Exemplo n.º 1
def setpot(pot, evvariables, evidstates):
    #FIXME: data format needed to be unified
    vars = pot.variables
    #vars = np.array(pot.variables) # convert to ndarray format
    #evariables = np.array(evvariables)
    # convert to ndarray format
    #evidstates = np.array(evidstates) # convert to ndarray format
    #print "variables:", vars
    table = pot.table
    nstates = pot.card
    #print "number of states:", nstates
    #print "vars:", vars
    #print "evvariables:", evvariables
    intersection, iv, iev = intersect(vars, evvariables)
    #iv = np.array(iv)
    #iev = np.array(iev)
    #print "intersection:", intersection
    #print "iv:", iv
    #print "iev:", iev
    #print "iv type:", type(iv)
    #print "number of intersection:", intersection.size
    if intersection.size == 0:
        newpot = copy.copy(pot)
        newvar = setminus(vars, intersection)
        dummy, idx = ismember(newvar, vars)
        newns = nstates[idx]
        newpot = potential()
        newpot.variables = newvar
        newpot.card = newns
        newpot.table = np.zeros(newns)
        #print "idx:", idx
        #print "iv:", iv
        for i in range(np.prod(newns)):
            newassign = IndexToAssignment(i, newns)
            oldassign = np.zeros(nstates.size, 'int8')
            oldassign[idx] = newassign
            oldassign[iv] = evidstates
            #print "newpot.table.shape:", newpot.table.shape
            #print "newassign:", newassign
            #print "newassign type:", type(newassign)
            newpot.table[tuple(newassign)] = pot.table[tuple(oldassign)]

    return newpot
Exemplo n.º 2
def setpot(pot, evvariables, evidstates):
    #FIXME: data format needed to be unified
    vars = pot.variables
    #vars = np.array(pot.variables) # convert to ndarray format
    #evariables = np.array(evvariables)
    # convert to ndarray format
    #evidstates = np.array(evidstates) # convert to ndarray format
    #print "variables:", vars
    table = pot.table
    nstates = pot.card
    #print "number of states:", nstates
    #print "vars:", vars
    #print "evvariables:", evvariables
    intersection, iv, iev = intersect(vars, evvariables)
    #iv = np.array(iv)
    #iev = np.array(iev)
    #print "intersection:", intersection
    #print "iv:", iv
    #print "iev:", iev
    #print "iv type:", type(iv)
    #print "number of intersection:", intersection.size
    if intersection.size == 0:
        newpot = copy.copy(pot)
        newvar = setminus(vars, intersection)
        dummy, idx = ismember(newvar, vars)
        newns = nstates[idx]
        newpot = potential()
        newpot.variables = newvar
        newpot.card = newns
        newpot.table = np.zeros(newns)
        #print "idx:", idx
        #print "iv:", iv
        for i in range(np.prod(newns)):
            newassign = IndexToAssignment(i, newns)
            oldassign = np.zeros(nstates.size, 'int8')
            oldassign[idx] = newassign
            oldassign[iv] = evidstates
            #print "newpot.table.shape:", newpot.table.shape
            #print "newassign:", newassign
            #print "newassign type:", type(newassign)
            newpot.table[tuple(newassign)] = pot.table[tuple(oldassign)]

    return newpot
Exemplo n.º 3
def condpot(pot, varargin):
    #FIXME: only 1 varargin supported , use *arg in further development
    newpot = potential()
    y = []
    x = varargin
    #print "pot.variables:", pot.variables
    #print "pot.table: \n", pot.table
    #print "x:", x
    #print "pot.variables:", pot.variables
    # convert variable to idx (not consistent in Python other than MATLAB)
    intersection, ix, ipot = intersect(x, pot.variables)
    #print "intersection=", intersection
    newpot.variables = intersection
    #print "pot.variables:", pot.variables
    FULL_axis = np.arange(pot.variables.size)
    #print pot.variables
    #print intersection
    axis_intersection = ipot
    other_axis = setminus(FULL_axis, axis_intersection)
    #print "axis_intersection=", axis_intersection
    #print "other_axis=", other_axis
    #print "Full_axis:", FULL_axis
    #print "other_axis:", other_axis
    newpot.table = np.apply_over_axes(np.sum, pot.table, other_axis)
    #print "newpot.variables:", newpot.variables
    #print "newpot.table: \n", newpot.table

    SUM = potential()
    SUM.variables = np.array([])
    SUM.table = np.sum(newpot.table)
    #print "newpot.table:", newpot.table
    #print "SUM.table:", SUM.table
    newpot = newpot / SUM

    return newpot
Exemplo n.º 4
def condpot(pot,varargin):
#FIXME: only 1 varargin supported , use *arg in further development
	newpot = potential()
	y = []
	x = varargin
	#print "pot.variables:", pot.variables
	#print "pot.table: \n", pot.table
	#print "x:", x
	#print "pot.variables:", pot.variables
# convert variable to idx (not consistent in Python other than MATLAB)
	intersection, ix, ipot = intersect(x, pot.variables)
	#print "intersection=", intersection
	newpot.variables = intersection
        #print "pot.variables:", pot.variables
	FULL_axis = np.arange(pot.variables.size)
        #print pot.variables
        #print intersection
	axis_intersection = ipot
	other_axis = setminus(FULL_axis,axis_intersection)
	#print "axis_intersection=", axis_intersection
	#print "other_axis=", other_axis
        #print "Full_axis:", FULL_axis
        #print "other_axis:", other_axis
        newpot.table = np.apply_over_axes(np.sum, pot.table, other_axis)
	#print "newpot.variables:", newpot.variables
	#print "newpot.table: \n", newpot.table
	SUM = potential()
	SUM.variables = np.array([])
	SUM.table = np.sum(newpot.table)
        #print "newpot.table:", newpot.table
        #print "SUM.table:", SUM.table
	newpot = newpot/SUM
	return newpot