def StartEvolution( self, name, date, type, description, flag, num_population, num_robots, num_levels, num_gen, block_size, gen_threshold, actual_gen, player, mutation, cross, wrld, ): # ATENCAO!! Deve existir pelo menos 1 GameWorld # depois arrumo essa verificacao no script do banco, mas agora PRECISA ser assim # get World config gameworld = GameWorld.objects.get(id=wrld) my_world = World(gameworld.m, gameworld.n) my_world.MaxArea(gameworld.max_areas) my_world.MaxUnits(gameworld.max_units) my_world.Production(gameworld.prod_unit0, gameworld.prod_unit1) my_world.Costs(gameworld.cost_gateway, gameworld.cost_unit0, gameworld.cost_unit1) for area in Area.objects.all().filter( my_world.CreateArea(area.x, area.y, area.length) # declare Genetic Algorithm for the problem ga = GA(my_world, cross, mutation, num_gen, num_population) pareto = tools.ParetoFront() pop = [] # create a new exp now = exp = Experiment( world=gameworld, name=name, date=date, block_size=block_size, start=now, type=type, description=description, flag=flag, actual_gen=actual_gen, CXPB=cross, MUTPB=mutation, NGEN=num_gen, NPOP=num_population, num_robots=num_robots, numLevels=num_levels, gen_threshold=gen_threshold, numMinPlayers=player, time_elapsed_end=0, ) # set NEW Population pop = ga.SetPopulation() # set block for the generation block table num_block = 1 # set FITNESS to the entire population fitnesses = ga.GetFitness(pop) ga.AttachFitness(pop, fitnesses) # assign the crowding distance to the individuals ga.SetCrowdingDistance(pop) # discover again the LAST Pareto pareto.update(pop) # loop for BLOCK generations for i in range(1, exp.block_size): # Select the next generation individuals # ga.Selection(pop, my_world) ga.NSGASelection(pop, my_world) pareto.update(pop) # update actual generations with block_size exp.actual_gen += exp.block_size # save Generations Block gen = Generation(experiment=exp, block=num_block, comparisons="to be collected") # save population and Front into database with transaction.atomic(): count = 1 for ind in pop: population = Population(generation=gen, chromosome=str(ind[0]), index=count) count += 1 count = 1 for ind in pareto: pfront = PFront(generation=gen, chromosome=str(ind[0]), index=count) count += 1 # set the next status according the number of generations if exp.actual_gen >= exp.NGEN: exp.flag = "F" else: exp.flag = "R" # run robots self.RunRobots(exp, num_block, ga, my_world) return exp
def ContinueEvolution(self): # get last ID of the Experiment exp = Experiment.objects.latest("id") # ATENCAO!! Deve existir pelo menos 1 GameWorld # depois arrumo essa verificacao no script do banco, mas agora PRECISA ser assim # inclusive fixei HARDCODE que sera esse mundo apenas # get World config gameworld = GameWorld.objects.get(id=1) ###HARDCODE my_world = World(gameworld.m, gameworld.n) my_world.MaxArea(gameworld.max_areas) my_world.MaxUnits(gameworld.max_units) my_world.Production(gameworld.prod_unit0, gameworld.prod_unit1) my_world.Costs(gameworld.cost_gateway, gameworld.cost_unit0, gameworld.cost_unit1) for area in Area.objects.all().filter( my_world.CreateArea(area.x, area.y, area.length) # declare Genetic Algorithm for the problem ga = GA(my_world, exp.CXPB, exp.MUTPB, exp.NGEN, exp.NPOP) pareto = tools.ParetoFront() pop = [] # check if it is START or CONTINUE evolution - must know if I will create a new experiment or use the one received # if F then start NEW # if exp.flag=='F': # # #create a new exp # # exp = Experiment(world=gameworld, name='Bangkok experimento ' + now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), date=now, block_size=10, # flag='W', actual_gen=0, keep_interaction=True, CXPB=0.3, MUTPB=0.1, NGEN=200, NPOP=300) # # # # #set NEW Population # pop=ga.SetPopulation() # # # #set block for the generation block table # num_block=1 # # else: # number of the next block of generations gen = Generation.objects.latest("id") num_block = gen.block + 1 # fake population pop = ga.SetPopulationFake(my_world) # get the LAST Population count = 0 for ind in Population.objects.all().filter( pop[count][0] = literal_eval(ind.chromosome) count += 1 ###### EM ######## # set FITNESS to the entire population fitnesses = ga.GetFitness(pop) ga.AttachFitness(pop, fitnesses) # assign the crowding distance to the individuals ga.SetCrowdingDistance(pop) # discover again the LAST Pareto pareto.update(pop) # if exp.actual_gen + exp.block_size <= exp.gen_threshold and num_block <= exp.numLevels: loop = exp.block_size else: loop = exp.NGEN - exp.actual_gen # loop for BLOCK generations for i in range(1, loop): # Select the next generation individuals # ga.Selection(pop, my_world) ga.NSGASelection(pop, my_world) pareto.update(pop) # update actual generations with block_size exp.actual_gen += loop # save Generations Block gen = Generation(experiment=exp, block=num_block, comparisons="to be collected") # save population and Front into database with transaction.atomic(): count = 1 for ind in pop: population = Population(generation=gen, chromosome=str(ind[0]), index=count) count += 1 count = 1 for ind in pareto: pfront = PFront(generation=gen, chromosome=str(ind[0]), index=count) count += 1 # set the next status according the number of generations if exp.actual_gen >= exp.NGEN: exp.flag = "F" else: exp.flag = "R" # run robots self.RunRobots(exp, num_block, ga, my_world)