def got_hit(self, enemy): """Called on collision with enemy.""" if not self.hit_state: damage = max(enemy.attack, 1) = max( - damage, 0) self.hit_state = tools.Timer(50, 10) knock_dir = self.get_collision_direction(enemy) self.knock_state = (knock_dir, tools.Timer(100, 1))
def reset_timer(self): """ This timer is reset every time the player leaves the screen to prevent projectiles from syncronizing. """ self.timer = tools.Timer(self.speed) self.timer.check_tick(pg.time.get_ticks())
def startup(self, now, persistant): self.persist = persistant self.start_time = now self.timer = tools.Timer(DELAY_UNTIL_SCROLL, 1) self.timer.check_tick(now) self.scrolling = False self.elements = self.make_elements() self.star_field.reset()
def __init__(self, *groups): player.Player.__init__(self, prepare.DEFAULT_PLAYER, *groups) self.inventory = equips.make_equips() self.speed = 3.5 self.dancing = False self.done_dancing = False self.dance_timer = tools.Timer(1000, 1) self.prepare()
def __init__(self): status_machine.State.__init__(self) = "SELECT" self.timer = tools.Timer(300) self.blink = False msg_center = (prepare.SCREEN_RECT.centerx, 630) self.ne_key = self.render_font(FONT_BIG, "Press Any Key", pg.Color("white"), msg_center)
def __init__(self, *groups): pg.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self, *groups) self.raw_image = render_font("Fixedsys500c", 30, "Are You Sure? Press (Y/N)", (255, 255, 0)) self.null_image = pg.Surface((1, 1)).convert_alpha() self.null_image.fill((0, 0, 0, 0)) self.image = self.raw_image center = (prepare.SCREEN_RECT.centerx, 650) self.rect = self.image.get_rect(center=center) self.blink = False self.timer = tools.Timer(200)
def dance(self, now): if not (self.done_dancing or self.dancing) and 100 < self.rect.x < 110: self.old_direction = self.direction self.dancing = True self.direction_stack[0] = "front" self.dance_timer.check_tick(now) if self.dancing and self.dance_timer.check_tick(now): self.dancing = False self.done_dancing = True self.dance_timer = tools.Timer(1000, 1) self.direction_stack[0] = self.old_direction
def __init__(self, sound, *attack_info): pg.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) self.sound = sound self.anims, self.anim_rects = self.get_attack_info(*attack_info) self.anim = None self.image = None self.rect = None self.player = None self.attacking = False self.delay_timer = tools.Timer(300) self.frame_speed = [0, 0]
def __init__(self, pos, *groups): pg.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self, *groups) if not self.frames: sheet = prepare.GFX["objects"]["projectiles"] self.frames.extend(tools.strip_from_sheet(sheet, (300, 0), (30, 30), 3)) self.frames += [self.frames[1]] self.frame = 0 self.image = self.frames[self.frame] self.rect = self.image.get_rect(center=pos) self.blink_timer = tools.Timer(100) self.blink_timer.check_tick(pg.time.get_ticks()) self.delay = random.randrange(200, 3000) self.delay_timer = 0.0 self.animate = random.random() < 0.1
def got_hit(self, player, obstacles, *item_groups): """ Called from the level class if the player is attacking and the weapon rect collides with the sprite. """ if not self.hit_state and self.state != "spawn": -= player.strength if > 0: self.state = "hit" self.hit_state = tools.Timer(300, 1) self.knock_state = True self.knock_dir = player.direction self.got_knocked_collision(obstacles) elif self.state != "die": self.drop_item(*item_groups) self.state = "die"
def __init__(self, name, pos, duration, chest=False, ident=None, *groups): """ The argument name is the type of item corresponding to the ITEMS dict; pos is the location on the map the item is located; if the item is in a treasure chest, pass chest=True; if the player can only get this item once, pass a unique (to the map) ident string to be stored in the player's identifiers attribute. """ pg.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self, *groups) coords, size = ITEM_COORDS[name], prepare.CELL_SIZE self.frames = tools.strip_coords_from_sheet(ITEM_SHEET, coords, size) self.anim = tools.Anim(self.frames, 7) self.image = self.anim.get_next_frame(pg.time.get_ticks()) # Subtract 1 from y axis to make item drop appear behind death anim. self.rect = pg.Rect((pos[0], pos[1] - 1), prepare.CELL_SIZE) self.exact_position = list(self.rect.topleft) self.old_position = self.exact_position[:] self.mask = pg.Mask(prepare.CELL_SIZE) self.mask.fill() self.timer = tools.Timer(duration * 1000, 1) if duration else None self.from_chest = chest self.identifier = ident # Used to stop respawning of unique items. self.height = 0 # Used when item rises from chest. self.sound_effect = None
def __init__(self): menu_functions.BidirectionalMenu.__init__(self, ALPHA_GRID_SIZE) = "SELECT" self.timer = tools.Timer(333) self.blink = True self.letter_images = {}