Exemplo n.º 1
 def testSectionWithIdReferenceTooShort(self):
     If a sequence is built up from sections and a referred-to sequence
     is too short for the desired length, a ValueError must be raised.
     s = Sequences(
         "sequences": [
                 "id": "xxx",
                 "sequence": "ACCGT"
                 "sections": [
                         "from id": "xxx",
                         "length": 10
     error = ("^Sequence specification refers to sequence id 'xxx', "
              "starting at index 1 with length 10, but sequence 'xxx' is "
              "not long enough to support that\\.$")
     assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError, error, list, s)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def testSectionWithIdReference(self):
     A sequence must be able to be built up from sections, with two
     sections given by length.
     s = Sequences(
         "sequences": [
                 "id": "xxx",
                 "sequence": "ACCGT"
                 "sections": [
                         "from id": "xxx"
                         "length": 10
     (read1, read2) = list(s)
     self.assertEqual(15, len(read2.sequence))
Exemplo n.º 3
 def testNamedRecombinant(self):
     It must be possible to build up and give an id to a recombinant.
     s = Sequences(
         "sequences": [
                 "id": "xxx",
                 "sequence": "ACCA"
                 "id": "yyy",
                 "sequence": "GGTT"
                 "id": "recombinant",
                 "sections": [
                         "from id": "xxx",
                         "start": 1,
                         "length": 3
                         "from id": "yyy",
                         "start": 2,
                         "length": 2
     (read1, read2, read3) = list(s)
     self.assertEqual('recombinant', read3.id)
     self.assertEqual('ACCGT', read3.sequence)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def testRecombinantFromFullOtherSequences(self):
     It must be possible to build up a recombinant that is composed of two
     other sequences by only giving the ids of the other sequences.
     s = Sequences(
         "sequences": [
                 "id": "xxx",
                 "sequence": "ACCA"
                 "id": "yyy",
                 "sequence": "GGTT"
                 "id": "recombinant",
                 "sections": [
                         "from id": "xxx"
                         "from id": "yyy"
     (read1, read2, read3) = list(s)
     self.assertEqual('ACCAGGTT', read3.sequence)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def testOneSequenceSequenceOnly(self):
     If only one sequence is specified, and only by its sequence, one
     sequence should be created, and it should have the specified sequence.
     s = Sequences(StringIO('[{"sequence": "ACCG"}]'))
     (read, ) = list(s)
     self.assertEqual('ACCG', read.sequence)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def testOneSequenceByLength(self):
     If only one sequence is specified, and only by giving its length,
     only one sequence should be created, and it should have the given
     s = Sequences(StringIO('[{"length": 55}]'))
     (read, ) = list(s)
     self.assertEqual(55, len(read.sequence))
Exemplo n.º 7
 def xxx_testOneSequenceSequenceFileOnly(self, mock):
     If only one sequence is specified, and only by its sequence filename,
     one sequence should be read and created, and it should have the
     specified sequence.
     s = Sequences(StringIO('[{"sequence file": "xxx.fasta"}]'))
     (read, ) = list(s)
     self.assertEqual('ACCG', read.sequence)
Exemplo n.º 8
 def xxx_testOneSequenceSequenceFileOnlyUnknownFile(self, mock):
     If only one sequence is specified, and only by its sequence filename,
     but the file is unknown, ValueError must be raised.
     s = Sequences(StringIO('[{"sequence file": "xxx.fasta"}]'))
     errorClass = builtins.FileNotFoundError if PY3 else IOError
     mock.side_effect = errorClass('abc')
     error = '^abc$'
     assertRaisesRegex(self, errorClass, error, list, s)
Exemplo n.º 9
 def testOneSequenceIdOnly(self):
     If only one sequence is specified, and only by id, one sequence
     should be created, it should have the default length, the expected
     id, and it should be entirely composed of nucleotides.
     s = Sequences(StringIO('[{"id": "the-id"}]'))
     (read, ) = list(s)
     self.assertEqual('the-id', read.id)
     self.assertEqual(Sequences.DEFAULT_LENGTH, len(read.sequence))
     self.assertEqual(set(), set(read.sequence) - set('ACGT'))
Exemplo n.º 10
 def testTwoSequencesByCount(self):
     If two sequences are requested (only by giving a count) they should
     have the expected lengths and ids.
     s = Sequences(StringIO('[{"count": 2}]'))
     (read1, read2) = list(s)
     self.assertEqual(Sequences.DEFAULT_LENGTH, len(read1.sequence))
     self.assertEqual(Sequences.DEFAULT_ID_PREFIX + '1', read1.id)
     self.assertEqual(Sequences.DEFAULT_LENGTH, len(read2.sequence))
     self.assertEqual(Sequences.DEFAULT_ID_PREFIX + '2', read2.id)
Exemplo n.º 11
 def testOneSequenceAAOnly(self):
     If only one sequence is specified, and only by indicating that it
     should be amino acids, one sequence should be created, it should have
     the default length, the expected id, and it should be entirely
     composed of nucleotides.
     s = Sequences(StringIO('[{"random aa": true}]'))
     (read, ) = list(s)
     self.assertEqual(Sequences.DEFAULT_ID_PREFIX + '1', read.id)
     self.assertEqual(Sequences.DEFAULT_LENGTH, len(read.sequence))
     self.assertEqual(set(), set(read.sequence) - set(AA_LETTERS))
Exemplo n.º 12
 def testOneLetterAlphabet(self):
     It must be possible to specify an alphabet with just one symbol.
     s = Sequences(StringIO('''{
         "sequences": [
                 "alphabet": "0"
     (read, ) = list(s)
     self.assertEqual('0' * 500, read.sequence)
Exemplo n.º 13
 def testTwoLetterAlphabet(self):
     It must be possible to specify an alphabet with two symbols.
     s = Sequences(StringIO('''{
         "sequences": [
                 "alphabet": "01"
     (read, ) = list(s)
     self.assertTrue(x in '01' for x in read.sequence)
Exemplo n.º 14
 def testOneSequenceIdPrefix(self):
     A sequence must be able to be given just using an id prefix.
     s = Sequences(
         "sequences": [
                 "id prefix": "xxx-"
     (read, ) = list(s)
     self.assertEqual('xxx-1', read.id)
Exemplo n.º 15
 def testOneSequenceRandomNTs(self):
     A sequence must be able to be composed of random NTs.
     s = Sequences(
         "sequences": [
                 "random nt": true
     (read, ) = list(s)
     self.assertEqual(set(), set(read.sequence) - set('ACGT'))
Exemplo n.º 16
 def testOneSequenceWithIdAndDescription(self):
     A sequence must be able to be given using an id and a description.
     s = Sequences(
         "sequences": [
                 "description": "A truly wonderful sequence!",
                 "id": "xxx"
     (read, ) = list(s)
     self.assertEqual('xxx A truly wonderful sequence!', read.id)
Exemplo n.º 17
 def testOneSequenceSequenceMutated(self):
     A sequence should be be able to be mutated.
     sequence = 'A' * 100
     s = Sequences(
         "sequence": "%s",
         "mutation rate": 1.0
     ''' % sequence))
     (read, ) = list(s)
     # All bases should have been changed, due to a 1.0 mutation rate.
     diffs = sum((a != b) for (a, b) in zip(sequence, read.sequence))
     self.assertEqual(len(sequence), len(read.sequence))
     self.assertEqual(diffs, len(read.sequence))
Exemplo n.º 18
 def testTwoSequencesSecondFromId(self):
     If only one sequence is given an id and a second refers to it
     by that id, the second sequence should be the same as the first.
     s = Sequences(
             "id": "a"
             "from id": "a"
     (read1, read2) = list(s)
     self.assertEqual(read1.sequence, read2.sequence)
Exemplo n.º 19
 def testTwoSequencesButSecondOneSkipped(self):
     If two sequences are specified but one is skipped, only one
     sequence should result.
     s = Sequences(
             "id": "a"
             "id": "b",
             "skip": true
     (read, ) = list(s)
     self.assertEqual('a', read.id)
Exemplo n.º 20
 def testOneSequenceIdOnlyDefaultLength(self):
     If only one sequence is specified, and only by id, one sequence
     should be created, and it should have the length passed in
     s = Sequences(StringIO('''{
         "sequences": [
                 "id": "the-id"
     (read, ) = list(s)
     self.assertEqual('the-id', read.id)
     self.assertEqual(500, len(read.sequence))
Exemplo n.º 21
 def testTwoSequencesSecondOneNotSkipped(self):
     If two sequences are specified and skip=false in the second,
     both should be returned.
     s = Sequences(
             "id": "a"
             "id": "b",
             "skip": false
     (read1, read2) = list(s)
     self.assertEqual('a', read1.id)
     self.assertEqual('b', read2.id)
Exemplo n.º 22
 def testOneSectionRandomAAs(self):
     A sequence must be able to be built up from sections, with just one
     section of random AAs.
     s = Sequences(
         "sequences": [
                 "sections": [
                         "random aa": true
     (read, ) = list(s)
     self.assertEqual(set(), set(read.sequence) - set(AA_LETTERS))
Exemplo n.º 23
 def testOneSectionWithSequence(self):
     A sequence must be able to be built up from sections, with just one
     section given by a sequence.
     s = Sequences(
         "sequences": [
                 "sections": [
                         "sequence": "ACTT"
     (read, ) = list(s)
     self.assertEqual('ACTT', read.sequence)
Exemplo n.º 24
 def testOneSectionWithLength(self):
     A sequence must be able to be built up from sections, with just one
     section given by length.
     s = Sequences(
         "sequences": [
                 "sections": [
                         "length": 40
     (read, ) = list(s)
     self.assertEqual(40, len(read.sequence))
Exemplo n.º 25
 def testOneSequenceLengthIsAVariable(self):
     If only one sequence is specified, and only by giving its length,
     (as a variable) one sequence should be created, and it should have the
     given length.
     s = Sequences(
         "variables": {
             "len": 200
         "sequences": [
                 "length": "%(len)d"
     (read, ) = list(s)
     self.assertEqual(200, len(read.sequence))
Exemplo n.º 26
 def testSectionWithUnknownIdReference(self):
     If a sequence is built up from sections and a referred to sequence
     id does not exist, a ValueError must be raised.
     s = Sequences(
         "sequences": [
                 "sections": [
                         "from id": "xxx"
     error = ("^Sequence section refers to the id 'xxx' of "
              "non-existent other sequence\\.$")
     assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError, error, list, s)
Exemplo n.º 27
 def testOneSequenceIdOnlyDefaultIdPrefix(self):
     If only one sequence is specified, and only by length, one sequence
     should be created, it should have the length passed, and its id taken
     from passed defaultIdPrefix.
     s = Sequences(StringIO('''{
         "globals": {
             "id prefix": "the-prefix."
         "sequences": [
                 "length": 5
     (read, ) = list(s)
     self.assertEqual('the-prefix.1', read.id)
     self.assertEqual(5, len(read.sequence))
Exemplo n.º 28
 def testTwoSectionsWithLengths(self):
     A sequence must be able to be built up from sections, with two
     sections given by length.
     s = Sequences(
         "sequences": [
                 "sections": [
                         "length": 40
                         "length": 10
     (read, ) = list(s)
     self.assertEqual(50, len(read.sequence))
Exemplo n.º 29
 def testTwoSequencesWithDifferentIdPrefixesAndCounts(self):
     If two sequences are requested with different id prefixes and each
     with a count, the ids must start numbering from 1 for each prefix.
     s = Sequences(
             "id prefix": "seq-",
             "count": 2
             "id prefix": "num-",
             "count": 3
     (read1, read2, read3, read4, read5) = list(s)
     self.assertEqual('seq-1', read1.id)
     self.assertEqual('seq-2', read2.id)
     self.assertEqual('num-1', read3.id)
     self.assertEqual('num-2', read4.id)
     self.assertEqual('num-3', read5.id)
Exemplo n.º 30
    def testRatchet(self):
        The ratchet specification must result in the expected result.
        # Note that this is a very simple test, using a 1.0 mutation rate
        # and a fixed alphabet.
        length = 50
        s = Sequences(
            "sequences": [
                    "id": "orig",
                    "alphabet": "01",
                    "length": %s
                    "count": 2,
                    "from id": "orig",
                    "mutation rate": 1.0,
                    "ratchet": true
        }''' % length))
        (orig, mutant1, mutant2) = list(s)
        # The distance from the original to the first mutant must be 100 (i.e.,
        # all bases).
        diffCount = sum(a != b
                        for (a, b) in zip(orig.sequence, mutant1.sequence))
        self.assertEqual(length, diffCount)

        # The distance from the first mutant to the second must be 100 (i.e.,
        # all bases).
        diffCount = sum(a != b
                        for (a, b) in zip(mutant1.sequence, mutant2.sequence))
        self.assertEqual(length, diffCount)

        # The sequences of the original and the second mutant must be
        # identical.
        self.assertEqual(orig.sequence, mutant2.sequence)