Exemplo n.º 1
def recent_updates():
    Return a list of purchases that have recently been added

    procurements = Procurement.query.filter_by(approved=True).order_by(Procurement.added_on.desc(), Procurement.procurement_id.desc()).limit(20).all()
    return serializers.queryset_to_json(procurements)
Exemplo n.º 2
def resource(resource, resource_id=None):
    Generic endpoint for resources. If an ID is specified, a single record is returned,
    otherwise a list of records is returned.

    if not api_resources.get(resource):
        raise ApiException(400, "The specified resource type does not exist.")

    if resource == "procurement":
        if g.user is None or not g.user.is_active():
            raise ApiException(401, "You need to be logged-in in order to access this resource.")

    model = api_resources[resource][0]
    model_id = api_resources[resource][1]
    include_related = False
    count, next = None, None
    if resource_id:
        include_related = True
        queryset = model.query.filter(model_id==resource_id).first()
        if queryset is None:
            raise ApiException(404, "Could not find the " + resource.upper() + " that you were looking for.")
        # validate paging parameters
        page = 0
        per_page = app.config['RESULTS_PER_PAGE']
        if flask.request.args.get('page'):
                page = int(flask.request.args.get('page'))
            except ValueError:
                raise ApiException(422, "Please specify a valid 'page'.")
        queryset = model.query.limit(per_page).offset(page*per_page).all()
        count = model.query.count()
        next = None
        if count > (page + 1) * per_page:
            next = flask.request.url_root + resource + "/?page=" + str(page+1)
    out = serializers.queryset_to_json(queryset, count=count, next=next, include_related=include_related)
    return send_api_response(out)