Exemplo n.º 1
    def additional_transforms(self, stage_transforms: List[Transforms]) -> Compose:
        """ Returns the transforms in `stage_transforms` that are additional transforms
        from those in `self.transforms`.

        For example, if:
        setting.transforms = Compose([Transforms.Resize(32), Transforms.ToTensor])
        setting.train_transforms = Compose([Transforms.Resize(32), Transforms.ToTensor, Transforms.RandomGrayscale])
        # will give:
        reference_transforms = self.transforms

        if len(stage_transforms) < len(reference_transforms):
            # Assume no overlap, return all the 'stage' transforms.
            return Compose(stage_transforms)
        if stage_transforms == reference_transforms:
            # Complete overlap, return an empty list.
            return Compose([])

        # IDEA: Only add the additional transforms, compared to the 'base' transforms.
        # As soon as one is different, break.
        i = 0
        for i, t_a, t_b in enumerate(zip(stage_transforms, self.transforms)):
            if t_a != t_b:
        return Compose(stage_transforms[i:])
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_observation_wrapper_applied_to_passive_environment():
    """ Test that when we apply a gym wrapper to a PassiveEnvironment, it also
    affects the observations / actions / rewards produced when iterating on the
    batch_size = 5

    transforms = Compose([Transforms.to_tensor, Transforms.three_channels])
    dataset = MNIST("data", transform=transforms)
    obs_space = Image(0, 255, (1, 28, 28), np.uint8)
    obs_space = transforms(obs_space)
    env = PassiveEnvironment(
        dataset, n_classes=10, batch_size=batch_size, observation_space=obs_space,

    assert env.observation_space == Image(0, 1, (batch_size, 3, 28, 28))
    assert env.action_space.shape == (batch_size,)
    assert env.reward_space == env.action_space



    # Apply a transformation that changes the observation space.
    env = TransformObservation(env=env, f=Compose([Transforms.resize_64x64]))
    assert env.observation_space == Image(0, 1, (batch_size, 3, 64, 64))
    assert env.action_space.shape == (batch_size,)
    assert env.reward_space.shape == (batch_size,)


def test_passive_environment_without_pretend_to_be_active():
    """ Test the gym.Env-style interaction with a PassiveEnvironment.
    batch_size = 5
    transforms = Compose([Transforms.to_tensor, Transforms.three_channels])
    dataset = MNIST("data",
                        [Transforms.to_tensor, Transforms.three_channels]))
    max_samples = 100
    dataset = Subset(dataset, list(range(max_samples)))

    obs_space = Image(0, 255, (1, 28, 28), np.uint8)
    obs_space = transforms(obs_space)
    env = PassiveEnvironment(
    assert env.observation_space == Image(0, 1, (batch_size, 3, 28, 28))
    assert env.action_space.shape == (batch_size, )
    assert env.reward_space == env.action_space
    obs = env.reset()
    assert obs in env.observation_space

    obs, reward, done, info = env.step(env.action_space.sample())
    assert reward is not None

    for i, (obs, reward) in enumerate(env):
        assert reward is not None
        other_reward = env.send(env.action_space.sample())
        assert (other_reward == reward).all()
    assert i == max_samples // batch_size - 1
def test_multiple_epochs_dataloader_with_split_batch_fn():
    """ Test that we can iterate on the dataloader more than once. """
    max_epochs = 3
    max_samples = 200
    batch_size = 5

    def split_batch_fn(batch):
        x, y, = batch
        # some dummy function.
        return torch.zeros_like(x), y

    max_batches = max_samples // batch_size
    dataset = MNIST("data",
                        [Transforms.to_tensor, Transforms.three_channels]))
    dataset = Subset(dataset, list(range(max_samples)))

    env = PassiveEnvironment(dataset,

    assert env.observation_space.shape == (batch_size, 3, 28, 28)
    assert env.action_space.shape == (batch_size, )
    assert env.reward_space.shape == (batch_size, )
    total_steps = 0
    for epoch in range(max_epochs):
        for obs, reward in env:
            assert obs.shape == (batch_size, 3, 28, 28)
            assert torch.all(obs == 0)
            assert reward.shape == (batch_size, )
            total_steps += 1

    assert total_steps == max_batches * max_epochs
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_mnist_as_gym_env(self):
        # from continuum.datasets import MNIST
        dataset = MNIST("data",
                            [Transforms.to_tensor, Transforms.three_channels]))

        batch_size = 4
        env = self.PassiveEnvironment(dataset,

        assert env.observation_space.shape == (batch_size, 3, 28, 28)
        assert env.action_space.shape == (batch_size, )
        assert env.reward_space.shape == (batch_size, )

        obs = env.reset()
        assert obs.shape == (batch_size, 3, 28, 28)

        for i in range(10):
            obs, reward, done, info = env.step(env.action_space.sample())
            assert obs.shape == (batch_size, 3, 28, 28)
            assert reward.shape == (batch_size, )
            assert not done
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_multiple_epochs_dataloader(self):
        """ Test that we can iterate on the dataloader more than once. """
        max_epochs = 3
        max_samples = 200
        batch_size = 5
        max_batches = max_samples // batch_size
        dataset = MNIST("data",
                            [Transforms.to_tensor, Transforms.three_channels]))
        dataset = Subset(dataset, list(range(max_samples)))

        env = self.PassiveEnvironment(dataset,

        assert env.observation_space.shape == (batch_size, 3, 28, 28)
        assert env.action_space.shape == (batch_size, )
        assert env.reward_space.shape == (batch_size, )
        total_steps = 0
        for epoch in range(max_epochs):
            for obs, reward in env:
                assert obs.shape == (batch_size, 3, 28, 28)
                assert reward.shape == (batch_size, )
                total_steps += 1

        assert total_steps == max_batches * max_epochs
def test_env_gives_done_on_last_item():
    # from continuum.datasets import MNIST
    max_samples = 100
    batch_size = 1
    dataset = MNIST("data",
                        [Transforms.to_tensor, Transforms.three_channels]))
    dataset = Subset(dataset, list(range(max_samples)))

    env = PassiveEnvironment(dataset, n_classes=10, batch_size=batch_size)

    assert env.observation_space.shape == (batch_size, 3, 28, 28)
    assert env.action_space.shape == (batch_size, )
    assert env.reward_space.shape == (batch_size, )

    obs = env.reset()
    assert obs.shape == (batch_size, 3, 28, 28)
    # Starting at 1 since reset() gives one observation already.
    for i in range(1, max_samples):
        obs, reward, done, info = env.step(env.action_space.sample())
        assert obs.shape == (batch_size, 3, 28, 28)
        assert reward.shape == (batch_size, )
        assert done == (i == max_samples - 1), i
        if done:
        assert False, "Should have reached done=True!"
    assert i == max_samples - 1
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_is_proxy_to(use_wrapper: bool):
    import numpy as np
    from sequoia.common.transforms import Compose, Transforms

    transforms = Compose([Transforms.to_tensor, Transforms.three_channels])
    from sequoia.common.spaces import Image
    from torchvision.datasets import MNIST

    batch_size = 32
    dataset = MNIST("data", transform=transforms)
    obs_space = Image(0, 255, (1, 28, 28), np.uint8)
    obs_space = transforms(obs_space)

    env_type = ProxyPassiveEnvironment if use_wrapper else PassiveEnvironment
    env: Iterable[Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]] = env_type(
    if use_wrapper:
        assert isinstance(env, EnvironmentProxy)
        assert issubclass(type(env), EnvironmentProxy)
        assert is_proxy_to(env, PassiveEnvironment)
        assert not is_proxy_to(env, PassiveEnvironment)
Exemplo n.º 9
 def __init__(self, env: gym.Env, f: Union[Callable, Compose]):
     if isinstance(f, list) and not callable(f):
         f = Compose(f)
     super().__init__(env, f=f)
     self.f: Transform
     # try:
     self.observation_space = self(self.env.observation_space)
     if has_tensor_support(self.env.observation_space):
         self.observation_space = add_tensor_support(self.observation_space)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self, env: gym.Env, f: Callable[[Union[gym.Env, Space]], Union[gym.Env, Space]]):
        if isinstance(f, list) and not callable(f):
            f = Compose(f)
        self.f: Compose = f
        # Modify the action space by applying the transform onto it.
        self.action_space = self.env.action_space

        if isinstance(self.f, Transform):
            self.action_space = self.f(self.env.action_space)
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_compose_on_image_space():
    in_space = Image(0, 255, shape=(64, 64, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
    transform = Compose([Transforms.to_tensor, Transforms.three_channels])
    expected = Image(0, 1., shape=(3, 64, 64), dtype=np.float32) 
    actual = transform(in_space)
    assert actual == expected
    env = gym.make("MetaMonsterKong-v0")
    assert env.observation_space == gym.spaces.Box(0, 255, (64, 64, 3), np.uint8)
    assert env.observation_space == in_space
    wrapped_env = TransformObservation(env, transform)
    assert wrapped_env.observation_space == expected
def test_passive_environment_needs_actions_to_be_sent():
    """ Test the 'active dataloader' style interaction.
    batch_size = 10
    transforms = Compose([Transforms.to_tensor, Transforms.three_channels])
    dataset = MNIST("data",
                        [Transforms.to_tensor, Transforms.three_channels]))
    max_samples = 105
    dataset = Subset(dataset, list(range(max_samples)))

    obs_space = Image(0, 255, (1, 28, 28), np.uint8)
    obs_space = transforms(obs_space)
    env = PassiveEnvironment(

    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        for i, (obs, _) in enumerate(env):

    env = PassiveEnvironment(
    for i, (obs, _) in enumerate(env):
        assert isinstance(obs, Tensor)
        action = env.action_space.sample()[:obs.shape[0]]
        rewards = env.send(action)
        assert rewards is not None
        assert rewards.shape[0] == action.shape[0]
def test_env_requires_reset_before_step():
    # from continuum.datasets import MNIST
    max_samples = 100
    batch_size = 5
    max_batches = max_samples // batch_size
    dataset = MNIST("data",
                        [Transforms.to_tensor, Transforms.three_channels]))
    dataset = Subset(dataset, list(range(max_samples)))

    env = PassiveEnvironment(dataset, n_classes=10, batch_size=batch_size)

    with pytest.raises(gym.error.ResetNeeded):
Exemplo n.º 14
    def __post_init__(self,
                      observation_space: gym.Space = None,
                      action_space: gym.Space = None,
                      reward_space: gym.Space = None):
        """ Initializes the fields of the setting that weren't set from the
        logger.debug(f"__post_init__ of Setting")
        if len(self.train_transforms) == 1 and isinstance(self.train_transforms[0], list):
            self.train_transforms = self.train_transforms[0]
        if len(self.val_transforms) == 1 and isinstance(self.val_transforms[0], list):
            self.val_transforms = self.val_transforms[0]
        if len(self.test_transforms) == 1 and isinstance(self.test_transforms[0], list):
            self.test_transforms = self.test_transforms[0]

        # Actually compose the list of Transforms or callables into a single transform.
        self.train_transforms: Compose = Compose(self.train_transforms)
        self.val_transforms: Compose = Compose(self.val_transforms)
        self.test_transforms: Compose = Compose(self.test_transforms)

        self._observation_space = observation_space
        self._action_space = action_space
        self._reward_space = reward_space

        # TODO: It's a bit confusing to also have a `config` attribute on the
        # Setting. Might want to change this a bit.
        self.config: Config = None

        self.train_env: Environment = None  # type: ignore
        self.val_env: Environment = None  # type: ignore
        self.test_env: Environment = None  # type: ignore
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_passive_environment_as_dataloader():
    batch_size = 1
    transforms = Compose([Transforms.to_tensor, Transforms.three_channels])
    dataset = MNIST("data", transform=transforms)
    obs_space = Image(0, 255, (1, 28, 28), np.uint8)
    obs_space = transforms(obs_space)

    env: Iterable[Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]] = PassiveEnvironment(
        dataset, batch_size=batch_size, n_classes=10, observation_space=obs_space,

    for x, y in env:
        assert x.shape == (batch_size, 3, 28, 28)
        x = x.permute(0, 2, 3, 1)
        assert y.tolist() == [5]
Exemplo n.º 16
    def test_multiple_epochs_env(self):
        max_epochs = 3
        max_samples = 100
        batch_size = 5
        max_batches = max_samples // batch_size
        dataset = MNIST("data",
                            [Transforms.to_tensor, Transforms.three_channels]))
        dataset = Subset(dataset, list(range(max_samples)))

        env = self.PassiveEnvironment(dataset,

        assert env.observation_space.shape == (batch_size, 3, 28, 28)
        assert env.action_space.shape == (batch_size, )
        assert env.reward_space.shape == (batch_size, )

        total_steps = 0
        for epoch in range(max_epochs):
            obs = env.reset()
            total_steps += 1

            assert obs.shape == (batch_size, 3, 28, 28)
            # Starting at 1 since reset() gives one observation already.
            for i in range(1, max_batches):
                obs, reward, done, info = env.step(env.action_space.sample())
                assert obs.shape == (batch_size, 3, 28, 28)
                assert reward.shape == (batch_size, )
                assert done == (i == max_batches - 1), i
                total_steps += 1
                if done:
                assert False, "Should have reached done=True!"
            assert i == max_batches - 1
        assert total_steps == max_batches * max_epochs

Exemplo n.º 17
    def test_cant_iterate_after_closing_passive_env(self):
        max_epochs = 3
        max_samples = 200
        batch_size = 5
        max_batches = max_samples // batch_size
        dataset = MNIST("data",
                            [Transforms.to_tensor, Transforms.three_channels]))
        dataset = Subset(dataset, list(range(max_samples)))

        env = self.PassiveEnvironment(dataset,

        assert env.observation_space.shape == (batch_size, 3, 28, 28)
        assert env.action_space.shape == (batch_size, )
        assert env.reward_space.shape == (batch_size, )
        total_steps = 0
        for epoch in range(max_epochs):
            for obs, reward in env:
                assert obs.shape == (batch_size, 3, 28, 28)
                assert reward.shape == (batch_size, )
                total_steps += 1
        assert total_steps == max_batches * max_epochs


        with pytest.raises(gym.error.ClosedEnvironmentError):
            for _ in zip(range(3), env):

        with pytest.raises(gym.error.ClosedEnvironmentError):

        with pytest.raises(gym.error.ClosedEnvironmentError):

        with pytest.raises(gym.error.ClosedEnvironmentError):
Exemplo n.º 18
    def __init__(self, env: gym.Env, f: Union[Callable, Compose]):
        if isinstance(f, list) and not callable(f):
            f = Compose(f)
        super().__init__(env, f=f)
        self.f: Compose
        # Modify the reward space, if it exists.
        if hasattr(self.env, "reward_space"):
            self.reward_space = self.env.reward_space
            self.reward_space = spaces.Box(

            self.reward_space = self.f(self.reward_space)
            logger.debug(f"New reward space after transform: {self.reward_space}")
        except Exception as e:
                f"Don't know how the transform {self.f} will impact the "
                f"observation space! (Exception: {e})"
Exemplo n.º 19
def test_issue_204():
    """ Test that reproduces the issue #204, which was that some zombie processes
    appeared to be created when iterating using an EnvironmentProxy.
    The issue appears to have been caused by calling `self.__environment.reset()` in
    `__iter__`, which I think caused another dataloader iterator to be created?
    transforms = Compose([Transforms.to_tensor, Transforms.three_channels])

    batch_size = 2048
    num_workers = 12

    dataset = MNIST("data", transform=transforms)
    obs_space = Image(0, 255, (1, 28, 28), np.uint8)
    obs_space = transforms(obs_space)

    current_process = psutil.Process()
        f"Current process is using {current_process.num_threads()} threads, with "
        f" {len(current_process.children(recursive=True))} child processes.")
    starting_threads = current_process.num_threads()
    starting_processes = len(current_process.children(recursive=True))

    for use_wrapper in [False, True]:

        threads = current_process.num_threads()
        processes = len(current_process.children(recursive=True))
        assert threads == starting_threads
        assert processes == starting_processes

        env_type = ProxyPassiveEnvironment if use_wrapper else PassiveEnvironment
        env: Iterable[Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]] = env_type(
        for i, _ in enumerate(env):
            threads = current_process.num_threads()
            processes = len(current_process.children(recursive=True))
            assert threads == starting_threads + num_workers
            assert processes == starting_processes + num_workers
            print(f"Current process is using {threads} threads, with "
                  f" {processes} child processes.")

        for i, _ in enumerate(env):
            threads = current_process.num_threads()
            processes = len(current_process.children(recursive=True))
            assert threads == starting_threads + num_workers
            assert processes == starting_processes + num_workers
            print(f"Current process is using {threads} threads, with "
                  f" {processes} child processes.")

        obs = env.reset()
        done = False
        while not done:
            obs, reward, done, info = env.step(env.action_space.sample())

            # env.render(mode="human")

            threads = current_process.num_threads()
            processes = len(current_process.children(recursive=True))
            if not done:
                assert threads == starting_threads + num_workers
                assert processes == starting_processes + num_workers
                print(f"Current process is using {threads} threads, with "
                      f" {processes} child processes.")


        import time
        # Need to give it a second (or so) to cleanup.

        threads = current_process.num_threads()
        processes = len(current_process.children(recursive=True))
        assert threads == starting_threads
        assert processes == starting_processes
Exemplo n.º 20
class Setting(
    """ Base class for all research settings in ML: Root node of the tree.

    A 'setting' is loosely defined here as a learning problem with a specific
    set of assumptions, restrictions, and an evaluation procedure.

    For example, Reinforcement Learning is a type of Setting in which we assume
    that an Agent is able to observe an environment, take actions upon it, and
    receive rewards back from the environment. Some of the assumptions include
    that the reward is dependant on the action taken, and that the actions have
    an impact on the environment's state (and on the next observations the agent
    will receive). The evaluation procedure consists in trying to maximize the
    reward obtained from an environment over a given number of steps.

    This 'Setting' class should ideally represent the most general learning
    problem imaginable, with almost no assumptions about the data or evaluation

    This is a dataclass. Its attributes are can also be used as command-line
    arguments using `simple_parsing`.

    Abstract (required) methods:
    - **apply** Applies a given Method on this setting to produce Results.
    - **prepare_data** (things to do on 1 GPU/TPU not on every GPU/TPU in distributed mode).
    - **setup**  (things to do on every accelerator in distributed mode).
    - **train_dataloader** the training environment/dataloader.
    - **val_dataloader** the val environments/dataloader(s).
    - **test_dataloader** the test environments/dataloader(s).

    "Abstract"-ish (required) class attributes:
    - `Results`: The class of Results that are created when applying a Method on
      this setting.
    - `Observations`: The type of Observations that will be produced  in this
    - `Actions`: The type of Actions that are expected from this setting.
    - `Rewards`: The type of Rewards that this setting will (potentially) return
      upon receiving an action from the method.

    # ---------- Class Variables -------------
    # Fields in this block are class attributes. They don't create command-line
    # arguments.

    # Type of Observations that the dataloaders (a.k.a. "environments") will
    # produce for this type of Setting.
    Observations: ClassVar[Type[Observations]] = Observations
    # Type of Actions that the dataloaders (a.k.a. "environments") will receive
    # through their `send` method, for this type of Setting.
    Actions: ClassVar[Type[Actions]] = Actions
    # Type of Rewards that the dataloaders (a.k.a. "environments") will return
    # after receiving an action, for this type of Setting.
    Rewards: ClassVar[Type[Rewards]] = Rewards

    # The type of Results that are given back when a method is applied on this
    # Setting. The `Results` class basically defines the 'evaluation metric' for
    # a given type of setting. See the `Results` class for more info.
    Results: ClassVar[Type[Results]] = Results

    available_datasets: ClassVar[Dict[str, Any]] = {}

    # Transforms to be applied to the observatons of the train/valid/test
    # environments.
    transforms: Optional[List[Transforms]] = None

    # Transforms to be applied to the training datasets.
    train_transforms: Optional[List[Transforms]] = None
    # Transforms to be applied to the validation datasets.
    val_transforms: Optional[List[Transforms]] = None
    # Transforms to be applied to the testing datasets.
    test_transforms: Optional[List[Transforms]] = None

    # Fraction of training data to use to create the validation set.
    # (Only applicable in Passive settings.)
    val_fraction: float = 0.2

    # TODO: Still not sure where exactly we should be adding the 'batch_size'
    # and 'num_workers' arguments. Adding it here for now with cmd=False, so
    # that they can be passed to the constructor of the Setting.
    batch_size: Optional[int] = field(default=None, cmd=False)
    num_workers: Optional[int] = field(default=None, cmd=False)

    # # TODO: Add support for semi-supervised training.
    # # Fraction of the dataset that is labeled.
    # labeled_data_fraction: int = 1.0
    # # Number of labeled examples.
    # n_labeled_examples: Optional[int] = None

    def __post_init__(
        observation_space: gym.Space = None,
        action_space: gym.Space = None,
        reward_space: gym.Space = None,
        """ Initializes the fields of the setting that weren't set from the
        logger.debug("__post_init__ of Setting")
        # BUG: simple-parsing sometimes parses a list with a single item, itself the
        # list of transforms. Not sure if this still happens.

        def is_list_of_list(v: Any) -> bool:
            return isinstance(v, list) and len(v) == 1 and isinstance(v[0], list)

        if is_list_of_list(self.train_transforms):
            self.train_transforms = self.train_transforms[0]
        if is_list_of_list(self.val_transforms):
            self.val_transforms = self.val_transforms[0]
        if is_list_of_list(self.test_transforms):
            self.test_transforms = self.test_transforms[0]

        if all(
            t is None
            for t in [
            # Use these two transforms by default if no transforms are passed at all.
            # TODO: Remove this after the competition perhaps.
            self.transforms = Compose([Transforms.to_tensor, Transforms.three_channels])

        # If the constructor is called with just the `transforms` argument, like this:
        # <SomeSetting>(dataset="bob", transforms=foo_transform)
        # Then we use this value as the default for the train, val and test transforms.
        if self.transforms and not any(
            [self.train_transforms, self.val_transforms, self.test_transforms]
            if not isinstance(self.transforms, list):
                self.transforms = Compose([self.transforms])
            self.train_transforms = self.transforms.copy()
            self.val_transforms = self.transforms.copy()
            self.test_transforms = self.transforms.copy()

        if self.train_transforms is not None and not isinstance(
            self.train_transforms, list
            self.train_transforms = [self.train_transforms]

        if self.val_transforms is not None and not isinstance(
            self.val_transforms, list
            self.val_transforms = [self.val_transforms]

        if self.test_transforms is not None and not isinstance(
            self.test_transforms, list
            self.test_transforms = [self.test_transforms]

        # Actually compose the list of Transforms or callables into a single transform.
        self.train_transforms: Compose = Compose(self.train_transforms or [])
        self.val_transforms: Compose = Compose(self.val_transforms or [])
        self.test_transforms: Compose = Compose(self.test_transforms or [])


        self._observation_space = observation_space
        self._action_space = action_space
        self._reward_space = reward_space

        # TODO: It's a bit confusing to also have a `config` attribute on the
        # Setting. Might want to change this a bit.
        self.config: Config = None

        self.train_env: Environment = None  # type: ignore
        self.val_env: Environment = None  # type: ignore
        self.test_env: Environment = None  # type: ignore

    def apply(self, method: Method, config: Config = None) -> "Setting.Results":
        # NOTE: The actual train/test loop should be defined in a more specific
        # setting. This is just here as an illustration of what that could look
        # like.
        assert False, "this is just here for illustration purposes. "

            train_env=self.train_dataloader(), valid_env=self.val_dataloader(),

        # Test loop:
        test_env = self.test_dataloader()
        test_metrics = []
        # Number of episodes to test on:
        n_test_episodes = 1

        # Perform a set number of episodes in the test environment.
        for episode in range(n_test_episodes):
            # Get initial observations.
            observations = test_env.reset()

            for i in itertools.count():
                # Get the predictions/actions for a batch of observations.
                actions = method.get_actions(observations, test_env.action_space)
                observations, rewards, done, info = test_env.step(actions)
                # Calculate the 'metrics' (TODO: This should be done be in the env!)
                batch_metrics = ...
                if done:

        return self.Results(test_metrics=test_metrics)

    def get_metrics(self, actions: Actions, rewards: Rewards) -> Union[float, Metrics]:
        """ Calculate the "metric" from the model predictions (actions) and the true labels (rewards).

        In this example, we return a 'Metrics' object:
        - `ClassificationMetrics` for classification problems,
        - `RegressionMetrics` for regression problems.

        We use these objects because they are awesome (they basically simplify
        making plots, wandb logging, and serialization), but you can also just
        return floats if you want, no problem.

        TODO: This is duplicated from Incremental. Need to fix this.
        from sequoia.common.metrics import get_metrics

        # In this particular setting, we only use the y_pred from actions and
        # the y from the rewards.
        if isinstance(actions, Actions):
            actions = torch.as_tensor(actions.y_pred)
        if isinstance(rewards, Rewards):
            rewards = torch.as_tensor(rewards.y)
        # TODO: At the moment there's this problem, ClassificationMetrics wants
        # to create a confusion matrix, which requires 'logits' (so it knows how
        # many classes.
        if isinstance(actions, Tensor):
            actions = actions.cpu().numpy()
        if isinstance(rewards, Tensor):
            rewards = rewards.cpu().numpy()

        if isinstance(self.action_space, spaces.Discrete):
            batch_size = rewards.shape[0]
            actions = torch.as_tensor(actions)
            if len(actions.shape) == 1 or (
                actions.shape[-1] == 1 and self.action_space.n != 2
                fake_logits = torch.zeros([batch_size, self.action_space.n], dtype=int)
                # FIXME: There must be a smarter way to do this indexing.
                for i, action in enumerate(actions):
                    fake_logits[i, action] = 1
                actions = fake_logits

        return get_metrics(y_pred=actions, y=rewards)

    def image_space(self) -> Optional[gym.Space]:
        if isinstance(self.observation_space, spaces.Box):
            return self.observation_space
        if isinstance(self.observation_space, spaces.Tuple):
            assert isinstance(self.observation_space[0], spaces.Box)
            return self.observation_space[0]
        if isinstance(self.observation_space, spaces.Dict):
            return self.observation_space.spaces["x"]
            f"Don't know what the image space is. "
        return None

    def observation_space(self) -> gym.Space:
        return self._observation_space

    def observation_space(self, value: gym.Space) -> None:
        """Sets a the observation space.

        NOTE: This also changes the value of the `dims` attribute and the result
        of the `size()` method from LightningDataModule.
        if not isinstance(value, gym.Space):
            raise RuntimeError(f"Value must be a `gym.Space` (got {value})")
        if not self._dims:
            if isinstance(value, spaces.Box):
                self.dims = value.shape
            elif isinstance(value, spaces.Tuple):
                self.dims = tuple(space.shape for space in value.spaces)
            elif isinstance(value, spaces.Dict) and "x" in value.spaces:
                self.dims = value.spaces["x"].shape
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    f"Don't know how to set the 'dims' attribute using "
                    f"observation space {value}"
        self._observation_space = value

    def action_space(self) -> gym.Space:
        return self._action_space

    def action_space(self, value: gym.Space) -> None:
        self._action_space = value

    def reward_space(self) -> gym.Space:
        return self._reward_space

    def reward_space(self, value: gym.Space) -> None:
        self._reward_space = value

    def get_available_datasets(cls) -> Iterable[str]:
        """ Returns an iterable of strings which represent the names of datasets. """
        return cls.available_datasets

    def main(cls, argv: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None) -> Results:
        from sequoia.main import Experiment

        experiment: Experiment
        # Create the Setting object from the command-line:
        setting = cls.from_args(argv)
        # Then create the 'Experiment' from the command-line, which makes it
        # possible to choose between all the methods.
        experiment = Experiment.from_args(argv)
        # fix the setting attribute to be the one parsed above.
        experiment.setting = setting
        results: ResultsType = experiment.launch(argv)
        return results

    def apply_all(
        self, argv: Union[str, List[str]] = None
    ) -> Dict[Type["Method"], Results]:
        applicable_methods = self.get_applicable_methods()
        from sequoia.methods import Method

        all_results: Dict[Type[Method], Results] = {}
        config = Config.from_args(argv)
        for method_type in applicable_methods:
            method = method_type.from_args(argv)
            results = self.apply(method, config)
            all_results[method_type] = results
        logger.info(f"All results for setting of type {type(self)}:")
                method.get_name(): (results.get_metric() if results else "crashed")
                for method, results in all_results.items()
        return all_results

    def get_path_to_source_file(cls: Type) -> Path:
        from sequoia.utils.utils import get_path_to_source_file

        return get_path_to_source_file(cls)

    def _check_environments(self):
        """ Do a quick check to make sure that interacting with the envs/dataloaders
        works correctly.
        # Check that the env's spaces are batched versions of the settings'.
        from gym.vector.utils import batch_space
        from sequoia.settings.passive import PassiveEnvironment

        batch_size = self.batch_size
        for loader_method in [
            print(f"\n\nChecking loader method {loader_method.__name__}\n\n")
            env = loader_method(batch_size=batch_size)

            batch_size = env.batch_size

            # We could compare the spaces directly, but that's a bit messy, and
            # would be depends on the type of spaces for each. Instead, we could
            # check samples from such spaces on how the spaces are batched.
            if batch_size:
                expected_observation_space = batch_space(
                    self.observation_space, n=batch_size
                expected_action_space = batch_space(self.action_space, n=batch_size)
                expected_reward_space = batch_space(self.reward_space, n=batch_size)
                expected_observation_space = self.observation_space
                expected_action_space = self.action_space
                expected_reward_space = self.reward_space

            # TODO: Batching the 'Sparse' makes it really ugly, so just
            # comparing the 'image' portion of the space for now.
            assert (
                env.observation_space[0].shape == expected_observation_space[0].shape
            ), (env.observation_space[0], expected_observation_space[0])

            assert env.action_space == expected_action_space, (
            assert env.reward_space == expected_reward_space, (

            # Check that the 'gym API' interaction is working correctly.
            reset_obs: Observations = env.reset()
            self._check_observations(env, reset_obs)

            for i in range(5):
                actions = env.action_space.sample()
                self._check_actions(env, actions)
                step_observations, step_rewards, done, info = env.step(actions)
                self._check_observations(env, step_observations)
                self._check_rewards(env, step_rewards)
                if batch_size:
                    assert not any(done)
                    assert not done
                # assert not (done if isinstance(done, bool) else any(done))

            for batch in take(env, 5):
                observations: Observations
                rewards: Optional[Rewards]

                if isinstance(env, PassiveEnvironment):
                    observations, rewards = batch
                    # in RL atm, the 'dataset' gives back only the observations.
                    # Coul
                    observations, rewards = batch, None

                self._check_observations(env, observations)
                if rewards is not None:
                    self._check_rewards(env, rewards)

                if batch_size:
                    actions = tuple(
                        self.action_space.sample() for _ in range(batch_size)
                    actions = self.action_space.sample()
                # actions = self.Actions(torch.as_tensor(actions))
                rewards = env.send(actions)
                self._check_rewards(env, rewards)


    def _check_observations(self, env: Environment, observations: Any):
        """ Check that the given observation makes sense for the given environment.

        TODO: This should probably not be in this file here. It's more used for
        testing than anything else.
        assert isinstance(observations, self.Observations), observations
        images = observations.x
        assert isinstance(images, (torch.Tensor, np.ndarray))
        if isinstance(images, Tensor):
            images = images.cpu().numpy()

        # Find the 'image' space:
        if isinstance(env.observation_space, spaces.Box):
            image_space = env.observation_space
        elif isinstance(env.observation_space, spaces.Tuple):
            image_space = env.observation_space[0]
            raise RuntimeError(
                f"Don't know how to find the image space in the "
                f"env's obs space ({env.observation_space})."
        assert images in image_space

    def _check_actions(self, env: Environment, actions: Any):
        if isinstance(actions, Actions):
            assert isinstance(actions, self.Actions)
            actions = actions.y_pred.cpu().numpy()
        elif isinstance(actions, Tensor):
            actions = actions.cpu().numpy()
        elif isinstance(actions, np.ndarray):
            actions = actions
        assert actions in env.action_space

    def _check_rewards(self, env: Environment, rewards: Any):
        if isinstance(rewards, Rewards):
            assert isinstance(rewards, self.Rewards)
            rewards = rewards.y
        if isinstance(rewards, Tensor):
            rewards = rewards.cpu().numpy()
        if isinstance(rewards, np.ndarray):
            rewards = rewards
        if isinstance(rewards, (int, float)):
            rewards = np.asarray(rewards)
        assert rewards in env.reward_space, (rewards, env.reward_space)

    # Just to make type hinters stop throwing errors when using the constructor
    # to create a Setting.
    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        return super().__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)

    def load_benchmark(
        cls: Type[SettingType], benchmark: Union[str, Path]
    ) -> SettingType:
        """ Load the given "benchmark" (pre-configured Setting) of this type.

        cls : Type[SettingType]
            Type of Setting to create.
        benchmark : Union[str, Path]
            Either the name of a benchmark (e.g. "cartpole_state", "monsterkong", etc.)
            or a path to a json/yaml file.

            Setting of type `cls`, appropriately populated according to the chosen

            If `benchmark` isn't an existing file or a known preset.
            If any command-line arguments are present in sys.argv which would be ignored
            when creating this setting.
        # If the provided benchmark isn't a path, try to get the value from
        # the `setting_presets` dict. If it isn't in the dict, raise an
        # error.
        if not Path(benchmark).is_file():
            if benchmark in setting_presets:
                benchmark = setting_presets[benchmark]
                raise RuntimeError(
                    f"Could not find benchmark '{benchmark}': it "
                    f"is neither a path to a file or a key of the "
                    f"`setting_presets` dictionary. \n"
                    f"(Available presets: {setting_presets}) "
        # Creating an experiment for the given setting, loaded from the
        # config file.
        # TODO: IDEA: Do the same thing for loading the Method?
            f"Will load the options for setting {cls} from the file "
            f"at path {benchmark}."

        # Raise an error if any of the args in sys.argv would have been used
        # up by the Setting, just to prevent any ambiguities.
        _, unused_args = cls.from_known_args()
        consumed_args = list(set(sys.argv[1:]) - set(unused_args))
        if consumed_args:
            # TODO: This could also be trigerred if there were arguments
            # in the method with the same name as some from the Setting.
            raise RuntimeError(
                f"Cannot pass command-line arguments for the Setting when "
                f"loading a benchmark, since these arguments whould have been "
                f"ignored when creating the setting of type {cls} "
                f"anyway: {consumed_args}"

        drop_extras = False
        # Actually load the setting from the file.
        setting = cls.load(path=benchmark, drop_extra_fields=drop_extras)
        return setting
Exemplo n.º 21
    def __post_init__(
        observation_space: gym.Space = None,
        action_space: gym.Space = None,
        reward_space: gym.Space = None,
        """ Initializes the fields of the setting that weren't set from the
        logger.debug("__post_init__ of Setting")
        # BUG: simple-parsing sometimes parses a list with a single item, itself the
        # list of transforms. Not sure if this still happens.

        def is_list_of_list(v: Any) -> bool:
            return isinstance(v, list) and len(v) == 1 and isinstance(v[0], list)

        if is_list_of_list(self.train_transforms):
            self.train_transforms = self.train_transforms[0]
        if is_list_of_list(self.val_transforms):
            self.val_transforms = self.val_transforms[0]
        if is_list_of_list(self.test_transforms):
            self.test_transforms = self.test_transforms[0]

        if all(
            t is None
            for t in [
            # Use these two transforms by default if no transforms are passed at all.
            # TODO: Remove this after the competition perhaps.
            self.transforms = Compose([Transforms.to_tensor, Transforms.three_channels])

        # If the constructor is called with just the `transforms` argument, like this:
        # <SomeSetting>(dataset="bob", transforms=foo_transform)
        # Then we use this value as the default for the train, val and test transforms.
        if self.transforms and not any(
            [self.train_transforms, self.val_transforms, self.test_transforms]
            if not isinstance(self.transforms, list):
                self.transforms = Compose([self.transforms])
            self.train_transforms = self.transforms.copy()
            self.val_transforms = self.transforms.copy()
            self.test_transforms = self.transforms.copy()

        if self.train_transforms is not None and not isinstance(
            self.train_transforms, list
            self.train_transforms = [self.train_transforms]

        if self.val_transforms is not None and not isinstance(
            self.val_transforms, list
            self.val_transforms = [self.val_transforms]

        if self.test_transforms is not None and not isinstance(
            self.test_transforms, list
            self.test_transforms = [self.test_transforms]

        # Actually compose the list of Transforms or callables into a single transform.
        self.train_transforms: Compose = Compose(self.train_transforms or [])
        self.val_transforms: Compose = Compose(self.val_transforms or [])
        self.test_transforms: Compose = Compose(self.test_transforms or [])


        self._observation_space = observation_space
        self._action_space = action_space
        self._reward_space = reward_space

        # TODO: It's a bit confusing to also have a `config` attribute on the
        # Setting. Might want to change this a bit.
        self.config: Config = None

        self.train_env: Environment = None  # type: ignore
        self.val_env: Environment = None  # type: ignore
        self.test_env: Environment = None  # type: ignore
def test_split_batch_fn():
    # from continuum.datasets import MNIST
    batch_size = 5
    max_batches = 10

    def split_batch_fn(
        batch: Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]
    ) -> Tuple[Tuple[Tensor, Tensor], Tensor]:
        x, y, t = batch
        return (x, t), y

    # dataset = MNIST("data", transform=Compose([Transforms.to_tensor, Transforms.three_channels]))
    from continuum import ClassIncremental
    from continuum.datasets import MNIST
    from continuum.tasks import split_train_val

    scenario = ClassIncremental(
        MNIST("data", download=True, train=True),
            [Transforms.to_tensor, Transforms.three_channels]),

    classes_per_task = scenario.nb_classes // scenario.nb_tasks
    print(f"Number of classes per task {classes_per_task}.")
    for i, task_dataset in enumerate(scenario):
        env = PassiveEnvironment(
            # Need to pass the observation space, in this case.
                spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(3, 28, 28)),
                spaces.Discrete(scenario.nb_tasks),  # task label
                low=np.array([i * classes_per_task]),
                high=np.array([(i + 1) * classes_per_task]),
        assert spaces.Box(
            low=np.array([i * classes_per_task]),
            high=np.array([(i + 1) * classes_per_task]),
        ).shape == (1, )
        assert isinstance(env.observation_space[0], spaces.Box)
        assert env.observation_space[0].shape == (batch_size, 3, 28, 28)
        assert env.observation_space[1].shape == (batch_size, )
        assert env.action_space.shape == (batch_size, 1)
        assert env.reward_space.shape == (batch_size, 1)


        obs = env.reset()
        assert len(obs) == 2
        x, t = obs
        assert x.shape == (batch_size, 3, 28, 28)
        assert t.shape == (batch_size, )

        obs, reward, done, info = env.step(env.action_space.sample())
        assert x.shape == (batch_size, 3, 28, 28)
        assert t.shape == (batch_size, )
        assert reward.shape == (batch_size, )
        assert not done
