Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_scanResultsUpdateFP_argument_resultHashes_of_invalid_type_should_raise_TypeError(self):
        Test scanResultsUpdateFP(self, instanceId, resultHashes, fpFlag)
        sfdb = SpiderFootDb(self.default_options, False)

        instance_id = "example instance id"
        fp_flag = None
        invalid_types = [None, "", dict(), int()]
        for invalid_type in invalid_types:
            with self.subTest(invalid_type=invalid_type):
                with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm:
                    sfdb.scanResultsUpdateFP(instance_id, invalid_type, fp_flag)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def resultsetfp(self, id, resultids, fp):
        dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config)
        if fp not in ["0", "1"]:
            return json.dumps(
                ["ERROR", "No FP flag set or not set correctly."])

        ids = json.loads(resultids)
        if not ids:
            return json.dumps(["ERROR", "No IDs supplied."])

        # Cannot set FPs if a scan is not completed
        status = dbh.scanInstanceGet(id)
        if status[5] not in ["ABORTED", "FINISHED", "ERROR-FAILED"]:
            return json.dumps(["WARNING", "Scan must be in a finished state when " + \
                               "setting False Positives."])

        # Make sure the user doesn't set something as non-FP when the
        # parent is set as an FP.
        if fp == "0":
            data = dbh.scanElementSourcesDirect(id, ids)
            for row in data:
                if str(row[14]) == "1":
                    return json.dumps(["WARNING",
                        "You cannot unset an element as False Positive " + \
                        "if a parent element is still False Positive."])

        # Set all the children as FPs too.. it's only logical afterall, right?
        childs = dbh.scanElementChildrenAll(id, ids)
        allIds = ids + childs

        ret = dbh.scanResultsUpdateFP(id, allIds, fp)
        if not ret:
            return json.dumps(["ERROR", "Exception encountered."])
            return json.dumps(["SUCCESS", ""])
Exemplo n.º 3
    def resultsetfp(self, id, resultids, fp):
        dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config)
        if fp not in ["0", "1"]:
            return json.dumps(["ERROR", "No FP flag set or not set correctly."])

        ids = json.loads(resultids)
        if not ids:
            return json.dumps(["ERROR", "No IDs supplied."])

        # Cannot set FPs if a scan is not completed
        status = dbh.scanInstanceGet(id)
        if status[5] not in [ "ABORTED", "FINISHED", "ERROR-FAILED" ]:
            return json.dumps(["WARNING", "Scan must be in a finished state when " + \
                               "setting False Positives."])

        # Make sure the user doesn't set something as non-FP when the
        # parent is set as an FP.
        if fp == "0":
            data = dbh.scanElementSourcesDirect(id, ids)
            for row in data:
                if str(row[14]) == "1":
                    return json.dumps(["WARNING", 
                        "You cannot unset an element as False Positive " + \
                        "if a parent element is still False Positive."]);

        # Set all the children as FPs too.. it's only logical afterall, right?
        childs = dbh.scanElementChildrenAll(id, ids)
        allIds = ids + childs

        ret = dbh.scanResultsUpdateFP(id, allIds, fp)
        if not ret:
            return json.dumps(["ERROR", "Exception encountered."])
            return json.dumps(["SUCCESS", ""])
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_scanResultsUpdateFP(self):
        Test scanResultsUpdateFP(self, instanceId, resultHashes, fpFlag)
        sfdb = SpiderFootDb(self.default_options, False)

        instance_id = "example instance id"
        scan_name = "example scan name"
        scan_target = "example scan target"

        sfdb.scanInstanceCreate(instance_id, scan_name, scan_target)

        result_hashes = None
        fp_flag = None
        sfdb.scanResultsUpdateFP(instance_id, result_hashes, fp_flag)

        self.assertEqual('TBD', 'TBD')