Exemplo n.º 1
 def checksite():
     if R.exists(POSTINCR):
         print "Redis up and ready to go. \
                 Site implemented with incr: %i" % R.get(POSTINCR)
         return True
         print "Initialized to: %i" % R.get(POSTINCR)
         return True
Exemplo n.º 2
 def put(self, pid=None, uid=None, **kwargs):
     Edit a post. Takes a uid or id
     This is a wee bit messy?
     self.pid, self.uid = key(pid, self.kind)
     # this is likely unsafe, but seems to be a good start
     for atr in kwargs.keys():
         R.set("%s:%s:%s" % (self.kind, self.pid, atr), kwargs[atr])
     modtime = datetime.datetime.now()
     R.rpush("%s:%s:modified" % (self.kind, self.pid), modtime)
     return True
Exemplo n.º 3
 def getall(self):
     return kwargs
     this is where things get tricky...
     for now refer to str. We're just getting off the ground
     query is the biggest step.
     #self.pid, self.uid = key(id)
     got = []
     for pid, kind in R.lrange("global:docs", 0, R.llen("global:docs")):
         got.append(R.get("%s:%s" % (kind, pid)))
         got.append(R.get("%s:%s:publishtime" % (kind, pid)))
     return str(got)
Exemplo n.º 4
def unique(uid):
    Checks to see if a post exists. Just in case...
    if R.exists("post:%s" % uid):
        return False
        return True
Exemplo n.º 5
 def __str__(self):
     simply dumps the server's contents
     got = {}
     self.uids = R.smembers(DEXREF) # all the uids
     self.kinds = R.smembers(TYPELST) # all types of docs
     for uid in self.uids:
         got[uid] = ''
         for kind in self.kinds:
             got[uid] = [R.get("%s:%s" % (kind, uid))]
             pid = pid_from_uid(uid, kind)
             got['%s:%s' % (kind, uid)] = {
                     'kind' : kind,
                     'datetime' : R.get("%s:%s:publishtime" %\
                     (kind, pid))}
Exemplo n.º 6
 def __init__(self, kind=None):
     self.pid = R.incr(POSTINCR)
     self.creation = datetime.datetime.now()
     self.published = False
     self.rank = 1
     if not isinstance(kind, str):
         self.kind = "_document" # abstract for <kind>:<pid>:<attribute>
         self.kind = kind
Exemplo n.º 7
def key(pid=None, uid=None, kind='global'):
    A general look-up method for stuff.
    Actually, it's more of a graph between the keys.
    if pid == None and uid == None:
        raise ValueError("Need a uuid or pid")
    elif isinstance(uid, uuid.UUID):
        pid = R.get("%s:%s" % (kind, uid))
        uid = R.get("%s:%i:uid" % (kind, self.pid))
    elif isinstance(uid, str):
        pid = R.get("%s:%s" % (kind, uid))
        uid = R.get("%s:%s:uid" % (kind, self.pid))
    elif isinstance(pid, int):
        uid = R.get("%s:%s:uid" % (kind, pid))
        pid = R.get("%s:%s" % (kind, self.uid))
        raise ValueError("Ok, something went wrong...")
    return (pid, uid)
Exemplo n.º 8
def pid_from_uid(uid, kind):
    Returns the pid from the uid
    return R.get("%s:%s" % (kind, uid))
Exemplo n.º 9
 def post(self, container=None):
     self.uid = uuid.uuid1()
     assert unique(self.uid)
     self.atrs = {'uid': uuid.uuid1(),
             self.incr: R.get(POSTINCR),
             'kind': self.kind,
             'publishtime': datetime.datetime.now()}
     for key in self.atrs.keys():
         R.setnx("%s:%s:%s" % (self.kind, self.incr, key), self.atrs[key])
     # stuff forgetting, errr, for getting.
     R.sadd(DEXREF, self.uid) # Global reference
     R.sadd(TYPELST, self.kind)
     # add to container
     if not isinstance(container, str) and not container==None:
         container = "_meta"
     R.rpush(container, "%s:%s" % (self.kind, self.incr))
     R.rpush(RANKREF, "%s:%s" % (self.kind, self.incr))
     R.zadd("%s:%s" % (RANKREF, self.kind), "%s:%s" % (self.kind,\
             self.incr), self.rank)
     R.rpush("global:docs", "%s:%s" % (self.incr, self.uid))
     return True