Exemplo n.º 1
MStar = 34 * u.MSun
r_max = 2530 * u.au  #H II sphere size
r_min = r_max / 200  #Minimum distance (!= 0 to avoid indeterminations)
r_s = r_max  #Normalization distance
rho_s = 1.4e5 * 1e6  #from cgs to SI. Density at r_s
q = 1.3  #Density powerlaw
t_e = 1.e4  #K

#GRID Definition

sizex = sizey = sizez = 2600 * u.au
Nx = Ny = Nz = 63  #Number of divisions for each axis
GRID = Model.grid([sizex, sizey, sizez], [Nx, Ny, Nz], rt_code='radmc3d')
NPoints = GRID.NPoints  #Final number of nodes in the grid

density = Model.density_Powerlaw_HII(r_min, r_max, r_s, rho_s, q, GRID)
temperature = Model.temperature_Constant(density,

Model.PrintProperties(density, temperature, GRID)

Exemplo n.º 2
dx_grid = 40*u.au

#rho = lambda R: dens0
#T = lambda R: 10000.

T0 = 10000.
qT = 0.
temp = [T0, qT]

dens0 = 0.14*2.6e13
qn = -0.15 #-0.4
dens = [dens0, qn]

a = 2.05*np.sqrt(300*u.au)
b = 2.05*np.sqrt(300*u.au)
GRID, props = make_paraboloid(z_min, z_max, dx_grid, a, b, dens, T0, width = 20*u.au)
shift = Model.ChangeGeometry(GRID, center = np.array([dx+20, dy-20, 0])*u.au,
                             rot_dict = { 'angles': [-np.pi/2,
                                                     1*np.pi/180*(posang+90 + 8),
                                          'axis': ['y','z','y'] })
GRID.XYZ = shift.newXYZ

prop_dict = {'dens_e': props[0],
             'dens_ion': props[0],
             'temp_gas': props[1]}
shell = rt.Radmc3d(GRID)
shell.submodel(prop_dict, output=tag)

print ('Columns written into file:', shell.columns)
rho_s = 1.0e6 * 1e6 / 5 #from cgs to SI. Density at sonic radius
q = 1.3 #Density powerlaw
t_e = 1.e4 #K

#Parameters for the Pringle disc
MRate = 3e-4 * u.MSun_yr
RStar = u.RSun * ( MStar/u.MSun )**0.8
#GRID Definition

sizex = sizey = sizez = 2600 * u.au 
Nx = Ny = Nz = 63 #Number of divisions for each axis
GRID = Model.grid([sizex, sizey, sizez], [Nx, Ny, Nz], rt_code = 'radmc3d')
NPoints = GRID.NPoints #Final number of nodes in the grid

densEnv = Model.density_Keto_HII(MStar, r_min, r_max, rho_s, t_e, GRID, q = 1.5)

Rd = 10*densEnv.rs #10 times the sonic radius, just to make it visible
Rho0 = Res.Rho0(MRate, Rd, MStar)
import time

t0 = time.time()

r_max = 0.1 * u.pc  #H II sphere size
r_min = 0.02 * u.pc
rho0 = 28 * 1e6 * u.pc**2
q = -2

sizex = sizey = sizez = 1.2 * r_max
Nx = Ny = Nz = 100  #Number of divisions along each axis
GRID = Model.grid([sizex, sizey, sizez], [Nx, Ny, Nz], rt_code='radmc3d')
NPoints = GRID.NPoints  #Number of nodes in the grid

density = Model.density_Powerlaw2(r_max, r_min, rho0, q, GRID, rho_min=1.)
temperature = Model.temperature_Constant(density,
vel = Model.velocity_random(15000, GRID.NPoints)

prop = {
    'vel_x': vel.x,
    'vel_y': vel.y,
    MStar / u.MSun
)**0.8  #Multiply by 10 Main Sequence relationship to account for bloated protostar
LStar = 9 * u.LSun  #u.LSun * ( MStar/u.MSun )**4 # 9Lsun from Li+2017
TStar = u.TSun * ((LStar / u.LSun) / (RStar / u.RSun)**2)**0.25
Rd = 68. * u.au

print('RStar:', RStar / u.RSun, ', LStar:', LStar / u.LSun, ', TStar:', TStar)

#GRID Definition
#Cubic grid, each edge ranges [-100, 100] au.

sizex = sizey = sizez = 100 * u.au
Nx = Ny = Nz = 200  #Number of divisions for each axis
GRID = Model.grid([sizex, sizey, sizez], [Nx, Ny, Nz])
NPoints = GRID.NPoints  #Number of nodes in the grid


if args.Arho: Arho = float(args.Arho)
else: Arho = 150.0  # (Mdisk=0.106*1.4=Msun=0.149Msun)

H0sf = 0.04  #Disc scale-height factor (H0 = H0sf * RStar)
Rdisc = 1.0 * Rd
Rho0 = Res.Rho0(MRate, Rd, MStar)  #Normalization density
Exemplo n.º 6
RStar = 26 * u.RSun * (MStar / u.MSun)**0.27 * (MRate /
                                                (1e-3 * u.MSun_yr))**0.41
LStar = 3.2e4 * u.LSun
TStar = u.TSun * ((LStar / u.LSun) / (RStar / u.RSun)**2)**0.25
Rd = 152. * u.au

print('RStar:', RStar / u.RSun, ', LStar:', LStar / u.LSun, ', TStar:', TStar)

#GRID Definition
#Cubic grid, each edge ranges [-500, 500] au.

sizex = sizey = sizez = 500 * u.au
Nx = Ny = Nz = 200  #Number of divisions for each axis
GRID = Model.grid([sizex, sizey, sizez], [Nx, Ny, Nz])
NPoints = GRID.NPoints  #Number of nodes in the grid

Rho0 = Res.Rho0(MRate, Rd, MStar)
Arho = 24.1  #Disc-envelope density factor
Renv = 500 * u.au  #Envelope radius
Cavity = 40 * np.pi / 180  #Cavity opening angle
density = Model.density_Env_Disc(RStar,
Exemplo n.º 7
rho0 = 1e8 * 1e6  #[part/m3] Number density at r_min
r_rho = [r_min, 200 * u.au, 300 * u.au, r_max]  #r frontiers for density
q_rho = [-2.0, -1.5, -2.5]  #Powerlaws for density

T0 = 1000.  #[K] Temperature at r_min
r_T = [r_min, 250 * u.au, r_max]  #r frontiers for temperature
q_T = [-0.5, -1.0]  #Powerlaws for temperature

#GRID Definition

sizex = sizey = sizez = r_max
Nx = Ny = Nz = 95  #Number of divisions for each axis
GRID = Model.grid([sizex, sizey, sizez], [Nx, Ny, Nz], rt_code='lime')
NPoints = GRID.NPoints  #Final number of nodes in the grid

density = Model.density_PowerlawShells(r_rho, q_rho, rho0, GRID, rho_min=1.0e4)
temperature = Model.temperature_PowerlawShells(r_T, q_T, T0, GRID, T_min=25.)

vel = Model.velocity_random(1800, GRID.NPoints)

Exemplo n.º 8
RStar = 26 * u.RSun * (MStar / u.MSun)**0.27 * (MRate /
                                                (1e-3 * u.MSun_yr))**0.41
LStar = 3.2e4 * u.LSun
TStar = u.TSun * ((LStar / u.LSun) / (RStar / u.RSun)**2)**0.25
Rd = 152. * u.au

print('RStar:', RStar / u.RSun, ', LStar:', LStar / u.LSun, ', TStar:', TStar)

#GRID Definition
#Cubic grid, each edge ranges [-500, 500] au.

sizex = sizey = sizez = 500 * u.au
Nx = Ny = Nz = 100  #Number of divisions for each axis
GRID = Model.grid([sizex, sizey, sizez], [Nx, Ny, Nz])
NPoints = GRID.NPoints  #Number of nodes in the grid

Rho0 = Res.Rho0(MRate, Rd, MStar)
Arho = 24.1  #Disc-envelope density factor
Renv = 500 * u.au  #Envelope radius
Cavity = 40 * np.pi / 180  #Cavity opening angle
density = Model.density_Env_Disc(RStar,
Exemplo n.º 9
MRate = 5.e-6 * u.MSun_yr
RStar = u.RSun * (MStar / u.MSun)**0.8
LStar = u.LSun * (MStar / u.MSun)**4
TStar = u.TSun * ((LStar / u.LSun) / (RStar / u.RSun)**2)**0.25
Rd = 264. * u.au

print('RStar:', RStar / u.RSun, ', LStar:', LStar / u.LSun, ', TStar:', TStar)

#GRID Definition
#Cubic grid, each edge ranges [-500, 500] au.

sizex = sizey = sizez = 500 * u.au
Nx = Ny = Nz = 200  #Number of divisions for each axis
GRID = Model.grid([sizex, sizey, sizez], [Nx, Ny, Nz])
NPoints = GRID.NPoints  #Number of nodes in the grid


Rho0 = Res.Rho0(MRate, Rd, MStar)
Arho = None
Renv = 2.5 * Rd
densEnv = Model.density_Env_Disc(RStar,
RStar = None  #26 * U.RSun * ( MStar/U.MSun )**0.27 * ( MRate / (1e-3*U.MSun_yr) )**0.41
LStar = None  #8.6e4 * U.LSun # 4
TStar = None  #U.TSun * ( (LStar/U.LSun) / (RStar/U.RSun)**2 )**0.25

BT = None
Rd = None  #centrifugal radius
Tmin_disc = None

#GRID Definition

sizex = sizey = sizez = r_max
Nx = Ny = Nz = 128  #Number of divisions for each axis
GRID = Model.grid([sizex, sizey, sizez], [Nx, Ny, Nz], rt_code='lime')
NPoints = GRID.NPoints  #Final number of nodes in the grid

density = Model.density_Powerlaw(r_max, rho_mean, q, GRID, rho_min=1.0e4)

temperature = Model.temperature(TStar,
Exemplo n.º 11
MRate = 5.e-6 * u.MSun_yr
RStar = u.RSun * (MStar / u.MSun)**0.8
LStar = u.LSun * (MStar / u.MSun)**4
TStar = u.TSun * ((LStar / u.LSun) / (RStar / u.RSun)**2)**0.25
Rd = 264. * u.au

print('RStar:', RStar / u.RSun, ', LStar:', LStar / u.LSun, ', TStar:', TStar)

#GRID Definition
#Cubic grid, each edge ranges [-500, 500] au.

sizex = sizey = sizez = 500 * u.au
Nx = Ny = Nz = 100  #Number of divisions for each axis
GRID = Model.grid([sizex, sizey, sizez], [Nx, Ny, Nz])
NPoints = GRID.NPoints  #Number of nodes in the grid


Rho0 = Res.Rho0(MRate, Rd, MStar)
Arho = None
Renv = 2.5 * Rd
densEnv = Model.density_Env_Disc(RStar,
Exemplo n.º 12
import numpy as np
import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.cm as cm
import matplotlib.colors as colors

t0 = time.time()

sizex = 100 * u.au
sizey = sizez = 100 * u.au
Nx = Ny = Nz = 100
GRID = Model.grid([sizex, sizey, sizez], [Nx, Ny, Nz], rt_code='lime')

files = ['disc.dat', 'outflow.dat']
#Old style
#outflows = BGG.overlap(GRID, submodels = data2merge, rho_min = 1e6)

#New style
columns = [
    'id', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'dens_H2', 'dens_Hplus', 'temp_gas', 'vel_x', 'vel_y',
    'vel_z', 'abundance', 'gtdratio'
overlap = Overlap(GRID)
finalprop = overlap.fromfiles(columns, submodels=files, rt_code='lime')
rho0 = 5e8 * 1e6  #[part/m3] Number density at r_min
r_rho = [r_min, r_stellar, r_max]  #r frontiers for density
q_rho = [-1.5, -1.7]  #Powerlaws for density

T0 = 1000.  #[K] Temperature at r_min
r_T = [r_min, r_stellar, r_max]  #r frontiers for temperature
q_T = [-0.5, -1.0]  #Powerlaws for temperature

#GRID Definition

sizex = sizey = sizez = r_max
Nx = Ny = Nz = 95  #Number of divisions for each axis
GRID = Model.grid([sizex, sizey, sizez], [Nx, Ny, Nz], rt_code='lime')
NPoints = GRID.NPoints  #Final number of nodes in the grid

density = Model.density_PowerlawShells(r_rho, q_rho, rho0, GRID, rho_min=1.0e4)
temperature = Model.temperature_PowerlawShells(r_T, q_T, T0, GRID, T_min=25.)

dens_dict = {'dens_H': density.total}
ff_factor = 1.
vel = Model.velocity_infall(dens_dict, ff_factor, MStar, r_stellar, GRID)
Exemplo n.º 14
from sf3dmodels.grid import Overlap           #Overlap submodels
#Extra libraries
import numpy as np
import time

t0 = time.time()

sizex = 500 * u.au
sizey = sizez = 500 * u.au 
Nx = Ny = Nz = 150
GRID = Model.grid([sizex, sizey, sizez], [Nx, Ny, Nz], rt_code='radmc3d')

files = ['datatab_outflow1.dat', 'datatab_outflow2.dat']
#Old style
#outflows = BGG.overlap(GRID, submodels = data2merge, rho_min = 1e6)

#New style
columns = ['id', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'dens_e', 'dens_ion', 'temp_gas']
outflows = Overlap(GRID)
finalprop = outflows.fromfiles(columns, submodels = files, rt_code = 'radmc3d')

radmc = rt.Radmc3dDefaults(GRID)
Exemplo n.º 15
from sf3dmodels import Model, Plot_model as Pm
import sf3dmodels.utils.units as u
import sf3dmodels.rt as rt
from sf3dmodels.grid import Overlap
#Extra libraries
import numpy as np

sizex = sizey = sizez = 1000 * u.au
Nx = Ny = Nz = 200
GRID = Model.grid([sizex, sizey, sizez], [Nx, Ny, Nz])

columns = ['id', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'dens_H2', 'temp_gas', 'vel_x', 'vel_y', 'vel_z', 'abundance_0', 'gtdratio']
data2merge = ['Main.dat', 'Burger.dat']
overlap = Overlap(GRID)
finalprop = overlap.fromfiles(columns, submodels = data2merge)

lime = rt.Lime(GRID)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time

#General Parameters
r_max = 2530 * u.au #H II sphere size
dens_e = 1.4e5 * 1e6 #Electron number density, from cgs to SI
t_e = 1.e4 #K

#GRID Definition
sizex = sizey = sizez = 2600 * u.au 
Nx = Ny = Nz = 63 #Number of divisions for each axis
GRID = Model.grid([sizex, sizey, sizez], [Nx, Ny, Nz], rt_code='radmc3d')
NPoints = GRID.NPoints #Final number of nodes in the grid

density = Model.density_Constant(r_max, GRID, envDens = dens_e)
temperature = Model.temperature_Constant(density, GRID, envTemp = t_e, backTemp = 2.725)

Model.PrintProperties(density, temperature, GRID) #Printing resultant properties (mass, mean temperature, etc)

prop = {'dens_e': density.total,
        'dens_ion': density.total,
Exemplo n.º 17
def do_overlap():
    cwd = os.getcwd()
    cloud_kind = cwd.split('Lime-arepo/')[-1].split('-Lime')
    cloud_kind = cloud_kind[0] + cloud_kind[1]
    home = os.environ['HOME']
    base = home + '/Downloads/Manchester_2018/Rowan-data/Andres/data/datasets/'
    base += cloud_kind
    base_content = os.popen('ls ' + base).readlines()
    snapshot = ''
    for file in base_content:
        if 'Restest' in file: snapshot = '/' + file.split('\n')[0]

    #AREPO 3D-grids (not projected)
    rsnap.io_flags['mc_tracer'] = True
    rsnap.io_flags['time_steps'] = True
    rsnap.io_flags['sgchem'] = True
    rsnap.io_flags['variable_metallicity'] = False
    #rsnap.io_flags['MHD']=True #There is no magnetic field information
    f = base + snapshot
    data, header = rsnap.read_snapshot(f)
    nparts = header['num_particles']
    ngas = nparts[0]
    nsinks = nparts[5]
    for key in data:
        print(key, np.shape(data[key]))
    pos_max = np.max(data['pos'], axis=0)
    pos_min = np.min(data['pos'], axis=0)
    pos_mean = 0.5 * (pos_max + pos_min) * ulength / 100.

    sizex = sizey = sizez = 0.5 * np.max(pos_max - pos_min) * ulength / 100.
    #print (sizex, sizey, sizez)
    Nx = Ny = Nz = 200
    GRID = Model.grid([sizex, sizey, sizez], [Nx, Ny, Nz],
                      include_zero=False)  #, rt_code='radmc3d')
    columns = [
        'id', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'dens_H2', 'dens_H', 'dens_Hplus', 'temp_gas',
        'temp_dust', 'vel_x', 'vel_y', 'vel_z', 'abundance', 'gtdratio',
    overlap = grid.Overlap(GRID)
    overlap.min_values['dens_H2'] = 0.0
    newprop = overlap.fromfiles(columns, submodels=['datatab.dat'])

    props2use = ['dens_H', 'dens_H2', 'abundance', 'dens_Hplus']
    newprop = {}
    datatab = np.loadtxt('./Subgrids/datatab.dat')  #[:-30000]
    header_tab = np.loadtxt('./Subgrids/header.dat')
    coords = np.array(GRID.XYZ).T

    data_prop = {}
    Lime = rt.Lime(GRID)
    for prop in props2use:
        column, = np.where(Lime.sf3d_header[prop] == header_tab)
        data_prop[prop] = datatab[:, column]

    subgrid = Model.Struct(XYZ=[datatab[:, i] for i in range(1, 4)],

    fill = grid.fillgrid.Random(subgrid)
    fill_rand = fill.spherical(
        #prop_fill = {'dens_H2': 1.0},
        r_min=10 * pc,
        r_max=np.max(subgrid.XYZ) * np.sqrt(3),
        n_dummy=subgrid.NPoints / 3)

    coords_sub = np.array(subgrid.XYZ).T

    for prop in props2use:
        print('Merging %s ...' % prop)
        ind_nodummie = data_prop[prop] > 2 * data_prop[prop][-1]
        min_val = data_prop[prop][ind_nodummie].min()
        newprop[prop] = griddata(coords_sub,
                                 fill_value=0.0)  #, method='nearest')
            newprop[prop] <
            min_val] = min_val  #very low value, just to get rid of zeroes

        #newprop[prop][np.isnan(newprop[prop])] = datatab[:,column].min() #newprop[prop][np.isnan(newprop[prop])].min()

    sink_pos = data['pos'][ngas:] * ulength / 100 - pos_mean
    dummy_pos.append(coords_sub[-int(subgrid.NPoints / 2):])
    return GRID, sizex, newprop, sink_pos, nsinks
Exemplo n.º 18
        offset = n_neighbours * np.dtype(struct_dtypes['i']).itemsize
        if n % 1000 == 0: progress(int(100 * n / npoints))
    data['xyz'] = np.array(data['xyz'])
    data['props'] = np.array(data['props'])

    return prop_tags, npoints, data

t0 = time.time()

filename = "grid_temp.dat"
prop_tags, npoints, data = read_temp(filename)

grid = Model.Struct(XYZ=data['xyz'].T, NPoints=npoints)
prop = {
    'dens_H2': data['props'][:, 0],
    'temp_dust': data['props'][:, 1],
    'temp_gas': data['props'][:, 2],

lime = rt.Lime(grid)
print('Output columns', lime.columns)

print('Ellapsed time:', time.time() - t0)
r_min = r_max / 256  #Minimum distance to the centre (!= 0 to avoid indeterminations)

rho0 = 1e8 * 1e6  #[part/m3] Number density at r_min
r_rho = [r_min, 200 * u.au, 300 * u.au, r_max]  #r frontiers for density
q_rho = [-2.0, -1.5, -2.5]  #Powerlaws for density

T0 = 1000.  #[K] Temperature at r_min
r_T = [r_min, 250 * u.au, r_max]  #r frontiers for temperature
q_T = [-0.5, -1.0]  #Powerlaws for temperature

#GRID Definition
sizex = sizey = sizez = r_max
Nx = Ny = Nz = 95  #Number of divisions for each axis
GRID = Model.grid([sizex, sizey, sizez], [Nx, Ny, Nz], rt_code='radmc3d')
NPoints = GRID.NPoints  #Final number of nodes in the grid

density = Model.density_PowerlawShells(r_rho, q_rho, rho0, GRID, rho_min=1.0e4)
temperature = Model.temperature_PowerlawShells(r_T, q_T, T0, GRID, T_min=25.)

gtd0 = 100.  #Gas to dust ratio
gtdratio = Model.gastodust(gtd0, NPoints)

prop = {
Exemplo n.º 20
ngas = len(data_gas)

if nfrac and nfrac < ngas:
    ids_rand = np.random.choice(np.arange(0, ngas), size=nfrac, replace=False)
    data_gas = data_gas[ids_rand]

data_gas[:, 0:3] *= u.au  #a0
data_r = np.linalg.norm(data_gas[:, 0:3], axis=1)
data_gas = data_gas[data_r <= 100 * u.au]
         5] *= 5.941031250291510E-07 * 1e3 / (2 * ct.mH)  #0.05*Ms/a0**3/ct.mH
#data_gas[:,5] = np.where(data_gas[:,5]<1.0, 1.0, data_gas[:,5])
data_gas[:, 6:9] *= 2.978460638675013E+06 * 0.01  #a0/P

grid = Model.Struct(XYZ=data_gas[:, 0:3].T, NPoints=len(data_gas))
prop = {
    'dens_H2': data_gas[:, 5],
    'vel_x': data_gas[:, 6],
    'vel_y': data_gas[:, 7],
    'vel_z': data_gas[:, 8]
unique_cells = UniqueCells(prop,None)
id_pos = unique_cells.getuniques(grid).astype(np.int)

grid.XYZ = grid.XYZ.T[id_pos].T
grid.NPoints = len(id_pos)
for key in prop: prop[key] = prop[key][id_pos]
fill = fillgrid.Random(grid)
Exemplo n.º 21
from sf3dmodels import Model, Plot_model as Pm
import sf3dmodels.utils.units as u
import sf3dmodels.rt as rt
from sf3dmodels.grid import Overlap
#Extra libraries
import numpy as np

sizex = sizey = sizez = 0.3 * u.pc
Nx = Ny = Nz = 145
GRID = Model.grid([sizex, sizey, sizez], [Nx, Ny, Nz], include_zero=False)

columns = [
    'id', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'dens_H', 'temp_gas', 'vel_x', 'vel_y', 'vel_z',
    'abundance', 'gtdratio'
data2merge = ['filament.dat', 'envelope.dat']
overlap = Overlap(GRID)
finalprop = overlap.fromfiles(columns, submodels=data2merge)
