Exemplo n.º 1
def main():

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Control the LEDs set up on the RED racks.")
    parser.add_argument("racks", help="Number of racks with LEDS being controlled.", type=int)

    # Parse the arguments passed to the program
    args = parser.parse_args()

    num_racks = args.racks

    num_leds = num_racks * LEDS_PER_RACK

    # Set up a serial connection to the Arduino
        # Try ttyACM0 first
        ser = serial.Serial("/dev/ttyACM0", 115200)
            # Try ttyACM1 second
            ser = serial.Serial("/dev/ttyACM1", 115200)
            print "Unable to open Arduino device. Please ensure the device is connected to the computer."

    # Write number of leds to Arduino
    # Max number of LEDS is 1200 which is 4 digits long hence, number of LEDs is always
    # send to the Arduino as a 4 digit number
    serial_control.serialWriteWithZeroPadding(4, num_leds, ser)
Exemplo n.º 2
def main():

    LEDS_PER_RACK = constants.leds_per_rack

    modes_dict = {'ganglia':1, 'fill': 3, 'wipe': 4, 'chase': 5, 'rainbow': 6, 'waterfall':7} 

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = 'Control the LEDs set up on the RED racks.')
    parser.add_argument('mode', help="Mode of operation: \n\tganglia - Map Ganglia metrics to the LEDs \n\t fill - fill the entire strip with one color \n\t wipe - wipe the entire strip (turn off) \n\t chase - chase a single pixel across the entire strip \n\t rainbow - Rainbow Wheel \n\t waterfall - waterfall mode", type=str)
    parser.add_argument('racks', help="Number of racks with LEDS being controlled.", type=int)
    parser.add_argument('-c', '--color', help="Color to set when using mode 2 or mode 3 (set all LEDs to one color and Color chase). Format is: R,G,B where each value is an integer between 0 and 127, inclusive.", default="",type=str)
    parser.add_argument('-o', '--host_ip', help="Host IP of the cluster to gather Ganglia metrics from.")
    parser.add_argument('-p', '--port', help="Port to connect to if retrieving metrics from Ganglia", default=0, type=int)
    parser.add_argument('-m', '--metric', help="Specific metric you wish to observe when retrieving metrics from Ganglia. Must exactly match metric name in ganglia (e.g. load_fifteen).", default="", type=str)
    parser.add_argument('-n', '--node_name', help="Names of the node you wish to get metrics from as listed on Ganglia. This can be the exact name or a regular expression using Python syntax.", default="", type=str)

    #Parse the arguments passed to the program
    args = parser.parse_args();

    #Set up a serial connection to the Arduino
    	#Try ttyACM0 first
        ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyACM0', 115200)
            #Try ttyACM1 second
            ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyACM1', 115200)
            print "Unable to open Arduino device. Please ensure the device is connected to the computer."

    mode = args.mode
    num_racks = args.racks
    color = args.color
    host_ip = args.host_ip
    port = args.port
    user_metric = args.metric
    node_name = args.node_name 

        #retrieve mode number
        intmode = modes_dict[mode]
        print("Unrecognized mode. Please enter valid mode.");
    #Write mode to Arduino
    #Mode is only one digit
    serial_control.serialWriteWithZeroPadding(1, intmode, ser)

    if(mode == 'ganglia'):
        gangliacomm.getMetrics(host_ip, port, num_racks, user_metric, node_name, ser)
    elif(mode == 'fill' or mode == 'chase' or mode == 'waterfall'):
        if(color == ""):
            #default color is red
            color = "127,0,0"

        color = color.split(',')

Exemplo n.º 3
def getMetrics(host_ip, port, num_racks, user_metric, node_name, ser):
    #Default parameters for RED
    if(host_ip == ""):
        if(user_metric == ""):
            metric = "<METRIC NAME=\"planar_temp\" VAL=\"[0-9]"
            metric = "<METRIC NAME=\"" + user_metric + "\" VAL=\"[0-9]"

        if(node_name == ""):
            node_name = "<HOST NAME=\"red-d"
            node_name = "<HOST NAME=\"" + node_name
        if(port == 0):
            port = 8651

    #Create an array to store lines of data we will get from ganglia
    lines = [""]

    #Create new socket to connect to cluster
        s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        s.connect((host_ip, port))
        print "Unable to connect to the specified host. Please ensure you have correclty typed the name or IP address of the host and specified the correct port."

    #Get all the lines that ganglia sends back and store in lines array
    while 1:
        data = s.recv(4096)
        if not data:
        datachunks = data.split('\n')
        for chunk in datachunks:

    #create temps array to store temperature data 
    temps = []

    #Active flag is used once we hit a node we are interested in
    active = 0

    for line in lines:
        #Identify a node we are interested based on the node_name and grab the full IP address
        if(re.match(node_name, line)):
            chunks = line.split()
            if(len(chunks) > 2):
                bits = chunks[2].split('"')
                if(len(bits) > 1):
                    ip = bits[1]
            active = 1

        #It is possible to get the metric from a node we are not interested in hence the active variable
        #This will identify when we find the required metric and are in an acceptable node
        if(active and re.match(metric, line)):
            chunks = line.split()
            if(len(chunks) > 2):
                val = chunks[2].split('"')
            if(len(val) > 1):
                temp = val[1]
            if(temp != "" and temp != "0" and temp != 0):
                ip_split = ip.split(".")            
                if(len(ip_split) > 3):
                    #store the 3rd IP octet, 4th IP octet, and temperature in a tuple and append the tuple to the temps array
                        #For some reason, red-d8-6 has an ip of 3.6 instead of 8.6
                        #ask garhan about this
                        if (ip_split[2] == 3 or ip_split[2] == '3'):
                            ip_split[2] = 8
                        temps.append((int(ip_split[2]),int(ip_split[3]), int(float(temp))))
                    except ValueError:
                        print "Encountered incorrect value."
                        print "3rd IP octet: %s" % ip_split[2]
                        print "4th IP octet: %s" % ip_split[3]
                        print "Temp: %s" % temp
            active = 0 

    #This will sort the list of temperatures according to the 3rd octet of the IP and then by the
    #4th octet of the IP address. 
    sortedtemps = sorted(temps, key=itemgetter(0,1))

    host_count = len(sortedtemps)

    if(host_count == 0):
        print "No metrics found. Please ensure the parameters you have entered are correct."

    #Find unique Identifier for each rack (this will be the 3rd octet of the IP)
    rack_ID = []

    #Build a list of all rack ID's
    for node in sortedtemps:

    #eliminate duplicates by casting to a set then back to a list
    rack_ID = sorted(list(set(rack_ID)))

    #determine temp range
    nonzero_temps = []

    for node in sortedtemps:
        if node[2] != 0:

    temp_min = min(nonzero_temps)

    temp_max = max(nonzero_temps)

    #send temp range to arduino, temp range is always 3 digits
    serial_control.serialWriteWithZeroPadding(3, temp_min, ser)

    serial_control.serialWriteWithZeroPadding(3, temp_max, ser)

    print temp_min
    print temp_max

    i = 0

    for node in sortedtemps:
	   print node

    #Need a counter to start from the rack ID and count up sequentially
    dummy_rack_counter = rack_ID[0]

    #also need a separate index for the rack_ID array because it will likely have
    #a different number of elements than racks specified
    actual_rack_counter = 0

    node_index = 0

    #For each rack
    for r in range(num_racks):

        node_count = 0

        rackoffset = r * constants.handle_side_leds

        #Assuming that racks are placed from left to right with ascending third IP octet
        #Because we will not get metrics from some racks, it is possible to identify holes
        #based on the third octed of the IP 
        if(r == 0 or (i < len(sortedtemps) and r > 0 and sortedtemps[i][0] == dummy_rack_counter)):

            curr_rack = rack_ID[actual_rack_counter]
            actual_rack_counter += 1

            #Determine how many nodes are in this rack based on IP
            while(i < len(sortedtemps) and sortedtemps[i][0] == curr_rack):
                i += 1
                node_count += 1

            lower_led_count = (LEDS_PER_RACK % node_count) * (int)(LEDS_PER_RACK / node_count + 1)

            upper_led_count = (node_count - LEDS_PER_RACK % node_count) * (int)(LEDS_PER_RACK / node_count)


            while(p < LEDS_PER_RACK):

                temp = sortedtemps[node_index][2]

                #determines how many LEDS per node

                if(p < lower_led_count):
	                leds_per_node = (int)(LEDS_PER_RACK/node_count + 1)
                    leds_per_node = (int)(LEDS_PER_RACK / node_count)

                for num in range(0, leds_per_node):
                    pixel_number = (r * LEDS_PER_RACK) + p + 1

                    ##This script only sends info for 58 LEDS, real rack has 110
                    ##Thus, if we're on the second rack need to offset the pixel number to account for this
                    pixel_number = pixel_number + rackoffset

                    serial_control.serialWriteWithZeroPadding(3, temp, ser)

                    serial_control.serialWriteWithZeroPadding(3, pixel_number, ser)

                    p += 1

                node_index += 1

            print 'This will be a dummy rack and this is r: %d' % r

            while(p < 54):

                temp = random.randint(temp_min, temp_max)

                for num in range(0,2):
                    pixel_number = (r * LEDS_PER_RACK) + p + 1
                    pixel_number = pixel_number + rackoffset
                    serial_control.serialWriteWithZeroPadding(3, temp, ser)

                    serial_control.serialWriteWithZeroPadding(3, pixel_number, ser) 

                    p += 1

            temp = random.randint(temp_min, temp_max)

            for num in range(p,58):
                pixel_number = (r * LEDS_PER_RACK) + num + 1

                pixel_number = pixel_number + rackoffset

                serial_control.serialWriteWithZeroPadding(3, temp, ser)

                serial_control.serialWriteWithZeroPadding(3, pixel_number, ser)  

        dummy_rack_counter += 1