for model_name in models:

        for i in range(5):
            # make five attempts to get a valid a point cloud then give up
            sample_was_good = False
            try_count = 0
            while not sample_was_good and try_count < 5:
                sample_cloud = capture_sample()
                sample_cloud_arr = ros_to_pcl(sample_cloud).to_array()

                # Check for invalid clouds.
                if sample_cloud_arr.shape[0] == 0:
                    print('Invalid cloud detected')
                    try_count += 1
                    sample_was_good = True

            # Extract histogram features
            chists = compute_color_histograms(sample_cloud, using_hsv=False)
            normals = get_normals(sample_cloud)
            nhists = compute_normal_histograms(normals)
            feature = np.concatenate((chists, nhists))
            labeled_features.append([feature, model_name])


    pickle.dump(labeled_features, open('training_set.sav', 'wb'))

    labeled_features = []

    for model_name in models:

        for i in range(1000):
            # make five attempts to get a valid a point cloud then give up
            sample_was_good = False
            try_count = 0
            while not sample_was_good and try_count < 5:
                sample_cloud = capture_sample()
                sample_cloud_arr = ros_to_pcl(sample_cloud).to_array()

                # Check for invalid clouds.
                if sample_cloud_arr.shape[0] == 0:
                    print('Invalid cloud detected')
                    try_count += 1
                    sample_was_good = True

            # Extract histogram features
            chists = compute_color_histograms(sample_cloud, using_hsv=True)
            normals = get_normals(sample_cloud)
            nhists = compute_normal_histograms(normals)
            feature = np.concatenate((chists, nhists))
            labeled_features.append([feature, model_name])


    pickle.dump(labeled_features, open('training_set.sav', 'wb'))