Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: api.py Projeto: planetlab/sfa
    def fill_record_hrns(self, records):
        convert pl ids to hrns

        # get ids
        slice_ids, person_ids, site_ids, node_ids = [], [], [], []
        for record in records:
            if 'site_id' in record:
            if 'site_ids' in records:
            if 'person_ids' in record:
            if 'slice_ids' in record:
            if 'node_ids' in record:

        # get pl records
        slices, persons, sites, nodes = {}, {}, {}, {}
        if site_ids:
            site_list = self.plshell.GetSites(self.plauth, site_ids, ['site_id', 'login_base'])
            sites = list_to_dict(site_list, 'site_id')
        if person_ids:
            person_list = self.plshell.GetPersons(self.plauth, person_ids, ['person_id', 'email'])
            persons = list_to_dict(person_list, 'person_id')
        if slice_ids:
            slice_list = self.plshell.GetSlices(self.plauth, slice_ids, ['slice_id', 'name'])
            slices = list_to_dict(slice_list, 'slice_id')       
        if node_ids:
            node_list = self.plshell.GetNodes(self.plauth, node_ids, ['node_id', 'hostname'])
            nodes = list_to_dict(node_list, 'node_id')
        # convert ids to hrns
        for record in records:
            # get all relevant data
            type = record['type']
            pointer = record['pointer']
            auth_hrn = self.hrn
            login_base = ''
            if pointer == -1:

            if 'site_id' in record:
                site = sites[record['site_id']]
                login_base = site['login_base']
                record['site'] = ".".join([auth_hrn, login_base])
            if 'person_ids' in record:
                emails = [persons[person_id]['email'] for person_id in record['person_ids'] \
                          if person_id in  persons]
                usernames = [email.split('@')[0] for email in emails]
                person_hrns = [".".join([auth_hrn, login_base, username]) for username in usernames]
                record['persons'] = person_hrns 
            if 'slice_ids' in record:
                slicenames = [slices[slice_id]['name'] for slice_id in record['slice_ids'] \
                              if slice_id in slices]
                slice_hrns = [slicename_to_hrn(auth_hrn, slicename) for slicename in slicenames]
                record['slices'] = slice_hrns
            if 'node_ids' in record:
                hostnames = [nodes[node_id]['hostname'] for node_id in record['node_ids'] \
                             if node_id in nodes]
                node_hrns = [hostname_to_hrn(auth_hrn, login_base, hostname) for hostname in hostnames]
                record['nodes'] = node_hrns
            if 'site_ids' in record:
                login_bases = [sites[site_id]['login_base'] for site_id in record['site_ids'] \
                               if site_id in sites]
                site_hrns = [".".join([auth_hrn, lbase]) for lbase in login_bases]
                record['sites'] = site_hrns
        return records   
Exemplo n.º 2
def main():

    config = Config()
    if not config.SFA_REGISTRY_ENABLED:
    root_auth = config.SFA_REGISTRY_ROOT_AUTH
    interface_hrn = config.SFA_INTERFACE_HRN
    keys_filename = config.config_path + os.sep + 'person_keys.py' 
    sfaImporter = sfaImport()
    if config.SFA_API_DEBUG: sfaImporter.logger.setLevelDebug()
    shell = sfaImporter.shell
    plc_auth = sfaImporter.plc_auth 
    # initialize registry db table
    table = SfaTable()
    if not table.exists():

    # create root authority 
    if not root_auth == interface_hrn:

    # create s user record for the slice manager

    # create interface records
    sfaImporter.logger.info("Import: creating interface records")

    # add local root authority's cert  to trusted list
    sfaImporter.logger.info("Import: adding " + interface_hrn + " to trusted list")
    authority = sfaImporter.AuthHierarchy.get_auth_info(interface_hrn)

    # special case for vini
    if ".vini" in interface_hrn and interface_hrn.endswith('vini'):
        # create a fake internet2 site first
        i2site = {'name': 'Internet2', 'abbreviated_name': 'I2',
                    'login_base': 'internet2', 'site_id': -1}
        sfaImporter.import_site(interface_hrn, i2site)
    # create dict of all existing sfa records
    existing_records = {}
    existing_hrns = []
    key_ids = []
    person_keys = {} 
    results = table.find()
    for result in results:
        existing_records[(result['hrn'], result['type'])] = result
    # Get all plc sites
    sites = shell.GetSites(plc_auth, {'peer_id': None})
    sites_dict = {}
    for site in sites:
        sites_dict[site['login_base']] = site 
    # Get all plc users
    persons = shell.GetPersons(plc_auth, {'peer_id': None, 'enabled': True}, ['person_id', 'email', 'key_ids', 'site_ids'])
    persons_dict = {}
    for person in persons:
        persons_dict[person['person_id']] = person

    # Get all public keys
    keys = shell.GetKeys(plc_auth, {'peer_id': None, 'key_id': key_ids})
    keys_dict = {}
    for key in keys:
        keys_dict[key['key_id']] = key['key']

    # create a dict of person keys keyed on key_id 
    old_person_keys = load_keys(keys_filename)
    for person in persons:
        pubkeys = []
        for key_id in person['key_ids']:
        person_keys[person['person_id']] = pubkeys

    # Get all plc nodes  
    nodes = shell.GetNodes(plc_auth, {'peer_id': None}, ['node_id', 'hostname', 'site_id'])
    nodes_dict = {}
    for node in nodes:
        nodes_dict[node['node_id']] = node

    # Get all plc slices
    slices = shell.GetSlices(plc_auth, {'peer_id': None}, ['slice_id', 'name'])
    slices_dict = {}
    for slice in slices:
        slices_dict[slice['slice_id']] = slice
    # start importing 
    for site in sites:
        site_hrn = _get_site_hrn(interface_hrn, site)
        sfaImporter.logger.info("Importing site: %s" % site_hrn)

        # import if hrn is not in list of existing hrns or if the hrn exists
        # but its not a site record
        if site_hrn not in existing_hrns or \
           (site_hrn, 'authority') not in existing_records:
            sfaImporter.import_site(site_hrn, site)
        # import node records
        for node_id in site['node_ids']:
            if node_id not in nodes_dict:
            node = nodes_dict[node_id]
            site_auth = get_authority(site_hrn)
            site_name = get_leaf(site_hrn)
            hrn =  hostname_to_hrn(site_auth, site_name, node['hostname'])
            if hrn not in existing_hrns or \
               (hrn, 'node') not in existing_records:
                sfaImporter.import_node(hrn, node)

        # import slices
        for slice_id in site['slice_ids']:
            if slice_id not in slices_dict:
            slice = slices_dict[slice_id]
            hrn = slicename_to_hrn(interface_hrn, slice['name'])
            if hrn not in existing_hrns or \
               (hrn, 'slice') not in existing_records:
                sfaImporter.import_slice(site_hrn, slice)      

        # import persons
        for person_id in site['person_ids']:
            if person_id not in persons_dict:
            person = persons_dict[person_id]
            hrn = email_to_hrn(site_hrn, person['email'])
            old_keys = []
            new_keys = []
            if person_id in old_person_keys:
                old_keys = old_person_keys[person_id]
            if person_id in person_keys:
                new_keys = person_keys[person_id]
            update_record = False
            for key in new_keys:
                if key not in old_keys:
                    update_record = True 

            if hrn not in existing_hrns or \
               (hrn, 'user') not in existing_records or update_record:
                sfaImporter.import_person(site_hrn, person)

    # remove stale records    
    system_records = [interface_hrn, root_auth, interface_hrn + '.slicemanager']
    for (record_hrn, type) in existing_records.keys():
        if record_hrn in system_records:
        record = existing_records[(record_hrn, type)]
        if record['peer_authority']:

        # dont delete vini's internet2 placeholdder record
        # normally this would be deleted becuase it does not have a plc record 
        if ".vini" in interface_hrn and interface_hrn.endswith('vini') and \

        found = False
        if type == 'authority':    
            for site in sites:
                site_hrn = interface_hrn + "." + site['login_base']
                if site_hrn == record_hrn and site['site_id'] == record['pointer']:
                    found = True

        elif type == 'user':
            login_base = get_leaf(get_authority(record_hrn))
            username = get_leaf(record_hrn)
            if login_base in sites_dict:
                site = sites_dict[login_base]
                for person in persons:
                    tmp_username = person['email'].split("@")[0]
                    alt_username = person['email'].split("@")[0].replace(".", "_").replace("+", "_")
                    if username in [tmp_username, alt_username] and \
                       site['site_id'] in person['site_ids'] and \
                       person['person_id'] == record['pointer']:
                        found = True
        elif type == 'slice':
            slicename = hrn_to_pl_slicename(record_hrn)
            for slice in slices:
                if slicename == slice['name'] and \
                   slice['slice_id'] == record['pointer']:
                    found = True
        elif type == 'node':
            login_base = get_leaf(get_authority(record_hrn))
            nodename = Xrn.unescape(get_leaf(record_hrn))
            if login_base in sites_dict:
                site = sites_dict[login_base]
                for node in nodes:
                    tmp_nodename = node['hostname']
                    if tmp_nodename == nodename and \
                       node['site_id'] == site['site_id'] and \
                       node['node_id'] == record['pointer']:
                        found = True
        if not found:
            record_object = existing_records[(record_hrn, type)]
            sfaImporter.delete_record(record_hrn, type) 
    # save pub keys
    sfaImporter.logger.info('Import: saving current pub keys')
    save_keys(keys_filename, person_keys)