Exemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self):
     self.file = None
     self.report = {
         'total_tweets': 0,
         'positive_count': 0,
         'negative_count': 0,
         'total_certain_positive': 0,
         'total_certain_negative': 0,
         'positive_tweets': [],
         'negative_tweets': []
     self.stop_words = set(stopwords.words("english"))
     self.stop_punc = [
         '@', ':', 'http', 'https', '.', '!', '#', '%', ',', '?', '>', '<',
         '-', '&', ';', '?', '\''
         '...', '\u2026', '\\', '\u2019', '\"', "'", '...', '\ufe0f',
         '\u201c', '(', '*', ')', '\u200d'
     self.word_count = {}
     self.emoji_count = {}
     self.strong_positive = {}
     self.strong_negative = {}
     self.twitter_tone_count = {}
     self.user_locations = {}
     self.base_path = settings.CONFIG.get('data_store_dir') + '/'
     self.sentiment = sentiment.Sentiment()
Exemplo n.º 2
    def statistics(self, data: str) -> None:
        """Provides easy statistics
        :param data: text to analyze
        :type data: str"""
        tokenized_text = nltk.tokenize.word_tokenize(data)
        nltk_text = nltk.Text(tokenized_text)
        unique_words = len(set(nltk_text))
        length = len(nltk_text)
        diversity = unique_words / length

        # Use cleaned data for more useful results
        nltk_text = nltk.Text(self.clean_text(data))
        most_frequent = nltk.FreqDist(nltk_text)
        most_common_word = most_frequent.most_common(1)
        sentimenter = sentiment.Sentiment()
        global text_language
        messagebox.askokcancel("Statistics", (
            f"Unique words: {unique_words}\n"
            f"Word count: {length}\n"
            f"Diversity: {diversity}\n"
            f"Most common word: '{most_common_word[0][0]}'"
            f", used {most_common_word[0][1]} times\n"
            f"Topics of the text: "
            f"Language: {text_language.capitalize()}\n"
            f"Sentiment: {sentimenter.determine_sentiment(nltk_text, text_language)}"
Exemplo n.º 3
 def setSentiments(self, tweet):
     sentiments = []
     for sentiment in tweet:
             SEN.Sentiment(sentiment.text, sentiment.get('aspect'),
     return sentiments
def getResponses(driver, user, id):
    #Form url
    url = 'https://twitter.com/' + user + '/status/' + str(id)
    print("----------------looking for Comments-----------------")

    #tweet = driver.find_element_by_css_selector('li.js-stream-item')
    comments = driver.find_elements_by_xpath(
    #comments = driver.find_elements_by_xpath("//div[@class='replies-to  permalink-inner permalink-replies']")


    for comment in comments:
        tweet_body = comment.find_element_by_css_selector(
        likes = comment.find_element_by_css_selector(
            "div[class = 'ProfileTweet-action ProfileTweet-action--favorite js-toggleState'"
        ).text  #like button

        if 'Like' in likes:
            likes = likes.split(" ")[-1]
            likes = likes.split('\n')[-1]
        p = 0

        if len(tweet_body) > 1:
                v1, v2, v3 = sentiment.Sentiment(tweet_body)
                p = v3 - v1
            except IndexError:
                print("Index Error")
                analysis = TextBlob(tweet_body)
                p = analysis.sentiment.polarity
            except KeyError:
                analysis = TextBlob(tweet_body)
                p = analysis.sentiment.polarity
        return (p * scoring.convert(likes))

Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_sentiment(self):
        sentiment_analyser = sentiment.Sentiment()

        test_sentences = [
            "I’m very happy that my team won the world cup!",
            "I feel a bit sad today",
            "I feel much better",
            "Still feel sick",

        expected_sentiments = [

        for sentence, expected_sentiment in zip(test_sentences,
            sentim = sentiment_analyser(sentence)
            self.assertEqual(sentim, expected_sentiment)
Exemplo n.º 6
class tagSENT:
    #instance of the translator class
    trans = translator.Translator()

    #instance of the sentiment class
    senti = sentiment.Sentiment()

    #instance of the part of speech tagger classs
    tagger = POS_tagger.POS_tagger()

    #variable that holds the variable for intensifiers [words that increase the polarity of a word]
    intensifiers = open("trainingData/intensifiers.txt","r").read().split("\n")

    #negators are words that flip the polarity of a word
    negators = ["hindi","wala","walang","di","Hindi","Wala","Walang","Di"]

    #attenuators are words that decrease the polarity of a word
    attenuators = ["medyo"]

    def __init__(self):
        #train both models

    this method is used to predict each of the sentiment of *sentiment bearing* words
    such words are usually a non prepositional or non article words (n., adj., adv...)
    accepts a string as a parameter, returns a list in a format [ [<word1>,[positive,negative]] , [...] , ...]
    def predict_each(self,text):
        #tag the words first using the pos tagger
        #the format of the tagged words are based from the output of the tagging prediction
        #[ [<word>,tag] , [<word2>,tag2] , ... ]
        tagged_words = self.tagger.predict(text)

        #this variable stores the total score of the prediction
        score = [0,0]

        #this variable stores the prediction, uh yeah obviously.
        prediction = []

        #loop through all the tagged words
        for word_tag in tagged_words:

            #store the sentiment score of the word being analyzed
            senti_score = [0,0]

            #check if the pos tag of the word is a possible sentiment bearing word
            #sentiment bearing words are words with a pos tag that is not prep., conj. or vbl.
            if word_tag[1] in ["n","v","adv","adj","AMB","UNK"]:
                #translate the tagalog word to english. This variable is a list of translations : [trans1, trans2, trans3]
                translated = self.trans.translate(word_tag[0])

                #use the prediction module of sentiment class by feeding all the translations. This variable stores: [positive, negative]
                senti_score = self.senti.predict_multi(translated)

                #append to the word container its translation

                #if the the polarity of both is equal, most likely the word returned a [0,0] because it wasn't translated
                if senti_score[0] == senti_score[1]:

                    #check if the word contains an amplifier prefix
                    if word_tag[0].startswith("napaka") or word_tag[0].startswith("pinaka"):

                        #replace the infix napaka/ pinaka with ma, and then predict its sentiment score
                        senti_score = self.senti.predict_multi(self.trans.translate(re.sub("napaka|pinaka","ma",word_tag[0])))

                #increase the polarity of the word by checking whether it has a amplifying prefix
                #or it is a repeating word ex: poging-pogi, matabang-mataba
                #this intensification seeks for "-" in the word
                senti_score = self.word_intensify(word_tag[0],senti_score)

                #add the extracted sentiment score to the total sentiment score, [0] is postive, [1] is negative
                score[0] += senti_score[0]
                score[1] += senti_score[1]
            #clear the score of the polarity that is lesser
            #if the positive is greater than the negative
            if senti_score[0]>senti_score[1]:

                #clear the negative score
                senti_score = [senti_score[0],0]

            #if the negative is greater than the positive
            elif senti_score[0]<senti_score[1]:

                #clear the positive score
                senti_score = [0,senti_score[1]]

            #add the current prediction of the word to the list of predicted words (prediction) variable

        #use the nearby_intensify to check and apply the words that intensify its nearby word (forward)
        #ex: sobrang galing, this amplifies galing. the search for the target word to be amplified is forward
        prediction = self.nearby_intensify(prediction)

        #same as the previous method, but the search is in reverse
        #ex: ang galing niya sobra.
        prediction = self.nearby_intensify_reverse(prediction)

        #check for flipping words (negators), the search is only forward
        prediction = self.negation(prediction)

        #return the list containing the predictions
        return prediction

    method that intensifies the word depending on its affixes
    word: string, the word being analyzed
    score: original polarity scores
    def word_intensify(self,word,score):
        #if the word startswith napaka/ pinaka
        if word.startswith("napaka") or word.startswith("pinaka"):

            #if the positive score is greater than the negative, amplify it 70%
            if score[0] > score[1]:
                score[0] *= 1.7
            #vice versa
                score[1] *= 1.7

        #if the word contains a "-" amplify the polarity by 50%
        if word.find("-") >=0:
            if score[0] > score[1]:
                score[0] *= 1.5
                score[1] *= 1.5

        #return the modified score
        return score

    this method checks whether there is an amplfying pattern within the prediction
    ex: ADV. PREP. N. ADJ.
    this method amplifies the ADJ, as given from this example
    parameter - 
    prediction: this can be extracted from predict_each
    def nearby_intensify(self,prediction):

        #loop all over the prediction list
        for index in range(len(prediction)):

            #do this if the following condition/s is/are satisfied
            #if the word being predicted is an attenuator
            #if the word being predicted is an intensifier
            #if the prediction score of the word is not neutral (0,0) and the
            #pos tag of the word is either an adj/ adv, and the word is not a negator
            if prediction[index][0][0] in self.attenuators or prediction[index][0][0] in self.intensifiers or (prediction[index][1] != [0,0] and prediction[index][0][1] in ["adv","adj"] and prediction[index][0][0] not in self.negators ):
                #trigger variable, this changes to true if the word being intensified is already found
                trig = False

                #searches ahead of the words
                for word_score in prediction[index+1:]:

                    #if the pos tag of the word is anything but adverb 
                    if word_score[0][1] in ["adj","AMB","n","v","UNK"]:

                        #if the word is an intensifier
                        if prediction[index][0][0] in self.intensifiers:

                            #amplify thes greater polarity score by 70%
                            if word_score[1][0] > word_score[1][1]:
                                word_score[1][0] *= 1.7
                                word_score[1][1] *= 1.7

                            #trigger the trig variable
                            trig = True

                        #if the word is an attenuator
                        if prediction[index][0][0] in self.attenuators:
                            #weaken the polarity by 45%
                            word_score[1] = [word_score[1][0]*0.65,word_score[1][1]*0.65]
                            trig = True
                        #else if the pos tag of the word is an adjective 
                        elif prediction[index][0][1] == "adj":

                            #if the word is not a negator/attenuator/intensifier
                            if word_score[0][0] not in self.negators and word_score[0][0] not in self.attenuators and word_score[0][0] not in self.intensifiers:

                                #add the polarity of the describing word to the target word
                                word_score[1] = [word_score[1][0] + prediction[index][1][0] , word_score[1][1] + prediction[index][1][1]]

                                #clear the lesser scored polarity
                                if word_score[1][0]>word_score[1][1]:
                                    word_score[1][1] = 0
                                elif word_score[1][0]<word_score[1][1]:
                                    word_score[1][0] = 0

                                trig = True

                        #if it hasn't passed the previous conditions 
                        else :
                            #if the polarity score isn't neutral
                            if word_score[1] != [0,0]:

                                #multiply the greater polarity of the target word that by the polarity of the describing word
                                if prediction[index][1][0] >prediction[index][1][1]:
                                    word_score[1][0] *= (1+prediction[index][1][0])
                                    word_score[1][1] *= (1+prediction[index][1][1])

                                trig = True

                        #if triggered, turn the polarity score of the describing word to neutral [0,0]
                        if trig:
                            prediction[index][1] = [0,0]
                        #stop the loop

                    #stop the loop if the pos tag of the target word is a stopper
                    elif word_score[0][1] in ["stopper","conj"]:

        #return the modified prediction
        return prediction

    this method is just like the nearby_intensify
    however, we reverse the prediction list so it looks backwards and not forward
    def nearby_intensify_reverse(self,prediction):
        #reverse the prediction list in place

        #loop (forward) through all the elements of reversed prediction; essentially it looks backwards now
        for index in range(len(prediction)):

            #if the word is an intensifier then
            if prediction[index][0][0] in self.intensifiers :

                #look forward for the target word
                for word_score in prediction[index+1:]:

                    #if the word is not an adverb then
                    if word_score[0][1] in ["adj","AMB","n","v","UNK"]:

                        #amplify the polarity of the target word by 70%
                        if word_score[1][0] > word_score[1][1]:
                            word_score[1][0] *= 1.7
                            word_score[1][1] *= 1.7

                        #turn the describing word to neutral
                        prediction[index][1] = [0,0]

                        #stop the loop

        #bring the prediction list into its original position by re-reversing it

        #return the modified prediction
        return prediction

    this method utilizes the negators to achieve the flipping ability
    parameter -
    prediction: can be extracted from predict_each
    def negation(self,prediction):

        #loop through the prediction list, checking if there is a negator on the list
        for index in range(len(prediction)):

            #if a negator is seen then
            if prediction[index][0][0] in self.negators:

                #loop forwards the list
                for word_score in prediction[index+1:]:

                    #if the word is "mas", stop the loop
                    if word_score[0][0] in ["mas"]:

                    #if the word is an adjective/noun/verb and it is not neutral
                    if word_score[0][1] in ["adj","v","n"] and (word_score[1] != [0.0,0.0] or word_score[1] != [0,0]):

                        #reverse the polarity
                        word_score[1] = word_score[1][::-1]

                        #turn the negator into a neutral polarity
                        prediction[index][1] = [0,0]

                        #stop the loop

        #return the modified prediction
        return prediction

    this is the method that predicts the given text and outputs the total
    parameters -
    text: string, a grammatically correct text
    output -
    total - (<prediction_label>,[positive,negative],prediction_list)
    def predict(self,text):
        #seperate all punctuations to be a space from its neighbors
        #example: Siya ay mabilis, ngunit mali-mali ang kanyang gawa. -> Siya ay mabilis , ngunit mali-mali ang kanyang gawa .
        text = re.sub("([A-Za-z0-9])([.;,!?])","\g<1> \g<2>",text)

        #use the predict_each method to get the prediction_list
        pred = self.predict_each(text)

        #return the analyzed total of the prediction list
        return self.total(pred)

    this is the method that analyzes the output of predict_each (the prediction list)
    parameters -
    prediction - a list containing the details of the prediction; can be get from predict_each method
    output -
    total - (<prediction_label>,[positive,negative],prediction_list)
    def total(self,prediction):

        #this the variable that stores the total sentiment of the given text
        total_sentiment = [0,0]

        #loop through all the predictions
        for i in prediction:

            #if the positive polarity is greater than 0.039 add it to the positive total
            #0.039 is the threshold for a relevant polarity
            if i[1][0] > 0.039:
                total_sentiment[0]+= i[1][0]

            #same for negative
            if i[1][1] > 0.039:
                total_sentiment[1]+= i[1][1]

        #this variable holds the difference
        diff = 0

        #check if there is no zero value in the polarity score
        if 0 not in total_sentiment:

            #get the total of the sentiments (would be used for percentage)
            total = total_sentiment[0] + total_sentiment[1]

            #then, get the percentage of each polarity
            perc_neg = total/total_sentiment[1]
            perc_pos = total/total_sentiment[0]

            #get the difference between the percentages of the polarities
            diff = abs(perc_neg - perc_pos)

        #if the difference between the polarities is greater than .10, then
        if total_sentiment>0.05 and diff>=.10:

            #increase the negative by 50%
            #studies show that people are biased to say positive than negative words
            #thus positive scores tend to get higher than negatives
            #therefore we amplify the bias to show true polarity
            total_sentiment[1] = total_sentiment[1] * 1.5

        #return the corresponding greater polarity
        if total_sentiment[0] > total_sentiment[1]:
            return ("POSITIVE",total_sentiment,prediction)
        elif total_sentiment[0] < total_sentiment[1]:
            return ("NEGATIVE",total_sentiment,prediction)
            return ("NEUTRAL",total_sentiment,prediction)
Exemplo n.º 7
        if begin == "Y":
            start = time.time()
            print("\nCollecting Comments...")
            all_comments = collect_comments(video_id, user_api_key)

            if len(
            ) == 0:  # Breaks if the url is broken or there are no comments to analyze.
                    "Please restart with a valid API key and video ID. Goodbye!"

            print("Determining sentiments...")
            s = sentiment.Sentiment()
            for text in all_comments:

            print("Writing sentiments to CSV file...")
            filename = s.parse_sentiments(video_id)

            end = time.time()
            print("DONE. That took", "%.2f" % (end - start), "seconds.\n")

            print("-" * 20)
            print("|     ANALYSIS     |")
            print("-" * 20)

            a = analysis.Analysis(filename)