Exemplo n.º 1
def channel_leave(token, channel_id):
    Using a valid token, the user leaves a channel specified by 'channel_id'

    Raises errors if:
    - Channel doesn't exist
    # When channel Id is invalid
    if not channel_exists(channel_id):
        raise ValueError('Channel does not exist')

# Remove user from 'members' list in channel
# get members list (from channel_id)
    members = members_list(channel_id)

    # remove user from members list
    user_id = token_to_user(token)
    for member in members:
        if member['u_id'] == user_id:

# Remove channel from users 'channels' list
    user_info = get_userinfo(user_id)
Exemplo n.º 2
def channels_listall(token):
    The following function list all the channels
    full_list = []
    for channel in server_data.data['channels']:
        if channel['is_public']:
                'channel_id': channel['channel_id'],
                'name': channel['name']
    return full_list
Exemplo n.º 3
def channels_list(token):
    The following function creates a channel
    curr_user_id = token_to_user(token)
    channel_list = server_data.data['users'][curr_user_id]['channels']

    full_list = []
    for c_id in channel_list:
        curr_channel = server_data.data['channels'][c_id]
            'channel_id': curr_channel['channel_id'],
            'name': curr_channel['name']
    return full_list
Exemplo n.º 4
def channel_removeowner(token, channel_id, u_id):
    Using a valid token, remove a users permission as an owner in a specified channel

    Raises errors if:
    - Channel doesn't exist
    - the user is already an not an owner of that channel
    - token's user doesn't have permission to remove owners

    token_id = token_to_user(token)


    if not check_channel_member(u_id, channel_id):
        raise ValueError('Target user is not in the channel')

# User is already not an owner of that channel
    if not is_owner(u_id, channel_id):
        raise ValueError('User is already not an owner')

    curr_user_id = token_to_user(token)

    # When user is not an admin or owner, only owners can remove other owners (AccessError)
    if not is_owner(curr_user_id,
                    channel_id) and not is_slackr_admin(curr_user_id):
        raise AccessError('You do not have permission to remove this owner')

    if server_data.data['users'][u_id]['permission'] == 1:
        raise AccessError('Cannot change the permission of Slackr creator')

# Remove user permission as owner
# get members list (from channel_id)
    members = members_list(channel_id)

    # change user permission to '0'
    for member in members:
        if member['u_id'] == u_id:
            member['channel_permission'] = 0
Exemplo n.º 5
def message_sendlater(token, channel_id, message, time_sent):
    Using a valid token, the user sends a message to a channel that they are part of
    at a specific time in the future
    if not channel_exists(channel_id):
        raise ValueError(f"channel does not exist")

    if message is None:
        raise ValueError(f"No message")

    if int(time_sent) < t.time():
        raise ValueError(f"Time is in the past")


    curr_user_id = token_to_user(token)

    if not check_channel_member(curr_user_id, channel_id):
        raise AccessError(
            f"User is not part of specified channel. Please join the channel.")

    message_id = server_data.data['n_messages']
    server_data.data['n_messages'] += 1

    messages_later = server_data.messages_later

    new_message = dict()
    new_message['message_id'] = message_id
    new_message['u_id'] = curr_user_id
    new_message['message'] = message
    new_message['time_created'] = int(time_sent)
    new_message['channel_id'] = channel_id
    new_message['reacts'] = []
    new_message['is_pinned'] = False


    return message_id
Exemplo n.º 6
def channel_addowner(token, channel_id, u_id):
    Using a valid token, add a user specified by 'u_id' as an owner of a specific channel

    Raises errors if:
    - Channel doesn't exist
    - the user is already an owner of that channel
    - token's user doesn't have permission to assign owners

    token_id = token_to_user(token)


    if not check_channel_member(u_id, channel_id):
        raise ValueError('Target user is not in the channel')

# When user is not an admin or owner, only owners can add other owners (AccessError)
    if not is_owner(token_id, channel_id) and not is_slackr_admin(token_id):
        raise AccessError('You do not have permission to assign an owner')

# User is already an owner of that channel
    if is_owner(u_id, channel_id):
        raise ValueError('User is already an owner')

# Change user permission to owner
# get members list (from channel_id)
    members = members_list(channel_id)

    # change user permission to '1'
    for member in members:
        if member['u_id'] == u_id:
            member['channel_permission'] = 1
Exemplo n.º 7
def channel_join(token, channel_id):
    Using a valid token, the user joins a channel specified by 'channel_id'

    Raises errors if:
    - Channel doesn't exist
    - User tries to join a private channel
    # When channel Id is invalid
    if not channel_exists(int(channel_id)):
        raise ValueError('Channel does not exist')

# When user tries to join a private channel ( AccessError)
    if not server_data.data['channels'][int(channel_id)]['is_public']:
        raise AccessError('Channel is invite only')

    user_id = token_to_user(token)

    # Add user to channel 'members' list (channel_permission 2)
    # create a new dictionary with u_id and default channel permission
    data = {
        'u_id': user_id,
        'channel_permission': 0,

    # append this to the channel list
    members = members_list(channel_id)

    # Add channel to users 'channels' list
    # get user info
    user_info = get_userinfo(user_id)

    # add channel_id to 'channels' list