Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: port.py Projeto: tarr43/m-t-p
    def importAuto(cls, string, path=None, activeFit=None, iportuser=None):
        # type: (Port, str, str, object, IPortUser) -> object
        # Get first line and strip space symbols of it to avoid possible detection errors
        firstLine = re.split("[\n\r]+", string.strip(), maxsplit=1)[0]
        firstLine = firstLine.strip()

        # If XML-style start of tag encountered, detect as XML
        if re.search(RE_XML_START, firstLine):
            return "XML", cls.importXml(string, iportuser)

        # If JSON-style start, parse as CREST/JSON
        if firstLine[0] == '{':
            return "JSON", (cls.importESI(string), )

        # If we've got source file name which is used to describe ship name
        # and first line contains something like [setup name], detect as eft config file
        if re.match("\[.*\]", firstLine) and path is not None:
            filename = os.path.split(path)[1]
            shipName = filename.rsplit('.')[0]
            return "EFT Config", cls.importEftCfg(shipName, string, iportuser)

        # If no file is specified and there's comma between brackets,
        # consider that we have [ship, setup name] and detect like eft export format
        if re.match("\[.*,.*\]", firstLine):
            return "EFT", (cls.importEft(string), )

        # Check if string is in DNA format
        if re.match("\d+(:\d+(;\d+))*::", firstLine):
            return "DNA", (cls.importDna(string), )

        # Assume that we import stand-alone abyssal module if all else fails
            return "MutatedItem", (parseMutant(string.split("\n")), )
Exemplo n.º 2
    def importAuto(cls, string, path=None, activeFit=None, iportuser=None):
        # type: (Port, str, str, object, IPortUser) -> object
        lines = string.splitlines()
        # Get first line and strip space symbols of it to avoid possible detection errors
        firstLine = ''
        for line in lines:
            line = line.strip()
            if line:
                firstLine = line

        # If XML-style start of tag encountered, detect as XML
        if re.search(RE_XML_START, firstLine):
            return "XML", cls.importXml(string, iportuser)

        # If JSON-style start, parse as CREST/JSON
        if firstLine[0] == '{':
            return "JSON", (cls.importESI(string), )

        # If we've got source file name which is used to describe ship name
        # and first line contains something like [setup name], detect as eft config file
        if re.match("\[.*\]", firstLine) and path is not None:
            filename = os.path.split(path)[1]
            shipName = filename.rsplit('.')[0]
            return "EFT Config", cls.importEftCfg(shipName, lines, iportuser)

        # If no file is specified and there's comma between brackets,
        # consider that we have [ship, setup name] and detect like eft export format
        if re.match("\[.*,.*\]", firstLine):
            return "EFT", (cls.importEft(lines), )

        # Check if string is in DNA format
        dnaPattern = "\d+(:\d+(;\d+))*::"
        if re.match(dnaPattern, firstLine):
            return "DNA", (cls.importDna(string), )
        dnaChatPattern = "<url=fitting:(?P<dna>{})>(?P<fitName>[^<>]+)</url>".format(
        m = re.search(dnaChatPattern, firstLine)
        if m:
            return "DNA", (cls.importDna(m.group("dna"),
                                         fitName=m.group("fitName")), )

        # Assume that we import stand-alone abyssal module if all else fails
        if activeFit is not None:
                return "MutatedItem", (parseMutant(lines), )
Exemplo n.º 3
    def importAuto(cls, string, path=None, activeFit=None, iportuser=None):
        # type: (Port, str, str, object, IPortUser) -> object
        lines = string.splitlines()
        # Get first line and strip space symbols of it to avoid possible detection errors
        firstLine = ''
        for line in lines:
            line = line.strip()
            if line:
                firstLine = line

        # If XML-style start of tag encountered, detect as XML
        if re.search(RE_XML_START, firstLine):
            return "XML", cls.importXml(string, iportuser)

        # If JSON-style start, parse as CREST/JSON
        if firstLine[0] == '{':
            return "JSON", (cls.importESI(string),)

        # If we've got source file name which is used to describe ship name
        # and first line contains something like [setup name], detect as eft config file
        if re.match("\[.*\]", firstLine) and path is not None:
            filename = os.path.split(path)[1]
            shipName = filename.rsplit('.')[0]
            return "EFT Config", cls.importEftCfg(shipName, lines, iportuser)

        # If no file is specified and there's comma between brackets,
        # consider that we have [ship, setup name] and detect like eft export format
        if re.match("\[.*,.*\]", firstLine):
            return "EFT", (cls.importEft(lines),)

        # Check if string is in DNA format
        dnaPattern = "\d+(:\d+(;\d+))*::"
        if re.match(dnaPattern, firstLine):
            return "DNA", (cls.importDna(string),)
        dnaChatPattern = "<url=fitting:(?P<dna>{})>(?P<fitName>[^<>]+)</url>".format(dnaPattern)
        m = re.search(dnaChatPattern, firstLine)
        if m:
            return "DNA", (cls.importDna(m.group("dna"), fitName=m.group("fitName")),)

        # Assume that we import stand-alone abyssal module if all else fails
        if activeFit is not None:
                return "MutatedItem", (parseMutant(lines),)
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: eft.py Projeto: zzwpower/Pyfa
def _importGetMutationData(lines):
    data = {}
    # Format: {ref: [lines]}
    mutaLinesMap = {}
    currentMutaRef = None
    currentMutaLines = []
    consumedIndices = set()

    def completeMutaLines():
        if currentMutaRef is not None and currentMutaLines:
            mutaLinesMap[currentMutaRef] = currentMutaLines

    for i, line in enumerate(lines):
        m = mutantHeaderPattern.match(line)
        # Start and reset at header line
        if m:
            currentMutaRef = int(m.group('ref'))
            currentMutaLines = []
        # Reset at blank line
        elif not line:
            currentMutaRef = None
            currentMutaLines = []
        elif currentMutaRef is not None:
    # Clear mutant info from source
    for i in sorted(consumedIndices, reverse=True):
        del lines[i]
    # Run parsing
    data = {}
    for ref, mutaLines in mutaLinesMap.items():
        _, mutaType, mutaAttrs = parseMutant(mutaLines)
        data[ref] = (mutaType, mutaAttrs)
    return data
Exemplo n.º 5
def _importGetMutationData(lines):
    data = {}
    # Format: {ref: [lines]}
    mutaLinesMap = {}
    currentMutaRef = None
    currentMutaLines = []
    consumedIndices = set()

    def completeMutaLines():
        if currentMutaRef is not None and currentMutaLines:
            mutaLinesMap[currentMutaRef] = currentMutaLines

    for i, line in enumerate(lines):
        m = mutantHeaderPattern.match(line)
        # Start and reset at header line
        if m:
            currentMutaRef = int(m.group('ref'))
            currentMutaLines = []
        # Reset at blank line
        elif not line:
            currentMutaRef = None
            currentMutaLines = []
        elif currentMutaRef is not None:
    # Clear mutant info from source
    for i in sorted(consumedIndices, reverse=True):
        del lines[i]
    # Run parsing
    data = {}
    for ref, mutaLines in mutaLinesMap.items():
        _, mutaType, mutaAttrs = parseMutant(mutaLines)
        data[ref] = (mutaType, mutaAttrs)
    return data
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: port.py Projeto: molbal/Pyfa
    def importAuto(cls, string, path=None, activeFit=None, iportuser=None):
        # type: (Port, str, str, object, IPortUser) -> object
        lines = string.splitlines()
        # Get first line and strip space symbols of it to avoid possible detection errors
        firstLine = ''
        for line in lines:
            line = line.strip()
            if line:
                firstLine = line

        # If XML-style start of tag encountered, detect as XML
        if re.search(RE_XML_START, firstLine):
            return "XML", True, cls.importXml(string, iportuser)

        # If JSON-style start, parse as CREST/JSON
        if firstLine[0] == '{':
            return "JSON", True, (cls.importESI(string),)

        # If we've got source file name which is used to describe ship name
        # and first line contains something like [setup name], detect as eft config file
        if re.match("\[.*\]", firstLine) and path is not None:
            filename = os.path.split(path)[1]
            shipName = filename.rsplit('.')[0]
            return "EFT Config", True, cls.importEftCfg(shipName, lines, iportuser)

        # If no file is specified and there's comma between brackets,
        # consider that we have [ship, setup name] and detect like eft export format
        if re.match("\[.*,.*\]", firstLine):
            return "EFT", True, (cls.importEft(lines),)

        # Check if string is in DNA format
        dnaPattern = "\d+(:\d+(;\d+))*::"
        if re.match(dnaPattern, firstLine):
            return "DNA", True, (cls.importDna(string),)
        dnaChatPattern = "<url=fitting:(?P<dna>{})>(?P<fitName>[^<>]+)</url>".format(dnaPattern)
        m = re.search(dnaChatPattern, firstLine)
        if m:
            return "DNA", True, (cls.importDna(m.group("dna"), fitName=m.group("fitName")),)
        m = re.search(r"DNA:(?P<dna>\d+(:\d+(\*\d+)?)*)", firstLine)
        if m:
            return "DNA", True, (cls.importDnaAlt(m.group("dna")),)

        if activeFit is not None:

            # Try to import mutated item from network
            dynData = parseDynamicItemString(string)
            if dynData is not None:
                itemData = fetchDynamicItem(dynData)
                if itemData is not None:
                    baseItem, mutaplasmidItem, mutations = itemData
                    return "FittingItem", False, ((baseItem, mutaplasmidItem, mutations),)

            # Try to import mutated module
                baseItem, mutaplasmidItem, mutations = parseMutant(lines)
            except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
                if baseItem is not None:
                    return "FittingItem", False, ((baseItem, mutaplasmidItem, mutations),)
            # Try to import into one of additions panels
            isDrone, droneData = isValidDroneImport(string)
            if isDrone:
                return "AdditionsDrones", False, (droneData,)
            isFighter, fighterData = isValidFighterImport(string)
            if isFighter:
                return "AdditionsFighters", False, (fighterData,)
            isImplant, implantData = isValidImplantImport(string)
            if isImplant:
                return "AdditionsImplants", False, (implantData,)
            isBooster, boosterData = isValidBoosterImport(string)
            if isBooster:
                return "AdditionsBoosters", False, (boosterData,)
            isCargo, cargoData = isValidCargoImport(string)
            if isCargo:
                return "AdditionsCargo", False, (cargoData,)