtered_object.ranges = [self.laser_scan.range_min
                                        ] * length_range
        laser_filtered_object.ranges = []
        for item in self.laser_scan.ranges:

        laser_filtered_object.intensities = [100.0] * length_intensities

        laser_filtered_object.ranges[self.index] = wanted_value

Exemplo n.º 36
    def handleRange(self, data):
        """Callback to receive range data."""
        noise = random.gauss(0.0, self.config.noise_stdev)
        if data.range > self.config.max_range:
            self.sonar_range_ = self.config.max_range + 2
            self.sonar_range_ = data.range + noise

        self.sonar_range_available_ = True
        if self.joint_state_available_:
            # Publish beam
            msg = LaserScan()
            msg.header = data.header
            msg.header.frame_id = self.config.frame_id
            msg.angle_increment = 0
            idx = self.joint_state_.name.index(self.jointname)
            msg.angle_min = self.joint_state_.position[idx]
            msg.angle_max = self.joint_state_.position[idx]
            msg.time_increment = 0
            msg.range_min = 1.0
            msg.range_max = self.config.max_range
            bindist = msg.range_max / self.config.nbins
            msg.ranges = np.arange(0 + bindist, msg.range_max + 0.000001,
            msg.intensities = [0] * self.config.nbins
            if self.sonar_range_ <= self.config.max_range:
                index = int(round(self.sonar_range_ / bindist))
                for i in range(-2, 3):
                    j = index + i
                    if j > 0 and j < len(msg.intensities):
                        msg.intensities[j] = 255
                (self.translation[0], self.translation[1],
                    self.rotation_rpy[0], self.rotation_rpy[1],
                    self.rotation_rpy[2]), msg.header.stamp,
                self.config.frame_id, self.config.robot_frame_name)


            # adabt range to binning
            self.sonar_range_ = int(round(data.range / bindist)) * bindist
Exemplo n.º 37
def generate(scan_rate, angle_min, angle_max, ranges, intensities):

    scan = LaserScan()
    start_time = rospy.Time.now()
    angle_increment = (angle_max - angle_min) / 400
    time_increment = 1 / scan_rate

    scan.header.stamp = start_time
    scan.header.frame_id = 'scanner'
    scan.angle_min = angle_min
    scan.angle_max = angle_max
    scan.angle_increment = angle_increment
    scan.time_increment = time_increment
    scan.range_min = 0
    scan.range_max = 10
    scan.ranges = ranges
    scan.intensities = intensities

    return scan
def init():
    pub = rospy.Publisher('laserscan_spoofer/scan', LaserScan, queue_size=1)
    rate = rospy.Duration(0.1)
    msg = LaserScan()
    msg.header.frame_id = 'laser_link'
    msg.angle_min = -2.35619449615
    msg.angle_max = 2.09234976768
    msg.angle_increment = 0.00613592332229
    msg.time_increment = 0.0000976562732831
    msg.scan_time = 0.10000000149
    msg.range_min = 0.019999999553
    msg.range_max = 5.59999990463
    sz = int(float(msg.angle_max - msg.angle_min) / float(msg.angle_increment))
    msg.ranges = [float('NaN') for i in range(sz)]

    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0)
Exemplo n.º 39
def build_constant_scan(range_val, intensity_val, angle_min, angle_max,
                        angle_increment, scan_time):
    count = np.uint(np.ceil((angle_max - angle_min) / angle_increment))
    if count < 0:
        raise BuildScanException

    scan = LaserScan()
    scan.header.stamp = rospy.rostime.Time.from_sec(10.10)
    scan.header.frame_id = "laser_frame"
    scan.angle_min = angle_min
    scan.angle_max = angle_max
    scan.angle_increment = angle_increment
    scan.scan_time = scan_time.to_sec()
    scan.range_min = PROJECTION_TEST_RANGE_MIN
    scan.range_max = PROJECTION_TEST_RANGE_MAX
    scan.ranges = [range_val for _ in range(count)]
    scan.intensities = [intensity_val for _ in range(count)]
    scan.time_increment = scan_time.to_sec() / count

    return scan
def test_angular_bounds_filter():
    Test angular bounds filter
    print('\n===== Testing angular bounds filter =====\n')
    # generate toy laser scan
    num_readings = 20
    laser_frequency = 40

    scan = LaserScan()

    scan.header.stamp = 0
    scan.header.frame_id = 'laser_frame'
    scan.angle_min = 0
    scan.angle_max = num_readings
    scan.angle_increment = 1.0
    scan.time_increment = (1.0 / laser_frequency) / (num_readings)
    scan.range_min = 0.0
    scan.range_max = 100.0

    scan.ranges = []
    scan.intensities = []
    for i in range(0, num_readings):
        scan.ranges.append(scan.angle_min + i * scan.angle_increment)  # fake data
        scan.intensities.append(1)  # fake data
    print('\nBefore filter:\n', scan)

    # test filter
    lower_angle = 6
    upper_angle = 18
    print('*** Test: lower angle: {}, upper angle: {} ***'.format(lower_angle, upper_angle))
    angular_bounds_filter(scan, lower_angle, upper_angle)
    print('\nAfter angular bounds filter:\n', scan)

    assert scan.angle_min == lower_angle
    assert scan.angle_max == upper_angle
    assert scan.ranges[0] == lower_angle
    assert scan.ranges[-1] == upper_angle
    assert len(scan.ranges) == len(scan.intensities) == upper_angle - lower_angle + 1
    for i in range(len(scan.ranges) - 1):
        assert scan.ranges[i + 1] - scan.ranges[i] == scan.angle_increment
Exemplo n.º 41
    def __init__(self):

        # parameters
        self.rate = rospy.get_param("~rate", 1.0)
        self.frame_id = rospy.get_param("~frame", "base_laser")
        self.range_min = rospy.get_param("~range_min", 0.2)
        self.range_max = rospy.get_param("~range_max", 5.5)
        self.angle_min = rospy.get_param("~angle_min", -1.57)
        self.angle_max = rospy.get_param("~angle_max", 1.57)
        self.num_readings = rospy.get_param("~num_readings", 100)
        self.fixed_reading = rospy.get_param("~fixed_reading", 2.0)
        self.scan_time = rospy.get_param("~scan_time", 0.1)
        self.angle_increment = (self.angle_max - self.angle_min) / self.num_readings
        self.time_increment = self.scan_time / (self.num_readings)

        self.scanPub = rospy.Publisher('scan', LaserScan)

        rospy.loginfo("Started fake laser node publishing to /scan topic.")

        r = rospy.Rate(self.rate)
        while not rospy.is_shutdown():
            ranges = list()
            # Generate the fake data.
            for i in range(self.num_readings):
                ranges.append(self.fixed_reading * sin(i) * random.uniform(0, 1))
            scan = LaserScan()
            scan.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()     
            scan.header.frame_id = self.frame_id
            scan.angle_min = self.angle_min
            scan.angle_max = self.angle_max
            scan.angle_increment = self.angle_increment
            scan.time_increment = self.time_increment
            scan.range_min = self.range_min
            scan.range_max = self.range_max
            scan.ranges = ranges    
Exemplo n.º 42
    def rec_data(self):
            self.rdata = self.sock.recv(self.data_size)
            if not self.rdata:
                print("broken connection")
            print("length of rdata :",len(self.rdata))

            scan = LaserScan()
            scan.header.frame_id = 'laser'
            scan_time = rospy.Time.now()
            scan.header.stamp = scan_time
            scan.angle_min = 0
            scan.angle_max = 2 * math.pi
            #scan.angle_min = -math.pi
            #scan.angle_max = math.pi
            scan.angle_increment = 6.28 / self.num_readings
            #scan.angle_increment = 1 * (math.pi / 180)
            scan.time_increment = 1 / self.laser_frequency / self.num_readings
            scan.range_min = 0.2
            scan.range_max = 6.
            self.ldata = list(array.array('f',self.rdata))
            print("length of ldata :",len(self.ldata))
            for i in range(self.num_readings-1,0,-1):
            for i in reversed(range(self.num_readings)):

        except Exception as ex:
            print("Exception in rec_data", ex)
Exemplo n.º 43
def main():
    # Create a VL53L0X object
    tof = VL53L0X.VL53L0X()

    # Start ranging

    #timing = tof.get_timing()
    #if (timing < 20000):
    #    timing = 20000
    #rospy.loginfo("Timing %d ms" % (timing/1000))

    pub = rospy.Publisher('lider_scan', LaserScan, queue_size=10)
    laser_scan = LaserScan()
    laser_scan.header.seq = 0
    laser_scan.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime()
    laser_scan.header.frame_id = "/world"
    laser_scan.angle_min = 0.0
    laser_scan.angle_max = math.pi
    laser_scan.angle_increment = math.pi / 180
    laser_scan.time_increment = 1.0 / 180
    laser_scan.scan_time = laser_scan.time_increment * 360
    laser_scan.range_min = 0.1
    laser_scan.range_max = 2.0

    r = rospy.Rate(90)
    angle = 0
    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        laser_scan.ranges.append(float(tof.get_distance()) / 1000)

        if (angle >= 179):
            laser_scan.header.seq += 1
            laser_scan.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime()
            laser_scan.ranges = []
            angle = 0
        angle += 1

def build_constant_scan(
        range_val, intensity_val,
        angle_min, angle_max, angle_increment, scan_time):
    count = np.uint(np.ceil((angle_max - angle_min) / angle_increment))
    if count < 0:
        raise BuildScanException

    scan = LaserScan()
    scan.header.stamp = rospy.rostime.Time.from_sec(10.10)
    scan.header.frame_id = "laser_frame"
    scan.angle_min = angle_min
    scan.angle_max = angle_max
    scan.angle_increment = angle_increment
    scan.scan_time = scan_time.to_sec()
    scan.range_min = PROJECTION_TEST_RANGE_MIN
    scan.range_max = PROJECTION_TEST_RANGE_MAX
    scan.ranges = [range_val for _ in range(count)]
    scan.intensities = [intensity_val for _ in range(count)]
    scan.time_increment = scan_time.to_sec()/count

    return scan
Exemplo n.º 45
def imu_serial():
    pub = rospy.Publisher('laser_scan', LaserScan)
    laser_msg = LaserScan()

    laser_msg.header.frame_id = 'laser'
    laser_msg.angle_min = -1.5
    laser_msg.angle_max = 1.5
    laser_msg.angle_increment = 0.1
    laser_msg.time_increment = 0.1
    laser_msg.scan_time = 0.1
    laser_msg.range_min = 0.5
    laser_msg.range_max = 1.5    
    laser_msg.ranges = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.1, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 5.0, 1.0]
    laser_msg.intensities = laser_msg.ranges 

    r = rospy.Rate(100) # 10hz
    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        laser_msg.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime()
    def generate_laser_msg(self, laser_data):
        '''Generates a 'LaserScan' message from the input data.

        Keyword arguments:
        laser_data -- A 'LaserData' object.

        msg -- A 'LaserScan' message.

        laser_scan_msg = LaserScan()
        laser_scan_msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        laser_scan_msg.header.frame_id = laser_data.frame_id
        laser_scan_msg.angle_min = self.scanner_min_angle
        laser_scan_msg.angle_max = self.scanner_max_angle
        laser_scan_msg.angle_increment = self.scanner_angle_increment
        laser_scan_msg.time_increment = self.scanner_time_increment
        laser_scan_msg.range_min = self.scanner_min_range
        laser_scan_msg.range_max = self.scanner_max_range
        laser_scan_msg.ranges = self.calculate_ranges(laser_data)

        return laser_scan_msg
Exemplo n.º 47
    def create_lidar_msg(self, L):
        raw_lidar = L.data
        #stripped_lidar = raw_lidar.translate(None, '[]').translate(None, '"').translate(None, '\'')
        array_lidar = raw_lidar.split(";")
        lidar_msg = LaserScan()
        lidar_msg.header = self.create_header() #self?
        lidar_msg.angle_min = math.radians(float(array_lidar[0]))
        lidar_msg.angle_max = math.radians(float(array_lidar[1]))
        lidar_msg.angle_increment = math.radians(0.25) #MAKE PARAM
        lidar_msg.time_increment = 0.025/(270*4) #time in ms / measurements YOYOYOYO CHECK THIS
        lidar_msg.scan_time = float(array_lidar[2]) / 1000 #time in ms
        lidar_msg.range_min = float(array_lidar[4]) / 1000 #sent in mm, should be meters
        lidar_msg.range_max = float(array_lidar[5]) / 1000 #sent in mm, should be meters

        array_string = array_lidar[3]   #.translate(None, '[]')
        string_array = array_string.split(",")
        lidar_msg.ranges = [float(r) / 1000 for r in string_array] #better way?

Exemplo n.º 48
    def _msg(self, ranges, intensities, scan_time):
        new_time = Time.now()
        delta_time = new_time - self._last_time
        self._last_time = new_time

        msg = LaserScan()
        msg.header.frame_id = self._frame_id
        msg.header.stamp = Time.now()
        msg.angle_max = self.__MAX_ANGLE
        msg.angle_min = self.__MIN_ANGLE
        msg.angle_increment = self.__ANGLE_INCREMENT
        # Note: time_increment is the time between measurements, i.e. how often we read the scan and publish it (in
        # seconds)
        msg.time_increment = 0.1 #delta_time.secs
        # Note: scan_time is the time between scans of the laser, i.e., the time it takes to read 360 degrees.
        msg.scan_time = 0.1 # scan_time
        msg.range_min = float(self._min_range)
        msg.range_max = float(self._max_range)
        msg.ranges = [min(max(range, msg.range_min), msg.range_max) for range in ranges]
        msg.intensities = intensities

        return msg
Exemplo n.º 49
    def default(self, ci='unused'):
        laserscan = LaserScan()
        laserscan.header = self.get_ros_header()

        # Note: Scan time and laser frequency are chosen as standard values
        laser_frequency = 40 # TODO ? component_instance.frequency()
        scan_window = self.component_instance.bge_object['scan_window']
        num_readings = scan_window / self.component_instance.bge_object['resolution']

        laserscan.angle_max = scan_window * math.pi / 360
        laserscan.angle_min = laserscan.angle_max * -1
        laserscan.angle_increment = scan_window / num_readings * math.pi / 180
        laserscan.time_increment = 1 / laser_frequency / num_readings
        laserscan.scan_time = 1.0
        laserscan.range_min = 0.3
        laserscan.range_max = self.component_instance.bge_object['laser_range']
        # ROS expect the ranges to be sorted clockwise.
        # see morse.builder.sensor.LaserSensorWithArc.create_laser_arc
        # where we create the ray from -window / 2.0 to +window / 2.0
        laserscan.ranges = self.data['range_list']

Exemplo n.º 50
def create_lidar_msg(L):
    raw_lidar = L.data
    stripped_lidar = raw_lidar.translate(None, '[]').translate(None, '"').translate(None, '\'')
    array_lidar = stripped_lidar.split(",")

    num_readings = 1440
    scan = LaserScan() 
    scan.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()        
    scan.header.frame_id = "base_scan"
    scan.angle_min = math.radians(float(array_lidar[0]))
    scan.angle_max = math.radians(float(array_lidar[1]))
    scan.angle_increment = math.radians(.25) #get from lidar
    scan.time_increment = float(25. / num_readings) #time in ms / measurements
    scan.scan_time = float(array_lidar[2])
    scan.range_min = float(array_lidar[4]) / 1000 #sent in mm, needs m
    scan.range_max = float(array_lidar[5]) / 1000 #sent in mm, needs m
#    string_array = array_lidar[3].strip("[").strip("]").split(",")
    array_string = array_lidar[3].translate(None, '[]')
    string_array = array_string.split(",")
    scan.ranges = [float(r) / 1000 for r in string_array] #better way?

Exemplo n.º 51
 def callback(self, data):
     """ Receive joystick data, formulate Twist message. """
     horizscan = LaserScan()
     downscan = LaserScan()
     #Set up the 2D array to receive the incoming data
     image_array = [[0.0]*480]*640
     #Convert the 1D array of bytes into the 2D array of floats
     for i in range(640 * 480):
         j = i * 4
         depth_float = struct.unpack("f", data.data[j:j+4])[0]
         x_index = i % 640
         y_index = i / 640
         print float(depth_float)
         image_array[x_index][y_index] = float(depth_float)
     #Create the approximation of a horizontal planar LIDAR scan:
     #averaging the middle 10 pixel-depths across the 640-pixel wide image
     horiz_scan = [0.0]*640
     for i in range(640):
         average_depth = 0.0
         for j in range(235, 245):
             average_depth = average_depth + image_array[i][j]
         average_depth = average_depth / 10.0
         horiz_scan[i] = average_depth
     #Create the approximation of a downwards planar LIDAR scan:
     #averaging the bottom 10 pixel-depths across the 640-pixel wide image
     down_scan = [0.0]*640
     for i in range(640):
         average_depth = 0.0
         for j in range(470, 480):
             average_depth = average_depth + image_array[i][j]
         average_depth = average_depth / 10.0
         down_scan[i] = average_depth
     #Convert these 640-element scans into 64 blocks, each approximately 1 degree of the field of view
     horiz_blocks = [0.0]*64
     for i in range(64):
         block_average = 0.0
         for j in range((i * 10), (i * 10) + 10):
             block_average = block_average + horiz_scan[j]
         horiz_blocks[i] = block_average / 10.0
     down_blocks = [0.0]*64
     for i in range(64):
         block_average = 0.0
         for j in range((i * 10), (i * 10) + 10):
             block_average = block_average + horiz_scan[j]
         down_blocks[i] = block_average / 10.0
     #Convert the 64-element scans into "LaserScan" messages
     horizscan.angle_min = (57.0/2.0) / (Math.Pi * 180.0);
     horizscan.angle_max = -(57.0/2.0) / (Math.Pi * 180.0);
     downscan.angle_min = (57.0/2.0) / (Math.Pi * 180.0);
     downscan.angle_max = -(57.0/2.0) / (Math.Pi * 180.0);
     horizscan.angle_increment = (57.0/64.0) / (Math.Pi * 180.0);
     horizscan.time_increment = 0.0;
     downscan.angle_increment = (57.0/64.0) / (Math.Pi * 180.0);
     downscan.time_increment = 0.0;
     horizscan.range_min = 1.0;
     horizscan.range_max = 5.0;
     downscan.range_min = 1.0;
     downscan.range_max = 5.0;
     horizscan.ranges = horiz_blocks
     downscan.ranges = down_blocks
     #Set up the LaserScan messages to be published
     self.horizscan = horizscan
     self.downscan = downscan
Exemplo n.º 52
import rospy

from cwru_base.msg import Sonar
from sensor_msgs.msg import LaserScan


def handle_sonar(msg, scan_pub):
	scan.header.frame_id = msg.header.frame_id
	scan.header.stamp = msg.header.stamp
	scan.ranges = [msg.dist for i in range(0,30)]

if __name__ == '__main__':
	scan_pub = rospy.Publisher('sonar_scan', LaserScan)
	rospy.Subscriber('sonar', Sonar, handle_sonar, scan_pub)

	scan.angle_min = rospy.get_param("~angle_min", -0.19)
	scan.angle_max = rospy.get_param("~angle_max", 0.19)
	scan.angle_increment = rospy.get_param("~angle_increment", 0.01266666667)

	scan.time_increment = rospy.get_param("~time_increment", 0.0)
	scan.scan_time = rospy.get_param("~scan_time", 0.05)

	scan.range_min = rospy.get_param("~range_min", 0.10)
	scan.range_max = rospy.get_param("~range_max", 2.0)

Exemplo n.º 53
    def spin(self):        
        encoders = [0,0]

        self.x = 0                  # position in xy plane
        self.y = 0
        self.th = 0
        # NEED to reorder the laser scans and flip the laser around... this will not be intuitive for students!!

        # things that don't ever change
        scan_link = rospy.get_param('~frame_id',ROBOT_NAME+'base_laser_link')
        scan = LaserScan(header=rospy.Header(frame_id=ROBOT_NAME+scan_link)) 
        scan.angle_min = -pi
        scan.angle_max = pi
        scan.angle_increment = pi/180.0
        scan.range_min = 0.020
        scan.range_max = 5.0
        scan.time_increment = 1.0/(5*360)
        scan.scan_time = 0.2
        odom = Odometry(header=rospy.Header(frame_id=ROBOT_NAME+"odom"), child_frame_id=ROBOT_NAME+'base_link')
        # main loop of driver
        r = rospy.Rate(5)
        iter_count = 0
        scan.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        last_motor_time = rospy.Time.now()
        total_dth = 0.0
        while not rospy.is_shutdown():
            #print "spinning"
            iter_count += 1
            if self.cmd_to_send != None:
                self.cmd_to_send = None

            t_start = time.time()
            delta_t = (rospy.Time.now() - scan.header.stamp).to_sec()
            if delta_t-0.2 > 0.1:
                print "Iteration took longer than expected (should be 0.2) ", delta_t
            scan.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
            (scan.ranges, scan.intensities) = self.robot.getScanRanges()
            # repeat last measurement to simulate -pi to pi (instead of -pi to pi - pi/180)
            #print 'Got scan ranges %f' % (time.time() - t_start)

            # get motor encoder values
            curr_motor_time = rospy.Time.now()
            t_start = time.time()
                start_t = rospy.Time.now()
                left, right, left_speed, right_speed = self.robot.getMotors()
                delta_t = (rospy.Time.now() - scan.header.stamp).to_sec()
                # now update position information
                # might consider moving curr_motor_time down
                dt = (curr_motor_time - last_motor_time).to_sec()
                last_motor_time = curr_motor_time

                d_left = (left - encoders[0])/1000.0
                d_right = (right - encoders[1])/1000.0
                # might consider using speed instead!
                #print d_left, d_right, left_speed*dt/1000.0, right_speed*dt/1000.0
                #d_left, d_right = left_speed*dt/1000.0, right_speed*dt/1000.0
                encoders = [left, right]
                dx = (d_left+d_right)/2
                dth = (d_right-d_left)/(BASE_WIDTH/1000.0)
                total_dth += dth

                x = cos(dth)*dx
                y = -sin(dth)*dx

                self.x += cos(self.th)*x - sin(self.th)*y
                self.y += sin(self.th)*x + cos(self.th)*y
                self.th += dth

                # prepare tf from base_link to odom
                quaternion = Quaternion()
                quaternion.z = sin(self.th/2.0)
                quaternion.w = cos(self.th/2.0)

                # prepare odometry
                odom.header.stamp = curr_motor_time
                odom.pose.pose.position.x = self.x
                odom.pose.pose.position.y = self.y
                odom.pose.pose.position.z = 0
                odom.pose.pose.orientation = quaternion
                odom.twist.twist.linear.x = dx/dt
                odom.twist.twist.angular.z = dth/dt
                self.odomBroadcaster.sendTransform( (self.x, self.y, 0), (quaternion.x, quaternion.y, quaternion.z, quaternion.w), curr_motor_time, ROBOT_NAME+"base_link", ROBOT_NAME+"odom" )
                #print 'Got motors %f' % (time.time() - t_start)
            except Exception as err:
                print "my error is " + str(err)
            t_start = time.time()           
            self.robot.setMotors(self.cmd_vel[0], self.cmd_vel[1], max(abs(self.cmd_vel[0]),abs(self.cmd_vel[1])))
                bump_sensors = self.robot.getDigitalSensors()
                print "failed to get bump sensors!"
            # # send updated movement commands
            #print 'Set motors %f' % (time.time() - t_start)

            # publish everything
            #print "publishing scan!"
            # wait, then do it again
Exemplo n.º 54
	#/odom publisher
	odomPub = rospy.Publisher('roombaOdom',Odometry)
	odoMsg = Odometry()
	odoMsg.header.frame_id = '/odom'
	odoMsg.child_frame_id = '/odom'
	odoMsg.pose.covariance = [0.001, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1000000.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1000000.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1000000.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1000.0]

	#/scan publisher
	scanPub = rospy.Publisher('scan',LaserScan)
	scanMsg = LaserScan()
	scanMsg.header.frame_id = 'ir_base'
	scanMsg.angle_min = 0.01
	scanMsg.angle_max = 0.01
	scanMsg.angle_increment = 0.02
	scanMsg.time_increment = 0.0
	scanMsg.scan_time = 0.0
	scanMsg.range_min = 0.02
	scanMsg.range_max = 1.5
	scanMsg.intensities = []

	#robot joint state (joint angles in radians)
	left_wheel_angle = 0.0; 
	right_wheel_angle = 0.0;

	# Open a file
	logFile = open("log.txt", "r")

	# robot states w.r.t inertial frame
Exemplo n.º 55

import rospy
import sys
from sensor_msgs.msg import LaserScan

pub = rospy.Publisher('/base_scan', LaserScan)
scan = LaserScan()
scan.header.frame_id = '/base_laser_link'
scan.angle_min = -2.26892805099
scan.angle_max = 2.26456475258
scan.angle_increment = 0.00436332309619
scan.time_increment = 1.73611115315e-05
scan.scan_time = 0.0500000007451
scan.range_min = 0.0230000000447
scan.range_max = 60.0

rate = rospy.Rate(20)
while not rospy.is_shutdown():
    scan.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
    if '-x' in sys.argv:
        scan.ranges = [1.0]*200
        if int(scan.header.stamp.secs) % 10 < 5:
            scan.ranges += [float('inf')] * 640
            scan.ranges += [1.5] * 640
        scan.ranges += [1.0]*200
        scan.ranges= [float('inf')] * 1040
Exemplo n.º 56
    def _create_sensor_scan(self, sensor_input, sensor_config):
        # Joint State for Turtlebot stack
        # Note without this transform publisher the wheels will be white, stuck at 0, 0, 0 and RVIZ 
        # will tell you that there is no transform from the wheel_links to the base. However, instead 
        # of publishing a stream of pointless transforms, I have made the joint static in the URDF like this:
        #   create.urdf.xacro:
        #       <joint name="right_wheel_joint" type="fixed">
        #       NOTE This may prevent Gazebo from working with this model
        #       Here is the old Joint State in case you want to restore it:
        #       js = JointState(name=["left_wheel_joint", "right_wheel_joint", "front_castor_joint", "back_castor_joint"],
        #       position=[0, 0, 0, 0], velocity=[0, 0, 0, 0], effort=[0, 0, 0, 0])
        #       js.header.stamp = ros_now
        #       self.joint_states_pub.publish(js)

        # Fake laser from "PING" Ultrasonic Sensor and IR Distance Sensor input: http://wiki.ros.org/navigation/Tutorials/RobotSetup/TF
        # Use: roslaunch arlobot_rviz_launchers view_robot.launch to view this well for debugging and testing.

        # The purpose of this is two fold:
        # 1. It REALLY helps adjusting values in the Propeller and ROS when I can visualize the sensor output in RVIZ!
        #       For this purpose, a lot of the parameters are a matter of personal taste.  Whatever makes it easiest to visualize is best.
        # 2. I want to allow AMCL to use this data to avoid obstacles that the Kinect/Xtion miss.
        #       For the second purpose, some of the parameters here may need to be tweaked, to adjust how large an object looks to AMCL.
        # Note that we should also adjust the distance at which AMCL takes this data into account either here or elsewhere.

        # Transform: http://wiki.ros.org/tf/Tutorials/Writing%20a%20tf%20broadcaster%20%28Python%29

        # We do not need to broadcast a transform, because it is static and contained within the URDF files now.
        # Here is the static transform for reference anyway:
        #   self._SonarTransformBroadcaster.sendTransform(
        #     (0.1, 0.0, 0.2),
        #     (0, 0, 0, 1),
        #     ros_now,
        #     "sonar_laser",
        #     "base_link"
        #   )

        # Some help:
        # http://goo.gl/ZU9XrJ

        # TODO: I'm doing this all in degrees and then converting to Radians later.
        #   Is there any way to do this in Radians?
        #   I just don't know how to create and fill an array with "Radians" since they are not rational numbers, but multiples of PI, thus the degrees.
        num_readings = 360  # How about 1 per degree?
        laser_frequency = 100  # I'm not sure how to decide what to use here.
        # This is the fake distance to set all empty slots, and slots we consider "out of range"
        artificial_far_distance = 10
        # Fill array with artificial_far_distance (not 0) and then overlap with real readings
        ranges = [artificial_far_distance] * num_readings

        # New idea here:
        # First, I do not think that this can be used for reliable for map generation.
        # If your room has objects that the Kinect cannot map, then you will probably need to modify 
        # the room (cover mirrors, etc.) or try other laser scanner options.
        # So, since we only want to use it for cost planning, we should modify the data, because
        # it is easy for it to get bogged down with a lot of "stuff" everywhere.

        # From:
        # http://answers.ros.org/question/11446/costmaps-obstacle-does-not-clear-properly-under-sparse-environment/
        # "When clearing obstacles, costmap_2d only trusts laser scans returning a definite range.  Indoors, that makes 
        # sense. Outdoors, most scans return max range, which does not clear intervening obstacles. A fake scan with 
        # slightly shorter ranges can be constructed that does clear them out."
        # So, we need to set all "hits" above the distance we want to pay attention to to a distance very far away,
        # but just within the range_max (which we can set to anything we want), otherwise costmap will not clear items!
        # Also, 0 does not clear anything! So if we rotate, then it gets 0 at that point, and ignores it, so we need to 
        # fill the unused slots with long distances.
        # NOTE: This does cause a "circle" to be drawn around the robot at the "artificalFarDistance", but it shouldn't 
        # be a problem because we set artificial_far_distance to a distance greater than the planner uses.
        # So while it clears things, it shouldn't cause a problem, and the Kinect should override it for things
        # in between.

        # Use:
        #   roslaunch arlobot_rviz_launchers view_robot.launch to view this well for debugging and testing.

        # max_range_accepted Testing:
        # TODO: More tweaking here could be done.
        # I think it is a trade-off, so there is no end to the adjustment that could be done. I did a lot of testing with gmapping while building a map.
        # Obviously this would be slightly different from using a map we do not update. It seems there are so many variables here that testing is difficult.
        # We could find one number works great in one situation but is hopeless in another. Having a comprehensive test course to test in multiple modes 
        # for every possible value would be great, but I think it would take months! :)
        # REMEMBER, the costmap only pays attention out to a certain set for obstacle_range in costmap_common_params.yaml anyway.
        # Here are my notes for different values of "max_range_accepted":
        #   1 - looks good, and works ok, but I am afraid that the costmap gets confused with things popping in and out of sight all of the time,
        #       causing undue wandering.
        #   2 - This producing less wandering due to things popping in and out of the field of view, BUT it also shows that we get odd affects at longer distances. i.e.
        #       A doorframe almost always has a hit right in the middle of it.
        #       In a hallway there is often a hit in the middle about 1.5 meters out.
        #  .5 - This works very well to have the PING data ONLY provide obstacle avoidance, and immediately forget about said obstacles.
        #       This prevents the navigation stack from fighting with the Activity Board code's built in safety stops, and instead navigate around obstacles before 
        #       the Activity Board code gets involved (other than to set speed reductions).
        #       The only down side is if you tell ArloBot to go somewhere that he cannot due to low obstacles, he will try forever. He won't just bounce off of the obstacle,
        #       but he will keep trying it and then go away, turn around, and try again over and over. He may even start wandering around the facility trying to find another way in,
        #       but he will eventually come back and try it again.  I'm not sure what the solution to this is though, because avoiding low lying obstacles and adding low lying
        #       features to the map are really two different things.  I think if this is well tuned to avoid low lying obstacles it probably will not work well for mapping features.
        #       IF we could map features with the PING sensors, we wouldn't need the 3D sensor. :)
        # TODO: One option may be more PING sensors around back. Right now when the robot spins, it clears the obstacles behind it, because there are fewer sensors on the back side.
        # If the obstacle was seen all of the way around the robot, in the same spot, it may stop returning to the same location as soon as it turns around?

        # NOTE: The bump sensors on Turtlebot mark but do not clear. I'm not sure how that works out. It seems like every bump would end up being a "blot" in the landscape never to 
        # be returned to, but maybe there is something I am missing?

        # NOTE: Could this be different for PING vs. IR?
        # Currently I'm not using IR! Just PING. The IR is not being used by costmap. It is here for seeing in RVIZ, and the Propeller board uses it for emergency stopping,
        # but costmap isn't watching it at the moment. I think it is too erratic for that. Convert cm to meters and add offset
        sensors = [for x in sensor_input if (x/100.0) + sensor_config["offset"] > sensor_config["threshold"] * 100 else (x/100.0) + sensor_config["offset"]]

        # Single Point code:
        for offset, position in dict["front"]:
            ranges[position] = sensors[offset]
        for pos in dict["rear"]:
            ranges[position] = sensors[offset]
        # LaserScan: http://docs.ros.org/api/sensor_msgs/html/msg/LaserScan.html
        scan = LaserScan()
        scan.header.stamp = ros_now
        scan.header.frame_id = sensor_config["frame id"]
        # For example:
        #       scan.angle_min = -45 * M_PI / 180; // -45 degree
        #       scan.angle_max = 45 * M_PI / 180;   // 45 degree
        # if you want to receive a full 360 degrees scan, you should try setting min_angle to -pi/2 and max_angle to 3/2 * pi.
        # Radians: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radian#Advantages_of_measuring_in_radians
        scan.angle_min = 0
        # Make sure the part you divide by num_readings is the same as your angle_max!
        # Might even make sense to use a variable here?
        scan.angle_increment = (2 * pi) / len(sensor_input)
        scan.time_increment = (1 / laser_frequency) / len(sensor_input)
        scan.range_min = sensor_config["range min"]
        scan.range_max = sensor_config["range max"]
        # This has to be above our "artificial_far_distance", otherwise "hits" at artificial_far_distance will be ignored,
        # which means they will not be used to clear the cost map!
        # in Meters Distances above this will be ignored
        scan.range_max = artificial_far_distance + 1
        scan.ranges = ranges
        return scan
            if tokens[0] == 'FLASER':
                msg = LaserScan()
                num_scans = int(tokens[1])

                if num_scans != 180 or len(tokens) < num_scans + 9:
                    rospy.logwarn("unsupported scan format")

                msg.header.frame_id = 'laser'
                t = rospy.Time(float(tokens[(num_scans + 8)]))
                msg.header.stamp = t
                msg.angle_min = -90.0 / 180.0 * pi
                msg.angle_max = 90.0 / 180.0 * pi
                msg.angle_increment = pi / (num_scans - 1.0)
                msg.time_increment = 0.2 / 360.0
                msg.scan_time = 0.2
                msg.range_min = 0.001
                msg.range_max = 50.0
                msg.ranges = [float(r) for r in tokens[2:(num_scans + 2)]]

                bag.write('scan', msg, t)

                #odom_x, odom_y, odom_theta = [float(r) for r in tokens[(num_scans + 2):(num_scans + 5)]]
                #tf_msg = make_tf_msg(odom_x, odom_y, odom_theta, t)
                #bag.write('tf', tf_msg, t)
                #odom_msg = mak_odom_msg(odom_x, odom_y, odom_theta,t)
                #bag.write("odom", odom_msg, t)

            elif tokens[0] == 'ODOM':
                odom_x, odom_y, odom_theta = [float(t) for t in tokens[1:4]]
Exemplo n.º 58
def doAScan(direction):
    global moving
    scan_rate = 50   # hertz between steps
    angle_slack = 0.25
    if direction:
        angle_start = 180
        angle_stop = 0
        angle_step = -1
        angle_start = 0
        angle_stop = 180
        angle_step = 1
    servo_pub.publish( angle_start )
    moving = False
    scan = LaserScan()
    num_readings = 0
    scan_time = rospy.Time.now()
    r = rospy.Rate(scan_rate)
    ranges = []
    for angle in range(angle_start, angle_stop, angle_step):
        if moving:
        servo_pub.publish( angle )
        wait_start = rospy.Time.now()
#        while latest_std > std_threshold:
#            if rospy.Time.now() - wait_start > rospy.Duration(std_timeout):
#                rospy.loginfo("-W- range_to_laser timed out waiting for std_dev (%0.2f) to get below threshold (%0.2f)" % (latest_std, std_threshold) )
#                break
        # rospy.loginfo("angle %d range:%0.2f" % (angle, latest_range))
        num_readings += 1
        ranges_ary = array(ranges[-4:])
#        if ranges_ary.std() < 0.04: 
#        scan.intensities.append(100)
        ranges.append(latest_range * scale)
#        else:
#            ranges.append(1e4)
#            scan.intensities.append(0)
#        if latest_range > 0:
#            scan.intensities.append( 1 / ( ranges_ary.std() * 10 + .1 ) )
        if latest_range > 0:
    scan.angle_min = -1.57
    scan.angle_max = 1.57
    if not direction:
        scan.angle_min += angle_slack
        scan.angle_max += angle_slack
    scan.ranges = ranges
    scan.header.stamp = scan_time;
    scan.header.frame_id = 'scanner'
    # TODO: change this to 'laser_frame'.  (create the transform first)
    scan.angle_increment = 3.14 / num_readings
    scan.time_increment = (1 / scan_rate)
    scan.range_min = 0.01 * scale
    scan.range_max = 2.0 * scale
    if not moving: 
Exemplo n.º 59
    def _BroadcastOdometryInfo(self, lineParts):
        # This broadcasts ALL info from the Propeller based robot every time data comes in
        partsCount = len(lineParts)

        if (partsCount  < 8): # Just discard short lines, increment this as lines get longer
            x = float(lineParts[1])
            y = float(lineParts[2])
            # 3 is odom based heading and 4 is gyro based
            # If there is some way to "integrate" these, go for it!
            theta = float(lineParts[4])
            vx = float(lineParts[5])
            omega = float(lineParts[6])
            #quaternion = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, theta)
            quaternion = Quaternion()
            quaternion.x = 0.0 
            quaternion.y = 0.0
            quaternion.z = sin(theta / 2.0)
            quaternion.w = cos(theta / 2.0)
            rosNow = rospy.Time.now()
            # First, we'll publish the transform from frame odom to frame base_link over tf
            # Note that sendTransform requires that 'to' is passed in before 'from' while
            # the TransformListener' lookupTransform function expects 'from' first followed by 'to'.
            #This transform conflicts with transforms built into the Turtle stack
            # http://wiki.ros.org/tf/Tutorials/Writing%20a%20tf%20broadcaster%20%28Python%29
            # This is done in/with the robot_pose_ekf because it can integrate IMU/gyro data
            # using an "extended Kalman filter"
            # REMOVE this "line" if you use robot_pose_ekf
                (x, y, 0), 
                (quaternion.x, quaternion.y, quaternion.z, quaternion.w),

            # next, we'll publish the odometry message over ROS
            odometry = Odometry()
            odometry.header.frame_id = "odom"
            odometry.header.stamp = rosNow
            odometry.pose.pose.position.x = x
            odometry.pose.pose.position.y = y
            odometry.pose.pose.position.z = 0
            odometry.pose.pose.orientation = quaternion

            odometry.child_frame_id = "base_link"
            odometry.twist.twist.linear.x = vx
            odometry.twist.twist.linear.y = 0
            odometry.twist.twist.angular.z = omega

            #for Turtlebot stack from turtlebot_node.py
            # robot_pose_ekf needs these covariances and we may need to adjust them?
            # From: ~/turtlebot/src/turtlebot_create/create_node/src/create_node/covariances.py
            # This is not needed if not using robot_pose_ekf
            odometry.pose.covariance = [1e-3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                    0, 1e-3, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                    0, 0, 1e6, 0, 0, 0,
                                    0, 0, 0, 1e6, 0, 0,
                                    0, 0, 0, 0, 1e6, 0,
                                    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1e3]

            odometry.twist.covariance = [1e-3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                     0, 1e-3, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                     0, 0, 1e6, 0, 0, 0,
                                     0, 0, 0, 1e6, 0, 0,
                                     0, 0, 0, 0, 1e6, 0,
                                     0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1e3]


            #"IMU" data from Gyro
            # Based on code in TurtleBot source:
            # ~/turtlebot/src/turtlebot_create/create_node/src/create_node/gyro.py
            # It may make more sense to compute some of this on the Propeller board,
            # but for now I'm just trying to follow the TurtleBot Create code as beast I can
            current_time = rosNow
            #dt = (current_time - last_time).to_sec()
            #past_orientation = self.orientation
            #self.imu_data.header.stamp =  sensor_state.header.stamp
            #self.imu_data.angular_velocity.z  = (float(sensor_state.user_analog_input)-self.cal_offset)/self.cal_offset*self.gyro_measurement_range*(math.pi/180.0)*self.gyro_scale_correction
            #sign change
            #self.imu_data.angular_velocity.z = -1.0*self.imu_data.angular_velocity.z
            #self.orientation += self.imu_data.angular_velocity.z * dt
            #print orientation
            #(self.imu_data.orientation.x, self.imu_data.orientation.y, self.imu_data.orientation.z, self.imu_data.orientation.w) = PyKDL.Rotation.RotZ(self.orientation).GetQuaternion()
            #self.imu_data = odom.twist.twist = Twist(Vector3(d/dt, 0, 0), Vector3(0, 0, angle/dt))

            #self.imu_data.header.stamp =  sensor_state.header.stamp
            #self.imu_data.angular_velocity.z  = (float(sensor_state.user_analog_input)/self.gyro_measurement_range*(math.pi/180.0)*self.gyro_scale_correction)
            #sign change
            #self.imu_data.angular_velocity.z = -1.0*self.imu_data.angular_velocity.z
            #raw_orientation = past_orientation + self.imu_data.angular_velocity.z * dt
            #print orientation
            #(self.imu_data.orientation.x, self.imu_data.orientation.y, self.imu_data.orientation.z, self.imu_data.orientation.w) = PyKDL.Rotation.RotZ(raw_orientation).GetQuaternion()
            last_time = current_time
            imu = Imu()
            imu.orientation_covariance = [1e6, 0, 0, 0, 1e6, 0, 0, 0, 1e-6] # From Turtlebot, probably wrong.
            # You CANNOT set the orientation_covariance to -1, 0, ..., else you get this error:
            #[ERROR] [1405831732.096853617]: Covariance specified for measurement on topic imu is zero
            # The TurtleBot Create builds this in Python, but I'm not sure if I can or want to build orientation
            # myself? Does the  Gyro give this?
            #imu.orientation_covariance = [-1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] # This should indicate no data for this matrix
            imu.angular_velocity_covariance = [1e6, 0, 0, 0, 1e6, 0, 0, 0, 1e-6] # From Turtlebot, probably wrong.
            #imu.angular_velocity_covariance = [-1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] # This should indicate no data for this matrix
            imu.linear_acceleration_covariance = [-1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] # This should indicate no data for this matrix
            #imu.orientation_covariance = [999999 , 0 , 0, 0, 9999999, 0, 0, 0, 999999]
            #imu.angular_velocity_covariance = [9999, 0 , 0, 0 , 99999, 0, 0 , 0 , 0.02]
            #imu.linear_acceleration_covariance = [0.2 , 0 , 0, 0 , 0.2, 0, 0 , 0 , 0.2]

            imu.linear_acceleration.x = 0
            imu.linear_acceleration.y = 0
            imu.linear_acceleration.z = 0
            imu.angular_velocity.x = float(lineParts[7]) / 57.2957795130824
            imu.angular_velocity.y = float(lineParts[8]) / 57.2957795130824
            imu.angular_velocity.z = float(lineParts[9]) / 57.2957795130824
            imu.orientation.x = 0
            imu.orientation.y = 0
            imu.orientation.z = 0
            imu.orientation.w = 1.0
            #imu.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
            imu.header.stamp = rosNow
            imu.header.frame_id = "gyro_link"
            #imu.header.frame_id = 'base_link'

            # Joint State for Turtlebot stack
            # Note without this transform publisher the wheels will
            # be white, stuck at 0, 0, 0 and RVIZ will tell you that
            # there is no transform from the wheel_links to the base_
            # Instead of publishing a stream of pointless transforms,
            # How about if I just make the joint static in the URDF?
            # create.urdf.xacro:
            # <joint name="right_wheel_joint" type="fixed">
            # NOTE This may prevent Gazebo from working with this model
            js = JointState(name = ["left_wheel_joint", "right_wheel_joint", "front_castor_joint", "back_castor_joint"],
                            position=[0,0,0,0], velocity=[0,0,0,0], effort=[0,0,0,0])
            js.header.stamp = rosNow

            # Fake laser from "PING" Ultrasonic Sensor input:
            # http://wiki.ros.org/navigation/Tutorials/RobotSetup/TF
            # Transform: http://wiki.ros.org/tf/Tutorials/Writing%20a%20tf%20broadcaster%20%28Python%29
            # We don't need to broadcast a transform,
                as it is static and contained within the URDF files
                (0.1, 0.0, 0.2), 
                (0, 0, 0, 1),
            # Some help: http://books.google.com/books?id=2ZL9AAAAQBAJ&pg=PT396&lpg=PT396&dq=fake+LaserScan+message&source=bl&ots=VJMfSYXApG&sig=s2YgiHTA3i1OjVyPxp2aAslkW_Y&hl=en&sa=X&ei=B_vDU-LkIoef8AHsooHICA&ved=0CG0Q6AEwCQ#v=onepage&q=fake%20LaserScan%20message&f=false
            num_readings = 360 # How about 1 per degree?
            laser_frequency = 100 # I'm not sure how to decide what to use here.
            #ranges = [1] * num_readings # Fill array with fake "1" readings for testing
            ranges = [0] * num_readings # Fill array with 0 and then overlap with real readings
            pingRange0 = int(lineParts[7]) / 100.0
            ranges[0] = pingRange0
            ranges[1] = pingRange0
            ranges[2] = pingRange0
            ranges[3] = pingRange0
            ranges[4] = pingRange0
            ranges[5] = pingRange0
            ranges[359] = pingRange0
            ranges[358] = pingRange0
            ranges[357] = pingRange0
            ranges[356] = pingRange0
            ranges[355] = pingRange0
            # Is there a more concise way to code that array fill?
            # LaserScan: http://docs.ros.org/api/sensor_msgs/html/msg/LaserScan.html
            sonar_scan = LaserScan()
            sonar_scan.header.stamp = rosNow
            sonar_scan.header.frame_id = "ping_sensor_array"
            # For example:
            #scan.angle_min = -45 * M_PI / 180; // -45 degree
            #scan.angle_max = 45 * M_PI / 180;   // 45 degree
            # if you want to receive a full 360 degrees scan, you should try setting min_angle to -pi/2 and max_angle to 3/2 * pi.
            # Radians: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radian#Advantages_of_measuring_in_radians
            sonar_scan.angle_min = 0
            sonar_scan.angle_max = 2 * 3.14159 # Full circle
            sonar_scan.scan_time = 1 # I think this is only really applied for 3D scanning
            # Make sure the part you divide by num_readings is the same as your angle_max!
            # Might even make sense to use a variable here?
            sonar_scan.angle_increment = (2 * 3.14) / num_readings
            sonar_scan.time_increment = (1 / laser_frequency) / (num_readings)
            # From: http://www.parallax.com/product/28015
            # Range: approximately 1 inch to 10 feet (2 cm to 3 m)
            # This should be adjusted based on the imaginary distance between the actual laser
            # and the laser location in the URDF file. Or else the adjustment somewhere else?
            sonar_scan.range_min = 0.02 # in Meters Distances below this number will be ignored
            sonar_scan.range_max = 3 # in Meters Distances above this will be ignored
            sonar_scan.ranges = ranges
            # "intensity" is a value specific to each laser scanner model.
            # It can safely be ignored

            rospy.logwarn("Unexpected error:" + str(sys.exc_info()[0]))
Exemplo n.º 60
    def _broadcast_odometry_info(self, line_parts):
        Broadcast all data from propeller monitored sensors on the appropriate topics.
        # If we got this far, we can assume that the Propeller board is initialized and the motors should be on.
        # The _switch_motors() function will deal with the _SafeToOparete issue
        if self._motorsOn == 0:
        parts_count = len(line_parts)

        # rospy.logwarn(partsCount)
        if parts_count != 8:  # Just discard short/long lines, increment this as lines get longer

        x = float(line_parts[1])
        y = float(line_parts[2])
        # 3 is odom based heading and 4 is gyro based
        theta = float(line_parts[3])  # On ArloBot odometry derived heading works best.
        alternate_theta = float(line_parts[4])

        vx = float(line_parts[5])
        omega = float(line_parts[6])

        quaternion = Quaternion()
        quaternion.x = 0.0
        quaternion.y = 0.0
        quaternion.z = sin(theta / 2.0)
        quaternion.w = cos(theta / 2.0)

        ros_now = rospy.Time.now()

        # First, we'll publish the transform from frame odom to frame base_link over tf
        # Note that sendTransform requires that 'to' is passed in before 'from' while
        # the TransformListener' lookupTransform function expects 'from' first followed by 'to'.
        # This transform conflicts with transforms built into the Turtle stack
        # http://wiki.ros.org/tf/Tutorials/Writing%20a%20tf%20broadcaster%20%28Python%29
        # This is done in/with the robot_pose_ekf because it can integrate IMU/gyro data
        # using an "extended Kalman filter"
        # REMOVE this "line" if you use robot_pose_ekf
            (x, y, 0),
            (quaternion.x, quaternion.y, quaternion.z, quaternion.w),

        # next, we will publish the odometry message over ROS
        odometry = Odometry()
        odometry.header.frame_id = "odom"
        odometry.header.stamp = ros_now
        odometry.pose.pose.position.x = x
        odometry.pose.pose.position.y = y
        odometry.pose.pose.position.z = 0
        odometry.pose.pose.orientation = quaternion

        odometry.child_frame_id = "base_link"
        odometry.twist.twist.linear.x = vx
        odometry.twist.twist.linear.y = 0
        odometry.twist.twist.angular.z = omega

        # Save last X, Y and Heading for reuse if we have to reset:
        self.lastX = x
        self.lastY = y
        self.lastHeading = theta
        self.alternate_heading = alternate_theta

        # robot_pose_ekf needs these covariances and we may need to adjust them.
        # From: ~/turtlebot/src/turtlebot_create/create_node/src/create_node/covariances.py
        # However, this is not needed because we are not using robot_pose_ekf
        # odometry.pose.covariance = [1e-3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        # 0, 1e-3, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        #                         0, 0, 1e6, 0, 0, 0,
        #                         0, 0, 0, 1e6, 0, 0,
        #                         0, 0, 0, 0, 1e6, 0,
        #                         0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1e3]
        # odometry.twist.covariance = [1e-3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        #                          0, 1e-3, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        #                          0, 0, 1e6, 0, 0, 0,
        #                          0, 0, 0, 1e6, 0, 0,
        #                          0, 0, 0, 0, 1e6, 0,
        #                          0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1e3]


        # Joint State for Turtlebot stack
        # Note without this transform publisher the wheels will
        # be white, stuck at 0, 0, 0 and RVIZ will tell you that
        # there is no transform from the wheel_links to the base_
        # However, instead of publishing a stream of pointless transforms,
        # I have made the joint static in the URDF like this:
        # create.urdf.xacro:
        # <joint name="right_wheel_joint" type="fixed">
        # NOTE This may prevent Gazebo from working with this model
        # Here is the old Joint State in case you want to restore it:
        # js = JointState(name=["left_wheel_joint", "right_wheel_joint", "front_castor_joint", "back_castor_joint"],
        # position=[0, 0, 0, 0], velocity=[0, 0, 0, 0], effort=[0, 0, 0, 0])
        # js.header.stamp = ros_now
        # self.joint_states_pub.publish(js)

        # Fake laser from "PING" Ultrasonic Sensor and IR Distance Sensor input:
        # http://wiki.ros.org/navigation/Tutorials/RobotSetup/TF
        # Use:
        # roslaunch arlobot_rviz_launchers view_robot.launch
        # to view this well for debugging and testing.

        # The purpose of this is two fold:
        # 1. It REALLY helps adjusting values in the Propeller and ROS
        # when I can visualize the sensor output in RVIZ!
        # For this purpose, a lot of the parameters are a matter of personal taste.
        #   Whatever makes it easiest to visualize is best.
        # 2. I want to allow AMCL to use this data to avoid obstacles that the Kinect/Xtion miss.
        #     For the second purpose, some of the parameters here may need to be tweaked,
        #   to adjust how large an object looks to AMCL.
        # Note that we should also adjust the distance at which AMCL takes this data
        # into account either here or elsewhere.

        # Transform: http://wiki.ros.org/tf/Tutorials/Writing%20a%20tf%20broadcaster%20%28Python%29

        # We do not need to broadcast a transform,
        # because it is static and contained within the URDF files now.
        # Here is the static transform for reference anyway:
        # self._SonarTransformBroadcaster.sendTransform(
        #     (0.1, 0.0, 0.2),
        #     (0, 0, 0, 1),
        #     ros_now,
        #     "sonar_laser",
        #     "base_link"
        #     )

        # Some help:
        # http://goo.gl/ZU9XrJ

        # TODO: I'm doing this all in degrees and then converting to Radians later.
        # Is there any way to do this in Radians?
        # I just don't know how to create and fill an array with "Radians"
        # since they are not rational numbers, but multiples of PI, thus the degrees.
        num_readings = 360  # How about 1 per degree?
        #num_reeading_multiple = 2 # We have to track this so we know where to put the readings!
        #num_readings = 360 * num_reeading_multiple
        # TODO: I am getting "artifacts" in the global cost map where points fail to clear,
        # even though they clear from the local. Maybe we need a higher resolution?
        laser_frequency = 100  # I'm not sure how to decide what to use here.
        # This is the fake distance to set all empty slots, and slots we consider "out of range"
        artificial_far_distance = 10
        #ranges = [1] * num_readings # Fill array with fake "1" readings for testing
        # Fill array with artificial_far_distance (not 0) and then overlap with real readings
        ping_ranges = [artificial_far_distance] * num_readings
        # If we use 0, then it won't clear the obstacles when we rotate away,
        # because costmap2d ignores 0's and Out of Range!
        # Fill array with artificial_far_distance (not 0) and then overlap with real readings
        ir_ranges = [artificial_far_distance] * num_readings

        # New idea here:
        # First, I do not think that this can be used for reliable for map generation.
        # If your room has objects that the Kinect
        # cannot map, then you will probably need to modify the room (cover mirrors, etc.) or try
        # other laser scanner options.
        # SO, since we only want to use it for cost planning, we should modify the data, because
        # it is easy for it to get bogged down with a lot of "stuff" everywhere.

        # From:
        # http://answers.ros.org/question/11446/costmaps-obstacle-does-not-clear-properly-under-sparse-environment/
        # "When clearing obstacles, costmap_2d only trusts laser scans returning a definite range.
        # Indoors, that makes sense. Outdoors, most scans return max range, which does not clear
        # intervening obstacles. A fake scan with slightly shorter ranges can be constructed that
        # does clear them out."
        # SO, we need to set all "hits" above the distance we want to pay attention to to a distance very far away,
        # but just within the range_max (which we can set to anything we want),
        # otherwise costmap will not clear items!
        # Also, 0 does not clear anything! So if we rotate, then it gets 0 at that point, and ignores it,
        # so we need to fill the unused slots with long distances.
        # NOTE: This does cause a "circle" to be drawn around the robot at the "artificalFarDistance",
        # but it shouldn't be a problem because we set
        # artificial_far_distance to a distance greater than the planner uses.
        # So while it clears things, it shouldn't cause a problem, and the Kinect should override it for things
        # in between.

        # Use:
        # roslaunch arlobot_rviz_launchers view_robot.launch
        # to view this well for debugging and testing.

        # Note that sensor orientation is important here!
        # If you have a different number or aim them differently this will not work!
        # TODO: Tweak this value based on real measurements!
        # TODO: Use both IR and PING sensors?
        # The offset between the pretend sensor location in the URDF
        # and real location needs to be added to these values. This may need to be tweaked.
        sensor_offset = 0.22545
        # This will be the max used range, anything beyond this is set to "artificial_far_distance"
        max_range_accepted = .5

        # max_range_accepted Testing:
        # TODO: More tweaking here could be done.
        # I think it is a trade-off, so there is no end to the adjustment that could be done.
        # I did a lot of testing with gmappingn while building a map.
        # Obviously this would be slightly different from using a map we do not update.
        # It seems there are so many variables here that testing is difficult.
        # We could find one number works great in one situation but is hopeless in another.
        # Having a comprehensive test course to test in multiple modes for every possible value would be great,
        # but I think it would take months! :)
        # REMEMBER, the costmap only pays attention out to a certain set
        # for obstacle_range in costmap_common_params.yaml anyway.
        # Here are my notes for different values of "max_range_accepted":
        # 1 - looks good, and works ok, but
        # I am afraid that the costmap gets confused with things popping in and out of sight all of the time,
        # causing undue wandering.
        # 2 - This producing less wandering due to things popping in and out of the field of view,
        # BUT it also shows that we get odd affects at longer distances. i.e.
        #     A doorframe almost always has a hit right in the middle of it.
        #     In a hallway there is often a hit in the middle about 1.5 meters out.
        # .5 - This works very well to have the PING data ONLY provide obstacle avoidance,
        # and immediately forget about said obstacles.
        #     This prevents the navigation stack from fighting with the Activity Board code's
        # built in safety stops, and instead navigate around obstacles before the Activity Board
        # code gets involved (other than to set speed reductions).
        #     The only down side is if you tell ArloBot to go somewhere that he cannot due to low obstacles,
        # he will try forever. He won't just bounce off of the obstacle,
        #     but he will keep trying it and then go away, turn around,
        # and try again over and over. He may even start wandering around
        # the facility trying to find another way in,
        #     but he will eventually come back and try it again.
        #     I'm not sure what the solution to this is though,
        # because avoiding low lying obstacles and adding low lying
        # features to the map are really two different things.
        #     I think if this is well tuned to avoid low lying obstacles it
        # probably will not work well for mapping features.
        #     IF we could map features with the PING sensors, we wouldn't need the 3D sensor. :)
        # TODO: One option may be more PING sensors around back.
        # Right now when the robot spins, it clears the obstacles behind it,
        # because there are fewer sensors on the back side.
        # If the obstacle was seen all of the way around the robot, in the same spot,
        # it may stop returning to the same location as soon as it turns around?

        #     NOTE: The bump sensors on Turtlebot mark but do not clear.
        # I'm not sure how that works out. It seems like every bump would
        # end up being a "blot" in the landscape never to be returned to,
        # but maybe there is something I am missing?

        # NOTE: Could this be different for PING vs. IR?
        # Currently I'm not using IR! Just PING. The IR is not being used by costmap.
        # It is here for seeing in RVIZ, and the Propeller board uses it for emergency stopping,
        # but costmap isn't watching it at the moment. I think it is too erratic for that.

        # Convert cm to meters and add offset
        ping_range0 = (int(line_parts[7]) / 100.0) + sensor_offset
        # Set to "out of range" for distances over "max_range_accepted" to clear long range obstacles
        # and use this for near range only.
        if ping_range0 > max_range_accepted:
            # Be sure "ultrasonic_scan.range_max" is set higher than this or
            # costmap will ignore these and not clear the cost map!
            ping_range0 = artificial_far_distance
        ir_range0 = (int(line_parts[8]) / 100.0) + sensor_offset  # Convert cm to meters and add offset
        ping_range1 = (int(line_parts[9]) / 100.0) + sensor_offset
        if ping_range1 > max_range_accepted:
            ping_range1 = artificial_far_distance
        ir_range1 = (int(line_parts[10]) / 100.0) + sensor_offset
        ping_range2 = (int(line_parts[11]) / 100.0) + sensor_offset  # Center forward sensor.
        if ping_range2 > max_range_accepted:
            ping_range2 = artificial_far_distance
        ir_range2 = (int(line_parts[12]) / 100.0) + sensor_offset  # Center forward sensor.
        ping_range3 = (int(line_parts[13]) / 100.0) + sensor_offset
        if ping_range3 > max_range_accepted:
            ping_range3 = artificial_far_distance
        ir_range3 = (int(line_parts[14]) / 100.0) + sensor_offset
        ping_range4 = (int(line_parts[15]) / 100.0) + sensor_offset
        if ping_range4 > max_range_accepted:
            ping_range4 = artificial_far_distance
        ir_range4 = (int(line_parts[16]) / 100.0) + sensor_offset
        # Rear sensor, note these numbers can change if you add more sensors!
        ping_range5 = (int(line_parts[17]) / 100.0) + sensor_offset
        if ping_range5 > max_range_accepted:
            ping_range5 = artificial_far_distance
        ir_range5 = (int(line_parts[18]) / 100.0) + sensor_offset

        # The sensors are 11cm from center to center at the front of the base plate.
        # The radius of the base plate is 22.545 cm
        # = 28 degree difference (http://ostermiller.org/calc/triangle.html)

        sensor_seperation = 28

        # Spread code: NO LONGER USED
        # TODO: This could make sense to return to if used properly,
        # allowing obstacles to "fill" the space and smoothly move "around"
        # the robot as it rotates and objects move across the view of the PING
        # sensors, instead of "jumping" from one point to the next.
        # # "sensor_spread" is how wide we expand the sensor "point" in the fake laser scan.
        # # For the purpose of obstacle avoidance, I think this can actually be a single point,
        # # Since the costmap inflates these anyways.
        # #One issue I am having is it seems that the "ray trace" to the maximum distance
        # #may not line up with near hits, so that the global cost map is not being cleared!
        # #Switching from a "spread" to a single point may fix this?
        # #Since the costmap inflates obstacles anyway, we shouldn't need the spead should we?
        # #sensor_spread = 10 # This is how wide of an arc (in degrees) to paint for each "hit"
        # #sensor_spread = 2 # Testing. I think it has to be even numbers?
        # #NOTE:
        # #This assumes that things get bigger as they are further away. This is true of the PING's area,
        # #and while it may or may not be true of the object the PING sees, we have no way of knowing if
        # #the object fills the ping's entire field of view or only a small part of it, a "hit" is a "hit".
        # #However for the IR sensor, the objects are points, that are the same size regardless of distance,
        # #so we are clearly inflating them here.
        # for x in range(180 - sensor_spread / 2, 180 + sensor_spread / 2):
        #     PINGranges[x] = ping_range5 # Rear Sensor
        #     IRranges[x] = ir_range5 # Rear Sensor
        # for x in range((360 - sensor_seperation * 2) - sensor_spread / 2,
        #                (360 - sensor_seperation * 2) + sensor_spread / 2):
        #     PINGranges[x] = ping_range4
        #     IRranges[x] = ir_range4
        # for x in range((360 - sensor_seperation) - sensor_spread / 2,
        #                (360 - sensor_seperation) + sensor_spread / 2):
        #     PINGranges[x] = ping_range3
        #     IRranges[x] = ir_range3
        # for x in range(360 - sensor_spread / 2, 360):
        #     PINGranges[x] = ping_range2
        #     IRranges[x] = ir_range2
        # # Crosses center line
        # for x in range(0, sensor_spread /2):
        #     PINGranges[x] = ping_range2
        #     IRranges[x] = ir_range2
        # for x in range(sensor_seperation - sensor_spread / 2, sensor_seperation + sensor_spread / 2):
        #     PINGranges[x] = ping_range1
        #     IRranges[x] = ir_range1
        # for x in range((sensor_seperation * 2) - sensor_spread / 2, (sensor_seperation * 2) + sensor_spread / 2):
        #     PINGranges[x] = ping_range0
        #     IRranges[x] = ir_range0

        # Single Point code:
        #for x in range(180 - sensor_spread / 2, 180 + sensor_spread / 2):
        ping_ranges[180] = ping_range5  # Rear Sensor
        ir_ranges[180] = ir_range5  # Rear Sensor

        # for x in range((360 - sensor_seperation * 2) - sensor_spread / 2,
        #                (360 - sensor_seperation * 2) + sensor_spread / 2):
        ping_ranges[360 - sensor_seperation * 2] = ping_range4
        ir_ranges[360 - sensor_seperation * 2] = ir_range4

        # for x in range((360 - sensor_seperation) - sensor_spread / 2,
        #                (360 - sensor_seperation) + sensor_spread / 2):
        ping_ranges[360 - sensor_seperation] = ping_range3
        ir_ranges[360 - sensor_seperation] = ir_range3

        #for x in range(360 - sensor_spread / 2, 360):
        #PINGranges[x] = ping_range2
        #IRranges[x] = ir_range2
        # Crosses center line
        #for x in range(0, sensor_spread /2):
        ping_ranges[0] = ping_range2
        ir_ranges[0] = ir_range2

        #for x in range(sensor_seperation - sensor_spread / 2, sensor_seperation + sensor_spread / 2):
        ping_ranges[sensor_seperation] = ping_range1
        ir_ranges[sensor_seperation] = ir_range1

        #for x in range((sensor_seperation * 2) - sensor_spread / 2, (sensor_seperation * 2) + sensor_spread / 2):
        ping_ranges[sensor_seperation * 2] = ping_range0
        ir_ranges[sensor_seperation * 2] = ir_range0

        # LaserScan: http://docs.ros.org/api/sensor_msgs/html/msg/LaserScan.html
        ultrasonic_scan = LaserScan()
        infrared_scan = LaserScan()
        ultrasonic_scan.header.stamp = ros_now
        infrared_scan.header.stamp = ros_now
        ultrasonic_scan.header.frame_id = "ping_sensor_array"
        infrared_scan.header.frame_id = "ir_sensor_array"
        # For example:
        #scan.angle_min = -45 * M_PI / 180; // -45 degree
        #scan.angle_max = 45 * M_PI / 180;   // 45 degree
        # if you want to receive a full 360 degrees scan,
        # you should try setting min_angle to -pi/2 and max_angle to 3/2 * pi.
        # Radians: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radian#Advantages_of_measuring_in_radians
        ultrasonic_scan.angle_min = 0
        infrared_scan.angle_min = 0
        #ultrasonic_scan.angle_max = 2 * 3.14159 # Full circle # Letting it use default, which I think is the same.
        #infrared_scan.angle_max = 2 * 3.14159 # Full circle # Letting it use default, which I think is the same.
        #ultrasonic_scan.scan_time = 3 # I think this is only really applied for 3D scanning
        #infrared_scan.scan_time = 3 # I think this is only really applied for 3D scanning
        # Make sure the part you divide by num_readings is the same as your angle_max!
        # Might even make sense to use a variable here?
        ultrasonic_scan.angle_increment = (2 * 3.14) / num_readings
        infrared_scan.angle_increment = (2 * 3.14) / num_readings
        ultrasonic_scan.time_increment = (1 / laser_frequency) / num_readings
        infrared_scan.time_increment = (1 / laser_frequency) / num_readings
        # From: http://www.parallax.com/product/28015
        # Range: approximately 1 inch to 10 feet (2 cm to 3 m)
        # This should be adjusted based on the imaginary distance between the actual laser
        # and the laser location in the URDF file.
        # in Meters Distances below this number will be ignored REMEMBER the offset!
        ultrasonic_scan.range_min = 0.02
        # in Meters Distances below this number will be ignored REMEMBER the offset!
        infrared_scan.range_min = 0.02
        # This has to be above our "artificial_far_distance",
        # otherwise "hits" at artificial_far_distance will be ignored,
        # which means they will not be used to clear the cost map!
        # in Meters Distances above this will be ignored
        ultrasonic_scan.range_max = artificial_far_distance + 1
        # in Meters Distances above this will be ignored
        infrared_scan.range_max = artificial_far_distance + 1
        ultrasonic_scan.ranges = ping_ranges
        infrared_scan.ranges = ir_ranges
        # "intensity" is a value specific to each laser scanner model.
        # It can safely be ignored
