Exemplo n.º 1
    def on_close(self):
        print 'Standtask websocket connection was closed'

        print "handler_users: ", lg.handler_users
        print "activated_user: "******"lg.handler_users[self]: ", lg.handler_users[self]
        except KeyError:
            print "lg.handler_users[self]: KeyError"
        #Remove user_id from activated_user list
            #If user alredy activated. Send error to database and remove user_id from activated list
            db = dc.GetConnection()
            db.execute("UPDATE `electrolab`.`main_standtask_state` SET `error` = 1, `activate`= 0, `complete`= 0 WHERE `user_id`= {} AND `standtask_id`={} AND `activate`= 1;".format(lg.handler_users[self], user_standtask_link[self]))

        except ValueError:
            print "This user_id isn't exist in activated_user list"
        except KeyError:
            print "This user_id isn't exist in activated_user list"
            del user_standtask_link[self]
        except ValueError:
            print "Standtask was not linked with this user"
        except KeyError:
            print "Standtask was not linked with this user"

        lg.log_out("", "LogOut", "", self)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def on_close(self):
        print 'Standtask websocket connection was closed'

        print "handler_users: ", lg.handler_users
        print "activated_user: "******"lg.handler_users[self]: ", lg.handler_users[self]
        except KeyError:
            print "lg.handler_users[self]: KeyError"
        #Remove user_id from activated_user list
            #If user alredy activated. Send error to database and remove user_id from activated list
            db = dc.GetConnection()
                "UPDATE `electrolab`.`main_standtask_state` SET `error` = 1, `activate`= 0, `complete`= 0 WHERE `user_id`= {} AND `standtask_id`={} AND `activate`= 1;"
                .format(lg.handler_users[self], user_standtask_link[self]))

        except ValueError:
            print "This user_id isn't exist in activated_user list"
        except KeyError:
            print "This user_id isn't exist in activated_user list"

            del user_standtask_link[self]
        except ValueError:
            print "Standtask was not linked with this user"
        except KeyError:
            print "Standtask was not linked with this user"

        lg.log_out("", "LogOut", "", self)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def on_message(self, message):
        print 'Received message from Standtask websocket connection'
        #Parse request json package
        python_request = json.loads(message)

        #print "python_request['login']: %s" % python_request['login']
        #print "python_request['password']: %s"  % python_request['password']
        #print "python_request['request_id']: %s" % python_request['request_id']
        request_id = python_request[0]
        request_type = python_request[1]
        request_data = python_request[2]

        #session_id = user_sessions[user_name]

        #print 'Received message:  %s' % python_request

        if(request_type == "CheckConnection"):
            lg.check_connection(request_id, request_type, request_data, self)

        if(request_type == "LogIn"):
            lg.log_in(request_id, request_type, request_data, self)

        if(request_type == "LogOut"):
            #Remove user_id from activated_user list
                db = dc.GetConnection()
                db.execute("UPDATE `electrolab`.`main_standtask_state` SET `error` = 1, `activate`= 0, `complete`= 0 WHERE `user_id`= {} AND `activate`= 1;".format(lg.handler_users[self]))

            except KeyError:
                print "KeyError: This user_id isn't exist in activated_user list"
            except ValueError:
                print "ValueError: This user_id isn't exist in activated_user list"

            lg.log_out(request_id, request_type, request_data, self)

        #username = handler_users[self]
        if(request_type == "GetStudentStandtaskList"): #Using by teacher when choose student for check his ropes
            GetStudentStandtaskList(self, request_id, request_type)

        if(request_type == "GetStudentStandtask"): #Using by student automaticly, when standtask activation
            active_standtask_id = json.loads(request_data)
            print "active_standtask_info = ", active_standtask_id

            db = dc.GetConnection()
            active_standtask_state = db.get("{}{}{}".format("SELECT user_id, standtask_id, user_rope_json FROM main_standtask_state WHERE id = \'", active_standtask_id, "\';"))
            user_name = db.get("{}{}{}".format("SELECT first_name, last_name FROM auth_user WHERE id = \'", active_standtask_state['user_id'], "\';"))
            user_full_name = u"{} {}".format(user_name['first_name'], user_name['last_name'])

            active_standtask_data = db.get("{}{}{}".format("SELECT conn_json, standtask_name FROM main_standtask WHERE id = \'", active_standtask_state['standtask_id'], "\';"))
            print "active_standtask_state = ", active_standtask_state 
            print "active_standtask_data = ", active_standtask_data 

            answer_message = {'request_id' : request_id, \
                'request_type' : request_type, \
                'string_list' : [active_standtask_state['user_rope_json'], \
                                active_standtask_data['conn_json'], \
                                user_full_name, \
                'int_value' : active_standtask_state['standtask_id']}
            #get active_standtask_id from request_data
            #get user_rope_json and full_username from main_standtask_state and auth_user
            json_answer_message = json.dumps(answer_message)

            student_handler = lg.user_handlers[active_standtask_state['user_id']]
            teacher_handler = self
            user_teacher_link.update([(student_handler, teacher_handler)]) #Save Teacher's handler who requested this standtask for update later

        if(request_type == "GetSchema"): #Using by admin when checking all schemas uploading
            standtask_id = json.loads(request_data)
            db = dc.GetConnection()
            standtask = db.get("{}{}{}".format("SELECT conn_json, rope_json FROM main_standtask_data WHERE standtask_id = \'", standtask_id, "\';"))

            conn_json = standtask['conn_json']
            rope_json = standtask['rope_json']

            answer_message = {'request_id' : request_id, \
                'request_type' : request_type, \
                'string_list' : [conn_json, rope_json]}
            #get active_standtask_id from request_data
            #get user_rope_json and full_username from main_standtask_state and auth_user
            json_answer_message = json.dumps(answer_message)

        if(request_type == "UploadAllSchemas"): #Using by admin when upload all schemas to database from local files
            standtask_data = json.loads(request_data) #Unpask all standtasks from one package
            db = dc.GetConnection()
            #Remove all standtasks from database

            #db.execute("SET SQL_SAFE_UPDATES = 0; DELETE FROM main_standtask_data; ALTER TABLE main_standtask_data AUTO_INCREMENT = 1; SET SQL_SAFE_UPDATES = 1;")

            for standtask_json in standtask_data:
                standtask = json.loads(standtask_json) #Unpack one standtask from one file

                standtask_id = standtask['standtask_id']
                standtask_name = ''#standtask['standtask_name']
                #conn_json = json.dumps(standtask['conn_json'])
                #rope_json = json.dumps(standtask['rope_json'])
                conn_json = standtask['conn_json']
                rope_json = standtask['rope_json']
                #conn_json = "{}".format(json.loads(standtask['conn_json']))
                #rope_json = "{}".format(json.loads(standtask['rope_json']))

                print "\n\n\n", "conn_json = ", conn_json, "\n\n\n"
                print "rope_json = ", rope_json, "\n\n\n"

                #db.execute("INSERT INTO `electrolab`.`main_standtask_data` ('standtask_id','standtask_name','conn_json','rope_json',) \
                #VALUES(\'",standtask_id,"\', \'",standtask_name,"\', \'",conn_json,"\', \'",rope_json,"\')");
                sql_reeequest = "INSERT INTO `electrolab`.`main_standtask` (`id`,`standtask_name`,`conn_json`,`rope_json`) \
                VALUES({0}, \'\'\'{1}\'\'\', \'\'\'{2}\'\'\', \'\'\'{3}\'\'\') \
                ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `conn_json` = \'\'\'{2}\'\'\', `rope_json` = \'\'\'{3}\'\'\';".format(standtask_id, standtask_name, conn_json, rope_json)

                #sql_reeequest = "INSERT INTO `electrolab`.`main_standtask` (`id`,`standtask_name`,`conn_json`,`rope_json`) \
                #VALUES({0}, \'\'\'{1}\'\'\', {2}, {3}) \
                #ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `conn_json` = {2}, `rope_json` = {3};".format(standtask_id, standtask_name, conn_json, rope_json)

                print "\n\n\n", sql_reeequest, "\n\n\n"

                #sql_reeequest = "INSERT INTO `electrolab`.`main_standtask_data` ('standtask_id','standtask_name','conn_json','rope_json',) \
                #VALUES(\'",standtask_id,"\', \'",standtask_name,"\', \'",conn_json,"\', \'",rope_json,"\') \
                #ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `conn_json` = \'",conn_json,"\', `rope_json` = \'",rope_json,"\';".format(standtask_id, standtask_name, conn_json, rope_json)

                #ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `conn_json` = \'", str(json.loads(conn_json)[0]) ,"\', `rope_json` = \'", str(json.loads(rope_json)[0]) ,"\';")

            #db.execute("{}{}".format("INSERT INTO `electrolab`.`main_standtask_data` SET `user_rope_json`=\'", user_rope_json,"\',"\';"))
            #get request_data with standtask_id, conn_json, rope_json
            #parse to list with groups (standtask_id, conn_json, rope_json) for each standtask 
            #upload all groups to main_standtask_data, each to one row

        if(request_type == "UploadStudentRopes"): #Using by student, when new rope was fixed in some socket and need update information on server for teacher
            user_rope = json.loads(request_data)
            user_rope_json = user_rope[0]
            active_standtask_id = user_rope[1]

            print "\n\n\n", "user_rope_json = ", user_rope_json, "\n\n\n"
            print "active_standtask_id = ", active_standtask_id, "\n\n\n"

            db = dc.GetConnection()
            db.execute("UPDATE `electrolab`.`main_standtask_state` SET `user_rope_json`=\'\'\'{}\'\'\' \
                WHERE `standtask_id`={} AND `user_id`={};".format(user_rope_json, active_standtask_id, lg.handler_users[self]))

            UpdateStudentStandtaskRopes(self, user_rope_json) #Update information about ropes on teacher's side

            #get request_data with standtask_id, conn_json, rope_json
            #parse to list with groups (standtask_id, conn_json, rope_json) for each standtask 
            #upload all groups to main_standtask_data, each to one row 

        if(request_type == "SetStandtaskComplete"): #Using by student when check complete selected schema
            #activated_user.remove(active_standtask['user_id']); #FIXME. Need to add in request data, information about user_id, who completed this standtask
            #active_standtask_id = json.loads(request_data)

            print "CheckComplete message"
            #Set completed flag to 1 (true) if is_complete flag from request_data is True
                #If user alredy activated. Send error to database and remove user_id from activated list
                db = dc.GetConnection()
                db.execute("UPDATE `electrolab`.`main_standtask_state` SET `error` = 0, `activate`= 0, `complete`= 1 WHERE `user_id`= {} AND `standtask_id`={} AND `activate`= 1;".format(lg.handler_users[self], user_standtask_link[self]))

                print "Information about standtask complition was added to database"

                #Send information about standtask completion to Teacher who watch this standtask
                answer_message = {'request_id' : '', \
                    'request_type' : "StandtaskComplete"}

                json_answer_message = json.dumps(answer_message)
                except KeyError: #If Teacher didn't login yet
                    print "Teacher didn't login yet"
            except ValueError:
                print "This user_id isn't exist in activated_user list"
Exemplo n.º 4
    def on_message(self, message):
        print 'Received message from Standtask websocket connection'
        #Parse request json package
        python_request = json.loads(message)

        #print "python_request['login']: %s" % python_request['login']
        #print "python_request['password']: %s"  % python_request['password']
        #print "python_request['request_id']: %s" % python_request['request_id']
        request_id = python_request[0]
        request_type = python_request[1]
        request_data = python_request[2]

        #session_id = user_sessions[user_name]

        #print 'Received message:  %s' % python_request

        if (request_type == "CheckConnection"):
            lg.check_connection(request_id, request_type, request_data, self)

        if (request_type == "LogIn"):
            lg.log_in(request_id, request_type, request_data, self)

        if (request_type == "LogOut"):
            #Remove user_id from activated_user list
                db = dc.GetConnection()
                    "UPDATE `electrolab`.`main_standtask_state` SET `error` = 1, `activate`= 0, `complete`= 0 WHERE `user_id`= {} AND `activate`= 1;"

            except KeyError:
                print "KeyError: This user_id isn't exist in activated_user list"
            except ValueError:
                print "ValueError: This user_id isn't exist in activated_user list"

            lg.log_out(request_id, request_type, request_data, self)

        #username = handler_users[self]
        if (request_type == "GetStudentStandtaskList"
            ):  #Using by teacher when choose student for check his ropes
            GetStudentStandtaskList(self, request_id, request_type)

        if (request_type == "GetStudentStandtask"
            ):  #Using by student automaticly, when standtask activation
            active_standtask_id = json.loads(request_data)
            print "active_standtask_info = ", active_standtask_id

            db = dc.GetConnection()
            active_standtask_state = db.get("{}{}{}".format(
                "SELECT user_id, standtask_id, user_rope_json FROM main_standtask_state WHERE id = \'",
                active_standtask_id, "\';"))

            user_name = db.get("{}{}{}".format(
                "SELECT first_name, last_name FROM auth_user WHERE id = \'",
                active_standtask_state['user_id'], "\';"))
            user_full_name = u"{} {}".format(user_name['first_name'],

            active_standtask_data = db.get("{}{}{}".format(
                "SELECT conn_json, standtask_name FROM main_standtask WHERE id = \'",
                active_standtask_state['standtask_id'], "\';"))
            print "active_standtask_state = ", active_standtask_state
            print "active_standtask_data = ", active_standtask_data

            answer_message = {'request_id' : request_id, \
                'request_type' : request_type, \
                'string_list' : [active_standtask_state['user_rope_json'], \
                                active_standtask_data['conn_json'], \
                                user_full_name, \
                'int_value' : active_standtask_state['standtask_id']}
            #get active_standtask_id from request_data
            #get user_rope_json and full_username from main_standtask_state and auth_user
            json_answer_message = json.dumps(answer_message)

            student_handler = lg.user_handlers[
            teacher_handler = self
                [(student_handler, teacher_handler)]
            )  #Save Teacher's handler who requested this standtask for update later

        if (request_type == "GetSchema"
            ):  #Using by admin when checking all schemas uploading
            standtask_id = json.loads(request_data)
            db = dc.GetConnection()
            standtask = db.get("{}{}{}".format(
                "SELECT conn_json, rope_json FROM main_standtask_data WHERE standtask_id = \'",
                standtask_id, "\';"))

            conn_json = standtask['conn_json']
            rope_json = standtask['rope_json']

            answer_message = {'request_id' : request_id, \
                'request_type' : request_type, \
                'string_list' : [conn_json, rope_json]}
            #get active_standtask_id from request_data
            #get user_rope_json and full_username from main_standtask_state and auth_user
            json_answer_message = json.dumps(answer_message)

        if (
                request_type == "UploadAllSchemas"
        ):  #Using by admin when upload all schemas to database from local files
            standtask_data = json.loads(
                request_data)  #Unpask all standtasks from one package

            db = dc.GetConnection()
            #Remove all standtasks from database

            #db.execute("SET SQL_SAFE_UPDATES = 0; DELETE FROM main_standtask_data; ALTER TABLE main_standtask_data AUTO_INCREMENT = 1; SET SQL_SAFE_UPDATES = 1;")

            for standtask_json in standtask_data:

                standtask = json.loads(
                    standtask_json)  #Unpack one standtask from one file

                standtask_id = standtask['standtask_id']
                standtask_name = ''  #standtask['standtask_name']
                #conn_json = json.dumps(standtask['conn_json'])
                #rope_json = json.dumps(standtask['rope_json'])
                conn_json = standtask['conn_json']
                rope_json = standtask['rope_json']
                #conn_json = "{}".format(json.loads(standtask['conn_json']))
                #rope_json = "{}".format(json.loads(standtask['rope_json']))

                print "\n\n\n", "conn_json = ", conn_json, "\n\n\n"
                print "rope_json = ", rope_json, "\n\n\n"

                #db.execute("INSERT INTO `electrolab`.`main_standtask_data` ('standtask_id','standtask_name','conn_json','rope_json',) \
                #VALUES(\'",standtask_id,"\', \'",standtask_name,"\', \'",conn_json,"\', \'",rope_json,"\')");

                sql_reeequest = "INSERT INTO `electrolab`.`main_standtask` (`id`,`standtask_name`,`conn_json`,`rope_json`) \
                VALUES({0}, \'\'\'{1}\'\'\', \'\'\'{2}\'\'\', \'\'\'{3}\'\'\') \
                ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `conn_json` = \'\'\'{2}\'\'\', `rope_json` = \'\'\'{3}\'\'\';".format(
                    standtask_id, standtask_name, conn_json, rope_json)

                #sql_reeequest = "INSERT INTO `electrolab`.`main_standtask` (`id`,`standtask_name`,`conn_json`,`rope_json`) \
                #VALUES({0}, \'\'\'{1}\'\'\', {2}, {3}) \
                #ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `conn_json` = {2}, `rope_json` = {3};".format(standtask_id, standtask_name, conn_json, rope_json)

                print "\n\n\n", sql_reeequest, "\n\n\n"

                #sql_reeequest = "INSERT INTO `electrolab`.`main_standtask_data` ('standtask_id','standtask_name','conn_json','rope_json',) \
                #VALUES(\'",standtask_id,"\', \'",standtask_name,"\', \'",conn_json,"\', \'",rope_json,"\') \
                #ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `conn_json` = \'",conn_json,"\', `rope_json` = \'",rope_json,"\';".format(standtask_id, standtask_name, conn_json, rope_json)

                #ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `conn_json` = \'", str(json.loads(conn_json)[0]) ,"\', `rope_json` = \'", str(json.loads(rope_json)[0]) ,"\';")

            #db.execute("{}{}".format("INSERT INTO `electrolab`.`main_standtask_data` SET `user_rope_json`=\'", user_rope_json,"\',"\';"))
            #get request_data with standtask_id, conn_json, rope_json
            #parse to list with groups (standtask_id, conn_json, rope_json) for each standtask
            #upload all groups to main_standtask_data, each to one row

        if (
                request_type == "UploadStudentRopes"
        ):  #Using by student, when new rope was fixed in some socket and need update information on server for teacher
            user_rope = json.loads(request_data)

            user_rope_json = user_rope[0]
            active_standtask_id = user_rope[1]

            print "\n\n\n", "user_rope_json = ", user_rope_json, "\n\n\n"
            print "active_standtask_id = ", active_standtask_id, "\n\n\n"

            db = dc.GetConnection()
                "UPDATE `electrolab`.`main_standtask_state` SET `user_rope_json`=\'\'\'{}\'\'\' \
                WHERE `standtask_id`={} AND `user_id`={};".format(
                    user_rope_json, active_standtask_id,

                self, user_rope_json
            )  #Update information about ropes on teacher's side

            #get request_data with standtask_id, conn_json, rope_json
            #parse to list with groups (standtask_id, conn_json, rope_json) for each standtask
            #upload all groups to main_standtask_data, each to one row

        if (request_type == "SetStandtaskComplete"
            ):  #Using by student when check complete selected schema
            #activated_user.remove(active_standtask['user_id']); #FIXME. Need to add in request data, information about user_id, who completed this standtask
            #active_standtask_id = json.loads(request_data)

            print "CheckComplete message"
            #Set completed flag to 1 (true) if is_complete flag from request_data is True
                #If user alredy activated. Send error to database and remove user_id from activated list
                db = dc.GetConnection()
                    "UPDATE `electrolab`.`main_standtask_state` SET `error` = 0, `activate`= 0, `complete`= 1 WHERE `user_id`= {} AND `standtask_id`={} AND `activate`= 1;"
                    .format(lg.handler_users[self], user_standtask_link[self]))

                print "Information about standtask complition was added to database"

                #Send information about standtask completion to Teacher who watch this standtask
                answer_message = {'request_id' : '', \
                    'request_type' : "StandtaskComplete"}

                json_answer_message = json.dumps(answer_message)
                except KeyError:  #If Teacher didn't login yet
                    print "Teacher didn't login yet"
            except ValueError:
                print "This user_id isn't exist in activated_user list"