Exemplo n.º 1
  def start(self, out):

    # Setup environment variables
    logDir = os.path.join(self.fwroot, self.benchmarker.full_results_directory(), 'logs', self.name.lower())
    bash_functions_path= os.path.join(self.fwroot, 'toolset/setup/linux/bash_functions.sh')

    os.environ['TROOT'] = self.directory
    os.environ['IROOT'] = self.install_root
    os.environ['DBHOST'] = socket.gethostbyname(self.database_host)
    os.environ['LOGDIR'] = logDir
    os.environ['MAX_CONCURRENCY'] = str(max(self.benchmarker.concurrency_levels))

    # Always ensure that IROOT exists
    if not os.path.exists(self.install_root):

    if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.install_root,"TFBReaper")):
        '-o%s/TFBReaper' % self.install_root, 
        stderr=out, stdout=out)

    # Check that the client is setup
    if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.install_root, 'client.installed')):
      print("\nINSTALL: Installing client software\n")    
      # TODO: hax; should dynamically know where this file is
      with open (self.fwroot + "/toolset/setup/linux/client.sh", "r") as myfile:
        print("\nINSTALL: %s" % self.benchmarker.client_ssh_string)
        p = subprocess.Popen(self.benchmarker.client_ssh_string.split(" ") + ["bash"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
        returncode = p.returncode
        if returncode != 0:
          self.__install_error("status code %s running subprocess '%s'." % (returncode, self.benchmarker.client_ssh_string))
      print("\nINSTALL: Finished installing client software\n")
      subprocess.check_call('touch client.installed', shell=True, cwd=self.install_root, executable='/bin/bash')

    # Run the module start inside parent of TROOT
    #  - we use the parent as a historical accident, a number of tests
    # refer to their TROOT maually still
    previousDir = os.getcwd()
    logging.info("Running setup module start (cwd=%s)", self.directory)

    command = 'bash -exc "source %s && source %s.sh"' % (
      os.path.join(self.troot, self.setup_file))

    debug_command = '''\
      export FWROOT=%s          &&  \\
      export TROOT=%s           &&  \\
      export IROOT=%s           &&  \\
      export DBHOST=%s          &&  \\
      export LOGDIR=%s          &&  \\
      export MAX_CONCURRENCY=%s && \\
      cd %s && \\
      %s/TFBReaper "bash -exc \\\"source %s && source %s.sh\\\"''' % (self.fwroot,
        os.path.join(self.troot, self.setup_file))
    logging.info("To run %s manually, copy/paste this:\n%s", self.name, debug_command)

    def tee_output(prefix, line):
      # Needs to be one atomic write
      # Explicitly use UTF-8 as it's the most common framework output
      # TODO improve encoding handling
      line = prefix.encode('utf-8') + line

      # Log to current terminal
      # logging.error("".join([prefix, line]))


    # Start the setup.sh command
    p = subprocess.Popen(["%s/TFBReaper" % self.install_root,command],
    nbsr = setup_util.NonBlockingStreamReader(p.stdout,
      "%s: %s.sh and framework processes have terminated" % (self.name, self.setup_file))

    # Set a limit on total execution time of setup.sh
    timeout = datetime.now() + timedelta(minutes = 105)
    time_remaining = timeout - datetime.now()

    # Need to print to stdout once every 10 minutes or Travis-CI will abort
    travis_timeout = datetime.now() + timedelta(minutes = 5)

    # Flush output until setup.sh work is finished. This is
    # either a) when setup.sh exits b) when the port is bound
    # c) when we run out of time. Note that 'finished' doesn't
    # guarantee setup.sh process is dead - the OS may choose to make
    # setup.sh a zombie process if it still has living children
    # Note: child processes forked (using &) will remain alive
    # after setup.sh has exited. The will have inherited the
    # stdout/stderr descriptors and will be directing their
    # output to the pipes.
    prefix = "Setup %s: " % self.name
    while (p.poll() is None
      and not self.benchmarker.is_port_bound(self.port)
      and not time_remaining.total_seconds() < 0):

      # The conditions above are slow to check, so
      # we will delay output substantially if we only
      # print one line per condition check.
      # Adding a tight loop here mitigates the effect,
      # ensuring that most of the output directly from
      # setup.sh is sent to tee_output before the outer
      # loop exits and prints things like "setup.sh exited"
      for i in xrange(10):
          line = nbsr.readline(0.05)
          if line:
            tee_output(prefix, line)

            # Reset Travis-CI timer
            travis_timeout = datetime.now() + timedelta(minutes = 5)
        except setup_util.EndOfStream:
          tee_output(prefix, "Setup has terminated\n")
      time_remaining = timeout - datetime.now()

      if (travis_timeout - datetime.now()).total_seconds() < 0:
        sys.stdout.write(prefix + 'Printing so Travis-CI does not time out\n')
        sys.stdout.write(prefix + "Status: Poll: %s, Port %s bound: %s, Time Left: %s\n" % (
          p.poll(), self.port, self.benchmarker.is_port_bound(self.port), time_remaining))
        travis_timeout = datetime.now() + timedelta(minutes = 5)

    # Did we time out?
    if time_remaining.total_seconds() < 0:
      tee_output(prefix, "%s.sh timed out!! Aborting...\n" % self.setup_file)
      return 1

    # What's our return code?
    # If setup.sh has terminated, use that code
    # Otherwise, detect if the port was bound
    tee_output(prefix, "Status: Poll: %s, Port %s bound: %s, Time Left: %s\n" % (
      p.poll(), self.port, self.benchmarker.is_port_bound(self.port), time_remaining))
    retcode = (p.poll() if p.poll() is not None else 0 if self.benchmarker.is_port_bound(self.port) else 1)
    if p.poll() is not None:
      tee_output(prefix, "%s.sh process exited naturally with %s\n" % (self.setup_file, p.poll()))
    elif self.benchmarker.is_port_bound(self.port):
      tee_output(prefix, "Bound port detected on %s\n" % self.port)

    # Before we return control to the benchmarker, spin up a
    # thread to keep an eye on the pipes in case the running
    # framework uses stdout/stderr. Once all processes accessing
    # the subprocess.PIPEs are dead, this thread will terminate.
    # Use a different prefix to indicate this is the framework
    # speaking
    prefix = "Server %s: " % self.name
    def watch_child_pipes(nbsr, prefix):
      while True:
          line = nbsr.readline(60)
          if line:
            tee_output(prefix, line)
        except setup_util.EndOfStream:
          tee_output(prefix, "Framework processes have terminated\n")

    watch_thread = Thread(target = watch_child_pipes,
      args = (nbsr, prefix))
    watch_thread.daemon = True

    logging.info("Executed %s.sh, returning %s", self.setup_file, retcode)

    return retcode, p
Exemplo n.º 2
  def start(self, out):

    # Setup environment variables    
    logDir = os.path.join(self.fwroot, self.benchmarker.latest_results_directory, 'logs', self.name.lower())
    bash_functions_path= os.path.join(self.fwroot, 'toolset/setup/linux/bash_functions.sh')
              export TROOT=%s       &&  \
              export IROOT=%s       &&  \
              export DBHOST=%s      &&  \
              export LOGDIR=%s      &&  \
              export MAX_THREADS=%s &&  \
              export MAX_CONCURRENCY=%s \
              ''' % (

    # Always ensure that IROOT belongs to the runner_user
    if not os.path.exists(self.install_root):
    chown = "sudo chown -R %s:%s %s" % (self.benchmarker.runner_user,
      self.benchmarker.runner_user, os.path.join(self.fwroot, self.install_root))
    subprocess.check_call(chown, shell=True, cwd=self.fwroot, executable='/bin/bash')

    # Run the module start inside parent of TROOT
    #  - we use the parent as a historical accident, a number of tests
    # refer to their TROOT maually still
    previousDir = os.getcwd()
    logging.info("Running setup module start (cwd=%s)", self.directory)
    # Run the start script for the test as the "testrunner" user
    # `sudo` - Switching user requires superuser privs
    #   -u [username] The username
    #   -E Preserves the current environment variables
    #   -H Forces the home var (~) to be reset to the user specified
    # `stdbuf` - Disable buffering, send output to python ASAP
    #   -o0 zero-sized buffer for stdout
    #   -e0 zero-sized buffer for stderr
    # `bash` - Run the setup.sh script using bash
    #   -e Force bash to exit on first error
    #   -x Turn on bash tracing e.g. print commands before running
    # Most servers do not output to stdout/stderr while serving 
    # requests so there is no performance hit from disabling 
    # output buffering. This disabling is necessary to 
    # a) allow TFB to show output in real time and b) avoid loosing 
    # output in the buffer when the testrunner processes are forcibly 
    # killed
    # See http://www.pixelbeat.org/programming/stdio_buffering/
    # See https://blogs.gnome.org/markmc/2013/06/04/async-io-and-python/
    # See http://eyalarubas.com/python-subproc-nonblock.html
    command = 'sudo -u %s -E -H stdbuf -o0 -e0 bash -exc "source %s && source %s.sh"' % (
      os.path.join(self.troot, self.setup_file))
    debug_command = '''\
      export FWROOT=%s          &&  \\
      export TROOT=%s           &&  \\
      export IROOT=%s           &&  \\
      export DBHOST=%s          &&  \\
      export LOGDIR=%s          &&  \\
      export MAX_THREADS=%s     &&  \\
      export MAX_CONCURRENCY=%s && \\
      cd %s && \\
      %s''' % (self.fwroot, 
    logging.info("To run %s manually, copy/paste this:\n%s", self.name, debug_command)

    def tee_output(prefix, line):
      # Needs to be one atomic write
      # Explicitly use UTF-8 as it's the most common framework output 
      # TODO improve encoding handling 
      line = prefix.encode('utf-8') + line

      # Log to current terminal
      # logging.error("".join([prefix, line]))


    # Start the setup.sh command
    p = subprocess.Popen(command, cwd=self.directory, 
          shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, 
    nbsr = setup_util.NonBlockingStreamReader(p.stdout, 
      "%s: %s.sh and framework processes have terminated" % (self.name, self.setup_file))

    # Set a limit on total execution time of setup.sh
    timeout = datetime.now() + timedelta(minutes = 105)
    time_remaining = timeout - datetime.now()

    # Need to print to stdout once every 10 minutes or Travis-CI will abort
    travis_timeout = datetime.now() + timedelta(minutes = 5)

    # Flush output until setup.sh work is finished. This is 
    # either a) when setup.sh exits b) when the port is bound
    # c) when we run out of time. Note that 'finished' doesn't 
    # guarantee setup.sh process is dead - the OS may choose to make 
    # setup.sh a zombie process if it still has living children
    # Note: child processes forked (using &) will remain alive 
    # after setup.sh has exited. The will have inherited the 
    # stdout/stderr descriptors and will be directing their 
    # output to the pipes. 
    prefix = "Setup %s: " % self.name
    while (p.poll() is None
      and not self.benchmarker.is_port_bound(self.port)
      and not time_remaining.total_seconds() < 0):
      # The conditions above are slow to check, so 
      # we will delay output substantially if we only
      # print one line per condition check. 
      # Adding a tight loop here mitigates the effect, 
      # ensuring that most of the output directly from 
      # setup.sh is sent to tee_output before the outer
      # loop exits and prints things like "setup.sh exited"
      for i in xrange(10):
          line = nbsr.readline(0.05)
          if line:
            tee_output(prefix, line)

            # Reset Travis-CI timer
            travis_timeout = datetime.now() + timedelta(minutes = 5)
        except setup_util.EndOfStream:
          tee_output(prefix, "Setup has terminated\n")
      time_remaining = timeout - datetime.now()

      if (travis_timeout - datetime.now()).total_seconds() < 0:
        sys.stdout.write(prefix + 'Printing so Travis-CI does not time out\n')
        sys.stdout.write(prefix + "Status: Poll: %s, Port %s bound: %s, Time Left: %s\n" % (
          p.poll(), self.port, self.benchmarker.is_port_bound(self.port), time_remaining))
        travis_timeout = datetime.now() + timedelta(minutes = 5)

    # Did we time out?
    if time_remaining.total_seconds() < 0: 
      tee_output(prefix, "%s.sh timed out!! Aborting...\n" % self.setup_file)
      return 1

    # What's our return code? 
    # If setup.sh has terminated, use that code
    # Otherwise, detect if the port was bound
    tee_output(prefix, "Status: Poll: %s, Port %s bound: %s, Time Left: %s\n" % (
      p.poll(), self.port, self.benchmarker.is_port_bound(self.port), time_remaining))
    retcode = (p.poll() if p.poll() is not None else 0 if self.benchmarker.is_port_bound(self.port) else 1)
    if p.poll() is not None:
      tee_output(prefix, "%s.sh process exited naturally with %s\n" % (self.setup_file, p.poll()))
    elif self.benchmarker.is_port_bound(self.port):
      tee_output(prefix, "Bound port detected on %s\n" % self.port)

    # Before we return control to the benchmarker, spin up a 
    # thread to keep an eye on the pipes in case the running 
    # framework uses stdout/stderr. Once all processes accessing
    # the subprocess.PIPEs are dead, this thread will terminate. 
    # Use a different prefix to indicate this is the framework 
    # speaking
    prefix = "Server %s: " % self.name
    def watch_child_pipes(nbsr, prefix):
      while True:
          line = nbsr.readline(60)
          if line:
            tee_output(prefix, line)
        except setup_util.EndOfStream:
          tee_output(prefix, "Framework processes have terminated\n")

    watch_thread = Thread(target = watch_child_pipes,
      args = (nbsr, prefix))
    watch_thread.daemon = True

    logging.info("Executed %s.sh, returning %s", self.setup_file, retcode)

    return retcode