Exemplo n.º 1
    def _apply(self, widget, event, data):
        """download the dataset using the given parameters"""

        folder = Path(ee.data.getAssetRoots()[0]["id"])

        # check if a dataset is existing
        if self.dataset == None or self.geometry == None:
            return self

        # set the parameters
        name = self.name or dt.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
        export_params = {
            "image": self.dataset,
            "description": name,
            "scale": self.w_scale.v_model,
            "region": self.geometry,
            "maxPixels": 1e13,

        # launch the task
        if self.w_method.v_model == "gee":
            export_params.update(assetId=str(folder / name))
            task = ee.batch.Export.image.toAsset(**export_params)
                "the task have been launched in your GEE acount", "success")

        elif self.w_method.v_model == "sepal":

            gdrive = cs.gdrive()

            files = gdrive.get_files(name)
            if files == []:
                task = ee.batch.Export.image.toDrive(**export_params)
                gee.wait_for_completion(name, self.alert)
                files = gdrive.get_files(name)

            # save everything in the same folder as the json file
            # no need to create it it's created when the recipe is saved
            result_dir = cp.result_dir / aoi_name

            tile_list = gdrive.download_files(files, result_dir)

            # add the colormap to each tile
            colormap = {}
            for code, color in enumerate(no_data_color + cp.gradient(5)):
                colormap[i] = tuple(int(c * 255) for c in to_rgba(color))

            for tile in tile_list:

                with rio.open(tile) as f:

                    dst_f.write_colormap(self.band, colormap)

            self.alert.add_msg("map exported", "success")

        return self
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _apply(self, widget, event, data):
        """download the dataset using the given parameters"""

        folder = Path(ee.data.getAssetRoots()[0]["id"])

        # check if a dataset is existing
        if self.datasets == [] or self.geometry == None:
            return self

        for name in self.w_datasets.v_model:

            description = su.normalize_str(f"{self.w_prefix.v_model}_{name}")

            # set the parameters
            export_params = {
                "image": self.datasets[name],
                "description": description,
                "scale": self.w_scale.v_model,
                "region": self.geometry,

            # launch the task
            if self.w_method.v_model == "gee":
                export_params.update(assetId=str(folder / description))
                task = ee.batch.Export.image.toAsset(**export_params)
                    "the task have been launched in your GEE acount",

            elif self.w_method.v_model == "sepal":

                gdrive = cs.gdrive()

                files = gdrive.get_files(description)
                if files == []:
                    task = ee.batch.Export.image.toDrive(**export_params)
                    gee.wait_for_completion(description, self.alert)
                    files = gdrive.get_files(description)

                gdrive.download_files(files, cp.result_dir)
                self.alert.add_msg("map exported", "success")

        return self
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_is_task(self):

        # create an output alert
        alert = sw.Alert()

        task = self._create_fake_task()

        # wait for the task to finish
        gee.wait_for_completion(self.DESCRIPTION, alert)

        # check if it exist
        res = gee.is_task(self.DESCRIPTION)

        self.assertNotEqual(res, None)

        # delete the asset

Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_wait_for_completion(self):

        # create an output alert
        alert = sw.Alert()

        task = self._create_fake_task()

        res = gee.wait_for_completion(self.DESCRIPTION, alert)

        self.assertEqual(res, 'COMPLETED')
        self.assertEqual(alert.type, 'success')


        #check that an error is raised when trying to overwrite a existing asset
        description = 'france'
        task = self._create_fake_task(description, False)

        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
            res = gee.wait_for_completion(description, alert)

Exemplo n.º 5
def run_aoi_selection(file_input, file_name, country_selection, asset_name,
                      drawing_method, widget_alert, list_method, drawn_feat):
    """ create an gee asset according to the user inputs

        file_input (str): the file to retreive from the user folder. It must be a .shp file
        file_name (str): name of the aoi that will be used troughout the process
        country_selection (str): a country name in english available in LSIB 2017
        asset_name (str): the assetId of a existing asset
        drawing_method (str): the name of the method selected to create the asset
        widget_alert (v.Alert): the widget used to display the process informations
        list_method ([str]): list of the method use to select an AOI
        drawn_feat (ee.FeatureCollection): the last drawn object on the map
        asset (str) : the AssetId of the AOI
    #go to the glad folder in gee assets
    folder = ee.data.getAssetRoots()[0]['id'] + '/'

    #check the drawing method
    if drawing_method == None:  #not selected
        utils.displayIO(widget_alert, ms.NO_SELECTION, 'warning')
        asset = None

    elif drawing_method == list_method[0]:  #use a country boundary
        if country_selection == None:
            utils.displayIO(widget_alert, ms.NO_COUNTRY, 'warning')
            asset = None
            return asset
        country_code = utils.create_FIPS_dic()[country_selection]
        asset_descripsion = ms.FILE_PATTERN.format(country_code)
        asset = folder + asset_descripsion

        #check asset existence
        if isAsset(asset_descripsion, folder):
            utils.displayIO(widget_alert, ms.ASSET_ALREADY_EXIST.format(asset),
            return asset

        country = ee.FeatureCollection('USDOS/LSIB_SIMPLE/2017').filter(
            ee.Filter.eq('country_co', country_code))

        #create and launch the task
        task_config = {
            'collection': country,
            'description': asset_descripsion,
            'assetId': asset
        task = ee.batch.Export.table.toAsset(**task_config)
        gee.wait_for_completion(asset_descripsion, widget_alert)

        utils.displayIO(widget_alert, ms.ASSET_CREATED.format(asset),

    elif drawing_method == list_method[1]:  #draw a shape

        aoi = drawn_feat
        asset_name = ms.FILE_PATTERN.format(
            re.sub('[^a-zA-Z\d\-\_]', '_', file_name))

        #check if something is drawn
        if drawn_feat == None:
            asset = None
            utils.displayIO(widget_alert, ms.NO_SHAPE, 'error')
            return asset

        #check asset existence
        if isAsset(asset_name, folder):
            asset = None
            utils.displayIO(widget_alert, ms.NAME_USED, 'error')
            return asset

        asset = folder + asset_name

        #create and launch the task
        task_config = {
            'collection': aoi,
            'description': asset_name,
            'assetId': asset
        task = ee.batch.Export.table.toAsset(**task_config)
        gee.wait_for_completion(asset_name, widget_alert)

        utils.displayIO(widget_alert, ms.ASSET_CREATED.format(asset),

    elif drawing_method == list_method[3]:  #use GEE asset

        #verify that there is an asset
        if asset_name == '' or asset_name == None:
            asset = None
            utils.displayIO(widget_alert, ms.NO_ASSET, 'error')
            asset = asset_name
            utils.displayIO(widget_alert, ms.CHECK_IF_ASSET, 'info')

    elif drawing_method == list_method[2]:  #upload file
        if not os.path.isfile(file_input):
            utils.displayIO(widget_alert, ms.ERROR_OCCURED, 'error')
            asset = None
            return asset

        ee_object = geemap.shp_to_ee(file_input)

        name = os.path.split(file_input)[1]

        asset_name = ms.FILE_PATTERN.format(
            re.sub('[^a-zA-Z\d\-\_]', '_', name))

        #check asset's name
        if isAsset(asset_name, folder):
            asset = None
            utils.displayIO(widget_alert, ms.NAME_USED, 'error')
            asset = folder + asset_name

            #launch the task
            task_config = {
                'collection': ee_object,
                'description': asset_name,
                'assetId': asset
            task = ee.batch.Export.table.toAsset(**task_config)
            gee.wait_for_completion(asset_name, widget_alert)

            utils.displayIO(widget_alert, ms.ASSET_CREATED.format(asset),

    return asset
Exemplo n.º 6
    def create_grid(self, widget, data, event):

        # toggle the btn

        # read the data
        aoi = self.aoi_io
        grid_size = float(self.size_select.v_model)
        grid_name = self.grid_name.v_model
        grid_batch = int(self.batch_size.v_model)

        #check the vars
        if not self.output.check_input(aoi.get_aoi_name(), ms.no_aoi):
            return widget.toggle_loading()
        if not self.output.check_input(grid_size, ms.no_size):
            return widget.toggle_loading()
        if not self.output.check_input(grid_batch, ms.no_size):
            return widget.toggle_loading()
        if not self.output.check_input(grid_name, ms.no_name):
            return widget.toggle_loading()

            grid = set_grid(aoi.get_aoi_ee(), grid_size, grid_batch,

            # get exportation parameters
            folder = ee.data.getAssetRoots()[0]['id']
            asset = os.path.join(folder, grid_name)

            # export
            if not isAsset(grid_name, folder):
                task_config = {
                    'collection': grid,
                    'description': grid_name,
                    'assetId': asset

                task = ee.batch.Export.table.toAsset(**task_config)
                gee.wait_for_completion(grid_name, self.output)

            self.assetId = asset

            # remove the preview square from the map
            for layer in self.m.layers:
                if layer.name == 'preview square size':

            # display the asset on the map
                            {'color': v.theme.themes.dark.accent}, 'grid')

            display_asset(self.output, asset)

        except Exception as e:
            self.output.add_live_msg(str(e), 'error')

        # toggle the loading
