Exemplo n.º 1
def cal_cpu_cores(vnf_type, data_size, ddl, other_vnf_pro_times, ddl_type):
    if vnf_type.value[1] == 0:  # single thread
        return 1
    max_time = ddl - math.ceil(sum(other_vnf_pro_times))
    logging.info("1: Max time left after previous procedures: " +
    max_time -= vle.VirtualMachine.boot_time  # Consider the boot time
    logging.info("2: Max time left after boot a VM: " + str(max_time))
    max_time -= service_chain.NetworkFunction(
        vnf_type, 0).install_time  # consider the install time of a VNF
    logging.info("3: Max time left after installing an instance: " +
    max_time -= math.ceil(data_size / ni.trans_cap /
                          ni.global_TS)  # consider the egress latency
    logging.info("4: Max time left after transmitting to dst: " +
    if ddl_type == 'fixed':
        max_time = max_time * 0.5
        logging.info("MMMMax time 5: " + str(max_time))
    if max_time <= 0:
            "**cal_cpu_cores: Request will be blocked due to latency requirement, passed time:"
            + str(sum(other_vnf_pro_times)) + "DDL:" + str(ddl))
        return -1
    result = math.ceil(data_size / vnf_type.value[2] /
                       (max_time * ni.global_TS))
    if result <= ni.max_cpu_cores:
        if result == 0:
            result = 1
        return result
        return -1
Exemplo n.º 2
def find_nearest_vnf_in_other_zone(vnf_type, data_base, req, est_time):
    vms = data_base.get_vms_w_vnf(vnf_type)
    data_base.check_vms_at_time(vms, vnf_type, est_time[vnf_type])
    short_dis = float('inf')
    near_vm = None
    for vm in vms:
        install_time = 0
        if not vm.host_vnf(vnf_type):
            install_time += service_chain.NetworkFunction(vnf_type,
        process_time = math.ceil(
            req.data_size / (vm.cpu_cores * vnf_type.value[2]) / ni.global_TS)
        actual_start = vm.get_next_ava_time()
        if actual_start < est_time[vnf_type]:
            actual_start = est_time[vnf_type]
        pro_latency = data_base.propagation_latency(vm.location, req.dst)
        temp_ddl = req.deadline
        if req.ddl_type == data_base.tf_gen.ddl_type_list[1]:  # variable ddl
            temp_ddl = req.deadline[1]
        if actual_start + process_time + install_time + math.ceil(req.data_size / ni.trans_cap / ni.global_TS) \
                + pro_latency < temp_ddl + req.arr_time:
            if data_base.network.get_shortest_dis(req.src,
                                                  vm.location) < short_dis:
                near_vm = vm
                short_dis = data_base.network.get_shortest_dis(
                    req.src, vm.location)
    return near_vm
Exemplo n.º 3
 def update_vm_w_vnf(self, vnf_type, vm, data_size, start_time):
     vnf = service_chain.NetworkFunction(vnf_type, self.vnf_idle_length[vnf_type])
     # print("SSS:", vnf.name, "IDLE Len:", vnf.idle_length)
     use_time = self.estimate_vm_alive_length(vnf, data_size, vm.cpu_cores)
     processing_time = use_time - vnf.idle_length - vnf.install_time
     start_process_vnf = vm.available_time
     if start_process_vnf < start_time:
         start_process_vnf = start_time
     # if vm has already hosted such a VNF:
     if not vm.host_vnf(vnf_type):
         self.install_vnf_to_vm(vnf, processing_time, vm, start_process_vnf + vnf.install_time)
     # return the value cost in the VNF, including processing time and install time
         return vnf.process_time, vnf.start_time
     # else, no need for installation
         self.install_vnf_to_vm(vnf, processing_time, vm, start_process_vnf)
         return vnf.process_time, vnf.start_time
Exemplo n.º 4
def check_vms_for_vnf(vms, vnf_type, req, vnf_start_time, data_base):
    if not vms:
        return None
    # below is for the case that 'vms' is a vm, not a list of vms
    if not isinstance(vms, list):
        new_vms = []
        vms = new_vms
    cand_vms = []
    if vnf_type.value[1] == 0:  # single thread
        for vm in vms:
            if vm.cpu_cores == 1:
                return vm
        for vm in vms:
            install_time = 0
            # if the vm has already installed such a vnf, no installation is needed
            if not vm.host_vnf(vnf_type):
                install_time += service_chain.NetworkFunction(vnf_type,
            process_time = math.ceil(req.data_size /
                                     (vm.cpu_cores * vnf_type.value[2]) /
            # if the estimated start processing time of a VNF plus processing time and install time is less than the
            # required finish time, then the VM is possible to be qualified. But, because the actual start processing
            # time might be later than the value of 'est_time[vnf_type]', the actual consumed time is still longer than
            # the DDL requirement. To minimize the case, the transmission latency (from last VM's location to dst node)
            # is considered
            actual_start = vm.get_next_ava_time()
            if actual_start < vnf_start_time:
                actual_start = vnf_start_time
            pro_latency = data_base.propagation_latency(vm.location, req.dst)
            temp_ddl = req.deadline
            if req.ddl_type == data_base.tf_gen.ddl_type_list[1]:  # variable
                temp_ddl = req.deadline[1]
            if actual_start + process_time + install_time + math.ceil(req.data_size / ni.trans_cap / ni.global_TS)\
                    + pro_latency < temp_ddl + req.arr_time:
    final_vm = None
    cpu_cores = 0
    for vm in cand_vms:
        if cpu_cores < vm.cpu_cores:
            cpu_cores = vm.cpu_cores
            final_vm = vm
    return final_vm
Exemplo n.º 5
def create_vm_for_vnf(data_base, index, vnf_type, req_vnfs, req, est_time,
                      other_vnf_pro_times, cand_dc):
    temp_ddl = req.deadline
    if req.ddl_type == data_base.tf_gen.ddl_type_list[1]:  # variable
        temp_ddl = req.deadline[1]
    cpu_core = cal_cpu_cores(vnf_type, req.data_size, temp_ddl,
                             other_vnf_pro_times, req.ddl_type)
    logging.info("CPU_required: " + str(cpu_core))
    if cpu_core == -1:
        data_base.store_latency(req, float('inf'))
        return None
    if len(data_base.vms) > data_base.max_vms_online:
        data_base.store_latency(req, float('inf'))
        return None
    # below, is for the case that we start a VM before the data arrives it, to minimize the latency
    extra_time = 0
    extra_time += vle.VirtualMachine.boot_time + service_chain.NetworkFunction(
        vnf_type, 0).install_time
    if extra_time >= est_time[vnf_type]:
        extra_time = est_time[vnf_type]
    (process_t, start_t,
     new_vm) = data_base.start_new_vm(est_time[vnf_type] - extra_time,
                                      cpu_core, cand_dc, vnf_type,
    # # if it is the first vnf, there is a propagation latency and transmission latency from the src to the vm location
    # if index == 0:
    #     pro_latency = data_base.propagation_latency(req.src, )
    # now, update time
    # print("pro:", process_t, "start_t:", start_t)
    if index < len(req_vnfs) - 1:
        next_vnf = req_vnfs[index + 1]
        est_time[next_vnf] = start_t + process_t
        other_vnf_pro_times.append(process_t + start_t - est_time[vnf_type])
    elif index == len(req_vnfs) - 1:
        latency = start_t + process_t - req.arr_time
        # there are transmission latency and propagation latency from the last vm location to the dst node
        (trans_latency, pro_latency,
         fee) = data_base.internet_latency_fee(req.data_size, new_vm.location,
        latency += pro_latency + trans_latency
        data_base.req_trans_fee[req] += fee
        # print("XXXX", latency)
        data_base.store_latency(req, latency)
    return new_vm
Exemplo n.º 6
 def start_new_vm(self, start_time, cpu, location, vnf_type, data_size):
     logging.debug("SS" + str(vnf_type) + "IDLE LENGTH:" + str(self.vnf_idle_length[vnf_type]))
     vnf = service_chain.NetworkFunction(vnf_type, self.vnf_idle_length[vnf_type])
     use_time = self.estimate_vm_alive_length(vnf, data_size, cpu)
     processing_time = use_time - vnf.idle_length - vnf.install_time
     vm = self._start_new_vm(start_time, use_time, cpu, location)
     # print("XXXXXX", start_time, use_time)
     # print("Start a new VM:", vm)
     self.install_vnf_to_vm(vnf, processing_time, vm, start_time + vm.boot_time + vnf.install_time)
     # print(vm)
     # print("[VNF: " + str(vnf_type.value[0]) + ", VM: " + str(vm.index) + ", VNF processing time: " +
     #       str(processing_time) + ", Actually total use time:" + str(use_time) + "]")
     timer = threading.Timer((vm.end_time - start_time) * ni.global_TS * self.tf_gen.control_factor, self._end_vm, args=(vm,))
     # timer = threading.Thread(target=self._end_vm, args=(vm,))
     # time.sleep((end_time - start_time) * ni.global_TS)
     # t.join()
     # return an actual delay for the vnf, and the start process time for vnf
     return vnf.process_time, vnf.start_time, vm