Exemplo n.º 1
def get_coors_in_ball(coors, centre, radius, inside=True):
    Return indices of coordinates inside or outside a ball given by
    centre and radius.

    All float comparisons are done using `<=` or `>=` operators,
    i.e. the points on the boundaries are taken into account.
    coors = nm.asarray(coors)
    centre = nm.asarray(centre)

    vec = coors - centre[None, :]

    if inside:
        out = nm.where(norm(vec) <= radius)[0]

        out = nm.where(norm(vec) >= radius)[0]

    return out
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_coors_in_ball(coors, centre, radius, inside=True):
    Return indices of coordinates inside or outside a ball given by
    centre and radius.

    All float comparisons are done using `<=` or `>=` operators,
    i.e. the points on the boundaries are taken into account.
    coors = nm.asarray(coors)
    centre = nm.asarray(centre)

    vec = coors - centre[None, :]

    if inside:
        out = nm.where(norm(vec) <= radius)[0]

        out = nm.where(norm(vec) >= radius)[0]

    return out
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_face_areas(faces, coors):
    Get areas of planar convex faces in 2D and 3D.

    faces : array, shape (n, m)
        The indices of `n` faces with `m` vertices into `coors`.
    coors : array
        The coordinates of face vertices.

    areas : array
        The areas of the faces.
    faces = nm.asarray(faces)
    coors = nm.asarray(coors)

    n_v = faces.shape[1]

    if n_v == 3:
        aux = coors[faces]
        v1 = aux[:, 1, :] - aux[:, 0, :]
        v2 = aux[:, 2, :] - aux[:, 0, :]
        if coors.shape[1] == 3:
            areas = 0.5 * norm(nm.cross(v1, v2))

            areas = 0.5 * nm.abs(nm.cross(v1, v2))

    elif n_v == 4:
        areas1 = get_face_areas(faces[:, [0, 1, 2]], coors)
        areas2 = get_face_areas(faces[:, [0, 2, 3]], coors)

        areas = areas1 + areas2

        raise ValueError('unsupported faces! (%d vertices)' % n_v)

    return areas
Exemplo n.º 4
def get_face_areas(faces, coors):
    Get areas of planar convex faces in 2D and 3D.

    faces : array, shape (n, m)
        The indices of `n` faces with `m` vertices into `coors`.
    coors : array
        The coordinates of face vertices.

    areas : array
        The areas of the faces.
    faces = nm.asarray(faces)
    coors = nm.asarray(coors)

    n_v = faces.shape[1]

    if n_v == 3:
        aux = coors[faces]
        v1 = aux[:, 1, :] - aux[:, 0, :]
        v2 = aux[:, 2, :] - aux[:, 0, :]
        if coors.shape[1] == 3:
            areas = 0.5 * norm(nm.cross(v1, v2))

            areas = 0.5 * nm.abs(nm.cross(v1, v2))

    elif n_v == 4:
        areas1 = get_face_areas(faces[:, [0, 1, 2]], coors)
        areas2 = get_face_areas(faces[:, [0, 2, 3]], coors)

        areas = areas1 + areas2

        raise ValueError('unsupported faces! (%d vertices)' % n_v)

    return areas
Exemplo n.º 5
def get_simplex_circumcentres(coors, force_inside_eps=None):
    Compute the circumcentres of `n_s` simplices in 1D, 2D and 3D.

    coors : array
        The coordinates of the simplices with `n_v` vertices given in an
        array of shape `(n_s, n_v, dim)`, where `dim` is the space
        dimension and `2 <= n_v <= (dim + 1)`.
    force_inside_eps : float, optional
        If not None, move the circumcentres that are outside of their
        simplices or closer to their boundary then `force_inside_eps` so
        that they are inside the simplices at the distance given by
        `force_inside_eps`. It is ignored for edges.

    centres : array
        The circumcentre coordinates as an array of shape `(n_s, dim)`.
    n_s, n_v, dim = coors.shape

    assert_(2 <= n_v <= (dim + 1))
    assert_(1 <= dim <= 3)

    if n_v == 2: # Edges.
        centres = 0.5 * nm.sum(coors, axis=1)

        if n_v == 3: # Triangles.
            a2 = norm(coors[:,1,:] - coors[:,2,:], squared=True)
            b2 = norm(coors[:,0,:] - coors[:,2,:], squared=True)
            c2 = norm(coors[:,0,:] - coors[:,1,:], squared=True)

            bar_coors = nm.c_[a2 * (-a2 + b2 + c2),
                              b2 * (a2 - b2 + c2),
                              c2 * (a2 + b2 - c2)]

        elif n_v == 4: # Tetrahedrons.
            a2 = norm(coors[:,2,:] - coors[:,1,:], squared=True)
            b2 = norm(coors[:,2,:] - coors[:,0,:], squared=True)
            c2 = norm(coors[:,1,:] - coors[:,0,:], squared=True)
            d2 = norm(coors[:,3,:] - coors[:,0,:], squared=True)
            e2 = norm(coors[:,3,:] - coors[:,1,:], squared=True)
            f2 = norm(coors[:,3,:] - coors[:,2,:], squared=True)
            bar_coors = nm.c_[(d2 * a2 * (f2 + e2 - a2)
                               + b2 * e2 * (a2 + f2 - e2)
                               + c2 * f2 * (e2 + a2 - f2)
                               - 2 * a2 * e2 * f2),
                              (e2 * b2 * (f2 + d2 - b2)
                               +  c2 * f2 * (d2 + b2 - f2)
                               +  a2 * d2 * (b2 + f2 - d2)
                               - 2 * b2 * d2 * f2),
                              (f2 * c2 * (e2 + d2 - c2)
                               +  b2 * e2 * (d2 + c2 - e2)
                               +  a2 * d2 * (c2 + e2 - d2)
                               - 2 * c2 * e2 * d2),
                              (d2 * a2 * (b2 + c2 - a2)
                               +  e2 * b2 * (c2 + a2 - b2)
                               +  f2 * c2 * (a2 + b2 - c2)
                               - 2 * a2 * b2 * c2)]

            raise ValueError('unsupported simplex! (%d vertices)' % n_v)

        bar_coors /= nm.sum(bar_coors, axis=1)[:,None]
        if force_inside_eps is not None:
            bc = 1.0 / n_v
            limit = 0.9 * bc
            bar_centre = nm.array([bc] * n_v, dtype=nm.float64)

            eps = float(force_inside_eps)
            if eps > limit:
                output('force_inside_eps is too big, adjusting! (%e -> %e)'
                       % (eps, limit))
                eps = limit

            # Flag is True where the barycentre is closer to the simplex
            # boundary then eps, or outside of the simplex.
            mb = nm.min(bar_coors, axis=1)
            flag = nm.where(mb < eps)[0]

            # Move the bar_coors[flag] towards bar_centre so that it is
            # inside at the eps distance.
            mb = mb[flag]
            alpha = ((eps - mb) / (bar_centre[0] - mb))[:,None]

            bar_coors[flag] = (1.0 - alpha) * bar_coors[flag] \
                              + alpha * bar_centre[None,:]

        centres = transform_bar_to_space_coors(bar_coors, coors)

    return centres
Exemplo n.º 6
def get_simplex_circumcentres(coors, force_inside_eps=None):
    Compute the circumcentres of `n_s` simplices in 1D, 2D and 3D.

    coors : array
        The coordinates of the simplices with `n_v` vertices given in an
        array of shape `(n_s, n_v, dim)`, where `dim` is the space
        dimension and `2 <= n_v <= (dim + 1)`.
    force_inside_eps : float, optional
        If not None, move the circumcentres that are outside of their
        simplices or closer to their boundary then `force_inside_eps` so
        that they are inside the simplices at the distance given by
        `force_inside_eps`. It is ignored for edges.

    centres : array
        The circumcentre coordinates as an array of shape `(n_s, dim)`.
    n_s, n_v, dim = coors.shape

    assert_(2 <= n_v <= (dim + 1))
    assert_(1 <= dim <= 3)

    if n_v == 2: # Edges.
        centres = 0.5 * nm.sum(coors, axis=1)

        if n_v == 3: # Triangles.
            a2 = norm(coors[:,1,:] - coors[:,2,:], squared=True)
            b2 = norm(coors[:,0,:] - coors[:,2,:], squared=True)
            c2 = norm(coors[:,0,:] - coors[:,1,:], squared=True)

            bar_coors = nm.c_[a2 * (-a2 + b2 + c2),
                              b2 * (a2 - b2 + c2),
                              c2 * (a2 + b2 - c2)]

        elif n_v == 4: # Tetrahedrons.
            a2 = norm(coors[:,2,:] - coors[:,1,:], squared=True)
            b2 = norm(coors[:,2,:] - coors[:,0,:], squared=True)
            c2 = norm(coors[:,1,:] - coors[:,0,:], squared=True)
            d2 = norm(coors[:,3,:] - coors[:,0,:], squared=True)
            e2 = norm(coors[:,3,:] - coors[:,1,:], squared=True)
            f2 = norm(coors[:,3,:] - coors[:,2,:], squared=True)
            bar_coors = nm.c_[(d2 * a2 * (f2 + e2 - a2)
                               + b2 * e2 * (a2 + f2 - e2)
                               + c2 * f2 * (e2 + a2 - f2)
                               - 2 * a2 * e2 * f2),
                              (e2 * b2 * (f2 + d2 - b2)
                               +  c2 * f2 * (d2 + b2 - f2)
                               +  a2 * d2 * (b2 + f2 - d2)
                               - 2 * b2 * d2 * f2),
                              (f2 * c2 * (e2 + d2 - c2)
                               +  b2 * e2 * (d2 + c2 - e2)
                               +  a2 * d2 * (c2 + e2 - d2)
                               - 2 * c2 * e2 * d2),
                              (d2 * a2 * (b2 + c2 - a2)
                               +  e2 * b2 * (c2 + a2 - b2)
                               +  f2 * c2 * (a2 + b2 - c2)
                               - 2 * a2 * b2 * c2)]

            raise ValueError('unsupported simplex! (%d vertices)' % n_v)

        bar_coors /= nm.sum(bar_coors, axis=1)[:,None]
        if force_inside_eps is not None:
            bc = 1.0 / n_v
            limit = 0.9 * bc
            bar_centre = nm.array([bc] * n_v, dtype=nm.float64)

            eps = float(force_inside_eps)
            if eps > limit:
                output('force_inside_eps is too big, adjusting! (%e -> %e)'
                       % (eps, limit))
                eps = limit

            # Flag is True where the barycentre is closer to the simplex
            # boundary then eps, or outside of the simplex.
            mb = nm.min(bar_coors, axis=1)
            flag = nm.where(mb < eps)[0]

            # Move the bar_coors[flag] towards bar_centre so that it is
            # inside at the eps distance.
            mb = mb[flag]
            alpha = ((eps - mb) / (bar_centre[0] - mb))[:,None]

            bar_coors[flag] = (1.0 - alpha) * bar_coors[flag] \
                              + alpha * bar_centre[None,:]

        centres = transform_bar_to_space_coors(bar_coors, coors)

    return centres